Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Stop crime again humanity!

Veronique Dewilde (Airdrie, 2021-11-08)


This is mass murder on a global scale, nothing like it in the history of humanity, and these demons seem to be getting away with it.

Marilyn Berwick (Tucson, 2021-11-08)


Australian Government has violated my rights and freedoms: freedom to travel to and from my country, freedom to choose medical procedures related to gene therapy that is now called 'jab' or covid vaccine.

Elena Dovgal (REDBANK PLAINS, 2021-11-08)


It is vile tyranny to use the government and for profit pharmaceutical companies.
Hundreds of Millions of people are allergic to vaccine adjuvants and we sustain lifetime injuries or death if vaccinated.
If people can die from eating peanuts if allergic, why can't those in government understand this?
No president in the history of the USA became a tyrant like we are witnessing now in 2021.
My health status and rare diseases are no one's business but my own.
A simple NO, should be enough to decline these toxins being infected into me or our children.
It is a sin to mix dead aborted babies cells and animals cells and mix them with our own blood.
It is against God.

Brandi Leader (Houston, 2021-11-08)


I'm worried about the future of my child.

Karen Theunissen-Klaassen (Venlo, 2021-11-08)


What is happened globally is crimes against humanity

Louise Plant (Blue Knob, 2021-11-08)


Its the right thing to do. When our PM Scott Morrison declared early in this "Pandemic" Australians would be ok as we had plenty of Hydroxychloroquin, then reversed his decision, I knew then, our Government was lying to us. I further discovered there are many therapies to treat and cure this illness called Covid-19. My state of Queensland went even further to threated Drs with 6mths jail if they prescribe HCQ for prophlyaxis or treatment of Covid-19...this is criminal behaviour. Regards Christine Tannock

Chris Tannock (Ravensbourne, 2021-11-08)


Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
I am a part of humanity.

Sara Bancroft (Melbourne , 2021-11-08)


We have rights, choice and freedom

Jacinta Howard (Ocean shores , 2021-11-08)


I believe it your right to choose. My right to freedom. My right not to be injected with a substance that is harming people.
I hope this saves children and makes the people pay for their crimes.

Shane Bartraw (Brampton , 2021-11-08)


I want the people responsible for this death vaccine held accountable for their actions!

Chad Young (Citrus Heights, Can., 2021-11-08)


I believe what they are doing enforcing vaccines, and masks on people is not right some states here in USA are forcing it while others are lax. The President Biden is trying to go over congress, over our Constitutional rights and civil right to push vaccines on the whole population. This vaccine is more dangerous than any other vaccine out there. It needs to be stopped before it can do more damage than it has. There was a press conference with Kamala Harris recently where she admits “the vaccine works and here is why, majority of those in the hospitals who have Covid 19 have been fully vaccinated. And that the majority of those who have died from Covid 19 was fully vaccinated. That’s why we should get vaccinated.” That should not be a reason to get vaccinated. That should be a reason to avoid it.

Elitia Mcgill (Mesa, 2021-11-09)


This World HOAX needs to come to an End and the people involved in it need to be held accountable. Thousands of deaths from the vax are turning into millions

Lynette Hathway (Brisbane , 2021-11-09)


What is happening presently is crimes against humanity. People should have a choice as to what chemicals go in their body and to protect the children.

Don Rosenthal (Perth, 2021-11-09)


I'm against forced medical procedures and believe in free will and free choice

Taryn Niven (Perth, 2021-11-09)


Coercion is not consent, and the killer is the vaccine, NOT the virus. These are the FACTS.

Nigel Hughes (EPPALOCK, 2021-11-09)


Chci pomoci zabránit vraždění lidí biologickou zbraní zvanou vakcína.

Aleš Geppert (Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, 2021-11-09)


World leaders are clearly committing crimes against humanity. Leaders of the U.S have violated their oath to uphold and protect the constitution. U.S leaders are committing crimes against the people that they work for. They must be rounded up and tried for treason.

David Crinklaw (Grand Junction Colorado, 2021-11-09)


I have a son who had adverse reactions to the vaccine. I am a scientist who has informed my university of science data that they choose to ignore.

Geoffrey Blanche (Cymmer, 2021-11-09)


I understand the immune system thru studies, our nutrient deficiencies D, C, zinc, Q, etc. “Vaccines” made way to accessible without responsibility, sorry, sure they could make a bad bug, but the only thing injuring people I see is the “JAB” EXPERIMENTAL, also, why would the vaccinated be so worried that anyone else got vaccinated, aren’t they “protected” 🤔. I never buy the first one, wait, while I do my due diligence, find people in the know, wait for the data, unfortunately too many people and professionals availed themselves as test subjects without informed consent, a blank insert in vial box, so folks “just believed” wow, how sad, when they all figure out what just happened. This is why I am singing the petition .

John Kroesser (Houma , 2021-11-09)


Because I believe in freedom of choice!!

Lavonne Fortie (Kamloops , 2021-11-09)


I have had 3 friends die 2 days after getting the shot that were in perfect health.

Shannon Shanks (Arlington, 2021-11-09)


I’m signing this petition in the hope that the truth of the origins of Covid Sars 2 can finally be uncovered; that the dangers of the supposed vaccines will be revealed; and that the international actors perpetuating the crimes against citizens in each country will be held to account.

Nannette Oswalt (Lubbock, 2021-11-09)


To save our children!

Jo Joyce (Sunbury, 2021-11-09)


Crimes against humanity

Kelly Watson (Adelaide, 2021-11-09)


There is power in the people, we all stand as one to stop these heinous "vaccines", as a nurse, I am shocked, horrified & disgusted that those who uphold the oath to do no harm, are doing just that.

Margaret Cole (Lindisfarne, 2021-11-09)


Treba zachovať práva obyčajných ľudí

Igor Berec (Trenčín , 2021-11-09)


Because of the violation of our civil rights.

Laniumah Laishkochav (Brisbane , 2021-11-09)


I believe anyone who is aware of the Crimes Against Humanity being enacted worldwide, particularly during 2020-2021 under the guise of a 'pandemic', has a moral obligation on behalf of fellow human beings to stand for truth and justice. We've seen the horrific results of this kind of dangerous dictatorial behaviour before, we can't let it happen again.

Rachael Somerville (Cooran, 2021-11-09)


Celá pandemie je založena na podvodných testech, statistikách, neprovádí se léčení ale vyvíjí se psychologický nátlak na ůidi aby se naočkovali , vyhrožujese, zastrašuje, manipuluje, omezují se základní lidská práva a svobody, která tlačí lidi do nesvobodného rozhodnutí. Používají se vakcíny neotestované, u kterých je doložen vysoký výskyt závažných následku a úmrtí, nikdo za tento expediment nenese zodpovědnost. Vláda nám vraždí blízké před očima.

Alena Hořejšová (Jeseník, 2021-11-09)


Because it's poison.

Aina Mathisen (Vestland, 2021-11-09)


I'm signing because I am appalled and horrified at the companies and those in authority and in governments who have deliberately killed, maimed and hurt their citizens. They have supported propaganda and lies to the danger of the people they should be serving and protecting.

Meredith Gemeren (Kellyville, 2021-11-09)


I disagree with vaccination and regularly release of virus.

Milos Brncal (Schorndorf, 2021-11-09)


We the people will win

Donna Letchford (Stives, 2021-11-09)


The satanic globalists (our true enemy) on the level of the Rothschilds, are guilty of multiple acts of crimes against humanity since the late 1700’s, right up to the current day with the non-existent pandemic and the agenda to mass cull the global population with toxic injections posing as “vaccines”, where in reality they are a bio-weapon.

Shane Tadd (North Walsham, 2021-11-09)


This is an experimental gene therapy that is destroying lives. These tyrants forcing this bio weapon need to be held accountable for crimes against humanity.

Michael Valente (Hamden, 2021-11-09)


I believe that individuals have had their human rights violated by being coerced and/or mandated to accept the the Covid vaccination without information. In fact they have been lied to with massive advertising campaigns telling them it is completely safe.

Dorothy Sheedy (Howrah, 2021-11-09)


I oppose the medical tyranny, coercion and extreme measures imposed on me, my family, all natural persons/citizens of Australia in the name of safety and health. Because I did not consent to the experimental injections called vaccines, I have lost my job as an aged care worker, 99% of my clients were Holocaust survivors, many of whom were coerced to accept the COVID injections. I sign this petition because my human right to make informed choices about medical procedures to my body is under threat, with basic freedoms denied. I have a complex medical history of anaphylaxis, cancer + 15 months intense chemotherapy which is disregarded as valid reasons to be cautious. I have witnessed adverse reactions from the COVID experimental injections. Conclusively, I support this petition because I refuse and DO NOT consent to being part of human trials. Parents rights to protect their children from the mass psychosis to be used for medical experiments coercing to accept COVID injection or be banned from an education demands immediate legal intervention.

Helen Metlenko (Centennial Park, NSW, 2021-11-09)


I'm signing as a citizen of the United States where we have a constitution that is being trampled on by those in government, who want to take away my freedoms and force me against my will to get a medical procedure that is not known of it's long term consequences, just so I can keep my job that provides me with being able to pay my housing and living needs. I sign for those in other countries who are fighting for their own freedom of medical choice. I sign in solidarity against tyranny. It is crimes against humanity when we have thousands of persons being permanently injured by this "vaccine" and we are silenced, coerced and threatened to take it or else. Have we not learned from history? No to tyranny and any gestapo type behavior.

Charity Carlton (Topeka, 2021-11-09)


I care.

Candida Eittreim (Sacramento, 2021-11-09)


Genetic engineering experiments on the population under the guise of a vaccine is against basic human rights.

Ilmarie Rencken Lloyd (Yelverton, 2021-11-09)


I sign this petition for all those who have died or permanently injured because of the Covid shots which they were assured were harmless. Justice must come to all who perpetrated this crime on the whole world.

Teresa DeSchryver (Sterling Heights, 2021-11-09)


Pravda zvíťazí!

Margaréta Žákovská (Trenčín, 2021-11-09)


Smrť fašizmu!

Petr Žákovský (Trenčín, 2021-11-09)


I believe this whole thing about covid, mRNA injections, and treatments is wrong and it is criminal to withhold early treatments just so people would die as a form of blackmail or take the mRNA injection

Ron Misko (Calgary, 2021-11-09)


It's the right thing to do! This is a battle against greed and corruption!

MELISSA RHOADS (Lititz, 2021-11-09)


Our governments have over stepped their authority.

Charlene Haste (Higden, 2021-11-09)


Bodily sovereignity is everything.

Sally Ulph (Bristol, 2021-11-09)


I'm am signing because this needs to stop!!

Lisa Thibault (Calgary, 2021-11-09)


We MUST stand for SOMETHING, and I am standing for weeding out the evil that has infiltrated our governments and our entire health-care system.

Francis White (Olive Branch, MS, 2021-11-09)


I believe that this pandemic was created by gain-of-function research and believe that the people responsible should be accountable for profiting from a vaccine that has been mandated and is killing people world-wide.

Fhelipe Davoodifar (sydney, 2021-11-09)


Podepisuji protože vláda ovládá lidi strachem. Lživé zprávy apod.
Máme toho už nad hlavu.

Ondra Matula (Hošťálková, 2021-11-09)


Pospisujem, pretože chcem normálne žiť ako plnohodnotný človek, bez protizákonné mi obmedzovaniu, tlaku a dehonestovania kvôli už len opačnému názoru.

Lucia Ovčariková (Matiašovce 05904, 2021-11-09)


I am outraged at what the pharmaceutical industry has perpetrated on the world with these dangerous fake "vaccines"!

Jeanne Brantingham (Fayetteville, 2021-11-09)

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