

You cannot build anything better there anyways

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


Ainutlaatuinen paikka mikä kiinnostaa ulkomailta saakka!

(Vantaa, 2018-04-12)


This park brings culture to the area

(Durham, 2018-04-12)


Save suvilahti diy!

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


Haluan pitää kaupunkialueet eläväisenä ja arvostan diy henkeä

(Tampere, 2018-04-12)


It's part of cultural history and a unique project recognized internationally. People have dedicated so much time for building it without any financial agenda behind it, purely for the love for it.

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


People should have the opportunity to have a place to skate

(Beaumont, 2018-04-12)


The place is absolutely amazing and there is nothing like it anywhere in world.

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


Amazing spot, legendary tricks

(Toulouse, 2018-04-12)


Suvilahti DIY is an iconic skatepark that should be preserved

(Bristol, 2018-04-12)



(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)



(Espoo, 2018-04-12)


skeittikulttuuri ei saa hävitä!! support 120%.

(Jyväskylä, 2018-04-12)


People complain about people skateboarding in the streets, "destroying property", and just being a ruckus to society, yet they try to destroy the few places where skateboarding is encouraged. It's bullshit man!

(Shalimar, 2018-04-12)


This is a great park that should be preserved

(Sandy, 2018-04-12)


Especially as a skateboarder, I think that unique Suvilahti skatepark should definitely be saved, there’s no other skatepark like that. As we have seen, the skatepark has also served many others than only skateboarders; many unforgettable events and moments has taken place there.

(Jyväskylä, 2018-04-12)


This place is very important to us!

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


I’m signing because there are fewer and fewer great skate parks because people keep tearing them down.

(Riverside, 2018-04-12)


Suvilahden puisto on todella hieno ja sopii hyvin miljööseen, olisi harmi jos se purettaisiin. Se tuo esille hyvin Helsingin nuorisokulttuuria ja diy-fiilistä.

(Äänekoski, 2018-04-12)


I wanna save suvilahti <3

(Tampere, 2018-04-12)


I'm singing because destroying a diy skatepark, is like destroying a very important part of many many people. Destroying countless hours of people, giving their soul for a park, for a wooden toy with four wheels, that gives us everything that we need. It's like killing a human being for those that build it and for those that go there every single day. For so many years, and still now, we ve been fighting for our diy park in Galatsi,Greece. I know how it feels and how much it sucks. wish i could even help with other ways. Stay strong, dont let them kill the fun,the passion and the pure love that we give in what we do. best of luck. cheers

(athens, kipseli, 2018-04-12)


Tää homma ei oo oikein. Pelastetaan suvilahti

(Jyväskylä, 2018-04-12)


Save our concrete livingroom!

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


Im signing because i like to skate the best diy park!

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


Kulttuuriperintö alue skeittaus kulttuurille. En itse harrasta lajia, mutta ymmärrän sen tärkeän merkityksen lajin nuorille ja vanhemmille harrastajille.

(Tampere, 2018-04-12)


I skate...

(Tampere, 2018-04-12)


As an Architecture student I think that skatepark is imortant piece of public space and culture.

(Oulu, 2018-04-12)


My love for DIY

(Ylöjärvi, 2018-04-12)


Skateboarding is an art form and artists need work spaces.

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


The most awesome place for skateboarding in Finland.

(Espoo, 2018-04-12)



(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


Do it yourself (diy) skateboard parks bring out the best creativity and design in skateboarding. It's always a shame to see these spots get demolished for whatever reason.
If this spot cannot be saved please ensure another area be set aside for the diy builders of this park to start something new.

(Calgary, 2018-04-12)


This is worth to save! People make the city!

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


The best place to be in the summer

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)



(Nummela, 2018-04-12)


Suvilahden parkki on suomen skeittikulttuurille suuri menestys ja sen eteen on tehty kova työ. Olisi sääli jos se purettaisiin.

(Vantaa, 2018-04-12)


Sk8 or die

(Lohja, 2018-04-12)


Suvilahti DIY on siisti skeittiparkki, ja tullu osaks Helsingin kulttuuriympäristöä, mikä ois sääli menettää. Parkista on varmasti enemmän iloo & hyötyy, ku haittaa.

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


Pieni mutta erittäin tärkeä pala modernia Helsinkiä.
Soihdunkantaja suomalaisessa DIY-kulttuurissa!

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


It is a monument of freedom and anyone who visit’s there can feel the wonderful magic that it offers trough all the souls that have made it come alive.

(Mäntsälä, 2018-04-12)


want skating here

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)

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