Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Those individuals does too much psychical ill in society

David Vydra (Aš, 2021-11-06)


The COVID-19 pandemic was planned, and also the forced vaccinations without scientific basis appear to have been planned. This has negatively affected countless people including causing death, stress, and health issues, and job loss!

Wayne Carpenter (Omak, 2021-11-06)


Hundreds of thousands have died or been injured by either vaccines or the inflammatory disease caused by the modified virus. Those who were involved in creation of either of these should be held accountable.

Jessie Schraufnagel (NEENAH, 2021-11-06)


Fauci and everyone letting people Die need to be in Hail for Murder

Pamela Hall (Homer, 2021-11-06)


My human rights have been slaughtered and I have been traumatised greatly.

Emma Wright (Mount eliza , 2021-11-06)


Police terrorizing civilian population and politics took completely all freedom from the people

Martin Klein (Gloucester, 2021-11-06)



Stanislav GUNAR (Dublin , 2021-11-06)


I'm signing this petition because I do not agree with vaccination and all stuff around I had to be vaccinated because I didn't wanna loos my job.

Sona Prihodova (Frimley, 2021-11-06)


I'm signing this because we the people are under attack, not even openly but under the guise of "this is for your own good". Never in the history has there been such a sinister, arrogant war raged and we the people need to hold all involved to account

ingrid linde (Johannesburg, 2021-11-06)


This is the biggest crime in human history !!

Monique De groot (Assen, 2021-11-06)


I have always detested criminals!

Maria Bobeva (Halesworth, 2021-11-06)


I'm signing because individual freedom to control what enters our bodies is the most important human right.
We are being coerced to take an experimental injection with top ups going forward that pose more risk to myself and other healthy people than contracting the stars covi 2 Virus.
My family and i wish to live a life relying on natural immunity rather than preventative drugs.

John Le Cornu (Perth, 2021-11-06)


The blatant force and intimidation to inject foreign substances into the human body.

Christopher Gunter (Apache Junction, 2021-11-07)


I believe the people mentioned have commited crimes against humanity on the same if not worse scale as the Nazi war criminals. They must be held accountable or we have no hope as a civilized society. Put an end to this world wide tyranny and mass destruction of innocent unsuspecting millions around the globe.

Gary Ogrizek (Doylestown, OH., 2021-11-07)


I am signing because what is happening is unbelievable, immoral, and unjust. The approval for kids as young as 5 is heartbreaking. These criminals must be held accountable.

Suzanne Shore (Phoenixville, 2021-11-07)


Я подписываю эту петицию потому, что считаю необходимым расследовать и привлечь к ответственности лиц, виновных в преступлениях против человечности, а именно - авторов и исполнителей принуждения: к масочному режиму, вакцинации, предъявления QR-кодов и прочих ограничений прав и свобод Человека.

Светлана Полонникова (Мурманск, 2021-11-07)


Forced medical procedures are human rights violations and pandemic restrictions are political and economic violations and have no scientific basis for claims of effectiveness against any medical condition, cause physical, psychological and social harm and are perpetuated by an unlawful regime via unconscionable coercive control techniques. Prior informed consent is not possible under such circumstances.

Bernard Needham (Hadspen, 2021-11-07)


I care

Eva Lacekova (Michalovce, 2021-11-07)


I am signing because I have a Responsibility to those who are Still Ignorant, those who Fought for This Great Country, my Son and His Wife, and My Beautiful Granddaughter!!!
Finally but More Important
As A Disciple of JESUS CHRIST 🙏🙏🙏
To Glorify My FATHER in Heaven 🙏🙏🙏

John A. Rus (Des Moines, 2021-11-07)


I'm signing to help save my children & humanity!

Maurice Rissman (Coffs Harbour, 2021-11-07)


I am appalled that our Government has almost bankrupted our country, with State Governments coercing the Australian people to take MRNA vaccines. Australia has also stopped the sale of other Covid treatments, and is now forcing children to take the vaccine. Many Australians are scared. We are being coerced and losing our jobs, being excluded from society for not taking the vaccine, locked down for Covid cases. We want everyone involved held accountable. There is Government bribery and we want this stopped.

Bree Logie (Coolum Beach, QLD, 2021-11-07)


Orvosként maximálisan egyetértek a beadvánnyal.

Kovács Attila (Budapest, 2021-11-07)


Because we need to get the people who manufactured the virus and spread it and are colluding with the Evil big pharmas, big tech, cdc, FDA to push their agenda by creating mass murders and harming the people thru their vaccines while at the same time imposing heavy nazi type controls n raking in money by spreading lies and arm twisting nations and waving off their liability by the Vac producers/manufacturers. The government are also complicit to push this agenda without compensation.
What bloody kinda of world are we in being run by Demonic Evil US n the compatriots!?

Jakie Dhillon (Kuala Lumpur , 2021-11-07)


The forced roll out of an experimental vaccine on the entire country is dangerous & irresponsible.
It must be halted.

Kim Magin (Torrance , 2021-11-07)


I'm signing because I have done lengthy research and agree with the conclusion that intentional criminal activity took place on a global scale resulting in the unnecessary deaths of millions and physical, psychological, and economic harm to billions of people across the world.

Denise Forsythe (Laguna Niguel, 2021-11-07)


These people are a disgrace and must be punished.

Sally Mci (Gore, 2021-11-07)


It is important for all of us

Katarína Krutáková (Likavka, 2021-11-07)


The perpetrators of this attempt to enslave humanity need to be held accountable.

Herb Ratsch (EDMONTON, 2021-11-07)


My body is my body!

Maria Poblete (Vaxjo, 2021-11-07)


I am signing because many women patients have blocked menses after vaccine for covid and other patients have paralysis of limbs and many other problems, this is not normal.

Ludmila Bendova (Prague, 2021-11-07)


There is a war going on and crime against humanity! It needs to stop and people need to be held accountable!

Suzanne Hult (Lerum, 2021-11-07)


These are crimes against humanity. P....r,, A...a.Z....a what the pharmaceutical industry is unconscionable all to profiteering on people that got adverse events and died. What the pharmaceutical industry is doing in the last 60 years to experiment on people and specially on children even babies is unconscionable. No respect for human life and children/babies. The pharmaceutical industry has shown no remorse for the diseases caused by the vaccines. No remorse whatsoever!

Daniela Ruegg (Maryborough , 2021-11-07)


I think it is past time to start prosecuting people who are participating in these crimes against humanity--worldwide.

Melanie Dupre (providence, 2021-11-07)


I hate covid etits and their decision to destroy us.

Petra Vlkova (Mlada Boleslav, 2021-11-07)


To protect lifes from vaccin and restrictions.

Anna Alsing (Älmestad, 2021-11-07)


This experimental mRNA gene therapy vaccine goes against the Nuremberg Code

David Padroth (Sydney , 2021-11-07)


Coercion is Not Consent

Deb Ashton (Ingle Farm, 2021-11-07)


I'm signing this document as I'm deeply concerned with human rights violations, lack of the rule of law and stigmatization and discrimination caused by measures imposed due to Covid 19 crisis globaly.

Ivana Krstic (Belgrade, 2021-11-07)


My freedom are being taken away from me. The Elite is supporting crime all over, they want kaos, I do not.

Peter Tkacz (Landskrona, 2021-11-07)


I agree totally with the cause of this

Irene Wilson (Bangor, 2021-11-07)


I want to be free.
I want to choose the way to support my health by myself.
I want my children grow up with their own immunity.
I want they to be free in their choices too.

Victoria Karasseva (Samara, 2021-11-07)


This forced medical intervention and worldwide response to what Is essentially a virus no deadlier than flu constitute crimes against humanity

Meroe Chitty (Perth, 2021-11-07)


Our government is intending to enforce the vaccination of everybody thus implementing the agenda of the West against it's own people.

Edward Danisile Duda (Benoni Jhb RSA, 2021-11-07)


I'm on the verge of loosing my job over this. Vaccination doesn't bring herd immunity. Vaccinated contract and spread covid.

Patrick Coyne (Kenmore, 2021-11-07)


Enough is enough! These criminals must be brought to justice!

Michelle Botha (Johannesburg, 2021-11-07)


Because these people need to be held accountable for a crime against humanity with these deadly vaccines and mandates especially since there was no INFORMED CONSENT. Absolutely Unacceptable.

Kathy Katz (Kensington, 2021-11-07)


I want my children and grandchildren live in a healthy world

Hedy Speerstra (Rossum, 2021-11-07)


Our children are dying after jabs. And babies going seak after breastfeeding

Mette Haugen (Hemnes, 2021-11-07)


Those who have abused their power by forcing their control on innocent people around the world must pay, preferably by imprisonment!

Kevin Mandeville (Fishers, 2021-11-07)


I want the world Go Organic 'everything' - including health.

Mayne Sundewall-Hopkins (Torquay, 2021-11-07)


V plném rozsahu souhlasím. Pravda vítězí!

Lucie Monzarová (Hořovice, 2021-11-07)

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