Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
I’m horrified that my Human Rights to choose what is being injected into my body is being violated by mandating my health & job choices & my right to free movement within my society & country. All of this must stop now.Sally Robson (Brisbane, 2021-11-22)
I believe in FREDOM AND THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE.Greg Tapper (Livingston , 2021-11-22)
The people and entities responsible for deliberately creating this bioweapon have to stand trial and be stopped from administering the bioweapon and be held accountable.ana montero (Sydney, 2021-11-23)
PodpisujemMiroslav Chamaj (Vranov nad Topľou, 2021-11-23)
There is clear violations of the Nuremberg Code, personal freedoms and Constitutional rights in the USA . Deaths from the experimental injections of dubious ingredients in humans are massing beyond belief. This must stop!Julie Ostoich (Sacramento, 2021-11-23)
I am a critical thinker and am concerned for the health of all people on this Earth. We must learn the truth and fear not.Jan Cargo (Winter Haven , 2021-11-23)
A trend has been observed to silence anyone who offers evidence or questions official narrative in most of the world. A free world requires free expression, and open dialog to explore all potential affects, routes, or lines of reason to grow as a society.Darrin Simmons (Clarenville, 2021-11-23)
Preserve a personal freedom and not to support pharmaceutical industryLenka MUZIKOVA (Mimoň , 2021-11-23)
I support this petition.Many need to be made accountable for the crimes against humanity. I choose life & a future for my grandchildren.
Nora Martinez (Carrollton , 2021-11-23)
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !!!Vojtěch Prášil (Olomouc, 2021-11-23)
Im signing because yesPatáková
Ludmila Patáková (Bublava, 2021-11-23)
We will not allow anyone to restrict our human rights.Nataliya Sinkina (Prague, 2021-11-23)
These criminal's should be executed for crimes against humanityPeter Marsden (Weston, 2021-11-23)
Because I mean stop covid fascismVladimira Beranova Nezvalova (Brno , 2021-11-23)
I strictly disagree with all the Crimes Against Humanity (namely segregation and discrimination) related to Covid matters, national and International.Jaroslav Snášel, Ing. (Chomutov, 2021-11-23)
To fight against Covid terror and for human rightsVera Gateva (Sofia, 2021-11-23)
Covid-19 is a man made virus, period!Gain of function research for man made viruses should be made illegal and criminal by law !!
David Midgley (Halifax, 2021-11-23)
I believe in this cause.Tammy Plett (Chilliwack, 2021-11-23)
No living person is above the Law. DO NO HARM is the basic Law of Life. NO POLICY, MANDATE, STATUTE, or "law" from any Government ACTOR acting upon themself or by any Government AGENCY, can supersede this very basic principal of DO NO HARM. To do so is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY and must be punished to the extent to what harm has been caused.WILLIAM BILISKI (Lisotwel, 2021-11-23)
I believe in God given sovereignty .Joanna Walker (JERSEY, 2021-11-23)
Shledávám, že jsou porušována práva skupiny osob na základě nepodložených nebo vylhaných skutečností.Dále ve mně sílí obava z opakování se situace těsně před Druhou světovou válkou a během ní, se všemi jejími důsledky a následky; tuto paralelu (ač nepamětník) začínám shledávat reálnou.
Tomáš Kunst (Česká Třebová, 2021-11-23)
I believe that crimes against humanity has happened and it needs to be stopped for my children and grandchildren’s sakeShirley Wahlborg (Sacramento, 2021-11-23)
I don’t believe in medical tyranny.Tammy Dougherty (Fort erie, 2021-11-23)
Not only our freedom, but even our lives are in danger and we have to stop it all!Zuzana Vozábová (Sezemice, 2021-11-23)
I feel there is no law but tyrany and totality.Jaroslav Vozáb (Sezemice, 2021-11-23)
Stop these evil poeple before it is to latePeter Prescott (Auckland, 2021-11-23)
FreedomAnna Jandová (Ostrov, 2021-11-23)
súhlasím plne so znením tejto petícieElena Oravcova (Banka, 2021-11-23)
Souhlasim a podepisujiFagoš Zdeněk (Jeseník , 2021-11-23)
my conscience tells me soRANDOLPH ROTHEY (Salt Lake City, 2021-11-23)
Too much to write but I most definitely agree with this petition!Tavoya Oliver (Rochester, 2021-11-23)
I do not believe in forced mandates.Terri Nopp (Glendale, 2021-11-23)
Because what’s happening at the moment is a disgrace and I couldn’t be more disappointed in those responsible for it!!Kim Luther (Dysart, 2021-11-24)
These Nazis need to come to justice!Ed Danza (Brooklyn, 2021-11-24)
I believe the collective governments are trying to kill us.Jennifer DeHeer (Taber, 2021-11-24)
I’m sick of the government and globalist commercial tyranny.I can’t stand by and watch of fellow humans walk off the cliff like lemmings.
I won’t have my adolescent children injected with a poison.
Tome Ristevski (Melbourne , 2021-11-24)
The corrupt Governments and Health officials need to be to account for their atrocities over this fake pandemic.Bill Bird (Brisbane, 2021-11-24)
I'm signing this in reverence to those that went through the Nazi atrocities, support for those who survived and are logging this action, and for truth and freedom for Humanities future.peter blake (sarasota, 2021-11-24)
These are crimes against our Divine Creator and humanity as a whole.Sandra Sherwood (Surprise, 2021-11-24)
I believe our rights,as citizens, under the United States Constitution are being violated. Action must be taken to secure of God-given liberties and freedom.Scott Sherwood (Surprise , 2021-11-24)
I've had just about enough of the plandemic BS and have no more patients for our "elected" officials whom are all corrupt!Walter Graham (Carterville, 2021-11-24)
I want a free future for my children.Craig Mc Cracken (Berwick , 2021-11-24)
Evil must be stoppedGlenn Williams (Marietta, 2021-11-24)
We cannot accept the impunity of those responsible and of the authors of these crimes against humanity.Barbara Kassolik-Sadza (Jeżów Sudecki, 2021-11-24)
The crimes against humanity here in New Zealand by our Government Officials and others needs investigating forthwith.Donald Coles (Hamilton, 2021-11-24)
I believe there needs to be an investigationFletcher Glass (Dunedin, 2021-11-24)
There is no other way.Katarína Morvai (Praha , 2021-11-24)
This is an experimental drug, there are lots of highly qualified Professors likeDolores Cahill ex Pfizer executive Dr Mike Yeardon Dr Fleming It’s all about $ and controlJohn Wynen (Sydney , 2021-11-24)
I agree with petitionKaterina Klimsova (Dacice, 2021-11-24)
PodpisujemGita Hrabčáková (Bratislava, 2021-11-24)
I believe in freedom and choice of what happens to my body and my children, and that someone needs to be held accountable for the coersion and mandatory vaccine push.Thorogood Cat (Leeds, 2021-11-24)
The same acts and efforts of crimes are taking place against Humanity at an astounding pace and frequency internationally and in my country and neighboring country.Anita Feeney (Auckland, 2021-11-24)
I’m signing because I believe there is a great injustice happening in NZ where the experimental vaccine has injured many, quite a lot seriously and too many deaths to continue in good conscience.Debbie Maher (Tauranga , 2021-11-24)
I agreePetra Zlámalová (Praha 8, 2021-11-24)
This is a medical experiment being carried oit on the global population under fraudulent and dishonest pretences.I consider the deaths and injuries suffered by recipients of the vaccines to be murder and assault
Phil Thompson (Napier, 2021-11-24)
Souhlasím a přeji si o co nejrychlejší ukončení diskriminačních a neustále dokola se opakujících opatření, která ignorují lidská práva a zákony, zneužívání moci a nátlak na občany k vakcinaci. Mnoho lidí se již nechalo dobrovolně-nedobrovolně očkovat vakcínou, která ani nemá ukončené klinické testování, nikdo neví, co vůbec obsahuje, natož co způsobuje. Děkuji.I agree and want to end as soon as possible discriminatory and recurring measures that ignore human rights and laws, abuse of power and pressure on citizens to be vaccinated. Many people have already been vaccinated voluntarily and involuntarily with a vaccine that has not even completed a clinical trial, and no one knows what it contains, let alone what it causes. Thank you.
Katerina Pochyla (Brno 16, 2021-11-24)
Není třeba komentářDalibor Michálek (Křižanovice, 2021-11-24)
I believe the whole pandemic and MSM government misinformation has been lead by financial greed and control not health of the human race.Robert Aspey (Rotherham , 2021-11-24)