Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



It is horrible what is happening in Slovakia. People are forced to vaccination or regular testing. Freedom is only dream here. Our authorities are doing rules against law and they forced police to control this rules even if they breaking a law. Sad is lot of police officers play this games with authorities and they terrorized Slovakian people. Same is in hospitals lot of no sense rules, doctors does not want to heal people without vaccination or negative test.

Pavol Vaško (Prešov, 2021-09-30)


I feel very strongly that the coercion being used is effectively forcing those who do not wish to be vaccinated against their will. The alternative to being vaccinated is having one's freedoms and therefore life taken away. This is unacceptable and especially for a virus that has a 0.09% chance of killing people. It's a breach of human rights to be treated differently in this way

Elizabeth Austin (Basildon, 2021-09-30)


Slovak goverment must be arrested.

Vlado Skovajsa (Trenčín, 2021-09-30)


Forced vaccinations ,mandatory vaccine certificate, medical apartheid, disallowing non vaccinated people from places and from basic neccessities and from government premises are grossly injustice to citizens of the countries and the world. Injecting our bodies with vaccines that even the doctors do not know what they are and so many have side effects and died due to these vaccines
Never has a vaccine divide us all.
The vaccines companies and the governments hold no responsibilities if there are any side effects and any deaths due to the vaccines.

Lilac Lavender (Kuala lumpur, 2021-09-30)


We need those that are enforcing vaccination and restrictions on our Human rights to face crimes against humanity

Wendy Mulrine (Birmingham, 2021-09-30)


Podporujem vyšetrenie a stíhanie osôb zodpovedných za zločiny proti ľudskosti.

Ľubomír Fico (Svit, 2021-09-30)


I want to live in freedom without fashism !!!! V. Keniz

Vladimír Keníž (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)


humanly I was humiliated

Jaroslav Turanec (Kamenná Poruba Podlipie 328/53, 2021-09-30)


These are crimes

Jane Turner (Preston , 2021-09-30)


I'm signing this petition due to the appalling lies being told in the name of science, and the terrible crimes against humanity being committed by the perpetrators. This is for the millions and possibly billions of victims worldwide many of whom sadly are no longer with us.

Paul Allen (Stockport, 2021-09-30)


I oppose persecution of people of free choice, medical cohesion and criminal mandating of injections.

Yair Kazarinov (Sydney, 2021-09-30)


A fényesség győzelme!

László Brath (Kolinany, 2021-09-30)


Of justice.

Ondrej Trnka (Predmier, 2021-09-30)


What is happening to free citizens around the world is appalling.

Andrea Allardyce (London , 2021-09-30)



Anna Brncova (Trstená, 2021-09-30)


Pretoze bolo toho dost!

Andrej Chrvala (Trnava, 2021-09-30)


Because whole situation is irrational and we are losing human rights every single day. Also this pandemic is creating lot of precedences which are dangerous for the future of freedom.

Marco Szendrey (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)


I am signing because this teror on humans has to be stopped as soon as possible.

Martina Haladejová (Považská Bystrica, 2021-09-30)


People need to be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

Sally Griffiths (Cheltenham, 2021-09-30)


I am signing this petition to start proceedings immediately by the International Criminal Court (ICC) and to take immediate action against those who have committed and continue to commit crimes against humanity, to protect our children, our families, our friends, all the people.

Michal Pukan (Mělník, 2021-09-30)


Donutili mna aj moju rodinu zucastnit sa antigenovych testov pod hrozbou straty zamestnania.
Ziadam, aby sa v EU dodrziaval Norimbersky kodex, ja a moja rodina sa nechceme zucastnovat ziadnych pokusov s ludmi.
Suhlasim s podanim slovenskych pravnikov p.Pirosikovej a p. WEISOM.

Eva Sladekova (Plavecky Stvrtok 549, 2021-09-30)


My opinion

Norbert Viktor (Trebišov, 2021-09-30)


I sign this because the crime is made on humans to take from them all freedom and human rights

Stanislav Hajek (Crewe, 2021-09-30)


Věřím ve spravedlnost

Edgar Geher (PRAHA , 2021-09-30)



Ľuboš Adamkovič (Trnava, 2021-09-30)


It's high time the crimes against humanity stops and the responsible politicians and the ngo organisations are brought to court/prison. Thnx

Komal Bakker (Amsterdam , 2021-09-30)


I am strongly against forceable vaccination

Štefan Andráš (Trenčín, 2021-09-30)


i am terminally ill and was prescribed tme midazalam cocktail and driver at home ,while the nurse was getting all she needed ,i did research after she said parhway and realized i was being killed off ,i immediatly declined and have been unable to get care ,medication etc ,ive a central interal port catheter and isnt flushed ... i still have paperwork and drugs here .......

Adrian Taylor (Sudbury, 2021-09-30)


Plne súhlasím

Jan Kozic (Trenčín, 2021-09-30)


These people must be held to account. Deaths have occurred, we must determine who was responsible.

Rich Coleman (Weston-super-Mare, 2021-09-30)


This is a crime against humanity. It needs to stop you are hurting people.

Melanie Shipley (Chelmsford , 2021-09-30)


I’m signing because I believe in the God given right of human liberty of conscience.

Brian Dillon (Myrtle Beach, 2021-09-30)


I believe there needs accountability for these crimes against humanity, and unfortunately our courts are either too corrupt or too cowardly to metre out justice

Raela Coleman (Southport , 2021-09-30)


i am a lawyer and i feel freedom is our upmost value that gives meaning to our lives. we need to respect the God given souls in each of us and be protective, kind and loving. this quarantees the equality between humans, i believe. no suppression maybe validityfied! ever!

Katarína Neviďanská Mgr., MBA (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)


We need to stop these crimes against humanity and prevent it from advancing any further.

Riaan Meyer (Howick, 2021-09-30)



Jaroslav Kostolny (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)


I'm signing because as a scientist it's clear there's something happening. We need to establish what.

Michael Stennicke (Singapore, 2021-09-30)


Because The must be exposed

John Hart (Murcia , 2021-09-30)

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