Save Track Fitness Boxing Club



I'm a friend of someone who trains there , why take away something positive

(Malton, 2019-09-10)


Save track

(Hull, 2019-09-10)


Our community needs more clubs like this, not less.

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


The eviction of the boxing club is wrong.

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


It’s an absolute disgrace to shut a facility that has so many benefits for the local people who use it, in such an underhand way.

(Kilnwick , 2019-09-10)


It is a fantastically run venue where kids can go and learn discipline and take part in sport

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


This is a fantastic, unique community facility that should be supported by the council.

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


I'm signing because this is an important community resource for children and young people and a short sighted decision if it is to close. It clearly provides a vital role for some CYP in the community and its loss would be felt. We need more children getting fit and enjoying exercise to prevent a national obesity crisis and the psychological benefits are vast in addition to this. Please reconsider!

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


As a country we need to develop exercise and fitness to combat both obesity and mental health. The council should be helping with this amazing project

(Brough, 2019-09-10)


This is club is round the corner to where I live. It’s provides so much opportunity to lots of people to keep them busy and active. Encourages fitness, social interactions and a place to go for people. In a time when we are constantly talking about encouraging our kids to stay healthy physically and mentally would we take this away from them?

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


Both my children attend this boxing club. It has made a massive difference to my child and his emotional health and well being and also his physical health. Having this club has reduced any further need from other local services which I know are so stretched with their own numbers. Having the club on our doorsteps has been such a bonus for my whole family.
Please don’t take it away!!!

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


We need more facilities for our kids theses days NOT LESS

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


We need somewhere for children to go and keep them out of trouble.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


Our children need this sort of activity
Shame on you ERYC

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


It’s terrible to see clubs closing down when kids love the sport and just want to achieve

(Leicester , 2019-09-10)


How can you take this away from the kids, keeping them off the streets. Something needs to be done

(Driffield, 2019-09-10)


There is hardly anything for kids to do in the Swinemoor area yet the track is a safe place they can go and learn discipline and make friends. The council have a responsibility to our community to support the existence of this club.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


The kids in the community need it

(York , 2019-09-10)


This facility is an essential part of the community

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


I totally disagree with the councils decision to stop encouraging the youngsters of our town

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


I have a family friend who boxes here and i would love to see her pursue it

(Leeds, 2019-09-10)


Beverleys kids need somewhere to go!

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


It should be kept open because it's an asset to Beverly and the children love it and it keeps them off the streets.

(Beverly, 2019-09-10)


This club does great things and is vital for the community

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


This facility benefits the community and keeps children occupied and off the streets causing trouble.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


Beverley needs more youth facilities not less.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


The club is an integral part of the community. The council should be supporting and encouraging people to have healthier lifestyles and look after their own wellbeing.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


This club provides an excellent opportunity for people to do something positive with their energy and time, while learning self control and respect at the same time as getting fit.
Their is a better venue for an adult learning centre opposite the shops that has wide doors and plenty of parking for inclusive access to the property.
Please do not close or move the boxing club.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


This boxing club is a major part of the Beverley community, providing great training that doesn’t just help with physical health but mental as well. Allowing people of all ages to do something they love and enjoy.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


My step son attends here and I have never seen an amazing group of people for what they do.

(Hull, 2019-09-10)


Community matters. People need places to meet and talk and keep fit. This is essential for a healthy life and society.

(Leeds, 2019-09-10)


So typical of this useless council led by a chief executive who no one knows or hears from. Over paid and over opinionated officers refusing to explain a disgraceful decision! At the very least find these deserving people suitable alternative accommodation.

(South cave, 2019-09-10)


I’m signing this because it seems unfair how East Riding are evicting a club and not giving them any support at all

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


This has been a successful and engaging place for youths wishing to pursue boxing. There is plenty of space for the council to use elsewhere in this town so for once put the community first

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


Too many closures for grass roots sports. This area of the country has one of the highest obesity levels in the Uk. If councils keep on closing facilities such as Track fitness boxing where else will kids go. In the street making nuisance of themselves as there have no where to channel there energy’s

(Hull, 2019-09-10)


A club that is clearly thriving, and enjoyed by so many should not be closed down. No alternative accommodation offered, this is very poor by the council and very short sighted of them. Do they really care about the young people of Beverley, clearly not.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


The boxing club needs to remain open

(Walkington, 2019-09-10)


My son uses this club for boxing. He loves going. I see kids of all ages going in so enthusiastically, obviously loving it as well. If this eviction goes ahead it will be a travesty for all concerned.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


This is a fabulous place for the kids and adults x and would be a very big loss to Beverley x

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


I feel that the boxing club is an incredible asset to all those involved . The kids love this , why take away such a wonderful and safe place for our children to train and focus on their interest.

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


Train here weekly

(Pocklington , 2019-09-10)


It's the only thing in Beverley for children to focus there energy with supervision, it's an excellent club for all, and it would be a real shame if you took that away also, and it does not cost the earth.
Good luck Track Fitness

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


Beverley needs this facility . It gives kids and adults something to focus on.

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


We need something for the kids. As soon as kids are happy and doing well somewhere in this town it is taken away from them. These people have worked really hard to give these kids a purpose and confidence in themselves and should be allowed to carry on.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


The boxing club is an important part of Beverley- why close it down?

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


This is a great facility for kids to keep them healthy in body and mind

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


This should never happen to a club that supports the community and gives them a safe place to have fun and train! Please give them a chance to find somewhere or keep them where they are this is a fantastic club!

(Doncaster , 2019-09-10)


Sports and fitness is something that is important. The council has a responsibility to invest in sports and fitness, so leaving this club with no premises is awful. Places like this give young people a focus, give them somewhere to go & keep them off the streets. Please ERYC, reconsider this decision, and at least support the club in finding new premises.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


If it was not for clubs like this, some children and adults would not have a place called home.
Alot of members who come to the club walk in with confidence issues, or who are bullied (not all but some) and to see the difference the sport and the work from the club can make in a person's life is phenomenal. Please support the club to find a suitable venue.

(Scunthorpe, 2019-09-10)


3 of my son's attend this boxing club, all enjoy it very much.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


It's good for the kids that train at the club and gives them something to focus on other than been glued to a computer screen.Also for the adults that attend.The council took away the youth centre and wonder why kids/ youths hang around the streets and cause a nuisance to residents and locals.Really hope the people of Beverley win this one.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


Clubs like this are help kids stay off the streets and away from drugs and crime.....

(North lincs, 2019-09-10)


This is somewhere for kids to meet up and for the council to just turf them out is unacceptable.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


I think this is a great thing to keep many boys off the streets and focusing on something positive. What these guys are doing for the boys is amazing and I think its fantastic for the community and it would be such a shame for so many boys to lose something they love and that has such a positive impact on do many young lifes.

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


Both my children attend who are teenagers, its given them so much confidence and gets them fit while properly interacting with others and away from technology. We Will be devastated if this closes a real sad affair

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


It is vital that there are spaces provided for youth activities. There a very few in Beverley and to take away this resource would be a very negative move on the part if the council who need to take a broad view of community needs.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


There is precious little for the community in this area. Please don't take this away too.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


This facility for the young children in Beverley keeps them fit and healthy and teaches them respect, it also shows kids how to challenge their agression, we need more facilities for Beverley

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


The club provides an amazing facility for young people from in and around Beverley with a fantastic community spirit and coaches that have passion and commitment this club must be saved!

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


I want it to stay open to give the kids something worthwhile

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


I love this Gym.

(Greater manchester, 2019-09-10)


This is a great safe space for kids and adults of all abilities to keep fit and focus. It keeps kids off the streets.

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


Because my nephew loves it so much.

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


Dont take this away from our youth

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


I understand how boxing changes lives. Coaches across the country give there time to change young people’s thinking. Give them hope and most of all hopefully set them up with a set of values which will follow them into adulthood.

(Durham , 2019-09-10)


I'm a beverlonian I think this good for kids and adults plz keep this .

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


My son used to attend and it really is a community project that gives children confidence and helps improve there health physically and mentally.

(Hukl, 2019-09-10)


This is a great club for the young and old people of Beverley.

Particularly for the young it's giving children the opportunity, who for quite a few wouldn't participate in sports or any other clubs, to socialise with peers, gain confidence and make friends.

(Nottingham, 2019-09-10)


Lynn Robinson

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


Track Fitness Boxing service our local community, encouraging adults & the youngsters to maintain fitness & self werth, helping to gain respect for self, others & the locals environment. To many of our community groups have been closed or are struggling to keep going. Please do not close this down.

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


Think it's disgusting..Not much else for kids in Beverley this is ideal. Shame on you ERC.

(Hull, 2019-09-10)


Beverley is proving to be more important than ever to keep clubs such as this going and the kids off the streets from the local drug dealers

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


No club deserves to be evicted that serves well in their local community. It’s great for Beverley and a lot of people will have to relocate clubs which is very wrong by the council.

(Hull, 2019-09-10)


It is valuable for the young people within the community! The young people have already lost so much due to budget cuts over the years! They need a safe space, taking this away will only cause more disruption to the community as they will have no where to go!

(Leconfield, 2019-09-10)


Because the track has been integral for alot of youngsters around the swinemoor community keeping out of trouble and getting in to sport... aswell as adults who have been wanting to get fit and start boxing especially in charity events to raise money...

The staff who have helped out there have done alot of hard work getting things up and running especially inside the facility... its not fair that the track has to move after all tye hard work they have done down there

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


Myself amd sin attend the Track and fitness boxing club and a weekly basis. The club has such a buzzing feel about it, the coaches are really friendly and every one that walks through the door has a smile on there face. Its a place that brings a community and people together. My son absolutely adores the coaches and looks upto them with there first class guidance. His excitement when he walks through the doors of the club makes me so so happy to see his little face. I feel when i attend the sessions the coaches fill you with confidence and they provide training that makes yiu believe in yourself along with helping you focus on something positive when life can be tough at times, when i walk through the doors i forget all my personal anxiety and stress with pure relief. Please keep this place going as we will lose a strong community, along with a bond with the children around the area who live and breathe this hobbie the club provides. It helps alot of people both adult and children with confidence, abilty, motivation, drive and most of all just pure enjoyment.

(Hull, 2019-09-10)


You are taking every little thing away from the youth of Beverley and track fitness has been a great club for the youth of the town to learn discipline and give them something to do other than cause trouble in the streets

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


I'm signing because I believe everyone should have a place to go to to benefit their health !

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


This is vital for children and community

(Hull, 2019-09-10)