Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I don't agree with everything going on with covid ,wheres my choice, my body ,feel like my rights taken away from me, and my freedom.

Diane Collyer (Manchester, 2021-11-29)


It's up to you, we trust you......

Eugen Strečko (Trenčín, 2021-11-29)


I believe in our sovereign rights to choose medical treatment, without coercion or blackmail, which has been happening here in Australia since the vaccine rollout. This is out lined in the Nuremberg code, and I would like to see some action against the purported Government officials, health officials, Judges, Bankers, global elites, Compromised Doctors, corrupt scientists and all who have been bribed, threatened or blackmailed to push this evil agenda on to us people. Justice needs to be served, and we the people need our freedoms and basic human rights, and right to refuse to be honored and respected. This is international Law that was agreed on by our country in 1947, and we signed the Nuremberg Code. Now it’s time to implement it, as our Government has broken almost every rule under the code.

Craig Letourneau (Sylvania, 2021-11-29)


I want The World to be required to watch the executions. I want bigpharma punished, the OWNERS. THE FAMILIES. THE BOARDS.

Gregory Fisher (Croydon Park, 2021-11-29)


We all need to take action to stop this crime against humanity.

Nancy Brodersen (Studio City, 2021-11-29)


I agree that the law has been broken

Rex Thomson (Adelaide , 2021-11-29)


I believe there has been many crimes against humanity due to vaccine mandates, lockdowns over a pandemic thats no more severe than the flu.

Jason Spilling (Brisbane, 2021-11-29)


We have never experienced this level of crime and corruption and the end result will be catastrophic

Phillip Schmidt (Melbourne, 2021-11-29)


I wish to retain my civil liberties.

John Denney (Melbourne , 2021-11-29)


I believe in the right to volunteer informed consent and bodily autonomy

Diane Pickering (Beaver Bank, 2021-11-29)


I want a free world...the Universal Laws are being violated to take away our liberty & freedom to choose...our God given right! Not a government's job (or anyone else's) to impose restrictions on our individual liberty EVER!!

Heather Crofskey (Auckland , 2021-11-29)


The law must be upheld

Leigh Rainbird (The Rock, 2021-11-29)


I’m signing this because of the evil people who have orchestrated this whole fake pandemic in order to ‘vaccinate’ the masses for the sake of power, control and money. They have and still are telling us lies and stop at nothing even though evidence is showing that the so called ‘vaccines’ are safe and effective. It is an absolute crime against humanity and these people are evil and need to be brought to justice.
I am thinking genocide all over again.

Sheila Mayenburg (Melbourne, 2021-11-29)


Our human rights are being violated to such an extent that we are being forced to witness global genocide and we are rendered almost powerless to object or hinder the process.

Kerry Pleml (TIARO, 2021-11-29)


I'm tired of this virus, the lies surrounding it & the subsequent vaccines that are following it.
I'm tired of all the lies & deceptions

Glen Woolsey (Sydney, 2021-11-29)



Isaac Iriks (Muradup, 2021-11-29)


I believe in my inalienable right of freedom of choice!

Steve Garrett (London, 2021-11-29)



Merv Foley (MARYBOROUGH QLD, 2021-11-29)



Mary Carr (Newcastle, 2021-11-29)


They have murder my uncle and cousin by forcing the jab, and the heartache trying to stop my daughter, as she was forced by the governments, or she couldn’t work

Anna Roccon (NSW, 2021-11-29)


I'm signing this because our freedom and our future as a mankind has never been in bigger danger than it is in these times.

Michal Mencl (Pardubice, 2021-11-29)


Justice must be served for God's children.

Melisa Beni (Melbourne, 2021-11-29)


What is being done is blatant murder.

Mark Capp-Perucic (Melbourne , 2021-11-29)


We must stop the evil Big Pharma now!
We must save our children from the mrna genetherapies before it is to late.

Jan Ejdesjö (Uppsala , 2021-11-30)


The perpetrators have tried covering their tracks at the expense of humanity. It’s time to bring them to justice.

Rick Allen (Trout Lake, 2021-11-30)


I'm signing because I oppose crimes against against humanity

Kristy Byrnes (Kiamba, 2021-11-30)


This whole debacle is a scam and a complete violation of our human rights

Peter Wolstenholme (Morecambe, 2021-11-30)


The genocide must stop

Paul Mack (Traralgon, 2021-11-30)


I am signing because what is happening is a violation of human rights and it’s genocide

Elizabeth Bell (Kyneton, 2021-11-30)


Crime is afoot, it is being executed by the governments at the behest of pharmaceutical companies for profit and plunder under the guise of health care. The man or woman on the street cannot stop it immediately, greater force needs to be applied to stop it, including the death of the culprits.

Nicholas Eric (Wamberal, 2021-11-30)


Because we all need freedom that we have always had and don't leave power to just a couple of people. We don't need to be imprisoned like in the war.

Daelene Bourke (Warrnambool, 2021-11-30)


those criminals must be brought to justice!



It is the right thing to do

Kim Wise (Coffs Harbour, 2021-11-30)


I'm signing this because I have seen irrefutable evidence produced by scientific experts that Covid19 is a criminal activity and would like to see these criminals brought to justice.

Gee de Silva (Queanbeyan, 2021-11-30)


I'm signing because I believe actual science has been replaced by an inferior and corrupt version which has caused great harm to humanity, whilst lining the pockets of those WHO perpetrated the current paradigm. I believe personal beliefs, freedoms and spirituality are being forcibly removed by a corrupt agenda which serves no purpose other than to centralize our lives.

Kathy Cross (SOMERVILLE, 2021-11-30)


Its crimes against Humanity loosing your job and punished for Not Consenting to a Experimental Poison
That is Not a Vaccine.

Robert Butera (Seymour, 2021-11-30)


Wrong doers need to prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

Susan de Graaff (Ingham, 2021-11-30)


What’s going on is a violation of human rights!

Joanne Rootes (Gold Coast, 2021-11-30)


I'm signing because there is so much contradictory evidence against the official narrative, which is being ignored without any investigation of the facts and there is too much evidence of significant harm resulting from the injections of unapproved drugs into uninformed people, that anyone who ignores what is happening must be complicit in the perpetuation of what can reasonably be seen as a crime against humanity.

Jeffrey Fox (Mt Mee, 2021-11-30)


This is GENOCIDE against the Australian People & it has been proven that Foreign Entities are in Control, By their own Administrators.

Mark Snowden (3862, 2021-11-30)


I am a sovereign woman and an clearly see the agenda of the deep state / cabal and the pushing of the new world order agenda. I say NO. I see the adverse reactions caused by the CV synthetic toxin. I see the discrimination against people who will not comply. My own children have been forced to have the jab or they lose their employment, my heart is breaking for humanity and the little children because they are losing parents, grandparents and the evil ones are coming for the children.

Annette Baillie (Laura , 2021-11-30)


The evil agenda must be stopped!

Jacqui Saurine (smithfield, 2021-11-30)


I will not support our freedom and democracy being taken. We will fight to the end. These Governments must be removed.

Eula Jackson (Victoria , 2021-11-30)


After sixteen years of nursing, I can no longer work AND maintain a good conscience.
After receiving a new license in Chinese Medicine, I cannot practice anywhere AND maintain a good conscience.

Because the scientific METHOD has been taken over by political con artists.

The Four Foundational Pillars of Ethics in Nursing and Medicine are being disregarded because the Media has Politicized Medicine, innocent people are being put at risk via coercion rather than consent, and people with enough sense are having their liberties stripped away.

Natural Immunity is not an old wives tale.
Death is inevitable.
Let us people born and yet to be born maintain our ability to choose our own adventure in this precious lifetime.

Neil Anderson (West Vancouver, 2021-11-30)


The intrusion unto our freedoms.

Paul Louziotis (LYNBROOK (VIC), 2021-11-30)


This has nothing to do with a virus and health…

Andrew Nicholls (Melbourne , 2021-11-30)


I agree

Helen Wise (Nimbin , 2021-11-30)


I believe serious crimes against humanity have been carried out

Andrew Mochrie (Thornlands, 2021-11-30)


This is the biggest scam/con the world has ever known.

Kevin Hobson (Perth, 2021-11-30)


Nesouhlasím s vládními opatřeními kolem Covidu. Jde o zločin proti lidskosti.

Markéta Hytmanová (Plzeň, 2021-11-30)


We the people are being coerced into taking part in medical experimentation, genetic modification which is very dangerous, without informed consent. It has killed over 100,000 people and permanently disabled even more. It must stop!

Daniel Lindsay (Kansas City, 2021-11-30)


Everyone no matter what has human rights as a given and taking said rights is defianetly a violation of all humanities right to live happy and free.

Phillip Mortlock (Gold coast, 2021-11-30)


Ember szeretnék maradni módosított gének nélkül. Élni akarok, felnevelni a nem beoltott gyerekeim!
People want to be left without modified genes. I want to live, raise my unvaccinated children!

Mónika Hompola (Szigetszentmiklós, 2021-11-30)


I wahnt freedom and democration.

Jana Kubesová (Opava , 2021-11-30)


I want to see these mass murdering, communist criminals pay for their crimes in and every way possible. They have caused billions of people worldwide to suffer

Liviu Reinhardt (Edmonton, 2021-11-30)


I'm signing because I have been watching this criminal nightmare unfold for the last 18 months and I am tired of global psychopaths murdering, manipulating, and desecrating the human species and the planet we inhabit.

James Gerlach (Laughlintown, 2021-11-30)


this is mass genocide against humanity

Gail Wanless (Cleveland, 2021-11-30)


There are people out to murder adults and children now without cause. Innocent trusting sovereign individuals are dying because so few care to interject or listen to the truth!

Tanya Gardner (Cromwell , 2021-11-30)


I'm signing in the hope that the full power of international law can be brought into play to establish the truth in relation to the pandemic and to the consequences of the responses to it.

Michael Baker (Leeds, 2021-11-30)


Where there is risk, there should be choice!!! We need to stop this madness and follow the real science.

V M (Adelaide , 2021-11-30)


I'am not a number or a ginea pig.
I'am a free and informed Man.

Frédéric Roux-Mollard (Sillé le Guillaume, 2021-11-30)


every crime must be condemned and punished

Marcel Bondar (Rakovnik, 2021-11-30)


I am standing up for the Australian constitution and democracy

Naomi Hermawan (Forrestfield, 2021-11-30)

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