Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Vaccinations must not be mandated. It contravenes the human rights convention. Children must be protected at all cost.

Dawne Bruckner (Coffs Harbour , 2022-01-06)


I want full transparency over the harmful effects of this experimental drug being forced into the. I believe a small segment of powerful, wealthy individuals are manipulating this for their own financial means!

Pamalee Fox (Gig Harbor , 2022-01-06)


To stop crimes against humanity and for justice.

Kanika Rahman (Eloy, 2022-01-06)


I totally believe there is a crime in progress against humanity and must be stopped at all costs.

Douglas German (Perth, 2022-01-07)


I'm fighting for our freedom and God given right to decide what gets injected into our bodies. The Nuremburg Code was created to ensure future protection for crimes against humanity. The Nuremburg Code and US Constitution have been violated and the government MUST be held accountable.

Rachel Gallardo (Southlake, 2022-01-07)


I refuse to enable such human rights and Nuremberg Code violations in my lifetime.

Timothy Borcelis (POMONA, 2022-01-07)


I don’t want myself or my descendants to live in an insane totalitarian world which is a consequence of vaccine passports and mandates

Rosemary Ingram (Melbourne , 2022-01-07)


The people running this world are tyrants and criminals and they must be brought to account.

James Goodchild (Perth, 2022-01-07)


These criminals need to be held accountable and punished

Sandy Kolupach (Sydney, 2022-01-07)


I am signing because Prime Minister Trudeau is causing hatred against the unvaccinated with all his hate speech on a tv interview not different than Hitler. My kids are suffering mental health, feeling the pressure to get vaccinated it because Trudeau is taking away our rights.
I have witness so many people going out of business, losing their jobs because of World Reset Sick agenda.
Not to mention the killing of people by delaying their surgeries, people who have suffered heart problems as well neurological injuries due to the vaccine.
Enough is enough!

Ivette Paredes (Toronto, 2022-01-07)


Justice needs to be served

Mario Marafioti (Darwin , 2022-01-07)


This narrative needs to be stopped. It is nothing short of genocide. Too many decisions are being made which jeopardize our health. Masks, no exemptions, not being able to prescribe medications that are known to help, mandating people to be vaccinated or lose their jobs! It has to stop!!!!

Joanne Booth (Newcastle, 2022-01-07)


I agree with everything you are doing right now and I’m hopeful that more will be added (as there is so many many atrocities being committed in almost every country in the world). I’ll do my part, whatever that might end up being; I will NEVER let democracy, human rights or “we, the people” be overtaken by fascism! If I can only be a peasant with a rusty pitchfork, then so be it …now is the time to ‘eat the rich’. And then we need to actually learn from history afterwards, but we’ll get to that, or it will probably be necessary to re-structure ourselves into smaller societies/groups where everyone is held accountable - and the cold hearted, power hungry sociopaths shall either be (cordially yet sternly) prevented from doing us harm or simply be exiled from the humanity, in which they’ve never actually had a part of anyway. Godspeed & let’s go dismantle this insanity of a timeline :-)

Thea Svendsen (Mørke, 2022-01-07)


I´m signing in because of the use of experimental vaccins on millions of people

Peter Vos (Lichtenau, 2022-01-07)


What I’m seeing the world over is a WEF manipulated. corrupt political takeover, with neither respect, nor care for human life. An MrNA trial without any legal liability, Illegal lockdowns, coerced MrNA trial participation, psychological operations, and propaganda via media, Children being abused via masks, a failing MrNA trial, coercion and injuries/deaths from unneeded jabs.... I’m sure you know the rest.

Adrian Sallery (Liverpool, 2022-01-07)


The death's and injuries from these vaccines are being played down, its horrendous. People need to be held accountable for these attrocities

Pearl McFarland (Plymouth, 2022-01-07)


I believe a valid case has been made by Frontline Doctors that the SARS-CoV2 virus was given gain of function at the Wuhan lab to make it more virulent to humans. I believe early treatment was denied to Americans in order for Fauci to roll-out this gene technology "vaccine", causing many more to die than otherwise would have. I believe there are other protocols for treating this virus & that the American people have largely been denied knowledge of this. I believe in our American Constitution & that vaccine mandates are unconstitutional & cannot be proven to be safe & effective beyond any reasonable doubt.

Jennifer Pierce RN (Ralston, 2022-01-07)


I'm signing because of genicode is happening in front of our eyes and they need to be held accountable for distroying peoples lives. Eg. Governments, Media, Doctors, Police, Jugdes and anyone who is going along with the lies.

Georgina Leondidis (Melbourne, 2022-01-07)


Stop farmacomafia!
Stop "depopulisation" = genocide!

Šega Marinka (Piran/pirano, 2022-01-07)


I want to help save Humanity

Maria Kolodziej (Ronkonkoma, 2022-01-07)


Criminals need to be called out.

Eric Thomas (Swansea, 2022-01-07)


I believe in freedom of choice

manuao kakau (Tauranga, 2022-01-08)


I believe that this mRNA shot is genocide.

Judith Zweifel (St.Louis, 2022-01-08)


Those responsible believe they are above the law and untouchable. Lies need to surface and those responsible need to be held accountable

Des Kiely (George , 2022-01-08)


Its corruption

Kevin King (Dorset, 2022-01-08)


The world cannot go on like this anymore! Justice needs to be done and rights restored to the people!

Svea Kampfhenkel (Perth, 2022-01-08)


I am signing because this seems to be a/the formal way to provide remedy to torn mankind. The first of the kind I can fully agree with, feeling great admiration to those warriors who entered into this fight. God Bless!

Kiss Eszter (Budapest, 2022-01-08)


I'am right. 👍

Eva Žišková (Dobrá , 2022-01-08)


I am being discriminated against because of my vaccination status.

Michael Coffey (West Busselton, 2022-01-08)


I firmly believe the people of the world are being
herded into total depopulation by the covid vaccines.

Jeannette Wilhoit (Roseville, 2022-01-08)


We need transparency and an investigation, this virus was made in a lab, not nature.

Chris Mielke (Albany , 2022-01-08)


I am not going to stand by and let this happen - I will do anything I can.

Carrie Fitzsimmons (Colorado Springs, 2022-01-08)


I want to join this lawsuit because of the unjust treatment that I am getting, my fellow employees are getting, my family members as well as friends and neighbors are getting, with regards to employment discrimination, medical discrimination, health damage including death, that has been systematically censored and deliberately covered up, the businesses that have unlawfully been forced to close and the economic implications worldwide that have cost an untold amount of people to lose their livelyhoods and their homes.

Raymond Newhart (Sparta, 2022-01-08)


I want the traitors to be prosecuted and that all human beings can regain their normal lives again

Jocelyn St-Pierre (Rivière-du-Loup, 2022-01-08)


I am horrified about this medical tyranny, what's being done to humanity, and the egregious assault against our constitutional rights and freedoms.

Cynthia Engl (Clarence Center, 2022-01-08)


I’m on team humanity and I’m tired of dirty and corrupt people abusing their power.

Alejandro Cabrera (Aurora, 2022-01-08)


I'm signing this petition to take a stand when our politicians have/will not.

Joseph Petric (Pickergin , 2022-01-08)


I am signing this because I believe in freedom and the right to choose what goes in to my body. I also believe there is a soft kill genocide taking place in our world and it terrifies me.

Rhonda Douglas (Wasa, 2022-01-08)


I want to see justice done for a change, and the baseless deaths and adverse reaction sufferers vindicated.

Marvin Loveness (Seattle WA, 2022-01-08)


I want to see those responsible for the unnecessary death of millions, held accountable for their crimes.

Mike Roberts (Penryn, 2022-01-08)


I Am Awake...
Long Live the Red Pill.

Panayiotis A Ellinas (EDWARDSVILLE, 2022-01-08)


The Jab is killing many people, and a lot more are being harmed, Pfizer data has been fudged, Pfizer is a 'multi-criminal' outfit, FDA has failed its job as have all Politicians, all health Bura-rats across the world, they all need to be held to account for Genocide, intentional harm to humanity... and a lot more.

A Pfizer have "altered" the data and results, corrupted the testing so as meaningless and reported to the FDA a fudged set of edited data to simply get approval, used multiple (most) report writers and so called experts to support the desired approval who are tainted (i.e. on Pfizer's 'payroll' one way or another, stand to benefit, have a vested interest in the outcome... so are not 'independent) and above all Pfizer fudged the results, the contracted company doing the testing reported that to the FDA and the FDA did nothing at all about it.

The roll out of the Jab (not a vaccine) is with prior knowledge harmful (intentional) to any and all recipients. The type and magnitude of harm to recipients was known prior, has been denied since. Therefore it is a complicit and deliberate act to hide/deny the truth with investigation/s. It is a crime against humanity to fail deliberately and by plan to bypass all the usual criteria required for a Vax to be approved.

The Nuremberg code 1947, therefore classifies the Jab as experimental, at best. Encouraged, bribed, blackmailed or otherwise is not "Voluntary informed prior consent". Therefore all involved have committed crimes against humanity that are worse than Mengele/Hitler in WW2.

There is nothing of benefit in a jab, then of thereafter, to any recipient, therefore the only remaining intention/s are to harm mankind on a worldwide basis, be that a Globalist intention, extermination or whatever other sick reason.

ian Stevenson (Tauranga, 2022-01-09)


I believe in sovereignty over my own body and I should not be discriminated against for not taking an experimental injectable. FREEDOM.



Action needs to be taken urgently.

Eleri Collins (Perth, 2022-01-09)


I am passionate to make a difference to stop the miss information about the virus and the political agenda. I want to hold those accountable that I’ve allowed so many to die. Having worked in the medical industry, I want Challenge all healthcare workers to stand strong and to live up to their oath to do no harm.

Christine Cully (Spokane, 2022-01-09)


I have analysed facts since 2020 and publicly available information and have submitted Notices of Liability against Heads of Schools, GPs in the city of Newcastle upon Tyne and spoken to many individuals who have not been given informed consent regarding medical experiments and support this application.

Pamela Stott (Newcastle upon Tyne, 2022-01-09)


Freedom to choose the medical we use that has been forced on us without having testing or data on the impact.

Tammy Dexter (Adddletone , 2022-01-09)


It's time to move

Igor Janicijevic (Pers jussy, 2022-01-09)


The vaccine is killing people its murder against humanity its a biological weapon that the are forcing on humanity we can't eat and support ourselves unless we take the Jab its not a vaccine

Gary Talor (Adelaide , 2022-01-09)


The people committing crimes against humanity need to be held accountable now!

Julie Silverstone (Surrey, 2022-01-09)


Je veux voir ces pourris se faire jugé en cour martial, qu'ils payent comme il se doit.

Fabian Guebs (Bastogne, 2022-01-09)


I believe this is an intentional attack (genocide) on humanity and needs to stop.

Yvonne Thomas (Gold Coast , 2022-01-09)


I want to help put away people who are responsible

Barbara Carter (Renick wv, 2022-01-09)


These criminals have to be prosecuted. They have blood on their hands! They need to be held accountable.

Charlene Goldberg (Mt. Sinai, 2022-01-09)


Neverím vakcine,ktorá je alternativna

Karol Petráš (Šurany, 2022-01-09)


I think covid tyranny should end.

Ladislav Toman (Kladno, 2022-01-09)


Because I want everybody who is responsible for and/or participating in this crime against humanity to be held accountable.

Annette Holmes (Adelaide , 2022-01-09)


This is the biggest crime against humanity in history. All those contributing to, and responsible for, this crime must be charged and held accountable.

Annette Hoskins (Robinson, 2022-01-09)


It is time for the people who have lied and who have done harm to our people to be held accountable.

P McNulty (king of prussia, 2022-01-09)


The Evil Ones have hurt so many good people and have never tried to be good. There is no way back for them.

Maria Ingram (stanford le hope, 2022-01-09)


Covid vacs are a crime.

Ian Holloway (Derby, 2022-01-09)


Due to the Vaccination mandates imposed on New Zealanders I was terminated from my job as a Nurse.

Jacky Prentice (Tasman, 2022-01-10)


I am signing to hold Anthony Fauci and anyone else associated with crimes against humanity accountable.

Scott Grant (Andover , 2022-01-10)


People are being murdered world wide and the people responsible must be bought to justice

Lesley Hiller (Melbourne , 2022-01-10)


I’m signing Because of the world wide agenda to destroy Humanity.

Gil Markowicz (Kiryat Ata , 2022-01-10)


I'm signing because it has become obvious that there are crimes against humanity being committed and it has to stop! There must still be some decent people in public office and in our courts who will do the right thing. This I pray.

Mary Baenen (Sandpoint, 2022-01-10)


I have 2 children and I want them to have the freedoms they deserve

Sarah Crowhurst (Horsham, 2022-01-10)


Sars cov 2 was created in a lab using gain of function, funded by USA, UK, China and Israel and released into the population either accidentally or on purpose, most probably the later to creat a pandemic/ plandemic for the purpose of redistribution of wealth to the 1% and depopulation for agenda 21/ 30 and the new world order and to release an exoetimental mRNA gene therapy onto the population which is a bioweapon that is causing mass genocide and adding to the mutations and spread of the virus, they are also being used to introduce the digital ID system which will lead to a social credit system. They are being mandated and used for segregation of the vaxed and unvaxed when there is sufficient evidence the jabs do not stop the spread or protect the jabbed from contacting the virus and there is evidence that over 80% of hospitalisations are people who have been vaxxed with adverse reactions which when reported are being completely ignored by the health authorities.
Scientists have been vilified for trying to speak out and only bought and paid for political scientists can dictate what is fed to the public by the bought and paid for main stream media that has been pumping out propaganda and caused mass hypnosis on the general public with their disinformation and encouraging segregation and hate towards what they call anti vaxxers using language such as ditch your unvaxed friends and family and other hateful messages and encouraging the creation of a 2 tier society with the added introduction of vax passports and the misinformation on the effacacy of cloth masks to stop the spread of a virus to creat fear and use as a way to keep the fear going when there is clear evidence they don't stop the spread of virus particles and cause more harm by harbouring bacteria and inhibiting breathing.
I have lost my mother to this virus as she was not able to get the treatments that could have saved her life as they have been banned for use for treating this virus in order to gain emergency authorisation
of the experimental mRNA gene therapy ( bio weapon) We were not allowed to see our mother while she was in hospital and I believe she was not treated correctly and experimented on with trial drugs that contributed to her death and the reason we were not permitted to be there was so that this could be carried out without us knowing and without consent.
We have been locked down which has destroyed the economy and small businesses, created isolation and increased suicides and prolonged the pandemic.
The other motive for this plandemic is to crash the failing fiat currency system to introduce digital currency and digital IDs to bring in universal income/ credit for the social credit system to control and enslave the masses.
There is evidence that this was planned and patents exist for the so called vaccines and covid 19 .any years in advance.
I believe that serious crimes against humanity have and are being committed by the WHO, NIH, GAVI, the bill and mellinda gates foundation, WEF and all large corporations involved in these organisations including world banks and the Rothchilds who are all into eugenics and are using this virus for world domination, depopulation and complete control of humanity as experimental test subjects. They must be stopped and brought to justice for the crimes they have committed to humanity.

Suzanne Holt (Swansea , 2022-01-10)


These covid-19 crimes against humanity needs to be stopped ASAP. These perpetrators have absolutely no moral compass.

Pauline Ninneman (Downingtown , 2022-01-10)

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