Justice for Chantel Pasqualle



Chantel deserves justice!

LeeAnn Mentoor (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


He must pay for what he did..he hurt her so bad I can't stop crying..let justice prevail..to this heartless cowerd human been..stop this violence on women..we need to be protected not hurt..how do you hurt someone you suppose to love..my heart in pieces..it's so so sad..

Nazley Cornelius (Cape town, 2024-08-13)


I'm signing this petition so that we can get justice for Chantel

Sakeenah Davids (Cape town, 2024-08-13)


Im signing because this is an aunt of mine , but not that being the main reason , Im signing because justice has to prevail one way or another and this is such an amazing person that has lost her life at the hands of someone that didnt deserve her and we need this person to pay for what he has done.

Asheeqah Alexander (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


she deserves justice

Leigh Richards (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


I want justice for Chantel

Kelly Daniels (Springbok, 2024-08-13)


I'm signing to support the family and to end gender base violence

Nicole Abrahams (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


No bail...stop GVB....respect women in our country...stop the brutal killings and violence against woman...

Raeesah Toffar (mitchells plain, 2024-08-13)


Chantel deserves justice

Rameez Meyer (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


I'm signing because I went through the same with my first baby daddy and I thought I'll never get out of this but I fled left everything and moved to another city just to get away from him
Could've also been death by now but I escaped with my child
Everyone can say yes why didn't she do this and do that but no one understands the situation and then sometime we let things get to far and couldn't stop it but I salute Chantel she was a strong warrior

Celeste Du Plessis (Capetown, 2024-08-13)


Nawaal Hendricks

Nawaal Hendricks (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


The man who was supposed to love and protect her actually ended her life. Due to his “title” , he is a risk and could possibly harm the next person if he is released. He might also harass or threaten the deceased’s family if released.

Kaylen Jaftha (Pretoria, 2024-08-13)


GBV should stop we are shall stand up for what is right ...

#We No One's Target

Ronell Adams (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


Geregtigheid moet geskied. Hy moet boet vir sy dade en agter trallies bly.

T. Williams

Tracy-Lee Williams (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


She deserves justice and peace

Saeera Mohammed (Cape town, 2024-08-13)


It is wrong for a woman to die Infront of a man's eyes and arms man suppose to protect woman but in our days man kill woman

Thandokazi Mngu (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


Her videos had me so intrigued she seemed like a genuine person and happy and a joy to be around

Nusrah Van der schyff (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


She deserved better than this horrible husband

Venshay Adonis (Mitchells plain, 2024-08-13)


I am signing this petition because most murderers get off Scott free while the victim is no more. Who are they to take the next person's life. I have lost a cousin in a similar situation like Chantals. Her ex husband took her life & he hasn't been punished for his deed. This murderer that is supposed to be Chantals protector, the love of her life, the father of her child has taken her life without a care. He must rot the low life that he is. He must suffer the way he made Chantal suffer. He is inhuman.

Carmen Le Grange (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


we will not feel safe when knowing his around

Ashiqah Brandt (Cape town, 2024-08-13)



Alexandria Klaasen (Cape town, 2024-08-13)


She deserves justice.
As a woman in South Africa, we cannot turn a blind eye when it comes to GBV.
Enough is enough.

Denise Blaauw (Johannesburg, 2024-08-13)


I hate gbv

Kevin Pillay (Durban, 2024-08-13)


No women should be facing her death like that ever!!!!

Abigail Burns (Mosselbay, 2024-08-13)


She did not deserve to die like that ,She was Such a Loving Soul Please dont let the System Fail her

Stacy Arendse (Kleinmond, 2024-08-13)


Justice for chantel

Aneekah Ismail (Capetown, 2024-08-13)


Stop abuse and justice must be served

Cody Moses (Cape town, 2024-08-13)


Justice as to be served for Chantel

Monique Daniels (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


Justice for Chantal

Jacqueline Cupido (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


I want to ensure that justice is served for Chantal

Jeandre Van Schoor (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


Im against any form of violence. I feel that more should be done to ensure that women & children should be protected and not become statistics at the hand of perpetrators.

Pauline Florence (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


He doesn't deserve to walk free,he tortured her and he is a harm and threat to other woman and community memebers

Nashietah Samodie (Cape town, 2024-08-13)


She did not deserve what happened to her he must rot in jail

Jamia Fakier (Cape town, 2024-08-13)


she didn’t deserve to die like this

Leigh-Ann Vraagom (Vredenburg, 2024-08-13)


People should start seeing how serious the matter is ...just killing people left and right it not RIGHT!!!

Shaneez Petersen (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


Im signing because , it was preplanned and she did not deserve to die at the hands of him . No bail !

Tamikha Jackson (Cape town, 2024-08-13)


I stand for justice for Chantal Pasqualle

Raziena Davids (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


We need justice for Chantelle. It's woman's month. And we need to stand as one to stop men from killing our woman.

Shafieka Boltman (Cape town, 2024-08-13)


Killing of innocent woman must stop this is too much enough is enough.
JUSTICE for Chantall 🙏

Rhona Butler (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


No bail

Latiefa Jacobs (Western cape, 2024-08-13)


Say her name, She was robbed of her life, i did not know her, but she had parents, she had kids, she was someone's sister and friend, Chantal Pasquale!!!!!

Monique Mohajane (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


I'm against woman nd child abuse justice for chantel mother daughter friend cousin aunt

Nadean Boois (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


Gender abuse should stop ... Her husband shouldn't get bail

Faeeza Jansen (Vredenburg, 2024-08-13)


Justice for chantal🙏

Meagan Van Heerden (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


Justice for Chantel🙏

Jonique Elzuney (Cape town, 2024-08-13)


I'm signing because I once was a victim,and no woman should die at the hands of her partner.

Mandy Kennedy (Johannesburg, 2024-08-13)


Justice for Chantel

Charnelle Joubert (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)



Ahkidah Fisher (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


I'm signing this petition to demand justice for Chantel, who was brutally murdered. I disnt know her personally but No one should suffer such a tragic fate, and it's crucial that those responsible are held accountable. We must stand together to ensure that justice is served and that her memory is honored.

Kerry-Lynn Pascal (Durban, 2024-08-13)


For justice for Chantel

Miche Gordon (Cape town, 2024-08-13)


What happened to Chantel was cruel and devastating, it has to be taken up and justice needs to be served

Chantonia Jones (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


That is a mother, a sister, a cousin, a helper, a friend and my friend! Her death could have been avoided if the police took more kote of her cry for help!

Nura Petersen (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


Justice for our beautiful Chantel♥️♥️♥️

Àshleigh Leroux (Capetown, 2024-08-13)


Enough is enough why must we as woman be killed just because they can and stronger than us as we cannot defend ourselves

Carrol Malan (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


Justice for chantel

Portia Theron (cape town, 2024-08-13)


A young boy has lost his mother and she will never see his accomplishments in life
I'm signing because Chantal deserves justice to be beaten and to suffer shouldn't be allowed how many more women will we loose how many more woman will be suffering in silence. #NOTOGBV

Taylon-Lee Hendricks (Cape Town, 2024-08-13)


No women should be abused by the man that's supposed to love her ...if she wanted to leave he should have respected her and let her go freely

Nicole Jeffries (Kraaifontein, 2024-08-13)


I'm signing because I'm strongly against GBV and believe that if you took someone's life yours must be taken away too because you don't deserve to live when you just want to hurt other people.
But i strongly believe Chantel is on a better place and may she rest in eternal peace.

Chandré Van Rooi (Robertson, 2024-08-14)


We want justice for Chantel Pasquale. Yesterday it was her tomorrow it can be me. She didn't deserve what he did to her. She deserves to be fought for ✊️💚 heart goes out to her family.
Remember her Name, Chantel Pasqualle
Say her name Chantel Pasqualle
Justice for Chantel Pasqualle

Flaurencia Matroos (Gqeberha, 2024-08-14)



Simone Mc Ivers (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


Justice needs to be served

Tamia Wilson (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


Say her name Chantel Pasqualle we want justice for her injustice....no to GBV she deserved better & we as coloured females will not accept this,this will not be our futures or our daughters futures, we need to show this justice system enough is enough this will not be accepted.

Wendy Daniels (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


I stand with the purpose of this petition, to keep Duncan Hoorn in prison and let justice prevail for Chantal Pasqualle. He is a danger to society.

Dorianne Jansen (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


Because she was a friendly person and we say no to murdering of us females and kids we need to put a stop to it and no bail for murders and rapes we should stand up for us women we have a voice and it needs to be heard

Taryn Williams (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


JUSTICE for Chantelle

Tania Dudley (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


Woman of strength 💪

Tamzen Pietersen (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


I want justice for Chantell and all other woman ..bring back the death penalty

Brindley Davis (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


Gbv...is not acceptable in our society!...to many moms...wifes...must be buried because of violence...it must stop!!!!

Cherish Roodt (Rustenburg, 2024-08-14)


Womens voices need to be heard nd she was a close friend of me nd it could of be me or my sister or my mother or even anybody infact so thre needs to be lessons learn with those abusers nd murders.

Rushana Karriem (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


He must not get bail

Mandy Engelbrecht (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


We want justice for all women and mostly chantle🤞🤞💯💯💯

Gail Lakay (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


I am a woman and I have a daughter. It could happen to any of us.

Carla Genade (Athlone, 2024-08-14)


I am signing because I'm against gbv


Nehemiah Ismail (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


No woman deserves to die like that it's not fair

Michele Van Neel (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


Justice for Chantel

Calesta Geary (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


he must not get bail

zayaan hanafey (cape town, 2024-08-14)


To stop GBV...

Chantlle Brummer (Blue Downs, 2024-08-14)


I want justice for Chantel and no bail for Duncan.

Fahiema Antulay (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)

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