Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Hjelp to humanity to stopp this criminal things from Globalist sosaity.

Marina Johansen (Leknes, 2021-10-29)


I believe there is perhaps a sliver of hope that the criminal cabal that is destroying humanity can be taken to task.

Montgomery Olmstead (Luther, 2021-10-29)



Miroslav Krasny (Šurany, 2021-10-29)


Protože je potřeba tyto zločiny co nejdříve řešit.

Simona Lužová (Ostrovánky, 2021-10-29)


Totalitarian rule and the abuse of law buy our government is destroying our democracy and freedoms and there is no peaceful way to stop these people

Jamie Moodie (Akl, 2021-10-29)


The CDC, FDA, The White House, Congress, Senate, Local and National News, Local Government Facebook, Google, Youtube, and many more are lying to us about Covid-19 facts and data, treatments and preventions, in order to push experimental deadly vaccines in our bodies. Taking away our rights and liberties in all areas. Fauci, Gilead and remdesivir killing people in hospitals. San Mateo County!

David Yohannan

David Yohannan (Millbrae , 2021-10-29)


I am a nurse, I refuse to be jabbed, I believe in freedom.

Susan Rieber (Port Crane, 2021-10-29)


The Governmental Vaccination Policies are riddled with systemic and widespread conflicts of interest and corruption - this is absolutely dangerous and disgusting and there has never been anyone who has closed those revolving doors from corporations/big pharma to Governments - and when they start mandating medical procedures/vaccinations and grossly and shockingly violate the sacred Nuremberg Code and other codes (and Medical Ethics first do no harm code ) there is clearly disgusting things going on and it must be stopped.

Diane Drayton Buckland (Brisbane, 2021-10-29)


I'm signing because I am convinced a crime has been comited against humanity. I demand an Investigation!

Martina Peters (Koln, 2021-10-29)


I value justice for ALL!

Sharla Clark (Wooster, 2021-10-29)


This tyranny must stop, NOW!

Simon Benoit (Calgary, 2021-10-29)


As a past Medic at EMS, I realized that vaccines were becoming more prevalent and being pushed on healthcare workers and citizens.
These shots are NOT VACCINES !
It’s time these criminals are prosecuted and locked up !!!!!!

William Hebrlee (Garden City, 2021-10-29)


These Covid-19 Vaccines are not Vaccines by definition and are really a sinister experiment on humankind that needs to be stopped, and the perpetrators of this fraud persecuted.

Luke Edwards (Croydon, 2021-10-29)


The Governmental Vaccination Policies are riddled with systemic and widespread conflicts of interest and corruption - this is absolutely dangerous and disgusting and there has never been anyone who has closed those revolving doors from corporations/big pharma to Governments - and when they start mandating medical procedures/vaccinations and grossly and shockingly violate the sacred Nuremberg Code and other codes (and Medical Ethics first do no harm code ) there is clearly disgusting things going on and it must be stopped.

Raymond Buckland (Kallangur, 2021-10-29)


This entire Covid 19 nightmare is WRONG and has gone farther than I have ever imagined possible. When will justice be served to all those injured, devastated, and even killed by this evil agenda.

Amanda Stevens (Ennice, 2021-10-29)


The truth will come out you cannot suppress the truth in your may work for a while but the truth will come signing because I will stand this side of saving humanity and Criminal prosecution has to come to these lies.. I would greatly fear if I was them.. Evil men prevail when good men do nothing
. That is why I have to do something..

Michelle Jones (Butler Perth, 2021-10-29)


the scamdemic of Covid 19 had destroyed more lives that the infection has, the vaccination has had no extensive testing and we have no idea of its long term adverse effects, With the extremely serious nature of the situation that pertains Australian and across the world with regards
to escalating medical apartheid, we must investigate

tania hunt (Seymour, 2021-10-29)


I’m an avid supporter of the genius of Dr. Fleming & wish to help in his admirable efforts in the preservation of humanity by bringing all persons, organisations, and criminal racketeers committing this RICO scandalous fraud and worst medical crime against humanity in all of history to justice in the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Dr. Fleming is one of the foremost experts in the world with over 53 years of experience in his field and his/other attorneys involved in this case compelling arguments must be heard for the sake of justice for humanity.
Matthew Ian Hopkins
Descendant of Stephen Hopkins (signed Declaration of Independence) Esek Hopkins (admiral British Navy)

Matthew Hopkins (Kharkiv , 2021-10-29)


I believe the entire premise of Covid-19, the restrictions, destruction of businesses, maltreatment of patients restricted access to alternative treatments, and the lies associated with reporting all constitute crimes against humanity and would like to see people involved in this brought to justice.

Brooke Schultz (ATLANTA, 2021-10-29)


I value my freedom, it's what my Father fought and died for.

Kathryn Marriott (Cornwall , 2021-10-29)


The bio weapon is a crime against humanity. I will not comply! My body my choice.
Only God can take my life not you!

Kathleen McCann (Dauphin , 2021-10-29)


Big Pharma is out of control and killing people worldwide with this deadly shot. Everybody who has pushed this poison and required people to poison themselves must be prosecuted IMMEDIATELY!

James Kingsbury (Elkins, 2021-10-29)



Pavel Doucek (Brno, 2021-10-29)


I want everyone held responsible for the COVID19 Biological weapon & damaging experimental vaccine product. I was forced to take the vaccine and was injured.

Dean Taylor (Edmonton , 2021-10-29)


Freedom of Choice

Kathy Coombs (Sydney, 2021-10-29)


Because we under turning to a totalitarian government and medical tyranny.

Kathleen Brenneman (Savannah, 2021-10-29)


Because I believe to be a plandemic committing genocide on the sovereign citizens of this country and world wide as PCR testing as been in several courts and not one country as isolated this fake man made virus
It’s all government agenda on we the sovereignty

Janet Cunningham (Manchester , 2021-10-29)


This is globally absurd way of taking care of pandemic and all the responsible around the world are playing unscientific viral war against humanity all in the name of established science that has shown itself throughout the history responsible for many incompetent theories and practices.

Prapucin Prapucin (Auckland, 2021-10-29)


The Canadian government and its provinces are mandating untested and dangerous gene therapy vaccines through coercion and without consent, have used public funds to support bioweapon production through the Wuhan laboratory, China, are denying family physicians and citizens access to available, safe and effective treatments with approved medications, and are arresting those who speak out against this tyranny.

Scott Lawson (Picton, 2021-10-29)


I join the world community to help stop and to prosecute this opportunistic vampirism against humanity

Marijonas Vilkelis-Curas (Lismore, 2021-10-29)


Self evident.

Dustin Lucas (Clarksville Tn, 2021-10-29)


I believe those that feel they are invincible and trying to destroy the world need to be brought to justice.

Tommy Fazendin (NORMAN, 2021-10-29)


I don't trust the covid-19 vaccines.I do not agree with the senseless measures taken by the government and experts. I do not believe the statistics presented on the number of infected

Maria Cernakova (Liptovský Mikuláš, 2021-10-29)


Vaccine mandates must be stopped!

Stephanie Mahlow (Queen Anne, 2021-10-29)


I am in favor of informed consent, scientific rigor. I have a sincerely held religious belief that the crimes described in this petition are described in the bible as the mark of the beast, and will lead to a mass culling of humanity.

James Wind (Wilmington, 2021-10-29)


I am tired of the tyrannies.

William Huie (Collinsville, 2021-10-29)


Want this madness to stop! Free humanity of this inslavement!
STOP the corruption and destruktion of all of US!

Charlotte Frank (Ølsted, 2021-10-29)


These people promoting the jab need to be brought to justice. They need to die for their crimes against humanity.

Jan Stewart (Annandale, 2021-10-29)


The vaccine being perpetrated on humankind is experimental. It's use is unconscionable and must be stopped. I want my voice and vote added to stopping this destruction of mankind.

Linda D'Eramo (Moon Township, 2021-10-29)


These people have lied about so many aspects of Covid and the "vaccine", and forced the deadly "vaccine" onto the world's population.

Lee Hodge (Lavington, 2021-10-29)



Ashley Whitlock (Atlanta, 2021-10-29)


The criminal activity of these perpetrators of evil is now obvious to ALL who are paying attention. The next step is to arrest all who are involved in promoting this genocide, investigate their crimes and to prosecute them. Act now to stop evildoers.

Elizabeth Smith (WAKEFIELD, 2021-10-29)


What we are witnessing is a genocide by means of biological weapons released by authorities on their own people and must be ended soon!

giovanna marino (rickmansworth, 2021-10-29)


I have never seen or heard of such evil being done to people worldwide. I reckon the killing of the elderly was MURDER. They continue this killing with SYNTHETIC PATHOGEN injections!

Roy McIntosh (EDINBURGH, 2021-10-29)


I'm signing because I believe they need to be held accountable. In their thurst for power or money or world dominance they have killed and harmed millions of people throughout the world . They have far surpassed the atrocities of the Nazi's and appear to have no intention of stopping now. I humbly appeal to you and hope you will investigate these crimes on humanity.

Denise Jones (Ozark, 2021-10-29)


These bastards causing untold suffering need to be held accountable

Aaron Wills (London, 2021-10-29)


I firmly believe that governments have taken it upon themselves to break laws and make new laws that take away basic rights and in so doing force people by coercion to take a new untested vaccine that may not be safe.
This is very wrong

Isabel Mccue (Glasgow , 2021-10-29)


I believe our government has overstepped it legai rights and is acting unconstitutionaly in mandating the gene therapy shots without providing informed consent.

Gail Thorsen (La Habra, 2021-10-29)


Umrelo vela ludi vinou zlych a lahkovaznych rozhodnuti... a neposkytnutim primeranej lekarskej starostlivosti. Pocuvame uz 2 roky skreslene a matuce informacie.

Katarína Monika Hrdá (Moštenica , 2021-10-29)


This is an evil attack on humanity and if ws dont stop them....we will have NO future!
May God help us all

Rachel Berkemeier (Georgetown, 2021-10-29)


Ik teken dit formulier omdat ik toejuich dat dit onderzoek er komt. Ik ben, samen met miljoenen mensen, zeer zeer bezorgd en verontrust door de monsterlijke ontwikkelingen die wereldwijd plaatsvinden!!

Nel van Dam (Piershil, 2021-10-29)


I have seen enough evidence to confirm SARS COVI2 was engineered by man.

Gabriel Delgado (Lakeland , 2021-10-29)


The future of our children and grandchildren is at threat.
For freedom.

Juniper Adamek (Nelson, 2021-10-29)



ronneg grasberger (ojai, 2021-10-29)


I'm pissed off and demand answers and compensation

Rick Burton (Calgary, 2021-10-29)


I want our freedoms saved, our choices saved, and most importantly our God given country to be saved!!

Jennifer Ebner (Peru, 2021-10-29)


This whole covid thing is a lie, the mandates are garbage and communistic, and anyone involved who is just following orders is complicit in crimes against humanity and therefore must be charged criminally if lives were lost.

Justin Gargano (Saint Louis, 2021-10-29)


Someone needs to be held accountable for all the Deaths taking placs regarding these mandatez + the Division of Society , that is being cherred on by Politicians , that are supposed to be working for the people Not controlling them ..

Darlene Vanstone (Belleville , 2021-10-29)


I’m signing because people are dying and treatment is being withheld; Doctors are being threatened; scientists & specialists are being censored; the main news channels do not report; people are being misled, discriminated against & society is being dismantled.

Stella Keller (Drayton Valley , 2021-10-29)


I'm signing because i got a right to make the decision.

jose de abreu (cape town, 2021-10-29)


Let's Go Trudeau!

Ashton Groves (Edmonton, 2021-10-29)


I'm research and my summery it is plandemic, and cabal should be erase from the world

Maria Rahayuningsih (Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan, 2021-10-29)


This is a very important matter.

Sharon Lorber (Jericho, 2021-10-29)


I'm signing because I believe we should follow our charter of rights and freedom.

Michelle Bourgeois (Winnipeg, 2021-10-29)


Crimes against humanity!

Lino Simons (Westmalle, 2021-10-29)


These murderers must be stopped, prosecuted and executed ASAP!

Christine Lindenmuth (Harleysville, 2021-10-29)


This is a diabolical crime against humanity and we must take our power back

Eva-Marie LeBoutillier (Gibsons, 2021-10-29)


In my view, this toxic vaccine is the modern Holocaust. Over 17,000 people have died and so many suffered terrible side effects. What is the threshold of dead people before this insanity will stop? Also early treatment is suppressed with a tremendous force, why?

Kerstin Erhard (Rogue River, 2021-10-29)


We have lost our freedoms to politics and medical Tierney. The crimes against humanity out number and outweigh the false data of Covid deaths that have been grossly inflated. I do not consent to having my rights taken away and choosing what is best for me and my family and my body. This Hass to stop, government overreach needs to come to an end

Dawn Church (Arlington , 2021-10-29)


Crime against humanity

gina bradley (eagleville, 2021-10-29)

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