OUR COMPANY QNET is a leading e-commerce based direct selling business, offering a wide range of health, wellness and lifestyle products to customers around the world. QNET’s products are designed to help people take charge of their health and improve their lifestyle and livelihood. Based on the philosophy of Absolute Living, QNET’s products and services have the overarching goal of making complete well being accessible to all. In INDIA Qnet registered under the name Vihaan Direct Selling (India) Pvt Ltd.

QNET Ltd. has appointed Vihaan Direct Selling (India) Pvt. Ltd. as its sub franchisee in India, a company duly incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956. Vihaan is in the business of direct selling of various products for QNET in India in the categories of Home care, Personal care, Skin Care, Health food supplements, Watches and Holiday packages through e-commerce. The Company possesses all valid licenses required to operate its business and adheres to all statutory compliances mandated by the laws in force in India. Our company has been working in this industry in India for more than 10 years.

Under our Company a foundation called RYTHM (Raise Yourself To Help Mankind) foundation is formed solely for social initiatives across the globe and the foundation runs with a vision to help mankind and it has been engaged in lots of charitable operations all over India including Kerala. It would also be happy to take your kind notice that our company has carried out so many activities to help people in Kerala during Covid 19 pandemic with oxygen supplies. This foundation has taken care of 5 students in the “Usha School of Athletics” based in Kerala for the last three years. This company has been participating in several other social causes.

But recently some fake news is being spread in Malayalam media with the only agenda to defame the company without any proper proof or facts against this company, and to create negative marketing against this company. We doubt that these media have some wrong propaganda to create a negative image about this company in Kerala. These media haven't contacted or made a proper enquiry with our company representatives to find out the truthfulness of the information they have received. Media are only trying to spread these news with malice intentions and to generate profits out of selling these fake news.

This baseless news about this organisation creates a negative impression in the mindset of society and people depended on this company and demotivates it’s vision to fight social evil in our society.

To protect the interest of the company and its independent distributors all around the globe and the people depended on it, we would like to stop this type of baseless fake news spread over the media. So please help us to stop media bullying.


Yours faithfully


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