


For the reason of covid 19

Rita Chowdhury (Jalpaiguri, 2020-05-20)


Its not possible for us hons students who had been preparing for descriptive questions to all of a sudden score for mcq question..

Srija Bhowmik (Jalpaiguri, 2020-05-20)


For covid19 problems

Rahul Roy (Jalpaiguri, 2020-05-20)


I dont want exam in eovid19 pandemic situation.

S. Paul (Siliguri, 2020-05-20)



Disha Roy (Jalpaiguri, 2020-05-20)


I don't want to give the final year exam due to the worst situation of covid-19

Ankita Das (Jalpaiguri, 2020-05-20)


For covid 19

Uma Bhat (Jalpaiguri, 2020-05-20)


For covid19

Minakshi Shingha (Alipurduar, 2020-05-20)


Due to covid19

Debashis Dutta (Maldha, 2020-05-20)


For covid 19

Kalpak Sen (Jalpaiguri, 2020-05-20)


For covid 19

Kalpak Roy (Jalpaiguri, 2020-05-20)


For covid 19

Kalpak Sen (Jalpaiguri, 2020-05-20)


Joy Majumdar

Joy Majumdar (Jalpaiguri, 2020-05-20)


It's inhuman to take the examinations in this pandemic

Rajashi Karmakar (Jalpaiguri, 2020-05-20)


I am against this MCQ system patern

Neha Saha (Siliguri, 2020-05-20)


I live far away from my college..... So it's not possible for mee to attend Exam at this Moment......

Antanil Dey (Coochbehar, 2020-05-20)


I don't want to be on examination hall

sitanshu biswas (siliguri, 2020-05-20)


My village (Kamakhyaguri) is 180 km away from my college (Siliguri College). At the moment it will not be convenient to go Siliguri by public transport.

Abhijit Paul (Kamakhyaguri, 2020-05-20)


Current pandemic of covid-19 is more dangerous 4 us(Students)...,that's increasing day after day in more major worst situation ......and we wouldn't want to take any risk in our life..... 'cause, our life is more valuable than our exam in this situation.
I just want to say that our exam ( final year) should be heal but not in this critical situation.... We r more concern about our life more than exam (for the current situation) .....

Partha Kumar (Siliguri, 2020-05-20)


We are afraid of the current pendemic situation of covid-19.Itis difficult to attend our final year examination of North bengal university as the covid-19 cases increasing day by day .so we decided not to attend the examination by taking any risk of our life .suddenly our university changed their exam pattern from subjective to multiplicative. It seems impossible for us to take exam in a new pattern within a short time. So we students of (1+1+1)systems of North bengal university are requesting authority to either promote us with a average marks considering our previous years exam.

Jaya Sen (Dhupguri, 2020-05-20)


Please don't take xm of Arkamitra Deb

Somenath das (alipurduar, 2020-05-20)


We don't want to take risk with our life.

Biswajit Sen (SILIGURI, 2020-05-20)


I'm mentally don't prepared for exam. Postponed the exam or give us 50% marks to passed the exam.

Tumpa Dey (Jalpaiguri, 2020-05-20)


Against exam
Parimal paul

Parimal Paul (Siliguri, 2020-05-20)


নমস্কার 🙏
দেখুন আমরা আপনাদের সমস্যা সম্পর্কে অবগত। আপনাদের উপরেও বিভিন্ন রকম এর চাপ থাকে। বিভিন্ন দিক বিভিন্ন বিষয় চিন্তা ভাবনা করেই আপনারা কোনো সিদ্ধান্তে উপনীত হন ।। কিন্তু বর্তমানে এটি একটি জটিল পরিস্থিতি । একদিকে সারা বিশ্ব মহামারীর ভয়ে আতঙ্কিত।। এর প্রভাব সম্প্রতি শিলিগুড়ি শহর এও পড়েছে , শিলিগুড়ির বেশ কয় একটি ওয়ার্ড ও সিস করে দেওয়া হয়েছে।। যেহেতু আমরা RED zone এ আছি , শুধু এমরাইনয় জলপাইগুড়ি ,কলিংপং জেলা ও RED ZONE এ হয়েছে। আর দেশের সাস্থ ব্যাবস্থা ও খুব উন্নত নয় । তথাপি সমস্ত বিষয় নিরিখে UNIVERSITY র পরীক্ষা নেওয়ার সিদ্ধান্তের আমরা বিরোধিতা করছি । কারণ এর পরিণতি ভীষণ ভয়াবহ হতে পারে ।।

আর একটি বিষয় সম্প্রতি সংবাদ মাধ্যমে জানলাম 100 নম্বর এর বদলে 50 নম্বর এর এক্সাম নেওয়া হবে বা চিন্তা ভাবনা করা হচ্ছে । প্রথমত আমরা প্রস্তুতি পুরোনো পদ্ধতিতেই নিয়েছি , এত কম সময় এ নতুন করে MCO বা SA পড়াটা সম্ভব নয় ।। দ্বিতীয়ত পরীক্ষা 3ঘন্টার হোক বা 1.5 ঘন্টার কোথাও না কোথাও সংক্রমণ ছড়ানোর আশঙ্কা থেকেই যায় ।। আমরাও পরীক্ষা দিতে ইচ্ছুক কিন্তু একটি সুস্থ পরিবেশ এ । আশাকরি বিষয়টিকে যথাযত গুরুত্ব সহকারে বিবেচনা করেই উপযুক্ত সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণ করবেন ।।

Gobinda Chakraborty (Siliguri, 2020-05-20)



Priyanka Chakraborty (Siliguri, 2020-05-20)


I want to promoted the final year exam of North Bengal University due to this panic situation

RAKESH DAS (Jalpaiguri, 2020-05-20)


I am afraid of the current pendemic situation of covid-19.It is difficult to attend our final year examination of North bengal university as the covid-19 cases increase day by we decided not to attend the examination by taking any risk of our life.

Biswajit Barman (MATHABHANGA, 2020-05-20)


Porikkha tah pichono dorkar amader porar time chaii..

Dipayan Saha (Siliguri, 2020-05-20)


I am afraid of the current pendemic situation of covid-19.It is difficult to attend my final year examination of North bengal university as the covid-19 cases increase day by day.

Sudipta Majumdar (Siliguri, 2020-05-20)


Fear about covid- 19

Nilutpal Chakraborty (Siliguri, 2020-05-20)


We are afraid of the current pendemic situation of covid-19.It is difficult to attend our final year examination of North bengal university as the covid-19 cases increase day by day. so we dont want to attend the examination by taking any risk of our life. Suddenly Our university changed their exam pattern from subjective to multiplicative. It seems impossible for us to take exam in a new pattern within a short time. So we students of (1+1+1) system of North bengal university are requesting the authority to either promote us with a average marks considering our previous years marks else take the examination when the situation is under control.

Priyabananda adhikary (Jalpaiguri, 2020-05-20)


I dont want to give exam in this fatal situation

Sannidhya Malakar (Siliguri, 2020-05-20)


Because I'm worried about my graduation.

Nitu Gajmer (Siliguri, 2020-05-21)


I'm from siliguri .... I dont want to bother any how .... Suddenly change of pattern we won't tolerate..And we don't have time either 😔.... Our education system have to change their schedule..... As far as i know this virus spreading as fast as you can't expect..

Snehasish Paul (Siliguri, 2020-05-21)


I'm signing because lot's of students are not ready for the examination...
I'm also not ready...
College tuition everything are closed from last 2 months so our syllabus is not completed...

Debasish Saha (Cochbehar, 2020-05-21)


Hello everyone, hope you all are safe and doing well. I'm a student of North bengal University. On this situation everyone are under the threat of pandemic. In this critical situation everyone is struggling to live the life. As we are also having examination on upcoming months. But I don't know that if it's possible for every student to give the examination. As we have to maintain social distancing on upcoming times so there is going to be a huge problem about transportation. Some students are living 100 -300 kilometres from exam center. On this situation that is going to be a huge problem. As situation is also going in the way of a economic breakdown and it has already started. So a percentage of students are struggling for their lives. So how can they concentrate on their studies?? It's essential for them to collect something for their family. For them it would be a big burden at this time. Thirdly as everyone is under lockdown and home quarantine a good percentage of students are under mental depression and anxiety. On this situation the pressure of examination going to give more anxiety and may trigger someone. So it would be great to conduct examination on upcoming times when the situation is normal and everyone started living there healthy life as previous time. You can publish results on the basis of previous assesments. Thank you for this opportunity. Stay safe.

Rajat Roy (Siliguri, 2020-05-21)


Life is more precious than exam...govt and university shoulb be practical enough ...they dont have any right to put our life into risk ,merely for an exam. ..And according to our constitution Article 21, Right to protect our life is our fundamental right and sate cant cut it off in any situation even during National emergency.......
So besides human rights , its a pricess which is violating our fundamental right also...
Strongly against exam in mids of this pendamic....

Barsha Ghosh (Bagdogra, 2020-05-21)


Respected State Government,
We are the students of North Bengal University requesting you to to cancel our 3rd year Final examination which is going to be declared soon through our Respected University
And Promote us with the satisfied average marks or postpone the exam till the normal situation (which is not possible without proper medicine or social distancing)
Because in this current Situation we are not mentally prepared to give Exams.
1st,The Covid'19 is spreading like a storm,and some of our North Bengal Cities are infected with that,
2nd,In the exam hall,it iss impossible to maintain a social distance between students,they can gather at campus,road or outside.
The medicines are not preapred yet to control the virus,so it is a suicidal attempt by giving the exams.
The students are from various places,situations.
3rd,We're totally unknown from the infected people and the non-infected people and how can we be so sure to give the exams ?
4th,We all know that in every emergency situation there are many protocols to promote the exams.
5th,The lives of students are more valuable than the exams,so the university should consider our exams and promote us with satisfied marks.[it can be average or the our Respected Professors can give]

Jahidul Hoque (Jalpaiguri, 2020-05-21)


We are afraid of the current pendemic situation of covid-19.It is difficult to attend our final year examination of North bengal university as the covid-19 cases increase day by we decided not to attend the examination by taking any risk of our life.Suddenly Our university changed their exam pattern from subjective to multiplicative.It seems impossible for us to take exam in a new pattern within a short time.So we students of (1+1+1) system of North bengal university are requesting the authority to either promote us with a average marks considering our previous years marks.

Sudeep Das (Dhupguri, 2020-05-21)


Anirban Sarkar

Anirban Sarkar (Alipurduar, 2020-05-21)


Covid-19 effects

Suraj kumar Thakur (Siliguri, 2020-05-21)


To support the pretition for not taking exam for final year students and make them pass considering the previous year marks .

Jaiprakash Sharma (Siliguri, 2020-05-21)


Life er jhuki niye ei situation a exam dibona...

Pinki Singha (Islampur, 2020-05-21)


Exam dibona ei situation a ...

Champa Mandal (Islampur Siliguri, 2020-05-21)


Exam dibona ei situation a ...

Monika Singha (Siliguri, 2020-05-21)


Corona jkhane mohamari te porinoto hyeche sekhane ei situation a exam dite parbona

Sujit Singha (Siliguri, 2020-05-21)


Its very problematic. New system with this chaos and so short time, we cant do that.

Anubrata Das (Siliguri, 2020-05-21)


exam cancel

Binay mishra (COOCH BEHAR, 2020-05-21)