Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



i'm signing this petition because the people who are responsible for the crimes against humanity musr be prosecuted.

Han Bensch (De Meern, 2021-10-26)


The past 20 months of banning and discrediting treatments for Covid 19 that have been shown to be effective in numerous trials is criminal. The coercion and threats to people who have the absolute right to question and reject the illegal Covid 19 needle. The firing and attempts to discredit anyone who questions the government mandates . The illegal mandates and minimal trials regarding the Covid 19 needle. The illegal gain of function research and subsequent hiding of the truth. The censorship of any dissenting opinions by Facebook ( or whatever their new name will be )

Dwayne Lupi (Tisdale , 2021-10-26)


I stand with humanity and Truth under the Supreme God that Canada was founded on.

Khepri Thoth (Toronto, 2021-10-26)


I'm signing this because I want to protect my children, grandchildren, and humanity against these diabolical injections. Tyranny comes in many forms and this medical tyranny will lead to total control over our being which violates every right on earth. The individual should have control over what is injected into his body. The government has no right to force this upon us. We will never be slaves to the state. Those who have brought this horror to our shores should be tried and executed. They have lied and deceived us. Thank goodness there are still many doctors and individuals who have put the pieces together so that we, too, can know the whole picture.

It is time to investigate and prosecute those responsible for these crimes against us all.

Paige Moore (Houston, 2021-10-26)


I am aware of the genocide taking place throughout the world, especially with the pressure on people to take untested, unlicensed, experimental injections which are causing untold health damage to all age groups.

Raymond Lowe (Wolverhampton, 2021-10-26)


I believe the current C19 vaccines and those who prepared, promoted, and produced them are part of a genocidal criminal conspiracy against humanity.

Peter Rambo (Silverstreet, 2021-10-26)


I'm signing this petition because these criminals need to be held accountable for their crimes against humanity. Evil acts cannot be allowed to continue in a just society. I pray you have the courage to hear this case. God bless.

Monique Komeyli (Poitiers, 2021-10-26)


I am aghast at the actions of multiple cabals seeking to destroy legions of people via supposedly Covid-suppressing but in actuality deadly vaccines. This is an evil and intolerable design and its perpetrators must be brought to justice and their works stopped. No one has given or can give them license to kill in the service of whatever ideology or world-saving vision they profess. God has said it best: "THOU SHALT NOT KILL".

Bo Josephson (Temecula, 2021-10-26)


Hold these people responsible for their crimes.

Jack Straw (WATERTOWN, 2021-10-26)


My life was given to me by the all mighty Creator. I am a living soul and deserve to be able to live!!!

Leako Scranton (Seal Beach, 2021-10-26)


It is evident we are being lied to.

Pamela Nichols (Baldwinsville, 2021-10-26)


Bring them to Justice!

Joshua Hawthorn (Charlotte, 2021-10-26)


All individuals and corporations need to be held responsible for Crimes against Humanity needs justice.

Nancy Cox (Mt Juliet, TN , 2021-10-26)


The many, many crimes related to the manufactured covid-19 worldwide event which is ongoing and the political and economic brutality that has also been and continues to be inflicted on so many people and so many societies must be brought to Full Justice.

David Sunkel (Bristow, 2021-10-26)


Our leaders have let us down in so many ways. There is no excuse for the deaths of so many people. Canada's own PM has banned doctors from using life saving drugs. Why? You will not escape your own consequences.

Karren Sanvido (Guelph, 2021-10-26)


Our governments are no longer governing to help us but to harm us and forcing covid vaccines on its citizens is a crime.

Cindy Anderson (Comox , 2021-10-26)


People need to know the truthful findings on the injection complications. This scientific report needs to be reported openly.

Deanna Schuster (Harrison Township, 2021-10-26)


I am signing because it is essential for the people of planet Earth to have justice, and that the perpetrators be convicted and punished accordingly as soon as possible

Edward Sutherland-Ward (Desboro, 2021-10-26)


Covid19 vaccine has cause more harm than good.
Authoritarian mandates that goes against our canadian charter of rights and freedoms, criminal code and human rights.

Andrea Patino (York, 2021-10-26)


to bring justice and righteousness

herman wellerdieck (Drachten, 2021-10-26)


I believe in Liberty, I believe in Justice, and I want justice to come to those who have committed these horrific crimes against humanity.

Lovette Siegfreid-Dresden (Genola, 2021-10-26)


I'm signing this to protect my kids, grand kids and my family and friends.

Kim Marchbanks (Mapleton, 2021-10-26)


It is my duty to save humanity

Marjon Schellingerhout (Hazerswoude dorp, 2021-10-26)


I stongly believe there have been many crimes committed, by numerous perpetrators. They should be held accountable for these crimes against humanity. Too long have we as a society been asleep and let these crimes go on.

Carol Frich (Ortonville, 2021-10-26)


I am signing for justice to bring down Medical criminal cartel, Government Mafia and corrupt Media all around the world.

Liliya Weston (Melton Mowbray , 2021-10-26)


I look out the window and I see evil. So much evil that I’m confused why everyone doesn’t see it. It’s in your face boastful evil committed by the people entrusted with our safety, freedom and the forces used to preserve these Constitutional ne human rights. I won’t live in fear and won’t be hobbled to submission by those who are pledged to protect my rights while really wishing me and everyone else dead while serving evil as their new sugar daddy.

Robert Moore (New Waterford, Ohio , 2021-10-26)


The Evil must stop .

Richard Major (BRISTOL, 2021-10-26)


These crimes must stop.

Paul Mickelson (Maple Valley, 2021-10-26)


Our children do NOT need this.

Jennifer Moffitt (Philadelphia, 2021-10-26)


Save my country and profession

Dolores Sicheri (Thunder Bay , 2021-10-26)


There are many people who are violating all kinds of laws in addition to violating these basic codes that were created to prevent the abuses of the past. The breaking of these laws is so egregious, so cruel, so destructive, so life-threatening, so violent and the consequences of these criminal actions will affect many generations, just as the actions of those in WWII, which led to the very codes referenced here. These people who should be prosecuted are committing genocide in addition to lifelong injuries that will threaten the survivors and their descendants. This is not just a few people in an individual nation, but a globally coordinated effort leaving no opportunity for escape for anyone. This must NEVER happen again. These global predators must be prosecuted.

Tamara Romaine (Hawthorne, 2021-10-26)


I'm signing because this madness and genocide has to stop. This evil must be stopped and the ones responsible must be held accountable for their crimes

Benjamin Toegaert (Oslo, 2021-10-26)


I'm signing because these ARE crimes against humanity. And they CONTINUE. This needs to be stopped. Criminal and treasonous activities.

Matthew Melillo (Sturbridge, 2021-10-26)


They have a lot to answer for

Toni Slater (Victoria Pt , 2021-10-26)


This scamdemic is a crime against humanity and no government or health dept. anywhere in the world has been able to provide a single cell sample of the presumed covid 19 in a court of law.

Neil Jensen (Sydney, 2021-10-26)


I am 19 years old, and I want to live this beautiful gift of life in a world that allows me to do so.

Jake Herner (Mount Royal, 2021-10-26)


Enough is enough.

Emma Denis (Worthing, 2021-10-26)


These criminals need to be help accountable.

Kelley Adama (Mission Viejo, 2021-10-26)


All of these crimes are illegal. These vaccines are killing innocent people who thought they were doing the right thing but they were lied to just like the germans did to the Jewish people many years ago.

Colleen Carder (Windsor, 2021-10-26)


Fauci, Bill Gates, et al ARE guilty of crimes against humanity, and they will continue laughing at us all the way to the bank, as they make $Billions and get bolder and bolder, unless their criminal activity is stopped and made an example of.

Francis Kuhlman (Grand Island, 2021-10-26)


I want the criminals revealed and their motives made public. We must keep history from repeating.

Cheryl Garcia (Ennis, 2021-10-26)


Say no to genocide

Neil Burrows (Manchester, 2021-10-26)


I belive

Miro Koludrović (Split, 2021-10-26)


Crimes Against Humanity

Angela Wilbert (BIGLERVILLE, PA, 2021-10-26)


I'm signing this because it is unconstitutional to force vaccinate the population, enforce vaccine passports and force people to get fired from their jobs for refusing the vaccine. And this vaccine is NOT a vaccine. Even the inventor of mRNA technology has stated that the general public should not be taking mRNA shots. mRNA was only meant to treat cancer. Not let loose on healthy cells in heathy people. I am not a professional but from my research. the Covid-19 vaccine (mRNA) alters your DNA which is then replicated over and over again. This is an immune system suppressor. Normal vaccines give your body a small amount of the virus so your immune system will fight it and recognize it next time. The Covid-19 vaccine is NOT the same.

And Covid-19 is a perfect example of Problem-Reaction-Solution. Information has come out to show that Bill Gates and Fauci funded the Wuhan lab that modified the virus to spread to humans. Covid-19 was then let loose on an unsuspecting population to kill people and take away our rights. And in record time, a "vaccine" was produced. All vaccines take almost a decade to produce and test to be safe. But this vaccine was created, untested and distributed within 1 year. And now it is being forced on the populations of the world and needs to be stopped. Gates, Fauci and many other leaders (countries, states, etc) need to be prosecuted for war crimes.

Matthew Murray (Westland, 2021-10-26)


I'm disgusted by the genocide going on around me, and the health care providers, health bureaucrats, and politicians directly, or indirectly, involved in it.

Jodi Harris (Rome, 2021-10-26)


of crimes against humanity these individuals, organizations, etc have caused to peoples of the world and to obtain any and all information that can be gathered in the performance of this task

Kraig Lorenzen (Fort Smith, 2021-10-26)


I believe the truth needs to be told and the actual true science needs to be shared with the world.

Christine Robertson (Calgary, 2021-10-26)


I’m signing because this vaccine violates God’s law on blood. Blood is sacred and His word states the life is in the blood. Innocent and unsuspecting people are being killed by this vaccine.

Susan Bowman (Kapolei, 2021-10-26)


This shot is taking away our right to choose what goes into our bodies. It breaks all the rules set up by the Nuremberg Trials

Kenneth Kaufman (Montoursville, 2021-10-26)


Crimes against humanity should not go unpunished.

Elaine Stevens (Greensboro, 2021-10-26)


I am signing this petition because national laws and international laws are being broken by power hungry tyrants. Millions of people are being maimed and killed and we are told we must take this experimental jab or risk losing our freedoms. This must end now.

Annie Ochoa (Tacoma, 2021-10-26)


The science is being manipulated by big pharma for profit.

Mellysa Halter (Wildwood, 2021-10-26)


The whole of humanity is under attack right now.

Geoff Hickie (Broadstairs, 2021-10-26)


Because I believe what’s happening in the world and my country is criminal and the people responsible need to be stoped. We do not need a repeat of WWII …. Hate, discrimination and segregation and lies that effect all people’s lives need to stop and the people that commit crimes against humanity need to be brought to justice

Debra Taylor (Old Bar , 2021-10-26)


No to vaccine mandates!!
No to people losing their jobs for exercising their rights to choose not to take this bullshit vaccine!!
No to crimes against humanity and viloating the Canadian Charter of Rights!!

Brian Matiation (Prince George, 2021-10-26)


My body, my choice.

MICHAEL WAYNE ROGERS (Tokyo, 2021-10-26)


I want Law and Order restored and legal, due process to sort out the bad from the good and apropriately punished...

David Carrier (Johnson City, 2021-10-26)


These are crimes against humanity. Please help us hold these criminals accountable.

MaryAnn Marks (Melissa, 2021-10-26)


These programs need to be shut down once and for all

Wynston Hendershot (Hinesville , 2021-10-26)


So much vaccine damage It must be stopped immediately

David Shelander (Saint Paul, 2021-10-26)


Because I believe a great injustice has been done to the people of the world by a few immoral power hunger elite and they need to be brought to justice

Phyllis Strickland (Floral City, 2021-10-26)


Pharmaceutical companies have manufactured ineffective, dangerous gene therapies that they mislabel as"vaccines" and have received the willing and knowing cooperation of governments and health officials and professionals around the world to encourage, pressure and coerce people into getting these shots, knowing that they are deadly and ineffective and causing death and permanent disability in who knows how many people and which will continue as long term health problems and conditons continue to manifest in the years and decades to come. These people are moral monsters who deserve the most severe justice that can be handed out because of the severity and scope of their crimes.

Joan Barros (Katy, 2021-10-26)


I am signing in support of justice - truth - human rights and freedom. Genocide must be stopped.

Stephen Brocklehurst (Halifax, 2021-10-26)



TJ Flynn (MILFORD, 2021-10-26)


I feel that I am loosing my rights (freedom and freedom of speech, right for education, right for health care) I am being discriminated because of my choice driven on scientific base proof

Martin Kuba (Zilina, 2021-10-26)

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