

No to gentrification and more support for local community projects like these!! Places like this come from the passion of people and are vital in keeping up flourishing communities and sports like skateboarding in Finland

(London, 2021-03-11)


diy people!!!

(Saint - Petersburg, 2021-03-11)


I’m signing, because this is unique place and open for everyone from toddler to elderly!

(Helsinki, 2021-03-11)


Suvilahti DIY is a world renowned skate spot built, funded and organized by skaters. Tearing it down is wrong. Maybe if Helsinki would’ve paid for the park, they would understand it’s value.

(Winnipeg, 2021-03-11)



(Jyväskylä, 2021-03-11)


it’s an important cultural place!!

(Helsinki, 2021-03-11)


Fuck corporative business and profit. May this skatepark live long for its community of shredders.

(London, 2021-03-11)


Omaehtoisen yhteisen kulttuurin säilyttämisen puolesta

(Helsinki, 2021-03-11)


Skateboarding saves lifes

(Brussels, 2021-03-11)


I love this space we have and we need more of those, NOT LESS.

(Helsinki, 2021-03-11)


Merkittävä rooli suomalaisessa skeitti ja katukulttuurissa. Suorastaan rikkaus Helsingille ja Suomelle.

(Espoo, 2021-03-11)


No Skatespot has to be destroyed

(Stuttgart, 2021-03-11)


Suvilahti DIY on minulle ja monelle muulle erittäin tärkeä osa kaupunkielinympäristöä ja kulttuuria.

(Helsinki, 2021-03-11)


Upea urheiluharrastus mahdollisuus jota ei missään nimessä saa tuhota!! Nyt järkeä peliin!!

(Helsinki, 2021-03-11)


I want the cultural landmark of Suvilahti to be preserved

(Mitlon, 2021-03-11)


Nuorilta ei saa hävittää vähäisiä harrastus paikkoja!!!!!

(Savonlinna, 2021-03-11)


It is important to keep spaces like this in their original form, because they are culturally a gathering point for a range of people who enjoy skateboarding. This breeds community and provides a positive environment for many who don't have any other options.

(Atlanta, 2021-03-11)


Suvilahti is very historical skateboarding place for me

(Helsinki, 2021-03-11)


DIY skeittiparkki on tärkeä koko skeittauskulttuurille sekä on yhtä kovassa käytössä skeittaajien keskuudessa kuin mikä muukin kaupungin omistama skeittiparkki tämä poikkeaa vielä enemmän sillä se on merkitsevä parkki koko maailman tietoisuudessa sekä sen avulla pystyy yhdistämään ja luomaan ihmissuhteita ja parkin alueella on aina positiivinen ja mukava ilmapiiri vaikkei yksikään käyttäjistä tuntisi toista.

(Kouvola, 2021-03-11)


i get it

(Graz, 2021-03-11)


Because the city has a mind to rebuild the industrial areas of Suvilahti for culture, what better feature to keep than Suvilahti DIY.

(Helsinki, 2021-03-11)


Because Skateboarding ❤️

(Aalborg, 2021-03-11)



(Tübingen, 2021-03-11)


I do not skate myself, but I am a big supporter of community made culture. Suvilahti is one of the places that make Helsinki feel alive!

(Helsinki, 2021-03-11)


This place is awesome. It and the people I met there will forever have a place in my heart. Enjoy it as long as possible. Hopefully forever!

(Bilzen, 2021-03-11)



(Helsinki, 2021-03-11)


The park is unique and it can’t be built again.

(Järvenpää, 2021-03-11)


Suvilahti DIY is an important and iconic spot in Finnish skate culture and to myself as a skateboarder.

(Helsinki, 2021-03-11)


Because it’s important to save Suvilahti DIY! It’s the one place in Helsinki where you can see it’s people and community.

(Helsinki, 2021-03-11)


I am singong this beacuse suvilahti diy is the most rad and real park i have ever skated!!

(Espoo, 2021-03-11)


I feel the park should be allowed to stay in its current location. The skaters have literally built a community with their own blood, sweat and tears. This is something I feel should be respected and a good lesson for todays and tomorrow's generation into the importance of community.

(London, 2021-03-11)


I think these types of spaces are needed. It's not just about skateboarding - it's about culture, open places for gathering and free activities especially for younger people.

(Turku, 2021-03-11)


I’m signing this petition because I am a skater and I want to support the international skate community :) .

(Bredene, 2021-03-11)


It is ugly and unethical thought from the Helsinki city to take down this unique place.

(Tampere, 2021-03-11)


good cause

(Amsterdam, 2021-03-11)


Suvilahti shares love

(Helsinki, 2021-03-11)


for the culture

(Helsinki, 2021-03-11)


Suvilahti on hulttioiden perintö Helsingille, sen pitää säilyä.

(Helsinki, 2021-03-11)


I just love skating and biking in the Suvilahti skate park.

(Helsinki, 2021-03-11)


I have been skating in suvilahti diy for a long time and i have such a good memories in there. It would be so sad thing if city took this place from us skater who dont have much another places to go

(Vantaa, 2021-03-11)


huippu sijainti ja ympäristö skeittiparkille Helsingissä. eloisa paikka skeittaajien ja maalajien keskuudessa, yhdistää sukupolvia paikkana. nähtävyys js kiinnostuksen kohde niin paikallisille kuin turisteille

(Helsinki, 2021-03-11)


Diy skateplaces create culture.

(Roskilde, 2021-03-11)


It will be my first visit to Finland ever this year! I’ve seen it grow over the last few yrs & my European skater pals have all told me to go when I can☺️
Too the Finnish govt, work with the community of skaters whom built it for all positive reasons. Thank you!

(New York, 2021-03-11)


Tällaset tilat on supertärkeitä niin kaupunkikulttuurille kuin sen ympärille kasvaneille yhteisöille, etenkin nuorille! Suvilahden ja Kalasataman alue on myös erinomainen paikka skeittiparkille. Purku ei ole parkin kohdalla, varsinkaan näinä aikoina, millään tavoin oikea valinta.

(Helsinki, 2021-03-11)


i wanna help

(Stuttgart, 2021-03-11)


I’m signing because this skatepark is clearly of huge importance to many peoples lives and is a piece of history that should not be moved/destroyed!

(Chilliwack, 2021-03-11)


Its very important

(Helsinki, 2021-03-12)


I live in the area and i feel the skatepark is a big part of having a feeling of community. Also it is a place to go to spend time and meet people. Very inportant to have open spaces like this. Corona is a great ecample of this, where to go if everything is closed?

(Helsinki, 2021-03-12)


I’m hoping to visit Helsinki in the next year, and this skatepark is on my ‘to do’ list.

(Nottingham, 2021-03-12)


Im signing because its a good skate park and we need it

(Vantaa, 2021-03-12)


en haluu et se puretaa

(heinola, 2021-03-12)


Cultural riches should be valued not destroyed

(Espoo, 2021-03-12)

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