Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



What is being FORCED on us is not right.

Samantha Gibbons (Perth, 2021-11-30)


It is our God given Truth to choose what is inflicted upon Us especially when there is potential for harm in any way or form!

Deborah Petrie (Coffs Harbour , 2021-11-30)


I agree totally with this petition.

Christine Schneebeli (Geneva, 2021-11-30)


The pandemic narrative is responsible for creating mass panic and forced vaccinations. We have been mandated to wear masks, into isolation and now only those with a vaccine passport can access all service. The mandates were not scientifically based, when evidence proved 1. medical treatments were available 2. EU vaccines were causing harms including a large number of deaths. The EU vaccine program should have stopped immediately when that became apparent. Our right to informed consent before taking a medical treatment and the right to decide without coercion was removed. This 'plandemic' was about a seizure of power and making money for certain investors. I am more concern about the loss of our human rights and injuries caused by the vaccine than I am of the virus. We have a right to the truth about COVID 19. All who enforced this medical tyranny on the world need to be held responsible for the chaos they created.

Carol McRae (Edmonton, 2021-11-30)


I am signing because having spent 300-400 hours researching the so-called pandemic and the poisonous Covid injections, I am absolutely convinced that what we are witnessing throughout the world are massive Crimes Against Humanity. I was a research scientist in the field of Earth Science for 40 years and published over 200 peer-reviewed papers.
Dr. Wayne D Goodfellow

Wayne Goodfellow (Ottawa, 2021-11-30)


I want to ste it

Jan Martiš (Ricmanice, 2021-11-30)


I'm signing because it's right.

Michal Kosican (Brno, 2021-11-30)



Randy Ice (North Hills, 2021-11-30)


I'm signing because I don't agree with the mandates vaccination is has not been proven to protect our health again viruses it's seems the Vaccine is multiplied the virus. Let's protect ourselves and out future children

Rosalie Boerenbrink (Capelle aan den IJssel, 2021-11-30)


This just cannot go on against all humans

Brian Wicks (Whanganui, 2021-11-30)



Silvia BURIK (Nová Dedinka, 2021-11-30)


I am appalled at the behaviour of our, "leaders", over the past two years.



there are massive crimes against humanity being perpetrated by elitist groups which will remove freedom for most of the worlds population

Robert Fry (waitakere, 2021-11-30)


I sign this petition because the vaccine does not have long-term testing and brings a lot of side effects.

Peter Machan (Bratislava, 2021-11-30)


I 100% believe that taking the vaccination is a death warrant and that mandating these vaccinations is a crime against humanity and those responsible for this evil have to be held accountable. Thank you

mark hobday (Orewa AUCKLAND, 2021-11-30)


The jab is not safe.

Martin King (Victoria, 2021-11-30)


I’m against this new world order completely crazy by criminals minds who use humans like Kleenex , I’m against all dictators and we are behind a globalism crazy people we have to stop that to get back our freedom otherwise we will be as robots in the future without soul!

Ines Vanhoutte (Paris , 2021-11-30)



Peter Slivka (Nová Bystrica, 2021-11-30)


I'm signing because l trust in Jesus Christ. He is my God, not any government or "health agencies/authorities". I stand for truth, and we the people - not just of the United States of America, but of the whole world - need to be united, stand together, and declare that we say "NO!!" WE WILL NOT COMPLY!!" These COVID-19 "vaccines" are bioweapons, designed to subversively accomplish genocide throughout the world population. I believe those responsible need to be held accountable, prosecuted and made to serve the sentence for their evil crimes against humanity, which clearly violate the Nuremberg Code. THIS MUST BE STOPPED.

Margaret Selman (Leon, 2021-11-30)


I want justice

Bree Francisco (Mardi, 2021-11-30)


Because it is crime and they wanna take our freedom...stop this covid dictatorship

Daniela Gallova (Hankovce, 2021-11-30)


I'm so against ALL this dictation it even law?
Andrews need to be held accountable for all the suicides due to his poor decisions.
It is very very oblivious he cat lead a cat to a bowl of milk little known take care of Victoria...
It's all about him....and we want no more of this nonsense

Alexandrina Mayberry (Croydon nth, 2021-11-30)


It's illegal to use a legal name, however, I'll fill it in since the name has since been dispelled. Indict the deep state

Jason Morgan (Westland, 2021-11-30)


There are enough studies now showing these injections cause harm, many of us have seen the people around us become victims of the jab. In Australia all alternative treatments have been banned since March 2020 contrary to scientific studies showing their efficacy. AHPRA has put a gag order on doctors and nurses, those speaking out face loss of licence, fines, and potential imprisonment. Remind me how any of this is for our health when doctors can't give their own opinions or prescribe alternate treatments? Let's end this lunacy

Chris Nevin (Gold Coast, 2021-11-30)


There should be no mandates. Everyone should have a choice and have been fully informed of pros and cons.

Lesley Elliott (Sheffield, 2021-11-30)


Neúčinné a veľa vedlajších účinkov.

Emil Obyvatel (Prievidza, 2021-11-30)


Experimental drugs of any kind should never be forced on people. Noone can know the long term effects since the mRNA "vaccines" are less 5han two years old. It is especially wrong to force or allow children to be injected with a "vaccine" that will cause more deaths than the diesease is supposed to protect against.
Please stop the forced medical experiment as soon as possible,and punish those responsible for these crimes.

Sue Moring (Andover, 2021-11-30)


The fight against impunity. I am not here to tie all the strings together, nor to connect all the dots. I am here to share with you that there is more to the story, there is more that we are not being told about, and if this is true, we cannot possibly by definition connect all the dots, tie all the strings, and get a true glimpse of the whole story. Someone, somewhere, wants our perception to be skewed, for our understanding of the matter to be limited, and it is our job for the good of not only ourselves, our families, our communities, our country, and our world to demand the truth, but to also have conversations, open debates, and investigations into why there is such a great effort to silence decent of the MAIN-stream narrative.

Krzysztof Sadowski (Totowa, 2021-12-01)


These criminals are going unchecked and continuing to proudly wreak havoc on humanity

mark Beckmann (Winston salem, 2021-12-01)


What is happening is deplorable and wrong. It must stop

Moule Sarah (Townsville , 2021-12-01)


I'm signing because those criminals have to be brought to justice!

Michaela Cielo (Boonton, 2021-12-01)


The corruption needs to stop mass murder isn't the way to solve world problems especially when the people doing it are looking down on the rest of the world with contempt

Michael Patterson (East Boldon, 2021-12-01)


ALL who are involved in the biggest hoax to We the People, should be held accountable.

Diane Carlson (Medford, 2021-12-01)


Crimes are being committed against humanity with the Covid Vaccine. There are severe adverse effects that has come to light via medical professionals placing their career on the line by speaking the truth. You take the vaccine with "informed consent" but people are not being informed and the ingredients in the Pfizer vaccine is not available for 55 years. Shall we then take the vaccine in 55 years when we are informed?

Delaney Hall (Gauteng, 2021-12-01)


Save the children

Maggy Richard (Montreal, 2021-12-01)


I’m signing because there is gross misconduct happening at all levels of Government, within big business, at all levels of the medical profession, and the Main Stream Media outlets, which is putting thousands if not millions of lives at unnecessary risk, and harming multitudes more. This must stop and those responsible be brought to justice.

Terence Kosmeier (Bonnells Bay , 2021-12-01)


I'm signing this petition because it is barbaric to think that some group of people want to control the world by themselves against God almighty. It is better I die as a human than live as an AI.

Peter Nwabuike (Enugu, 2021-12-01)


To investigate proven violations of The 1947 Nuremberg Code, The 1964 Declaration of Helsinki, The 1967 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, The 1975 Biological Weapons Convention Treaty.

Violet Jakeman (Melbourne, 2021-12-01)


Coercion and mandates are wrong. The right to body/medical autonomy should be absolute!

Jacqui Boardman (GoldCoast, 2021-12-01)


Because I do not appreciate the mandates coherence the disrespect for Australian Humanity they have no say they are not The law They have no right to halm any human being stop them from harming the kids the aborigionals if they cannot protect outer children they should have their children removed enough is enough

Kristine Bowden (Maryong, 2021-12-01)


This is a very serious matter and I support these international criminal investigations.

Frank Karan (Melbourne, 2021-12-01)

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