Rejection : City Power Electricity Service Fee ( Gauteng Province)



I signing this petition because There is a lot of mismanagement within our municipalities and that we are not getting value for their money. An extra R200 is too much I wouldn't afford it

Gladys Bila (Roodeport, 2024-07-24)


We are paying a lot of money which is extremely expensive for a poor person who is earning less 10000 then from that amount 2000 is for electricity alone

Immanuel Makgoka (Johannesburg, 2024-07-24)


I do not want to pay the R200

Mphepu Masenya (Lonehill, 2024-07-24)


I'm tired of being exploited for money I don't have

Gideon Morar (Jhb, 2024-07-24)


The fee is not justified. No reason to increase tariffs and additional fees for services that are not provided by Eskom and city power.

Ashly Forster (Randburg, 2024-07-24)


Signing to support the scrapping of R200 prepaid electricity service fee

Kabelo Moloi (Johannesburg, 2024-07-24)


MJ Molaba

Mmamokintlana Molaba (Johannesburg, 2024-07-24)


I can't afford to buy lights with the new pricing to support my family.

Yugesh Naransamy (Johannesburg, 2024-07-24)


We can't afford these tariff hikes that don't make sense while we have people that land grab open spaces and build there and connect into the grid illegally, our salaries never increase instead the city comes with such ridiculous tariffs.

Sibusiso Sithole (Lenasia, 2024-07-24)


I do not agree to the prepaid tariff of R200

Reghardt Husselmann (Roodepoort, 2024-07-24)


I'm a pensioner and I can't afford the exorbitant electricity account.

Nazir Choonara (Lenasia, 2024-07-24)


I am signing this petition to reject the unreasonable increase in electricity as we speak I spend R900 for electricity so if it increases that will mean I now have to down grade to candles, paraffin like the good old days

Amanda Makola (Alberton, 2024-07-24)


Off the increase in charge.

Zeyaad Moolla (Boksburg, 2024-07-24)


We cannot afford prepaid electricity and already you're implementing the deduction of R200. Where are we gonna get that much money?

Mpho Matsepe (Jhb, 2024-07-24)


I m signing this because I can't afford
This electricity
Because if the situation continue like this people 'll start bridging. and this will
affect Infrastructure while people connect legal infrastructure ,
and everyone will safer we can't afford this

albert Mashell (Johannesburg, 2024-07-25)


Rates are too expensive,we as tax payers cannot be responsible for other peoples fraud. The law must prevail and see to the guilty, regardless of there position

Rashad Sallie (Johannesburg, 2024-07-25)


I rejection the R200 implementation

Neo Mohibidu (Roodepoort, 2024-07-25)


I cannot afford this new electricity tarriff

Fortunate Mashudu Tshilowa (Johannesburg, 2024-07-25)


I cannot afford to be charge R200 extra for recharging my pre-paid meter every time I load electricity. This is costly and unreasonable, especially since it is not once off but per recharge voucher.

Mantshadi Mashabela (African, 2024-07-25)


I'm signing because the service delivery is poor and its unethical to rip people off by charging them for services not being provided. Pre paid meters were introduced so that people could monitor and control their electricity usage, why are taking away this right without permission.

Heila Nel (Gauteng, 2024-07-25)


I am gatvol

Natasha Jansen (Cape Town, 2024-07-25)


I'm signing things because of unaffordable bill of electric that being implemented.

Sifiso Kunene (Johannesburg South, 2024-07-25)


I'm against paying more for electricity than I should be paying.

Sagren Govender (Alberton, 2024-07-25)


Im signing this because electricity is expensive already and adding the monthly fee would mean i will spend days without it. Im against the additional fees

Patronellah Mokgope (Ekurhileni, 2024-07-25)


I dont trust the results

Stanford Thame (Boksburg, 2024-07-26)


The increase of electricity is too much we can't afford this

Sarah Mamukeyane (Johannesburg, 2024-07-26)


Government stop using the public money, as a cash flow system, to compensate for their corruption and unskilled employees. They need earn their huge salaries.

Ushs Dhanjee (Jhb, 2024-07-26)


The increase will make it impossible to survive on our 5 person family's single income.

Rinaldo Miles (Johannesburg, 2024-07-26)


The surcharges by City Power are tentamount to double charging. There is no guarantee that the fee is ringfenced for infrastructure investment, and therefore these charge is just another way by City Power to justifying double charging us as customers for no valid reason.

Isaac Mokhothu (Johannesburg, 2024-07-26)


Electricity tarrifs are extremely high. I cannot afford Electricity anymore.

Tshimollo Mabombo (Johannesburg, 2024-07-26)


It's daylight robbery !!! Tariffs have already been increased and if customers are not paying go after the ones who owe you money instead of trying to recover it from prepaid customers!

Chantelle Lockhart (Jhb, 2024-07-26)


To pay a fee of 200 to use a meter that doesn’t/won’t belong to me is not fair, when I only ever use it to recharge/check how much electricity I have, otherwise City Power should then find a way for us the customer to be able to recharge/check for electricity without using their equipment/meter so that Customers don’t have to be charged such a high fee for a meter that doesn’t seem to need any sort of maintenance for which the high fee is being charged.

Tumelo Mokoena (Johannesburg, 2024-07-26)


Tired of all the looting and corruption

Soraya Gafoor (Lenasia, 2024-07-27)


The service fee is too high and unreasonable

Matseleng Lethuba (Roodepoort, 2024-07-27)


I’m signing this because we were not consulted and you can’t just spring changes on people when your services don’t always work it doesn’t seem fair

Jenifer Walton (Johannesburg, 2024-07-27)


I'm signing this because it's nonsense
They try another way to retrieve they money

sandile jele (alberton, 2024-07-27)


Paying exorbitant prices for electricity is straining on our already overstretched budgets.

Lindsay Dias (Sandton, 2024-07-27)


We dont afford the electricity bill as the current one is already too much... Is not fair on us. Thank you

Bongane Selepe (Johannesburg, 2024-07-27)



khanya kweyama (houghton, 2024-07-27)


Am protesting against high prices of electricity

Maria Mooi (Soweto, 2024-07-27)


Had enough of extra costs, corruption. I'm a single mum
Expenses are too much

Sulayla Van Doorsen (Johannesburg, 2024-07-29)


There is power poverty because of this R200 surcharge

Lusapho Mphikeleli (Johannesburg, 2024-07-29)


The electricity rates are so high and unaffordable. The R200 network charge was imposed without the publics consultation.

Esther B (Roodepoort, 2024-07-29)


This is not a justified rip off.This money is extremely too much and will only be used to enrichen a few individuals on the expense of the general public already heavily burdened by gross mismanagement or siphoning of funds from the fiscus daily.

Bheki Ndlovu (Johannesburg, 2024-07-29)


I'm singing this bcz the electricity is expensive already,so I can't afford the R200 I feel like it's so unfair for us

Noxolo Mosiea (Johannesburg, 2024-07-29)


To Withdraw the Monthly Service Fee implemented from the 1st of July by NERSA and City Power

Antonio Ottoway (Johannesburg, 2024-07-29)


We are not consulted, and this is a reap off to the already struggling communities, tied of the corruption

Dineo Seroke (Johannesburg, 2024-07-29)


I’m signing because I am unemployed and struggling to make ends meet as it is. With this service fee a so called basic service will become unaffordable to me and my household

Mphikeleli Nxiweni (Roodepoort, 2024-07-29)


I'm signing because I can't afford it. I'm struggling as a single mother with groceries being unaffordable this makes life even more difficult

Bame Fairbrother Bame Fairbrother (Johannesburg, 2024-07-29)


I'm against the 12.7% increase plus the R200 fee. I'm literally working for electricity. I'm paying R2k to 3Rk for a 3 bedroom flat. It's too much

Priscilla Siluma (Fourways, 2024-07-30)


This billing is excessive unreasonable and dumping us the users into further poverty and debt which will occur unnecessarily. Which average to middle class working person will be able to sustain this together with feeding their families and still pay for transport.

Cliffton Africa (Randburg, 2024-07-30)


I agree that I can't afford both charges. Electricity is already expensive. The monthly service fee must be scrapped off, period.

Mary Rapoo (Johannesburg, 2024-07-30)


I can't afford the electricity at the moment its too expensive ' and now to add a 200 charge monthly. Its not fair. Already the hikes are ridiculous.

Favourite Mlotshwa (Gauteng, 2024-07-31)


The units getting less,costs more than inflation rate. Cannot cope with constant hikes on electricity. I think the COJ mus do something about those not paying @all. We that pay cannot cope already.

Berenice Venter (Roodepoort, 2024-07-31)


Our municipality need to be held accountable

Alex Khumalo (Johannesburg, 2024-08-01)


I'm affected by these electricity hikes

Phila Ngwenya (2101, 2024-08-01)


Citi power is over charging us on electricity, very soon we won't be able to afford electricity.

Bernice Luneko (Johannesburg, 2024-08-01)


The electricity bill is too high. We are barely making ends meet.

Aqeelah Taylor (Johannesburg, 2024-08-01)


Electricity is rediculously high, and that monthly service fee is daylight robbery, we hardly make ends meet with the price of electricity.

Nathaniel Mkhondo (Roodekrans, 2024-08-01)


I am not happy with the service fee implemented by NERSA. Im not employed. In this high rate of unemployment, i say NO to that increase. Lets focus on creating employment first, Please.

Thembi Maphanga (Johannesburg, 2024-08-01)


Greedy thieves in their revenues. Electricity traffics hikes really disgusting, unappectable and disgusting. Very unfair and they don't care people in SA. For 30 years everything in city of Jhb bad and poor service.

AR Exall (RANDBURG, 2024-08-01)


I'm can't afford these tariff hikes as we the poor and law abiding citizens become poorer. We can't afford the standard of living nor keep up with it. Our basic needs of living has become our principle of living and we're drawing deeper and deeper into debt

Kaizer Fourie (Roodepoort, 2024-08-01)


Im objecting to the new electricity Service fees...

Sibusiso DHLADHLA (Johannesburg, 2024-08-01)


I'm signing this petition because the cost of living itself is crazy, the tariffs are already high enough for us to even be charged way more for less units. Please find another way because rates and taxes are also high l

Eva Tsatsi (Roodepoort, 2024-08-02)


I am signing because I am against the R200 that we are being charged for "service fee" by city power.

Orapetswe Kgopana (Johannesburg, 2024-08-02)


The monthly service fee imposed by City Power needs to be scraped as we are not getting the service we deserve with constant power cuts.

Tanya Marques (Johannesburg, 2024-08-02)


I don't want the increase in electricity tariffs

Tumelo Sithole (Johannesburg, 2024-08-03)


Electricity prices are already unaffordable.

Raeez Orrie (Roodepoort, 2024-08-03)



Nditsheni Dzivhambele (Friendship town, 2024-08-07)


I feel that R200 is steep considering an increase also. It hasn't been easy since Covid and everything has gone up except for salaries that the increase is below inflation rate. It's not fair that the government waited for us to vote thereafter this

Kholiswa Leeu (Johannesburg South, 2024-08-09)


We are demanding that the monthly service fee imposed by City Power be scrapped completely and that proper consultation be conducted with the Province residents.

Janice Damons (Kensington, 2024-08-11)


I am signing because our households are overburdened by all the added expenses we can no longer afford, the government is bankrupting it's citizens.
Please check for misappropriation of funds we can't keep paying.

Brenda Ismail (Cape Town, 2024-08-12)


Electricity is becoming ridiculously expensive

Qinisani Mbatha (Tokoza, 2024-08-14)


It's become challenging to live.

Indiana Rahman (Johannesburg, 2024-08-14)


I am signing because this is a great injustice to us, as with the crippled economy so we as residents are also being crippled daily with rise in costs for everything,we will one of the days not be able to survive with all the added costs that we have to pay. This price of electricity is already so high and now to be hit with this as well. Our government should be helping it's citizens not dragging them down even more😔

Carmen Jacobs (Roodepoort, 2024-08-16)


I am not happy

Moena Abrahams (Jhb, 2024-08-18)


No levy or admin fee or vat should be charged - for a service -
by which you billed on consumption.
Should be government subsidised
Also pensioners :- should be entitled to no charge - whether property registered in person capacity - business- Trsust or other.
It’s an excuse to rip these people’s livelihood from them - switching these services off should be strictly prohibited- as this eventually leads to abandoning property, vandalised, no service in any case is recovered - and only city benefits from the blatant overcharging of such services
and there lack of management feeding on the vulnerable- it’s a disgrace . That pensioners are forced to work to cover these bills.

D Julius (Jhb, 2024-08-18)

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