Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I want to wake people up about the evil tyranny being unleashed on humanity and help bring accountability to those responsible.

Laurie Clark (Sanford, 2021-11-05)


I want human rights to be respected as well as every person’s right to medical freedom and one’s own right to make all decisions about one’s own body.

Sigridur Thordardottir (Växjö, 2021-11-05)


The world is falling in front of our eyes and nobody is being held to account

Brendon Dimmer (SOUTH LAKE, 2021-11-05)


Justice to be served

J L (OXON , 2021-11-05)


I fully support the cause and I believe that we need to stop the crazy people who are trying to control all of us!!

Luc Dufour (Longueuil, 2021-11-05)


S touto genocidou nemůžu nikdy souhlasit !

Anna Cichovska (Ostrava, 2021-11-05)


The US and world governments are lying about the covid vaccine. Why are they intentionally killing people?

sharron sims (houston, 2021-11-05)


I will no vakcine.

Miloš Podlaha (Vienna , 2021-11-05)


Of the tyrannical serpent like crimes against humanity & the innocent people murdered by the kabal & of depopulation (eugenics) committed against us.

Leighton Smith (Weston super mare , 2021-11-05)


Pažeistos visos įmanomos teisės tiek konstitucinės tiek žmogiškosios, gana korupcijai klestėti, laikas bausti nusikaltėlius už žmoniu genocidą, už padarytą žalą visom. Prasmėm tiek su darbu netekimo tiek sveikatos praradimų tiek visisku medicinos naikinimu. Bausti griežčiausia bausmė!!!

Jūrate Apavičienė (TAURAGĖ , 2021-11-05)



Veronika Michalekova (Drahovce, 2021-11-05)


I believe these crimes against humanity must and will be prosecuted.
Vladimír Havrda

Vladimír Havrda (Semily, 2021-11-05)


Mám už toho dosť

Peter Pech (Lehota pod Vtáčnikom, 2021-11-05)


I'm singing because I want human rights back

Nikol Šufeislová (Rosice, 2021-11-05)


This is something which is beyond ludicrus and vain. We are human beings not a human feed.

Jean harvin Garcia cuero (Cali, 2021-11-05)


I'm signing this because I not only believe in the science but because the real Science is being hidden from the people. Governments along with tyrants are purposefully and decisively preventing early treatment protocols that have proven to work. Even the medical establishments are fearful to go against the tyrannical narrative and are putting aside their oath to first do no harm. How many lives could've been saved? These are crimes against humanity.

Pamela Deprey (Green Bay , 2021-11-05)


Because of FREEDOM!!!

Roman Bašta (Kolín, 2021-11-05)


The world is literally at imminent risk and cannot be beaten without ridding the planet of these criminals under many national and international laws.

William Kuendig (Daytona Beach, 2021-11-05)


I am signing bicause vaccinations,tests, masks, and all fake news abusing people and braking they rights

Antanas Jazbutis (Bristol, 2021-11-05)


I sign it because I am a free human being aware of my rights.

Jozef Vojtuš (Považská Bystrica, 2021-11-05)


I believe in justice in this world .

Ján Bartek (Kobyly, 2021-11-05)


I had enough lies. Start from Faichi, Phizer, Moderna,

Diyan Rahnev (Hemel Hempstead, 2021-11-05)



Marty Nielsen (Clinton, 2021-11-05)


I am a health care professionnal in France, I have been prevented from working and earning money just because I refuse to be injected with a Covid vaccine.
I refuse all this craziness which the world has gone into because of the covid sanitary crisis.
I want to get back for all people their human rights !

Anne Bastin (Sèvres, 2021-11-05)


Podepisují petici protože je to správně.

Pavlina Vojtova (Žarošice, 2021-11-05)


Covid is scam and goverments are scammers

Tomas Pinkas (Bournemouth, 2021-11-05)


These vaccines are poison, illegal yet being forced on people.

Donna Wolf (Lexington , 2021-11-05)


I am signing because I have had long term side effects of covid mRNA vaccine.

Erik Šimon (Prešov, 2021-11-05)


It is tyranny

Gail Costello (Darwen lancashire, 2021-11-05)


I’m signing because there’s obviously something wrong with these vaccines and the narrative that we almost have one

Steve Collier (Moreno Valley, 2021-11-05)


I agree fully these crimes must be tried they violate almost every country’s charter and the Nuremberg Code

Shairole Henchall (Calgary , 2021-11-05)


This is wrong what they're doing.

John Tagle (Edinburg, 2021-11-05)


It is my body and my choice if I want vaccine or not. I'm not a test rabbit.

Tomáš Štefka (Dolný Kubín, 2021-11-05)


Because I believe in freedom and believe vaccine is evil

Sandra Moren (Spruce Grove, 2021-11-05)


Weil ich selber betroffen bin, an einer GBS-Erkrankung durch eine Grippen-Impfung leide. Alle Politiker, Ärzte, Anwälte müssen für dieses Verbrechen bestraft werden!

Katarina Solberg (München, 2021-11-05)


I'm hoping that my grandchildren can have the free life that I've had!

Donald Dow (Motherwell, 2021-11-05)


No vakcine, liberta, freiheit,sloboda, laska

Andrea Kozinkova (Trnava, 2021-11-05)


I am signing because the truth of the origins and affects of SARS Cov-2 and the "vaccines" must be brought out into the open for all the world to see, whether good, bad or indifferent.

Stuart Cole (Klawock, 2021-11-05)


Hereby I'm signing, because I believe that unacceptable crime is happening.

Marcel Čelinský (Košice, 2021-11-05)


Fauci has caused this as well as the elites to reduce population. My mother was given remdesivir and it caused kidney failure.

Keith Kendall (Prescott, az, 2021-11-05)


I hate covid propaganda and nacizm.

Stefan Gregor (Bratislava, 2021-11-05)


What has happened and is confounding to unfold is frightening for humanity. There are many players to this and they all need to pay for what has been sacrificed, align with those who blindly turned the other way.

Derek Nicoll (Edmotnon, 2021-11-05)


I’m signing because these people needs to be held accountable for the crimes they have committed against humanity. Justice needs to be served.

Debbie Russell (Godfrey, 2021-11-05)


The crimes perpetrated against humanity over the course of the last many, many years dictate that every single human being become a party to this action. In God We Trust.

Seth Quinto (Sarasota , 2021-11-05)


I have enough of this genocide, crimes against humanity, hospitals where killing people, chemtrials spreading deseases, deep state, liars, criminals, pedophiles.... And much, much more.
They want to KILL us all.
No conspiracy, the truth is in plain sights.
I want to stop cry, tears of fury.
Final execution for everyone of them.

Julius Bodak (Manchester, 2021-11-05)


I signed it because there are a lot of contradictions and as a fact the whole situation does not look like a real illness, as a reason. Everything looks like a planned action against humanity. I personally have been ill. I tried to get my legally prescribed sickness benefit. But one condition was needed for this. It was necessary to "pass" everyone with whom you communicated using the application. I didn't have this app. I have not received any benefits. The disease was, I did not receive benefits. I just didn’t understand that the manual is for those who have the necessary application on their phone. This only speaks of the falsity of everything that happens!

Genadijs Jablonovskis (LONDON, 2021-11-05)


This plandemic is genocide & want all those responsible to be brought to justice

Heather Erickson (Stoney Creek, 2021-11-05)


Podpisujem, preto lebo moje doterajšie celoživotné poznanie ma oprávňuje a vedie k tomu, že v tejto dobe, ktorú teraz prežívame na celej zemi, je veľmi dôležité postaviť sa na stranu zdravého rozumu a na stranu pravdy

I am signing because my lifelong knowledge so far entitles me and leads to the fact that in this time, which we are now experiencing throughout the country, it is very important to take the side of common sense and the side of truth.

Milan Tamasi (Povazská Bystrica, 2021-11-05)


Those responsible for perpetrating crimes against humanity must be brought to book! I am fully behind Dr. Fleming and his great team! Let the truth come out!

Lebese Mothijoa (Vanderbijlpark, 2021-11-05)


This is not a vaccine but a bioweapon, does not work. It is killing people. No one has the right to tell me what I put into my body. Especially when there is no informed consent.

Susana Salgado (Cottageville, 2021-11-05)


It's hell !!!

Václav Sláma (Břeclav, 2021-11-05)


Estoy firmando porque no estoy de acuerdo con las violaciones a los derechos de los seres humanos. Otra vez los nazis y a nivel mundial.
Quiero una humanidad libre que dirija su vida como le plazca.

Sara Rita Garriga (Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires , 2021-11-05)


We must NOT let them get away with this genocide. They must pay with their own lives......nothing less will do!

Eddie Smith (Southampton, 2021-11-05)


Je to celosvetové sprisahanie chazarov na likvidáciu ľudstva "Zlatá miliarda". Je to genocída národov.

Vladimír Zachar (Martin, 2021-11-05)


Dochází k zásadnímu pošlapání a porušování lidských práv a svobod člověka napříč mnoha státy. Nejde už vůbec zdraví jedince, ale o moc .

Daniela Novotna (Ústí nad Labem, 2021-11-05)


I feel the people responsible should be held accountable for their crimes against the human race. This is something I can do to help.

Jennifer Gerlikovski (Hurst, 2021-11-05)


What’s happening to us is unconscionable.

Rebecca Brooks (Virginia Beach, 2021-11-05)


The response to the virus including the use of lockdowns and segregation is in humane and totalitarian. The denial of early treatment and rollout of an non long term safety tested pharmaceutical injection is genocidal.

Nancy Williams (Devon , 2021-11-05)

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