Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



The evilness of what is going on must be exposed.

Linda Biers (Calgary, 2021-11-28)


During WW2, the peoples of this era fought against EVIL and gave their lifes for freedom. This is the fight of our generation I stand with humanity.

Jean-François De Wolfe (Québec, 2021-11-28)


Those responsible for atrocities against humanity need to be held to account for their actions.
Power to the People

Karen Busd (Katherine , 2021-11-28)


All involved in these crimes must go to jail. It is a planned pandemic.

John Vines (Southport, 2021-11-28)


I want justice served

Adrienne Nunns (Wellington, 2021-11-28)


Matthew 13:25 KJV
but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

Tim O'Connor (Colorado Springs , 2021-11-28)


I'm signing because those who were placed in positions of authority to protect human rights, have failed to adhere to our New Zealand Bill of Rights, and have not adhered to signed international conventions to protect citizens from medical experiments

Warren Dixon (Tokoroa, 2021-11-28)


Podpisujem,pretože tieto zločiny proti ľudskosti nemôžu ostať nepostrestané.

Anna Dančišáková (Humenné, 2021-11-28)


There is too much proof that that was planned and has affected everybody's health and livelihood. This is an attack on humanity, those responsible must get the death penalty for crimes against humanity.

Peter Deneke (Boksburg, 2021-11-28)


What I see happening to the beautiful people of this planet is global genocide. I am Australian, and I have never felt afraid to be in this beautiful country until now. We are being murdered. They are murdering our children! How can this be happening? We cant take this anymore. Please can someone help us? PLEASE!!! I pray every night this has to end NOW. I cant bury my children. I have four children, my twin boys got their first Pfizer shot a week ago just so they can play gigs with their band, now they feel sick. This is insane. They are force vaccinating our indigenous people in remote communities. The Australian Government needs to be held accountable, please help us.

Michelle Vogel (Euroa, 2021-11-28)


I believe Anthony Fauci and a group of like minded men have committed criminal acts against multitudes of innocent individuals. I actually totally believe that. Psalms 2 speaks of their combined futures.

Mark Morton (Melbourne , 2021-11-28)


i want to live. this is not a vaxicine it is a death shot. all the people who took it are the ones dying. we were lied to about the flu which they call deadly virous

Rick Nooly (carlton, 2021-11-28)


Crimes against Humanity must be stopped.

Cindy Herritt (Haifax, 2021-11-28)


I am signing because this must stop.

Chatlotte Wood (London, 2021-11-28)


The governments have to be held responsible for rhe suffering they have caused to people worldwide.

Johannes Van kuijk (Taranaki, 2021-11-28)


I honestly believe this whole thing going on time the world has nothing to with health. It all about power, and money. Control and greed. Companies capitalizing one pcr and antigen testing, with makes no sence. CDC holding the truth so they don't lose funding. The masses can't think for themselves, so are pulled in by fear and blackmail. Etc, etc ...

Vaughan Williams (Delta, 2021-11-28)


We need an open debate. We do not need censorship.

Håkan Folkesson (Stockholm, 2021-11-28)


Vrahov a chamtivcov treba potrestať.

Miroslav Pulik (Košice, 2021-11-28)


The initial use of force is immoral. The state is forcing medical interventions that have serious side effects - this is outrageous.

Robin Pain (Cambridge, 2021-11-28)


The vaccines are genocide en masse against the human race.

Scott Pieper (Arvada, 2021-11-28)


I believe in freedom of choice concerning my health

Deborah Kogan (Point Pleasant Beach , 2021-11-28)


This medical fraud must end.

Mark Tichenor (Mulmur, 2021-11-28)


I am signing this petition because I believe these people are willfully killing people through these vaccines and experimenting on the entire world. This needs to stop immediately before all of humanity is destroyed.

Marjorie Shachnow (Angwin, 2021-11-28)


Stop that!!!

Adel Sadiq (Prague, 2021-11-28)


this insanity has to stop !!! i have grand kids !

Roger Strykowski (Armstrong, 2021-11-28)


let all truth be told and let the chips fall where they may.



It's time for truth and justice to prevail.

Marjetta Anderson (Lac la Hache, 2021-11-28)


Patrick j Martin

Patrick Martin (Westport, 2021-11-28)


Germs are not the cause of disease and this is another attempt to take over the world by nazi*****s who need to be stopped forever this time.

Johnson Tony (Richmond, 2021-11-28)


I am signing this petition because our goverment make genocida in our coyntry

Janka Beniakova (Nedasovce, 2021-11-28)


Se vším výše uvedené souhlasím ve všech bodech 100%. Černá

Renata Černá (Nýrsko, 2021-11-28)


Australia is well on it's way to totalitarianism, with government encouraged medical apartheid.

Laura Wain (Ingle Farm, 2021-11-28)


These crimes against humanity must stop before it is too late. Already too many people have died and been permanently injured by the gene therapy. The Globalists need to be permanently stopped from their evil.

Valerie Cibic (Melbourne , 2021-11-28)


The Truth will set you free...

Craig Weisman (Franklin, 2021-11-28)


I totally agree with the above.
Michelle Dodunski

Michelle Dodunski (Nelson, 2021-11-28)


This is medical genocide

Trish Handfield (Woy Woy, 2021-11-28)


This appears to be an unprecedented violation of human rights, worse than all atrocities of WWII because of it's coordinated attack on all citizens in every country of the world by their governments.

Gordon Raboud (Sherwood Park, 2021-11-29)


Our most basic human rights are being blatantly disregarded and the actions of our politicians are clearly treasonous.



I'm signing as I'm deeply concerned as to the way we are being manipulated, coerced, forced and lied to by governments around the world the UN, the WHO, FDA, CDC and others all involved in crimes against humanity, they should be delt with quickly and harshly so we can hopefully return to something like normal life once again for all of humanity as we are one.

Peter Schaffer (GREENSBOROUGH, 2021-11-29)


I never gave consent for my 14 year old only son to be vaccinated with the Pfizer Bioweapon.

Doreen Regent (Vero Beach, Florida, 2021-11-29)


Multiple reasons. Drs. Fleming and Montagnier are best able to explain. (1) the experimental injections being called “Covid19 vaccines” are increasingly being shown to cause immediate and long term medical harm to many, vastly more than any other vaccine. See CDC VAERS data. (2) these “vaccines” by both Israeli and PHE England data are increasingly proving that either ADE and/or Th2 immunopathology are occurring making the vaccines ineffective. (3) Nuremberg codes, UNESCO bioethics codes and WHO codes besides basic human rights ethics state forced vaccinations are unethical. (4) Benefits vs Risks data clearly show that, except possibly in those over 70 years old, the benefit of vaccination does not outweigh the clear risk, ESPECIALLY in under 18 year olds.

For these reasons and more.

Laura Johnston (Austin, Texas, 2021-11-29)


We need to end this imposed Human tragedy.

Terrance Anderson (Winnipeg Manitoba, 2021-11-29)


The people responsible for this crime need to be held accountable.

Kevin McDonald (Tallahassee , 2021-11-29)


Justice needs to be served!

Theresa Nelson (Granville, 2021-11-29)


The world is better then that, we have all the resources and so forth for ever human being to be fed housed and kept warm thru the winter... those involved should be court marshalled

Kevin Townend (Kooralbyn, 2021-11-29)


Justice to finally be served

PRISCILLA Standen (Elyria, 2021-11-29)


"Silence in the face of eviI is in itself eviI...The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.

“If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the other direction.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945)

Linda Summer (Tascott, 2021-11-29)


I believe in free choice, i also believe we are being led to the slaughter and those responsible should hang and take up their petition before the real judge, God.

Jarrod Willcox (Somerset, 2021-11-29)


I want freedom, rights and choices.

Tricia Ronalds (Cooloola Cove, 2021-11-29)


What the Australian governments are doing is pure and simple murder to its people.
It's all about money and power. Not health.

Jason Marrott (Perth, 2021-11-29)


COVID - 19 and the roll out of the vaccination of people and children world wide is the biggest crime against humanity. It must be STOPPED IMMEDIATELY! The Investigation and Criminal Prosecution of all individuals identified in the submitted documents, and those individuals identified in the interrogatories, depositions and investigation of those so identified MUST begin immediately! Stop Genocide!!!

Galina Zenin (Melbourne, 2021-11-29)


Stop genocide!
The Investigation and Criminal Prosecution of those individuals identified in the submitted documents, and those individuals identified in the interrogatories, depositions and investigation of those so identified must begin immediately!!!!

Gill Gardner (Melbourne, 2021-11-29)


We need to protect our freedoms, bodily autonomy and democracy. This was never about health but about control, one world order/Agenda 21 and eugenics.

Hayley Johnson (Mindarie, 2021-11-29)


Self explanatory

Kim Ward (Melbourne , 2021-11-29)


Of the crimes committed by our governments against the people of our country.

Terry O Brien (Mareeba, 2021-11-29)


I’m signing because coercion to take experimental shots (not vaccine) which has been shown to kill and maim more people than any vaccine in the history of mankind - MUST BE STOPPED. Nuremberg 2.0 must proceed NOW! Before the world is depopulated by 95%!!!

R Hu (Bella Vista, 2021-11-29)



Jessica Donnelly (Perth , 2021-11-29)


I'm signing becuase these mandations are wrong & we should all be able to decide what we do with our own bodies.

Natasha Nelson (Ballan, 2021-11-29)


The truth needs to be heard
Those responsible should hang

Owen Kay (Canberra , 2021-11-29)


I'm signing because the current push for population control by means of forced vaccination and ultimately digitalised identity introduced under the smokescreen of vaccine passport, are direct breeches of the above said code, declaration and covenant. The deceit and repeated propaganda promoting unjustified fear have also been an abuse of power. Forced medical procedures are the actions of a very backward thinking government. The Magnacarta clearly defines that improved health is best achieved by empowering the people to take charge of their own health. Leaders have taken a huge step backwards in the pursuit of world health with these vaccine mandates.

Miriam Plenderleith (Pinjarra, 2021-11-29)


Danial Andrews is a complete nut job, what he has done to our beautiful city is disgraceful something that cannot be forgiven…
The crimes against the people of this great state including treason,torture,coercion,theft, medical apartiad,segregation,discrimination and god only knows what else.. The damage done to our children is possibly irreparable please do the right thing with this tyrant and hang him till he’s dead and strip his family of all of their wealth. Thankyou..

Clinton Ford (Melbourne , 2021-11-29)


I witnessed enough evidence to believe that the covid vaccine is a crime against humanity. May Lord bless every one involved and protects humanity against this deadly vaccine.

Grace Randall (Carrara, 2021-11-29)

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