Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I do not agree in what is being forced on our country/world

Rachel Downie (Christchurch , 2022-01-03)


I don't think people should be forced into doing something they don't believe in or trust and also the fact that we haven't tested this for long enough to know what affects it can have on humans.

Sara Partridge (Caronno Pertusella , 2022-01-03)


I am outraged by what is going on worldwide with this so-called Covid "pandemic". For example, proven effective treatment is being banned while a dangerous "gene manipulation therapy" is being promoted and mandated in the guise of a safe and effective "vaccine" - which is NOT. Furthermore, human rights are being violated across the globe and inalienable freedoms are being eroded. For a glimmer of what is going on view our BitChute Channel:

Ewart Trevor Osborne (Withers, 2022-01-03)


It needs to stop!

Gina Grick (Evansville , 2022-01-03)


We are facing the deadliest threat to humanity in recorded history, and the ICC is the only avenue for citizens to demand that justice be served. Surely this investigation should take the highest priority given the sheer number of fatalities alone.

Richard Coldman (Jelenia Gora, 2022-01-03)


I'm signing because I have seen too many instances of death and suffering due to this disease and the untested vaccines being coerced unto citizens by their government.

Charles Baker (Prescott, 2022-01-03)


I am signing because I have seen enough, read enough, and witnessed enough to convince me that this isn't an accidental experiment. It is a true experiment on people.

Brian Flook (Lenoir, 2022-01-03)


Once you have seen through the game and the forces behind it, there is no going back, but they should be held accountable for all the damage they have created.

Ingela Schlyter (Ängelholm , 2022-01-03)


The fate of generations to come are in our hands as sovereign beings. Use this gift wisely, your children and or grandchildren's lives depend on it!

David Gal (Cambridge, 2022-01-03)


I have extensively studied information provided by Doctor M Fleming and much more besides and I understand the implications and weight of my signing this. I support this whole-heartedly.

pietro Dimascio (Lagoa, 2022-01-03)


I truly believe that crimes against humanity have been committed & I believe in Dr Richard Fleming.

Karen Basford (Augusta , 2022-01-04)


I've seen all the videos of the harmful side effects many have endured from the fake vaccines, and seen all the sport players die from them on the fields,these people's injuries are real, yet they are being silenced. What Fauci and the governments world wide are doing is killing millions. We know by other experts , what's in these experimental vaccines, which is very harmful,we know of autopsy reports that showed vaccines were direct cause of death.
Either help stop these crimes, or be considered by millions ; as being in on this evil genocide, cause that is what it is.

Debbie Creech (Mount Vernon, 2022-01-04)


Someone needs to be held accountable!

Terre Detweiller (WILLIAMSBURG, 2022-01-04)


These evil people need to be held accountable.

Edward Koehler (sevierville, 2022-01-04)


I'm signing for stop the medical dictate on taking experimental vaccines, without any solid studies on health side effects.
On top, we are wondering why the farmaceutical companies have been introduced in the Covid-19 vaccines the ALC-0315 molecula (not approved for human use).

Luca Ferrero (Ceva, 2022-01-04)


I'm signing because this is a key issue for our future as humans

David Lorimer (STE COLOMBE SUR L HERS, 2022-01-04)


The harm done by the over reaction likely far exceeds the original so called threat

T Bro (Westminster, 2022-01-04)


II. Information on the State concerned
Name of the State concerned and, as applicable, name of public authorities responsible for the alleged violation(s): On February 28, 2020, Tianjin Municipal Public Security Bureau Hedong Branch and Hedong District People’s Procuratorate under the jurisdiction of Tianjin Municipal People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China , Hedong District Detention Center, Hedong District People's Court

III. Facts of the complaint and nature of the alleged violation(s)
The complaint procedure addresses consistent patterns of gross and reliably attested violations of all human rights and all fundamental freedoms occurring in any part of the world and under any circumstances.
Please detail, in chronological order, the facts and circumstances of the alleged violations including dates, places and alleged perpetrators and how you consider that the facts and circumstances described violate your rights or that of the concerned person(s). February 28, 2020 Eight policemen wearing police uniforms in my home at No. 1, Gate 101, Building 14, Yingdong Hot Spring Garden, Hedong District, Tianjin , Others do not know their names) in violation of "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" Article 7 prohibits torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. During the subpoena, I was beaten and tied up without resisting. During the interrogation, I was not given water, meals, and fever without medication. Violated my right of personal freedom.
From February 29 to March 13, 2020, I was put on a black headgear and went to a secret detention location where I did not know the specific location. At that time, the house was only 10 square meters. I was the only one of the two police officers. The police once said that they would let me disappear to a concentration camp in Xinjiang. During the period, I was only given a bun a day. I kept fever. The police said that I needed to be quarantined. This is a secret quarantine point. After I was released, I asked my family. I have a summons card. I don’t know where I am detained. What is certain is that this place is not a place where the country is officially detaining the suspect. The detention is illegal, violates the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, and violates my personal life. Freedom rights.
From March 13th to December 11th, 2020, I was transferred to cell 118 of the detention center in Hedong District, Tianjin, and then to cell 103 and cell 105. A room of less than 30 square meters can accommodate up to 40 people, many people. Sleeping on the ground, I have been sleeping on the ground next to the toilet. At night, the police officer Yan Kexin’s "confidant" Ma Sheng and others pour urine on my head. When I resisted, I tied it up with a police tie, and disciplined me. Li Hongjun arranged for a cell boss named as the "trumpet commander" to replace the police and beat me and other detainees in the blind spot of the wind field. For example, "number leader" Chen Guangzhi, Zhang Baoping, Ma Sheng and others jointly beat me. "On duty" (also a criminal suspect) Sun Chao once said that my skin was white and I wanted to "plug in my anus". I strongly resisted. Instead, I was repeatedly electrocuted with electric batons by the police officer, and then tied up with a police restraint belt. Don’t let me eat, I can only eat winter melon slices, boiled water and a steamed bun. The toilet is not covered and exposed in the house we live in. I often prevent me from going to the toilet under the guise of stopping the water. I am only allowed to urinate once a day. I had a bowel movement until I couldn’t do anything else to beg for mercy from the correctional police. After I filed a complaint against the correctional police Li Hongjun, the Hedong District Detention Center violated the "Regulations for the Administration of Narcotics and Psychotropic Drugs" and gave me spiritual food without a doctor’s prescription and diagnosis. Drugs forced me to sleep every day. I was in fear every day. The police officers forced me to squat and pee, saying that there can only be one man in the house, because I believe in Buddhism and don’t believe in the ideas of the Communist Party. Discrimination, my family is not allowed to recharge me to buy necessities. Violated the "Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment" and "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" violated my right to personal freedom and dignity not to be insulted. Violating the Convention on the Rights of the Child forced me to separate from my seven-year-old daughter Zhou Jingxian and one-year-old son Zhou Jingli. After the divorce on November 8, 2019, I was their sole guardian.
On August 17, 2020, Prosecutor Chen Dong of the Procuratorate of Hedong District, Tianjin, "posted or reposted on (twitter) on Twitter, which harmed party and state leaders and the country’s political system, and slandered the country’s response to the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic. More than 120 pieces of false speech and pictures, such as prosecution measures," approved the arrest and prosecuted me in the name of violating the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" and infringing on my right to freedom of speech, because I exercised my right to freedom of speech and detained me and violated me. Personal freedom rights.
On November 18, 2020, Judge Feng Zhongting of the People’s Court of Hedong District, Tianjin sentenced me to nine months’ imprisonment for violating the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China. Violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

IV. Exhaustion of domestic remedies
1- Steps taken by or on behalf of the alleged victim(s) to exhaust domestic remedies– please provide details on the procedures which have been pursued, including recourse to the courts and other public authorities as well as national human rights institutions[ National human rights institutions, established and operating under the Principles Relating to the Status of National Institutions (the Paris Principles), in particular in regard to quasi-judicial competence, may serve as effective means of addressing individual human rights violations.], the claims made, at which times, and what the outcome was:
On November 18, 2020, the Inspector of the People’s Procuratorate of Hedong District, Chen Dong threatened me to appeal and sentenced me to an additional year and a half when I received the sentence. I wrote an appeal letter requesting the revocation of the (2020) Jin 0102 sentence. Judgment No. 345, and compensation for economic compensation and mental losses totaling RMB 1 million. He was detained by the police officer Yan Kexin of the Hedong District Detention Center and not handed over to Tianjin No. 2 Intermediate People's Court. On December 11, 2020, when I was released after serving my sentence, the appeal period had expired. From December 12, 2020 to September 18, 2021, I submitted multiple appeals to the Tianjin Intermediate People’s Court but failed to accept it. On February 1, 2021, Captain Wang Yongxu of the Domestic Security Detachment of the Hedong Public Security Bureau brought people there many times My home searched books and seized the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all my electronic products. And prevent me from legally appealing in the country.
2- If domestic remedies have not been exhausted on grounds that their application would be ineffective or unreasonably prolonged, please explain the reasons in detail:
I’m Zhou Shaoqing with passport number EJ1014141. I have exhausted domestic remedies. Wang Yongxu, captain of the domestic security detachment of the Hedong District Political and Legal Committee and Hedong Public Security Bureau of Tianjin, and Chen Dong, the prosecutor of the Hedong District Procuratorate, have repeatedly deprived me of Tianjin through national coercive force. The city’s Intermediate People’s Court has the right to appeal and appeal, and illegally detained and summoned me. Under the threat of the safety of my two children, I have repeatedly used the “State Bureau of Letters and Calls”, “Supreme People’s Court Complaint Platform” and mailed appeal materials. I was not accepted for seeking domestic legal remedies for no reason, and I was not given a written receipt.
On November 18, 2020, the Inspector of the People’s Procuratorate of Hedong District, Chen Dong threatened me to appeal and sentenced me to an additional year and a half when I received the sentence. I wrote the indictment and was detained by Yan Kexin, the police officer of the Hedong District Detention Center. Handed over to Tianjin Intermediate People's Court. On December 11, 2020, when I was released after serving my sentence, the appeal period had expired. From December 12, 2020 to September 18, 2021, I submitted multiple appeals to the Tianjin Intermediate People’s Court but failed to accept it. On February 1, 2021, Captain Wang Yongxu of the Domestic Security Detachment of the Hedong Public Security Bureau brought people there many times My home searched books and seized the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all my electronic products. And prevent me from legally appealing in the country.

V. Submission of communication to other human rights bodies
1- Have you already submitted the same matter to a special procedure, a treaty body or other United Nations or similar regional complaint procedures in the field of human rights?
2- If so, detail which procedure has been, or is being pursued, which claims have been made, at which times, and the current status of the complaint before this body:
I applied the appeal procedure to the Tianjin Second Intermediate People’s Court to revoke the (2020) Jin 0102 Xingchu No. 345 judgment and compensate the economic compensation and mental losses totaling RMB 1 million. However, I did not file a case for no reason and refused to give it to me. Written ruling.

zhou shaoqing (Tianjin, 2022-01-04)


I want freedom to win.

Margaret McGregor (Marysville, 2022-01-04)


2 weeks to "flatten the curve"? Still at it 2 years later.
Patents on a virus
False positive testing
Doctors are being silenced
Proven treatments not allowed.
No long term vaccine studies
No liability for vaccine makers.
Forced vaccinations
Cover up of vaccine deaths and life altering injuries.
Vaccine passports
Masking that doesn't work which the CDC admitted recently after 2 years.
Population isolation

Melodie Hardin (Smithville , 2022-01-04)


De grandes transgressions sur les libertés individuelles, dans le non respect des droits de l'homme ont lieu dans la crise covid que nous vivons actuellement

Serge Ribeiro (Mamer, 2022-01-04)


Any person or company that is guilty of Crimes against Humanity and breaking the Nuremberg code should stand trial and dealt with accordingly

Val Blackwell (Norwich, 2022-01-04)


I believe in freedom of choice and I'm also against the bio weapon shot!

Jessica Schnell (South elgin, 2022-01-04)


Hoping for justice.

John Bracewell (Jeannette, 2022-01-04)


My health and the health of my family is far more important than the largest uncontrolled experiment on humanity.

George Feathers (Bella Vista, 2022-01-04)


The covid narrative is a lie perpetrated by the governments, medical establishment and the mainstream media to profit from a false claim that covid is a deadly disease requiring an injection in order to survive. This has caused global harm to millions/billions of human beings

Joy Jolie (Brantford, 2022-01-04)


I believe in my right to choose.

Rita Pire (Cambridge , 2022-01-04)


I want this world wide genocide to stop and the perpetrators brought to justice (the gallows)

Colleen O Neil (Auckland , 2022-01-04)


I'm signing, because I believe that, truly, this "scamdemic" is a crime against humanity perpetrated by Big Pharma and their "puppets" in "health" and government, for profit, at the expense of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of human lives.

David Espinoza (Lewiston, 2022-01-04)


red flags everywhere from the beginning of this insanity!!!

Tim Sipe (Aitkin, 2022-01-05)


I prefer to live a moral life, bound by principals, not cowardice; and my children deserve to inherit a better world.

Ana Di Piazza (Richmond Hill , 2022-01-05)


What is happening in my country and around the world is unconscionable.

Julie Wilson (Craigieburn, 2022-01-05)


The crimes against humanity are escalating and are not mistakes but planned and executed to be as devious as they are.

harold shult (stanwood, 2022-01-05)


Too many innocent people have been harmed. Way too many others have taken advantage of the innocent and so many others just stand by and let it happen. This is not OK!!!!

Linda Mueller (Port Macquarie, 2022-01-05)


I see what is happening and the shots should have been stopped, based on real science. Deaths continue to happen with these shots, as well as adverse events numbering in the tens of thousands, and they have should have been indicators to stop the vaxxes. We do not consent to our own voluntary deaths or injuries and the shots should not be forced.

Me McClellan (Vancleave, 2022-01-05)



Viktor Licko (Medzilaborce, 2022-01-05)


Naše země už dávno není právním státem, ale Kocourkovem, kde ministři (potažmo celá vláda) úmyslně porušuje Ústavu ČR i Listinu Základních práv a svobod a nedbá Rozhodnutí Ústavního, ani Nejvyššího správního soudu. Svým jednáním naplňuje podstatu trestných činů segregace, diskriminace části občanů a v neposlední řadě omezováním svobody vyjádření, svobody shromažďovací a jiné...

Karel Zahálka (Jablonec nad Nisou, 2022-01-05)


Ik wil geen proefkonijn zijn en wil dat de grondrechten niet geschonden worden.

Francine Huygen (Wilrijk, 2022-01-05)


I am appalled that governments are coercing people to take an untested experimental gene therapy. This is an egregious abuse of power and the guilty should be punished accordingly.

Bruce Raymond (Spanish Fort, 2022-01-05)


I’m signing for freedom and to hold these people accountable for their illegal doings.

Tara Smith (Courtenay , 2022-01-05)


I am an extremely silly and unserious person who likes signing the nonsensical petitions of cognitively challenged antivaxers.

Falsnam Nyetrealnam (Perth, 2022-01-05)


This is criminal what they are doing to humanity. These people must pay.

Dan Marton (Fullerton, 2022-01-05)


Society is being led to believe a bunch of bullshit so big pharma and friends can make billions.

Jeff Kohls (Valley Center, 2022-01-05)


Crimes against humanity and it's only going to get worse unless investigated and stopped.

Elias Cerbe (Malmö, 2022-01-05)


Breach of all human rights by tyrannical scum

Jason Owen (Brisbane , 2022-01-05)


I hate being hoaxed!!

Geoff Lewis (Brisbane, 2022-01-06)


I'm signing this petition because I believe my personal freedoms and those of others have been violated and because I want to maintain the right to personal choice through informed consent for all.

Jamie Read (Perth, 2022-01-06)


All the evidence show that this is a war and that it is designed to destroy humanity and civilisation as we know it. I am a lawyer and I am particularly concerned at the deliberate genocide that has been conducted against the elderly and vulnerable in the uk and the same in most other countries.

Michelle Valerio (Swansea, 2022-01-06)


No one should be above the law. This is the right, moral, human, ethical and legal thing to do.

Louise Hahn (Bristol, 2022-01-06)


The Farce commonly known as the Covid-19 Pandemic appears to have been engineered as a ruse to expose the global population to "mRNA Vaccine Technology" which has been largely developed and promoted by the US Military through the DOD & DARPA. Via Bioweapons or anti Bioweapons programs. these products are effective at beio weapons & are horrendously dangerous, with Mortality rates skyrocketing post vaccine roll outs in every country. the Vaccines are also being used as Vectors to introduce various adjuvants and nano technologies that are harmful to the well being of the recipient.

Stuart cleary (Gold Coast, 2022-01-06)


Humanity needs to stop the Global cabal.

Julia Moynihan (Hastings, 2022-01-06)


The actions of governments around the world that have resulted in the defamation of individual human rights MUST now be investigated. The severity of a virus, of which its origins are in question, did not justify the excess damage to economies and livelihoods, and of individual persons subjected to extreme measures implemented by their respective authorities.

Adrian Rodberd (Blackpool, 2022-01-06)


I want FREEDOM and put those responsible face Justice for so many life have been lost.

Philip Dawin (Kuching , 2022-01-06)


Because sensible, sane and decent people must strive to hold megalomaniacs, psychopaths and narcissists accountable.

Mathew Grounds (Johannesburg , 2022-01-06)


Crimes against humanity

Ashley Stephen (Waterlooville, 2022-01-06)


I am signing this because, everything that is happening is wrong, unfair and criminal. Freedom means living my life as I chose, unobstructed. Anything less is a form of slavery. I will never be a slave.

deb garrod (havant, 2022-01-06)


I firmly believe that this so called pandemic was bought about fraudulently by the use of the pcr test set at a threshold of cycles far too high, And that is backed up by its inventor. This has never been about the health of the people ,But the wealth of the so called elite.There is mountains of evidence proving just that. No open and diplomatic debate has ever been allowed, censorship has been rife on doctors and scientists telling the truth at the expense of there lively hoods. the criminals need to be bought to justice.

Stephen Robinson (Derby, 2022-01-06)


This has to stop

Jammie Esker Schaer (Elmhurst, 2022-01-06)


We have never been given figures of side effects, or any such information, in order to give an informed consent.

clive Barnard (Bolton, 2022-01-06)


i m singin becouse i love life

Adam Sýkora (Žilina, 2022-01-06)


I’m a Cardiac Sonographer & I have seen over 70 new cardiac issues post vaccines!! Arrhythmias, Tachycardia, Bradycardia, AFIB, Stroke, MI!! Plus much more & instead of the government saying good job!! I’m under investigation for NOT WANTING THIS VAX POISON!!

Melissa McGuire (Winchester , 2022-01-06)


Goes against my will my choice my body

Johnson Kyle (Whitehorse, 2022-01-06)

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