Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



We have lost all our basic rights and freedoms. We are being forced to become part of a medical trial with unknown outcomes. We are being discriminated against for being healthly and declining the offer! We are being ostracised for being healthy and decking the offer. We are being punished financially by not being able to work unless we become Guinea pigs! We have been locked up, locked out and treated like criminals. We have been shot at by those who vow to protect us and thrown to the ground like animals! We have the right to refuse any experimental medical procedure. We have the right to make our own decisions regarding our own bodies!
Dan Andrews is tripping on power he shouldn’t have. He needs to be hung like all involved in the Holocaust for doing the same thing to Victorians! These jabs are NOT EFFECTIVE and they are NOT SAFE and up to 55 years to wait for data to tell us just how dangerous they are!
We being lied to constantly by the corporate government and the media in a campaign of fear to use the shots taxpayers money has already contracted and purchased from these evil companies! Scomo signed away many childrens lives to Moderna and many lives to Pfizer and Astra Zeneca without a thought of consequences and Andrews and others have obviously been remunerated too! A life is worth more than all the money on the planet and if you disagree you are as bad as them!
Sad times ahead, someone must be held accountable!

Mandy Pike (Melbourne , 2021-11-29)


Illegal mandates

Nathan Smith (AGNES WATER, 2021-11-29)


I’m making a stand for Human Rights

Damien Ellis (Hamilton Hill, 2021-11-29)


Under this tyrannical govt led by jacinda Ardennes who is pushing Pfizer Vax people are dieing and being injured. I am an early childhood teacher of 22 years and have lost my job from 1/1/2021 because I'm not taking a mandatory jab.

Monique A'Court (Auckland, 2021-11-29)


This is criminal what is happening to our people and world. Governments are communists trying to destroy our countries and people. Our human rights have been taken away from us. The bill of rights stripped by the government.
The mandating of no jab no job. Small businesses collapsing. This has been planned for many years to kill people,
Power and control. Dictatorship. This will stop. We the people willl take our freedom back.

Kay Easton (Featherston, 2021-11-29)


Zlocin proti lidskosti. Vrazda milionu lidi nikomu nesmi projit. Jsme vyspela civilaze ktera nemam misto pto sociopaty, psychopaty kteri ziji v predstave ze budou ovladat svet

David Lín (Praha, 2021-11-29)


Many of the measures taken in the last two years are liberticidal and have inhuman consequences. Let justice be done.

Thierry Goudard (Chassieu, 2021-11-29)


I’m signing this because this totalitarian agenda must be stopped. These mandates to take these experimental vaccines and the push to instigate digital passports are an attempt to take away are basic human rights to control our own bodies and our lives.

Mary-Louise Barham (Toowoomba , 2021-11-29)


People need to be accountable for there actions & crazy laws they have mad. For the lives lost that were unnecessary

Lois Toohey (Rochester, 2021-11-29)


Those responsible for these crimes must be properly prosecuted.

LEONARD CLAMPETT (Kallangur, 2021-11-29)


I’m signing this because our freedoms and rights are being eroded by people who lie, harm and don’t seem to show any regard for human lives

Graham Bishop (Currimundi , 2021-11-29)


I want justice. The biggest crime is unleashed on humanity and this must end.

Helga Hornig (Melbourne , 2021-11-29)


protože už je delší dobu jasné, jak tato depopulační agenda funguje a je nutné ji zastavit. It´s know already some time how this depopulation agenda works and it is neccesary to stop it. before it is too late

Renata Wettstein (Hausen am Albis, 2021-11-29)


I value my freedom and the people who are trying to take it away by criminal activity deserve to be taken to court and severely punished

Jim Phillips (Perth, 2021-11-29)


The bio weapons which are being masquerade as vaccines are killing and disabling the population.

Sonia Lynch (Gold Coast, 2021-11-29)


I'm signing because I believe there have been crimes against humanity. Forcing people to take an experimental drug that has not been properly tested when there is a safe & sure cure eg ivermectin. There is so much information proving the drugs they are using are dangerous & yet the governments & big pharma, corporate businesses & the media are still pushing these poisons, telling us they are safe when it is proven they are not

Peter Hayes (Proserpine, 2021-11-29)


I am signing this petition as I am a concerned citizen of this world witnessing our governments both ignoring and violating our basic human rights and ceasing to follow the regulated and just procedures of law making and execution.

Lorna Deppe (Blenheim , 2021-11-29)


Those responsible for the millions of deaths world wide, the nonhuman lockdowns vaccine mandates and experimentation on the human race is genocide and they must pay for what they have done.

Clayton Orr (Melbourne, 2021-11-29)


Bio ethics and agency are what separate humans from being human livestock.

Theaker von Ziarno (Carnarvon , 2021-11-29)


Vax is a failure. Govt is mandating a failure.

Andrew Chalkley (North Perth, 2021-11-29)


Because CSIRO is forcing me to take this experimental covid medical procedure thru full coersion under the threat of losing my job and livelihood by 1st Jan 2022

Mal Greig (Canberra, 2021-11-29)


Rights of individual citizens across the world are being violated contrary to the articles of the Nuremburg Code due to the deployment of a fake mRNA vaccine that is a DNA altering bio-weapon and people are being forced to take it. Those responsible MUST be arrested and held to account.

Stephen Chiverton (St Austell, 2021-11-29)


These violations can not be tolerated, and must be punished.

Douglas Sons (McGrady, 2021-11-29)


I,m signing because my Father fought in the most dangerous 2nd world War convoy of all times, PQ17. He fought to protect freedom of speech and the right to say no what enters our body. I want ALL those people who have perpetrated these crimes against Humanity to be brought to justice.

Peter Tirant-James (Mandurah, 2021-11-29)


Because these criminals need to be taken off the streets.

Corinne Coombs (Hobart, 2021-11-29)


We have to stop worldwide genocide..

Josef Vojta (Svitavy, 2021-11-29)


So many laws being broken, high treason

Andrew Borg (Naracoorte , 2021-11-29)


Our Government are forced mandating the COVID 19 experimental medical treatment on we, the people of Australia. Scott Morrison our PM is complicit in helping Mark McGowan, one of our state dictor in implementing this atrocious act of violence. Crimes against humanity is committed and they need to face the consequences of their criminal behaviour.

Hieu Truong (East Victoria Park, 2021-11-29)


These vaccine mandates and the throwing around of people's medical information are crimes against humanity.

Jonathon Altmann (Quorn, 2021-11-29)


There is no informed consent. No medication/vaccine/injection is one size fits all. People should not shamed or discriminated against for making an autonomous medical decision.

Leigh Collins (Grain Valley , 2021-11-29)


The things that are being done to innocent citizens right around the world, including forced vaccination with an unproven, improperly tested, gene therapy are, without doubt, crimes against humanity. We are seeing the systematic genocide of much of the world's population to please the insatiable hunger for power of 1% of the population. Their arrogance will be their downfall!

Jo Wilson (Birtinya, 2021-11-29)


Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity

Connie Nies (Phoenix, 2021-11-29)


This evil against Humanity must be stopped. We are being forced to bend to the will of manic governments, to the elite who care nothing for the common man. We are sovereign Human Beings and must be protected against this insanity. Thank you and God Bless you.

Linda Patmore (Perth, 2021-11-29)


This is about genocide!

Monique Beekmann (Sandton, 2021-11-29)


My Life - My Choice.

Ian Roberts (Currumbin Waters, 2021-11-29)


To ban the dorces mandates and let people have free will uncoerced with being threatened with loss of you employment

Alan Gillanders (Quinns rocks, 2021-11-29)


This is an evil disregard of people. Evil

Tracy Duggan (Perth, 2021-11-29)


These crimes against humanity by the elites need to be stopped

Margot McMechan (Cochrane, 2021-11-29)


Pharmaceutical companies are intentionally creating experimental gene therapy products for injection that are harmful to humans. This is a crime against humanity.

Elissa Mills (Pensacola, 2021-11-29)


Vaccination should not be mandatory or a descriminator

William Kerr (Keaau, 2021-11-29)


We need to know the truth & put an end to this for the sake of our children.

Andrea Johnson (London, 2021-11-29)


I'm signing this petition because I am covid recovered. I had no idea that I was infected. These shots are poisoning people. We need informed consent. I say the truth about these shots should be public.

Antoinette Sklanka (Indiana, 2021-11-29)


I believe crimes have been wilfully committed against the population in contravention of a variety of laws and many lives have been lost as a result, freedoms and rights infringed and people's lives damaged.

Saira Salmon (Llandrindod Wells, 2021-11-29)


I say no to medical tyranny and breaches of medical consent, all those involved in implementing it should be brought to justice no one is above the law

Andrew James (Melbourne , 2021-11-29)


It’s the biggest issue facing the world ever.

Paul Shepherd (Worthing, 2021-11-29)


I agree.

Kelly Kapp (Mesa, 2021-11-29)


I´m signing because are violated human rights by enormous pressure and forced to be vaccinated by experimental vaccine against Covid 19

Marcela Hladká (Šaštín-Stráže, 2021-11-29)


This covid situation has permitted persons with virtually no knowledge of the medical issues to make disasterous, unilateral decisions for which they must now be held to account.

Joel Etienne (Prievidza , 2021-11-29)


29 November 2021

I have read / viewed so many credible interviews of qualified experts, that I have no doubt of the vast evil being perpetrated by the monstrous criminals orchestrating the COVID-19 atrocity against humankind.

Steve Petrie (Etobicoke, 2021-11-29)


Experimental and demonstrably unsafe and ineffective vaccine mandates are equal to evildoing.

Robert Hristoski (Skopje, 2021-11-29)


The level of intent and blatant criminality behind the marketing of the pandemic and the resulting power grab seems clear. But it needs a court to test it and air the evidence, otherwise trust in law will be lost, and the people cannot then be responsible for the steps they must then take to save themselves and their children from this evil.

Kuno van der Post (Coffs Harbour, 2021-11-29)


The crimes against humanity being committed have to stop - now.

Mary de Bassecourt (Parham, 2021-11-29)


I'm signing this petition because I'm sick off the lies .

Gillian O'Connell (Bangor, 2021-11-29)


I‘m signing because I am being coerced by my employer into accepting an unwanted, dangerous and experimental medical procedure to keep my job and by the QLD government to be a part of society.

Astrid Lefringhausen (Albany Creek, 2021-11-29)


This nightmare must be stopped!

Ekaterina Pinchuk (Moscow, 2021-11-29)

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