Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I hate Evil.

Branislav Sloboda (Temeš, 2021-10-31)


The so called Australia government need to be punished for their crimes against Australians

Tracy Jones (Lakehaven, 2021-10-31)


I'm signing because it's the right thing to do.

Renita Pura (Menifee , 2021-10-31)


I want to see them hanged, fired and decapitated. Just that.

Jiri Kolek (Prague, 2021-10-31)


The only way for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.
I choose to lend my voice and signature to uphold my rights as an individual to have choice and consent and hopefully this will help protect us all.

Sondré Callec (Melbourne , 2021-10-31)


Crimes are being committed and this must stop.

Sarah du Preez (East Fremantle , 2021-10-31)


We must address the issue of world wide corruption and crimes against humanity so that our children and their children can enjoy a better world. Never has this been more critical than now to clean up the toxic disease that has taken over every echelon of our respective societies..

wendy slee (Busselton, 2021-11-01)


This has to stop.
If we do not act when we know what is happening, we are complicit.

David Trotter (Orono, 2021-11-01)


People in charge are responsible for injuring or killing many. People bribed to take an untested shot. Nuremburg violations

Leslie SHARP (Honolulu, 2021-11-01)


There have been crimes committed against humanity.

Julie Baranski (Vancouver, BC, 2021-11-01)


These are the biggest crimes of humanity ever seen in history on the grandest stage of planet earth.
I want to be on the right side of history when this goes down!

Monika Slominski (Oshawa, 2021-11-01)


This is a bioweapon! Stop the vaccinations!!!

Daniela dorazio (Rockville , 2021-11-01)


Those who are perpetuating these crimes against the people of the world, through the coercion, threats of loss of jobs and inalienable freedoms for choosing to NOT participate in a medical experiment, without informed consent, must be brought to justice. These atrocities must never be allowed to occur again.

Andi Jax (Evans Head, 2021-11-01)


I agree that there is evidence that dangerous GOF research has been conducted and that Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins were aware that U.S. dollars were used to fund the research. I believe that the fake vaccines have been rolled out to the consuming public despite there being (more than) sufficient evidence proving a lack of safety and known harmful side effects.

David Bennett (Cincinnati, 2021-11-01)


The biological assault on mankind must end.

Brian Procter MD (McKinney, 2021-11-01)


We saw the same MO during the Second World War , today there are no allies to save us , we will have to save ourselves .

Linda Skrolys (Bunbury, 2021-11-01)


I work in Healthcare and have seen first-hand the damage done by these vaccines, I have seen how the numbers were being manipulated and lied about.......I cannot find peace until this attack upon humanity has ended.

Christopher Butler (Lebanon, 2021-11-01)


- Please give voice to the voiceless.
- Please help the oppressed to fight for their rights, especially in countries with controlled media and muzzled medical professionals.
- Have we learnt nothing from the dark-times in history what happens when we descend into totalitarianism/authoritarianism?
- Free-peoples of the world need to unite and stand against this.

Benjamin Tan (SG, 2021-11-01)


Based on everything that is being revealed on gain of function, bio-weapons, the blood analysis test results of those vaccinated, the manipulation of covid 19 statistics, the force and coersion of persons and the making money larger than life by medical persons and Government are all criminal acts to say the least.

Edwin Lawrence (St James, 2021-11-01)


I believe there are crimes against humanity being perpetuated right now. This needs to stop. This needs to be investigated. We need to stand up and follow the real science. No more censoring scientists everywhere need to be able to speak the truth.

Joyce Loughridge (Woodland , 2021-11-01)


It is not only HORRID and EVIL that this virus (bioweapon) has been unleashed upon the earth, but absolutely DIABOLICAL the level of willful ignorance and sheer intent of harm/death to human beings by way of not only DENYING early treatments that have been PROVEN to WORK in order to halt this insidious virus, but to bully, threaten and harass human beings to take a POSION DEATH SHOT while attempting to take away OUR FREEDOMS is BEYOND EVIL!
Those behind all of this mayhem and tragedy will surely spend enternity BURNING in HELL!

Stephanie Waddell (Columbus, 2021-11-01)


The madness must stop now!

Julie Sayles (West Sacramento, 2021-11-01)


I’m signing this because it was obvious to me shortly after the appearance of CoVid 19 that there was a very planned and evil goal to hype the fear, followed by mandates re masks, social distancing, lockdowns and now the vaccine. These were not meant to “do no harm” but rather the exact opposite!

Karen Votraw-Gysen (Gardnerville, 2021-11-01)


The crimes being committed in the name of ‘safety’ are against every common, decent human interaction. If we let these people continue with their atrocities whilst we all turn a blind eye, because it’s easier to follow the narrative and it ‘feels’ safer to follow the crowd, we will have a world that makes any of the other atrocities caused by governments in the past look like child’s play, as this is involving all people being manipulated by a few A continual blind eye is being turned on all those maimed and killed, as if this isn’t happening. How can that be, unless it’s done on purpose
Please bring the perpetrators to justice, for the sake of all our children and the future of mankind

Margaret Deeble (Narre Warren North , 2021-11-01)


No Government has any rights to tell any individual what medical treatment they need, without a court order of the individual who ihas been proven to be infected with a transmittable deadly disease

Carolyn Packer (Wide Bay, 2021-11-01)


I believe this pandemic was made to subve

Russ McGehan (Auckland, 2021-11-01)


Those who lied to the public should be held accountable for Crimes against humanity!!

Diana Dollard (Temecula, 2021-11-01)


The criminals are murdering humans

michael g walters (Roseburg Or., 2021-11-01)


I’m signing because the things that are happening in the world today are inhumane, forcing people to be injected with a poison that is killing and injuring people goes against our basic human rights. Restricting people from free movement goes against our basic human rights, mandating people wear masks which restricts people from breathing fresh air is against our basic human rights.

Christine Donohue (Wurtulla , 2021-11-01)


Politicians have unlawfully breached our human rights regarding covid 19. As well they have violated the Nuremburg code. Especially here in Australia. No one is above the law.

Gary Campkin (Gold Coast, 2021-11-01)


In the spirit of truth, freedom, and peace to all mankind

Arleen Sta. Maria Comiso (San Jose, 2021-11-01)


I believe after all the evidence I’ve looked for that these vaccines are not safe. Also I’ve lost my job due to unlawful mandates.

Laura Day (Merimbula , 2021-11-01)


Ivermectin works, Remdesivir kills, children don’t need this, freedom to choose, etc., etc.

John Cullen (North Shore, 2021-11-01)


Genocide is punishable by the Nuremberg codes

Howard Borman (Los Angeles , 2021-11-01)


I'm signing because gain of function studies have been carried out that endangers human lives, because big-pharma are peddling unclean, dangerous mRNA gene-therapy on the world's population, and because national corporations (what used to be sovereign governments) are promoting and illegally mandating the use of this mRNA gene-therapy.

Matthew Bond (Motueka, 2021-11-01)


This is a crime against humanity!

Lisa Forgacs (Diamond, 2021-11-01)


I'm signing this petition Urging the aforementioned parties that hold the power to to begin the Investigation and Criminal Prosecution of those individuals identified in the submitted documents, and those individuals identified in the interrogatories, depositions and investigation of those so identified, for the attrocities & war crimes they have committed against humanity. Let's be clear on this.
We need to take the word Vaccine out of this charade.How is anyone still blind to this being a Vaccine.
Vaccines Provide Immunity to something.
The Definition of the very word was Altered how long ao now?
The word Immunity has been abolished from the Definitive Description of a Vaccine
Stop taking their Death Sentence
Why did CDC change its definition for ‘vaccine’? Agency explains move as skeptics lurk

Christian McCann (Perth, 2021-11-01)


En finir avec cette persécution envers ceux qui ne veulent pas accepter de se faire injecter un produit ayant de très nombreux effets indésirables alors même que des traitements sans danger et peu coûteux existent et fonctionnent !

Rosine GENEVRAIS (MARON, 2021-11-01)


Je ne suis pas un cobaye !

Fabienne Jahard (Tramayes, 2021-11-01)


Já Michaela Jeklová jsem brutálně mučená 20 let 24 hodin denně veřejně, ponižovaná, vykrádané účty i z peněženky, vykrádané vědění...teroristka mně chce zabít a vydávat se za moji osobu. Ukradla mi dva mobily a foťák...pokud mi nepomůžete je jasné proč už žádám aby mně zabili..mám zastavené tiché myšlení ...byla jsem němá aby komunistycké svině dokpnali vraždu států...Jeklová Michaela

Michaela Jeklova (St.Leonards on Sea, 2021-11-01)


Jsem proti tomu, aby tu byl nastolen nový globální systém - systém strachu. A experimentální vakcína je zlo, ne přínos.

Martin Skalla (Chotěboř , 2021-11-01)


I believe in freedom of choice, do as you will as long you hurt no one. What has taken place is nothing but the epitome of criminality, the biggest criminals are 'legitimate'??? Those bastards aren't above the law it's applies to one an all, never mind the blatant contradictions of the English constitution and magna Carta. This is wilful genocide in order to fulfil their agenda of the 4th industrial revolution, implementing totalitarian control stripping us of our freedom of choice and movement, we are not prisoners and will refuse to be treat as one

Burridge Stephen (Washington, 2021-11-01)


Criminals need to be held accountable

Andria Thompson (Jacksonville , 2021-11-01)


I demand everyone responsible for the vaccine and withholding the treatments to be held accountable.

rosemarie mathey (green bay, 2021-11-01)


Nechci, abych já, moje děti a moji blízcí především, dále i ostatní lidé byli oběťmi nežádoucích účinků experimentální vakcíny, protože nesouhlasím se segregací obyvatel, diskriminací,tlakem ani jednání proti občanským právům

Markéta Kvizdalská (Praha 8 - Libeň, 2021-11-01)


They are going after our children.

Donna Cron (Dayton, 2021-11-01)


I’m signing because I believe we as Americans have been lied to from the beginning of this whole pandemic which was used to control us.

Janet Blachek (Loganton , 2021-11-01)


The truth is freedom

Marco Molinari (Itatiba, 2021-11-01)


I have been subject to coercion and threats in that as I am a corporate pilot based in Canada my government has legislated that I may NOT continue to fly if I do not take this unproven or tested inoculation. I know way more people who have had serious health effects post shot than who have suffered from COVID. This is not about a virus, but control.



I can't believe the number of victims that are allowing this to happen.

Phil Hughes (Guatemala City, 2021-11-01)


It’s a time for justice

James Carter (Montgomery , 2021-11-01)


Dr Richard Fleming and countless others have proven that these vaccines are dangerous and strictly experimental

David Dyba (Pottstown , 2021-11-01)


Forcing people to take vaccines without consent is morally wrong and there is little evidence that they are effective.

carl crewe (huddersfield, 2021-11-01)


The perpetrators of these crimes must be tried and sentenced

Ross Keenan (Denpasar, 2021-11-01)


This is not right. The government needs to be takin down.

Huiting Mike (Tilbury, 2021-11-01)


I disagree with the use of the Covid-19 vaccine.

Roger Prout (Hamilton, 2021-11-01)

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