Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media Group
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media GroupJames Levy (Hawaii, 2024-10-03)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media GroupDebora Bellis (California, 2024-10-03)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media GroupJosephine Witherspoon (Arkansas, 2024-10-03)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media GroupJoe Owens (Oregon, 2024-10-03)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media GroupKaren Gonzalez (Florida, 2024-10-03)
concerned urgently petition for a comprehensive investigation into New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV) and its parent company, Epoch Media Group, due to credible allegations of financial fraud and money laundering, particularly related to property acquisitions, film production, and the use of donations.Ellianna squires (Ballyboughal, 2024-10-03)
法轮功是邪教娜 李 (涉事, 2024-10-05)
呼吁调查新唐人电视台和大纪元传媒集团涉嫌欺诈和洗钱行为三 张 (泰国, 2024-10-05)
大纪元是邪教组织法轮功的敛财工具之一小楼 王 (波士顿, 2024-10-06)
这就是欺诈行为。Williams Kevin (日本, 2024-10-07)
骗子。Ronald Garcia (日本, 2024-10-07)
骗钱的行为可耻。Ruth Jones (日本, 2024-10-07)
新唐人就是走狗利群 李 (台北, 2024-10-08)
新唐人就是敛财工具黄河 李 (台北, 2024-10-08)
大纪元就是法轮功的走狗为 李 (台北, 2024-10-08)
法轮功就是在骗钱,大纪元是敛财工具之一旺旺 刘 (台北, 2024-10-08)
神韵迟早会被全面揭露丑相火旺 刘 (台北, 2024-10-08)
It's not scary for others to do bad things. The scary thing is knowing that others are doing bad things and yet still helping them. This kind of person is even more shameful.Davies Andri (Toronto, 2024-10-08)
We need to investigate websites full of fake newsBarbi Gross (toronto, 2024-10-08)
Our free society does not need evil like Falun Gong, and the Epoch Times is spreading itMaxwell Lii (Toronto, 2024-10-08)
呼吁调查新唐人电视台和大纪元传媒集团涉嫌欺诈和洗钱行为LONG CHENG (东京, 2024-10-08)
Support a public inquiry.Ssims Tad (Ontario, California, 2024-10-09)
Support public inquirybriella ga (Ontario, California, 2024-10-09)
Support public inquirychante kroell (Ontario, California, 2024-10-09)
Support a public inquiry.Kautzman Kaifu (california, 2024-10-11)
Support a public inquiry.Cloe Ransick (california, 2024-10-11)
Support a public inquiry.Balthazar Gilbert (Ontario, California, 2024-10-16)
Support a public inquiry.Goynes Amber (Ontario, California, 2024-10-16)