Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I’m signing this because my liberties as a citizen have been violated, removed against my own judgment of what I feel wholeheartedly will harm my health. My religious freedom of reasoning has been removed and deemed not acceptable to government standards. “As a catholic vaccines are not mandatory and thereby must be voluntary” (referenced straight from the Vatican). How is that reasoning not deemed sufficient enough? I live in a province where the “unvaxxed” cannot go to restaurants, movies, sporting events, public gatherings, church, funerals, weddings, I can’t leave any Canadian airport or enter the USA so no travel and I cannot have anyone over into my house. I have to get tested 3x a week for work, I can not attend any professional development seminars because I’m unvaxxed. BUT if I get the shot all of this goes away. I am being coerced into doing something I do not feel comfortable about getting injected into me but yet if I comply I’m rewarded. That IS the absolute definition of coercion. But yet I’m supposed to live in a democratic free country??

Shannon Puchniak (Winnipeg, 2021-11-21)


I agree.

Tammy Mitchell (Chilliwack, 2021-11-21)


I want to see the perpetrators pay for this crime against humanity.

Barbara Harding (Guelph, 2021-11-21)


It is Imperative we have the truth and this never happens again!

Patricia Moloney (Kildysart, 2021-11-21)


Tyranny is never the answer.

Daniel Curtis (London, 2021-11-21)


I want my rights back! Like every other individual.

Jagoda Jagódka (Auckland, 2021-11-21)



Ewelina Maniak (Melbourne, 2021-11-21)


nelíbí se mi, co se dnes děje. Diskriminace, teror, násilí, vyvlávání nenávisti mezi lidmi

Margita Poberežníková (Ostrov, 2021-11-21)


I believe it is our right to choose what goes into our bodies. That we should not be forced to take an injection that is manufactured by corporations who have no liability for the damages the injections cause, and that have a clear profit incentive.

Arline Fernandez (Fallbrook, 2021-11-22)


I support the investigation and bringing to trial of all who have made, promoted, supported and been complicit in the rollout of the vaccines. There many articles and interviews available that clearly show the covid vaccines are being promoted on faulty science, cause short and long term harm and/or death to those who receive them, the effective treatments have been banned by those who stand to profit from further booster vaccinations, and because Bill Gates (in particular) has a major conflict of interest, by (through channels) funding WHO, which promotes vaccines, many of which are got from Moderna, which is owned by Gates, who becomes richer while people's businesses are locked down, finances destroyed and their health decimated.

Melanie MacKay (Emerald, 2021-11-22)


I am signing this petition as I know this is a experimental vaccine and has harmed a lot of people also killed a lot of people, these vaccines must be stopped, and not be forced on people..this is a crime and all people involved must be dealt with..

Lilly Allen (Caboolture, 2021-11-22)


I am signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take action against those who have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

Julie Horsfall (Adelaide, 2021-11-22)


In Victoria Australia our human and democratic rights are being violated by a power hungry premier. This can not be the future for my children !!!

Heidi Laursen Habel (Boolite , 2021-11-22)


This tyranny, corruption, and pathological abuse of power and disregard for human sovereignty must be exposed, punished, and end for all now. We are all suffering and under attack.

Pete B (Alice Springs, 2021-11-22)


I am signing this petition because I agree that there should be an investigation to bring about a resolution. If Crimes Against Humanity are ignored and left to continue, and, the Perpetrators not held responsible and brought to justice, the human civilization will become the pawns of these organizations and persons. Just as what happened to the western world under the Nazi regime at the height of it's existence.

Ronald Leavitt (Spencerport, 2021-11-22)


These criminals are killing people by manipulating data to bring fear and panic to have this pandemic be cause of social unrest, suicides by young adults and people loosing their businesses and ways of living . Please have these people lock for life, some due deserve to be hanged to be an example for other generations. Thank you

Antonio Bernal-Arevalo (Tijuana , 2021-11-22)


I believe that those responsible for the covid pandemic and the toxic vaccines are part of a criminal conspiracy to kill and dominate the worlds population.

peter scott (kitchener, 2021-11-22)


lies, lies, lies.

jackie robson (victoria bc, 2021-11-22)


These are crimes against humanity.
If you don't help the people of this world you are complicit in a genocide.

Kerry Hinzman (Burlington, 2021-11-22)


In the wake of the ‘pandemic’ I’m extremely concerned that fundamental human rights laws are being violated flippantly, especially where vaccination rollout is concerned in relation to the children of the world.

Stephen Fitz-Williams (St Helier, 2021-11-22)


This crime must stop now, before more innocent people get killed

J. Boerekamp (Someren, 2021-11-22)



Lenka Wolfová (Velká Losenice, 2021-11-22)


I am love Freedom and people.

Andrea Tvrdá (Liberec, 2021-11-22)


I am for a freedom and against medical tyrany.

Ilona Klickova (Bílá Voda u Javorníka, 2021-11-22)


It is a bio-weapon

Jennifer Saunders (Treasure Island, 2021-11-22)


I cannot let them take us our freedom.

Romana Budayová (Píla, 2021-11-22)


Our freedom and our civil liberties are at stake! We cannot continue to allow the governments to dictate our health options. The world is witnessing the countless adverse affects of these mandates. Every single person needs to be held accountable for the crimes that they have committed against humanity! “United we stand, divided we fall”.

Karen Hurlburt (Greene, 2021-11-22)


. . . é imperativo julgar e condenar todos estes "projectos" de gente ! ! !

Alexandre Sarabando (Vagos, 2021-11-22)


My human right to say no.

Margaret Dhaubhadel (Reading Berkshire, 2021-11-22)


This is a crime against humanity

Amanda Joubert (Pretoria, 2021-11-22)


the suffering so many people are going through right now and the FDA, CDC and Human services are ignoring these injuries. we don't need the vaccine!

Debra Mansell (STORRS MANSFIELD, 2021-11-22)


for lives of all the people untimely passed away - old and young - they stole, for years of lives they stole from our children - our future, for years of our lives and our loved ones the stole

Jacob Peysakh (Katonah, 2021-11-22)


Too many lives have been lost and this needs to stop before children start to die from these untested injections!!!

Heather Jones (Victoria , 2021-11-22)


I want to help prosecute those resposible for the dealths and Adverse Reactions from the Covid19 shots.

Jeannette Patten (Sedgewick , 2021-11-22)


Enough of the COVID fascism!

Lumír Janošek (Ostrava, 2021-11-22)


Sick & tired of all these lies that are limiting my ordinary everyday life

Romana Ebstova (Praha 5, 2021-11-22)


This is the most important issue of our time. Meducal freedom is our right. Vaccine mandates must be removed, struck down, never again applied except in extremely deadly cases.

MATTHEW Krist (Toronti, 2021-11-22)


Enough of this shit please !!!

Romana Collins (Bratislava, 2021-11-22)


The system of justice is acting like criminals
get out of the dirt and prosecute the Pharma & Medical system/infectious Diseases under Fauci murderers and the satanist cabal elites in government .

Jacqueline HUNT (Reseda, 2021-11-22)


I’m signing this because from the start I suspected Covid-19 was a bio weapon and as time has passed, I now believe it to be so. I want all responsible for the multitude of crimes to be charged, prosecuted and sentenced to the full extent of the law.

Teresa Suber (Portland, 2021-11-22)


This should not be happening again. These people are evil and need to be held accountable.

Deborah Garcia (Daytona Beach Shores, 2021-11-22)


These crimes against humanity must be stopped!

Cornelia Dix-Kuehn (Berlin, 2021-11-22)


I wanna be freedom

Lucie Černá (Krásná Hora nad Vltavou , 2021-11-22)


Knoll Vladimír

Vladimír K N O L L (Nový Bor, 2021-11-22)



CHRISTOPHE Hoarau (Les avirons , 2021-11-22)


These people need to be held accountable for the devestation they’ve placed on the people of the world!

Jane King (Sydney , 2021-11-22)


This is an attempt at mass genocide.

David Zajdel (Greensburg, 2021-11-22)


Protože věřím ve svobodu.

Magdalena Hanková (Tachov, 2021-11-22)


I think that this whole COVID21 is a scam to reduce the population of the world.

Kenneth Phillips (Austin Texas, 2021-11-22)


Nelíbí se mi, jak se s námi zachází.

Jana Fenyková (Potštejn, 2021-11-22)


To bring justice to the innocent people who have suffered because of the vaccines.

Monica Edwards (Murray Bridge, 2021-11-22)


I believe the information dr Fleming has presented is accurate and this case needs to be heard in court and the responsible parties need to be held accountable for the crimes committed.

Roxanne Charbonnet (Arlington, 2021-11-22)


Jelikož mi není lhostejný, aby kdokoliv páchal cokoliv proti lidskosti

Jarda Brynda (Neratovice, 2021-11-22)

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