Sepsi OSK fans are not racists!



We are not racist

Berecz Zoltán Attila (Tapiobicske, 2022-08-11)


Because this is no fair from UEFA!

József Gergely (Sepsiszentgyörgy, 2022-08-11)



Păcurariu Julia (Haifa, 2022-08-11)



László Lőrincz (Roosendaal, 2022-08-11)


Cause I know that hungarian etnics supporters from Sepsi are not racist. In Romania they are subject of racism from other football team's supporters, means that they know what means to be hated.

Attila Hadnagy (Constanta, 2022-08-11)


We are not racist.

Lehel Laszlo Dumitru (Sfantu Gheorghe, 2022-08-11)


I m not racist

Bokor Norbert (Odorheiu Secuiesc, 2022-08-11)


Nem vagyunk rasszisták!!!

Zsuzsika Doczi-Pop (Sat.Sântionlunca (Com.Ozun), 2022-08-11)


Mert focista voltam

Veress Gyula (Sepsiszentgyörgy, 2022-08-11)


Igazságtalan döntés. Nem történt semmi olyan cselekedet, ami a rasszizmust jelentené! Félreértették és magyarázták!Szégyeljék magukat a büntetők!

Szabó Ferenc (Gidófalva, 2022-08-11)


I know this supporters is not racist!!! This is one good thinks from love the Team

Janos Tanko (Gravesend, 2022-08-11)


Fans are not racist

Karoly Daragics (Sfantu Gheorghe, 2022-08-12)



Zoltan Kovacs (Sepsiszentgyörgy, 2022-08-12)



Fehér András (Turda, 2022-08-12)



Rozália Mottel (Maroshéviz, 2022-08-12)


I'm signing because I'm not racist!

Tibor László Jakab (Sf-Gheorghe, 2022-08-12)



Orbán Tamás (Kézdivásárhely, 2022-08-12)


Because i not racist

Irénke Tóth (Kis borosnyo, 2022-08-12)


This is the true.

István Szabó (Sepsiszentgyörgy, 2022-08-12)



MAGYARI ZSOLT (Vàrmező, 2022-08-12)


Simon Lajos

Lajos Simon (Sepsiszentgyörgy, 2022-08-12)


I'm signing this because i consider UEFA actions unfair.

Kalcza Robet (Covasna, 2022-08-12)


Csutak Ibolya

Csutak Ibolya (Budapest, 2022-08-12)


I do not feel the current stigma that we are racists is appropriate.

Maria Kis (Sepsiszentgyörgy, 2022-08-12)


The suporters of this club are not racist.

Hajdu Tamas (Targu Secuiesc, 2022-08-12)


We are not racist! - No to racism!

Barna Szakál (Sfantu Gheorghe, 2022-08-12)


Nem vagyok rasszista!

Terez Lakatos (Sfantu Gheorghe, 2022-08-12)


semnez deoarece din cauza acestei echipe am început sa admir fotbalul. am început sa admir oamenii care susțin cu toată inima aceasta echipa minunata. Sepsi a devenit echipa mea de suflet și nimeni nu poate schimba asta. Hajra SEPSI OSK❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Adïna Ştefanïa (Brasov, 2022-08-12)


I'm NOT RACISTs, just an OSK fan!!!

Feher József (Satu Mare, 2022-08-12)


I’am Not racists.

Kelemen Tibor (Sf Gheorghe, 2022-08-13)


I'am signing because Sepsi OSK fans are not racists!!!!!!

Gabriella Marton (Zagon, 2022-08-13)


I'am signing because Sepsi OSK fans are not racists!!!

Márton János (Zagon, 2022-08-13)

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