Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Wanna stop force to vaxx.
It is genocide.

Chieko Babdo (Haarlem, 2021-11-19)


I want the individuals responsible for crimes against humanity to be tried.

Karen Luce (Anchorage, 2021-11-19)


This vaccine is going to kill millions, it needs to be stopped now!

Tamara Blessing (Magnolia, 2021-11-19)


The True have to come thrue to stop this c19 hoax.

Bella Borg (København, 2021-11-19)


I'm signing this as in favour of online exam.
As the pandemic is not completely over yet. And still some are in panic .In addition with that how can they decide exam should be online whereas they're having online meeting for this exam. That's too unfair ,Further more we attended class though online mood only.

Alibo Chishi (Dimapur, 2021-11-19)


Justice to the world.

Merit Enckell (Stockhilm, 2021-11-19)


Podepisuji, protože jsem krajně nespokojená s tím, co se tu děje.

Vanda Petrovičová (Pardubice, 2021-11-19)


I need to defend my health, health of our loved ones, friends and our liberty too. Thanks for this activities.

Jaroslav Makyca (Vsetín, 2021-11-19)


This is frightening what is going on now. We all want our freedoms back and not be forced to take a poisonous jab just to survive, go to work, travel and lead a normal life.

carol delmar (ipswich, 2021-11-19)


I'm signing because perpetrators of crimes that are recognised by law must be brought to trial.

Josephine Deany (Melbourne, 2021-11-19)


It's all about the Great reset and the social credit system and I will not play apart in this

Graham Hunt (Hartlepool, 2021-11-19)


Ich die Lügen, die Inkompetenz und die Korruption der Österreichischen Bundesregierung zum Kotzen finde und ich mich genötigt sehe, auf Grund der politischen Entwicklung, mein Heimatland zu verlassen.

Josef Schöffmann (Königstetten, 2021-11-19)


I am singing because I am very concerned about the state of things and believe we have to make a stand before we loose our freedoms

Frank Melia (FORRESTDALE, 2021-11-19)


from heart

Jana Čermáková (Tužice, 2021-11-19)


Authoritarian rule to enforce mandatory vaccinations and coerce the majority to comply without disclosing patent details is a crime against humanity. It clearly indicates a virus that appears to be a genetically hybrid of various zoonoses and evidence supports there is a risk of the vaccinated are at higher risk of long term illness or fatal consequences. Authoritarian rule and isolation of the non vaccinated, with threats of penalties and isolation poises a risk of further damage to mental health as also adding to the alarming rates of suicide. The World Health Organisation contravenes their own policies and guidance offered on a global platform, and causes further conflict and confusion in their own ignorance.

Debbie Murphy (Atherstome , 2021-11-19)


I am distressed that an individual or a relatively small number of individuals can embark on a campaign that essentially amount to mass murder. I do not think this is right and that the responsible person(s) should be tried appropriately in a court of law.

Mark Hopper (Kincardine, 2021-11-19)


I believe this COVID 19 is a lot of bull. It’s just another flu

Patricia Rollins (Gaylord , 2021-11-19)


These people are criminals. They need to stop..period

Rachel Fairfield (Kenora, 2021-11-20)


I do not feel it’s appropriate to mandate people to get the vaccine like the City or Phoenix is mandating. Everyone has different reasons to get or not to get the vaccine.

Justin Sunbury (Peoria, 2021-11-20)


We have to stop this insane takeover by Pharma.

Inger Grape (Folsom, 2021-11-20)


we have the right to be free!

Lenora Sauchella Queiroz Haranaka (Campinas, 2021-11-20)



Iveta Bieliková (Púchov, 2021-11-20)


i'm signing it b/c it's crime against humanity at the highest level to force an experimental vaccine on anyone.

Cleo Sunderlin (Pasadena, 2021-11-20)


Want freedom back

Timothy Doolin (Olathe, 2021-11-20)


Nuremberg code Article 6 Section 3 . No Government can mandate or force medical treatment without individual consent

Heather Thomson (Grimsby, 2021-11-20)


We all need to have the lies revealed and justice served. We had no choice initially - it was imposed upon us. Very few bothered to do research or halt the vaccines after adverse effects instead they promoted them further. We all have a choice. Do the research before you approve something.

Lynn Mostert (Johannesburg, 2021-11-20)


I believe forcing me to be vacillated against covert 19 to be able to work is in violation of my human rights

Mark du Plessis (Perth , 2021-11-20)


We need to stop and punish the sociopaths that are killing us.

Randal Rink (Thornville, 2021-11-20)


I agree with Dr. Fleming assessment that these individuals are committing crimes against humanity

Michael Canning (Bulverde , 2021-11-20)


I completely agree

Kara Wardlaw (Potsdam, 2021-11-20)


I am signing this petition because of the side effects of these Covid vaccines.

Michael Olearnick (Spartanburg , 2021-11-20)


This is a crime against humanity.

Dalah Mason (Caledon, 2021-11-20)


My Human Rights are being threatened.

Linda Carrington (London, 2021-11-20)


I AM helping expose the crimes agaisnt humanitiy

Hughes Elizabeth (Armagh, 2021-11-20)


I believe there are evil people who are intentionally trying to destroy God's creation.

David Cavanaugh (Canton, 2021-11-20)


I want those responsible for CRIMES AGAINST be prosecuted..everyone of them..

Valerie Hood (Dublin, 2021-11-20)


Liberté, Fraternité, Egalité!

Radim Lainka (Náměšť nad Oslavou, 2021-11-20)


Make it up to the parents

Shuntanese Knox (Memphis , 2021-11-20)


I am against all that the cabal is inflicting on our lives and our children’s future.

Matt Thomas (Adelaide , 2021-11-20)


Hold those responsible for violating basic rights of Humanity accountable...

Randy Slye (Oceanside, 2021-11-21)


This criminal activity MUST be stopped as of NOW!! Hands off our children... Humanity will not comply!

Bruce MacRobie (Orillia,, 2021-11-21)


Someone needs to be held accountable for what is happening in our world, our home.

Christopher Compton (Worthing, 2021-11-21)


I’m signing because based on the evidence available to me after months of research I believe the activities to force the Covid injections without the completion of phase 3 trials, knowing it is killing people, having waning effectiveness, a ability of highly effective profilatics and theropudics, fake articles in medical publications, invalid PCT testing,write ups and knowledge of the plan and many other horrific coordinated activities such as exposure to the elderly, use of face masks on children, ignoring natural immunity, etc. make this a coordinated crime against humanity and all parties involved must be brought to justice.

William Ball (Chapel Hill, 2021-11-21)


I believe these vaccines are harmful to our body. And a bioweapon to the human race. Culling.

Lili Rice (Melbourne , 2021-11-21)


Friends of mine have had adverse effects having had the vaccination.The vaccine has not been approved by the appropriate bodies and l feel it’s dangerous

Freeman Coughlan ( Brisbane , 2021-11-21)


I believe criminal acts are being committed against humanity

Elaine Bannister (Poulton Le Fylde, 2021-11-21)


podpisujem, pretože tento svet sa rúti do záhuby...

Ľuboš Červeňák (Budkovce, 2021-11-21)


Czech people are discriminated, restricted own law,

Petr Čermák (Rakovnik, 2021-11-21)


My body belongs to me. I cannot be forced to comply with this unconscionable contract that governments have made with vaccine companies.

Brenda Cable (Uvalde, 2021-11-21)


I'm firefighter and i have lost my Word bécasse i'm not vaccined...
And i know peuples Who have serious problem after the vaccine

Sylvain Nieloux (Saint pierre d'albigny , 2021-11-21)


This is a gross over reach. I truly believe this is a crime. I also believe each and every person involved should be charged with crimes against humanity, death sentence I feel is very appropriate.

Deana Gamblin (Canton, 2021-11-21)


Their actions are reprehensible.

KATHERINE CLEMONS (Reno, 2021-11-21)


It is the right thing to do

Michael Wilson (Dewhurst, 2021-11-21)



martin škanta (blatná, 2021-11-21)


Body integrity must be preserved

Sona Elhajjar (London, 2021-11-21)


no person should be forceably made to accept a medical treatment. See Nuremburg protocol.

Roy Taylor (Duoon, 2021-11-21)


I am so tired of all these rich people getting away with murder, literally and I think it is about time where they are held accountable

Nadine MacRobie (Orillia, 2021-11-21)


It sickens me that money can commit murder in plain sight and get away with it.

Deborah Machon (South Yorkshire , 2021-11-21)

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