Colorado County Texas Says NO Wind Turbines



I don’t want wind or solar farms in Colorado County!

Wendy Mladenka (Weimar, 2024-07-24)


I am opposed to Wind Turbines.

Tanya Schindler (Weimar, 2024-07-24)


This is the last thing we need out here. They are ugly, noisy, inefficient and expensive as hell to maintain.

Art Waters (Columbus, 2024-07-25)


Save our beautiful countryside.

Nan Jolly (Rock Island, 2024-07-25)


I do not want to destroy our beautiful area with these giant mechanical obstructions.

Cathy Phillips (Weimar, 2024-07-26)


I live in Fayette County but I work in Colorado County and my granddaughter goes to school in Colorado County. I also have many relatives that live in Colorado County.

Cindy Kloesel (Schulenburg, 2024-07-27)


I don’t want wind turbines or solar panels arrays near my property.

Keith Hess (Weimar, 2024-07-27)


Our primary residence is in Fayette County, and our farm land is in Colorado County. As neighbors, we must band together to protect our beloved land from gluttonous outside corporations seeking destroy it. My husband’s family, Old Germans and Czechs who settled this area, would be infuriated! As are we.
We must stop this.

Kelly Langhamer (La Grange, 2024-07-27)


I own property in Weimar, Colorado County, TX. Placing Wind Tubines in Colorado County will destroy beautiful farm land and the tranquil way of life this area. Do not provide tax abatements for so-called "Green Energy".

Elizabeth Lauzon (Houston, 2024-07-27)


I am signing because I have family and extended family across both rural and urban areas of Fayette and Colorado Counties.

Kathryn Klauber (Columbus, TX, 2024-07-27)


We don’t want our community’s farmland, water, citizens, livestock, wildlife, and pets damaged and ruined by these ugly, vibrating, leaking, toxic, environmental disasters.

Williamson Holly (Weimar, 2024-07-28)


I have property in Colorado County and do not want these eyesores anywhere in or near the county.

Karen Hoskins (Weimar, 2024-07-28)


I am totally against green energy. Wind turbines will be detrimental to both cattle and wildlife. They are extremely noisy and can be a fire hazard not to mention the upkeep and disposal issues.

Nancy Holt (Weimar, 2024-07-28)


I have seen first hand wind farms in New Mexico and have seen documentaries of the negative impact they have on people’s lives.

Debbie Sherman (Weimar, 2024-08-03)


We love our country

Paula Hoffman (Schulenburg, 2024-08-06)


I am opposed to wind turbines

Blake Dahse (Weimar, 2024-08-06)


I am against wind turbines in our county

Kolt Miller (Columbus, 2024-08-09)


I don't want wind power.

Keith Peters (Weimar, 2024-08-10)


I do not want these in my neighborhood, area or county!

Joanne Stewart (Weimar, 2024-08-11)


No way we should ruin our landscape in this part of Texas

Marvin Berry (Sheridan, 2024-08-12)


I’m signing because the technology has not reached an acceptable efficiency threshold for wind turbines. The ongoing operation of a wind turbine and the subsequent disposal/recycling of its used parts, constitutes a net loss to the environment and makes the whole purpose of said energy production null. The burying of the used blades due to the cost of hauling them off is damaging to the local environment. And the many gallons of fuel/energy to haul them off to a recycling center, only to then use more (and possibly non "green power") energy to recycle and replace them back onsite further negates the perceived "need" for wind turbine derived power.

Wind power has been paraded around as a “clean alternative” to power, but in reality is no better than the standing power plants used to power Colorado county and the surrounding areas.

Those are facts.

My opinion, however, is that they look ugly… I don’t want to have to deal with the traffic caused by their construction/upkeep…and there is nothing in it for me. Even if they placed one on my property, the payout would be a drop in the bucket of what will line the pockets of the company. And frankly, I want that as far away from my peaceful existence as possible. And so I say NO to wind turbines in Colorado County.

Jason Page (Columbus, 2024-08-15)


They are ineffective inefficient and ultimately wasteful and destructive

Laurie Meier (Columbus, 2024-08-19)


It is an eyesore we don’t need.

Daniel Stillman (Columbus, 2024-08-19)


Texas already has too many of those useless windmills that give out small amounts of power and are cost prohibitive

Steven Zewe (Columbus, 2024-08-19)


I am signing because wind turbines are a joke, bad for environment and wildlife.

Kimberly Kutach (Weimar, 2024-08-22)


Trying to stop wind turbines

Edie Henry (Alleyton, 2024-08-24)


I DO NOT want and solar or Turbines near my property!

Natalie Wright (Columbus, 2024-08-24)


I’m signing this because I own land in Colorado county and do no want wind turbines on or near my land. They are harmful to the environment and are not the sustainable energy source they claim to be.

Kelli Onda (Columbus, 2024-08-29)


I do not want wind turbines or a green energy tax

Kaycie LeJune (Cat Spring, 2024-09-08)


No Turbines in Colorado County Texas

Brad Harmon (Columbus, 2024-09-14)


I don’t want our natural environment destroyed by solar farms and monstrous wind mills.

Kevin Hartigan (Columbus, 2024-09-15)


Please don’t ruin our natural environment with unsightly windmills and weather changing solar farms

Marilyn Hartigan (Columbus, 2024-09-16)


I want to keep Colorado County beautiful.

Nicole Waldrop (Columbus, 2024-09-16)


We are NOT for wind or solar farms in Colorado county.

Aimee McCauley (Columbus, 2024-09-17)


For many reasons that you guys listed. Our family does not want these structures to impact future generations.

Mandi Kulhanek (Columbus, TX 78934, 2024-09-18)

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