Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I am signing this petition because of my serious concerns about the world governmental control being used against humanity.

Julie Simpson (Wimborne , 2021-09-30)


Deliberate destruction of the worldwide economy under the guise of a manufactured health crisis which will put millions of people into poverty and starvation is a crime against humanity and those responsible for this heinous agenda must be held fully accountable and answerable for all the laws they have broken and continue to break.

Gordon Hoffmann (Dumfries, 2021-09-30)


It is necessary to STOP neonacists in their effort to eliminate people on the world!!!

Ladislav Krajňák (Považská Bystrica, 2021-09-30)


Our government thinks its nazi germany and dan andrews thinks he is the next hitler

Justin Webster (Melbourne , 2021-09-30)


Tatiana Lacova

Tatiana Lacova (Valaska Dubova, 2021-09-30)


I worried about the future of my children. And the near future of my loved ones, who have taken the experimental injection.

Timo Huuskonen (Jyväskylä, 2021-09-30)


nesúhlasím s arogantným porušovaním ľudských práv zo strany vlády, podporovaným hlúpou propagandou prorežimných médií.

Štefan Orečný (Poprad, 2021-09-30)



Jakub Lustyk (Hlinsko, 2021-09-30)



Danka Jánošíková (Jelemnického 838/18/38 Nová Dubnica , 2021-09-30)


It is Not a deadly pandemic.
The injection is Not needed.

Henrik Von Straten Finne (Åsa, 2021-09-30)


This disease was caused by those who want to reduce population. The lockdowns are unnecessary and not based in science. Treatments are being withheld. This is pure evil.

Debra Langeman (Naples, 2021-09-30)


I wholly support this investigation and prosecution of individuals responsible for Crimes against Humanity. I demand justice for all those injured and all those who died, and all those who are detrimentally affected by the lockdowns, mask-wearing, effect of long term use of Lateral Flow Tests, Police brutality, losing their jobs and livelihoods, loss of freedom of bodily autonomy and choice, and most importantly the experimental COVID injections.

Francesca Nelson (Rochford, 2021-09-30)


Our country, governments and courts, have been fraudulently corporatised, our human rights have been removed, and the will of the people has been quashed. I am a father of 4 and fear for the future of not only my children, but all children in this country.
Please help to restore the human rights of all Australian citizens, and what is lawfully theirs.

Mark Haley (Park Orchards, 2021-09-30)


I'm signing because this is since the beginning not about health. Politic should not interfere with healthcare. And especially keep our children out of this nonsense!

Jana Mravova (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)


Podpisujem túto petíciu ako občan Slovenskej republiky preto, že naše súdy a prokuratúra nekonajú proti porušovaniu základných práv a slobôd občanov.

Andrea Myjavcova (Pförring, 2021-09-30)


Mandatory Vaccines against fundamental human rights

Malcolm Wardrop (Sydney, 2021-09-30)



Jarmila Korálová (Lovčica-Trubín, 2021-09-30)


Our human rights are violated by vested interests and are carrying out genocide through vaccines and fake RTPCR tests ignoring the innate immunity and mandating illegal vaccine passports taking away our freedoms bestowed by our constitution. Criminal investigation only can end the present genocide by stopping them carrying out unscientific medical practices by silencing those doctors and scientists who argued against them by threatening to withdraw their licenses and deleting their views and banning them from every social media.

Suni Devdath D Souza (Mangalore , 2021-09-30)


Science, be it medical science or otherwise must always be subject to and open for debate. The very idea that a government or institution or company with political sway can dictate a medical procedure and then enforce this by coercion, misinformation, out right lies, manipulation of data and the creation of a two tier society by way of a vaccine passport should ring alarm bells everywhere.
I do not consent.

Rick Vermeulen (Inverness, 2021-09-30)


Anybody who commits crimes against humanity must be held accountable

Stuart Sumner (Berlin , 2021-09-30)


The world needs answers and justice.

Mark Smith (Saint Charles, 2021-09-30)


Považujem žalobu za oprávnenú a očakávam spravodlivosť . Trest pre tých čo zneužívajú svoju moc a dôveru vlastných občanov.

Ľubica Chmelová (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)


Because this vaccination is wrong on so many levels as well as still in trial stage. It totally breaks rules against humanity

Blanka Cavlovic (Dianella , 2021-09-30)


I have suffered financial losses, infringement of freedom of travel, being subject to unscientific mask requirements and curfews, and the anxiety of being surrounded by terrorised and propagandised fellow humans. Those responsible for this should be brought to justice.

Andrew Bell (Vranje, 2021-09-30)


I care about freedom from tyranny and actual informed consent. I want those who have hindered either to be identified and held accountable.

Jessica Martin (Palm Bay, 2021-09-30)


I'm signing this petition... because the perpetrators of this COVID FRAUD NEED TO BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE....

Shaun Hoyland (Sheffield , 2021-09-30)


I believe in a fair and just society that welcomes free speech and differing opinions from experts worldwide without fear of political retribution.

Nicolas Kharitou (Sydney , 2021-09-30)


The world is a stage and people are murdering the populations

dave johnson (Wakefield, 2021-09-30)


These criminals need to be brought to justice.



I ask for justice.

Daniel Savloff (La Plata, 2021-09-30)


I signature because I love Freedom and my family ✊💛👍

Zdenko Liška (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)


I'm signing this as the people taking part in these "crimes against humanity" need to be stopped and brought to justice asap!

martina O'neill (BELFAST, 2021-09-30)


These Crimes against Humanity must be investigated!!

Art Hooker (Aberdeen, 2021-09-30)


There is injustice and oppression upon humanity

Patricia Gillard (Corrimal, 2021-09-30)


Proti obmedzovaniu prirodzeného pohybu detí aj dospelých a zásahu do osobnej slobody celého národa. Proti tlaku na vakcináciu a testovanie zdravých ľudí. Proti noseniu rúšok, ktoré nezmenia priebeh pandémie. Naopak spôsobujú mnoho problémov zdravotných, psychických aj fyzických.
Verím, že aj môj hlas ostane vypočutý.

Viera Pállová

Viera Pallova (Košice , 2021-09-30)


I do not want the neoliberal neofascicst dictatorship to destroy my human rights and freedom

Oskar Svitanič (Košice, 2021-09-30)

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