Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I’m signing because this is a clear and deeply devastating crime committed against humanity. If this signature is all I can do to help bring justice, then this is what I’m to do.

Erin Willis (Hector, 2021-10-26)


I want the mass genocide stopped.

Anne Pettijohn (Midlothian , 2021-10-26)


I demand charges of murder by GENOCIDE, and treason be brought against all governments and there criminal politicians, be put in front of a firing squad.

Jill Harding (Chichester , 2021-10-26)


This must stop. I am signing!

Jindřich Smítka (Příbram, 2021-10-26)



Miroslava Pastieriková (Solčany, 2021-10-26)


Because I don't believe in poisoning humans and not supporting the largest crime in human history.

Richard Donaldson (Edinburgh , 2021-10-26)


INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY IS THE GREATER GOOD. The Canadian government has listed "fatigue, shortness of breath, pain, anxiety, depression, trouble thinking/concentrating" as symptoms of "long covid". NO! These are symptoms of the lockdowns, masking, constant fear mongering by the legacy media, loss of moral agency (that people like Justin Trudeau robbed from us), forced vaccination, and being separated from loved-ones/society. Our governments are engaging in fascism, and it needs to stop!

Stephanie Doyle (Montreal, 2021-10-26)


I am signing because I 100% believe that this virus and subsequent "vaccine mandates" were developed to injure, Mame and kill human kind.

Dawn Dowers (Rose Hill, 2021-10-26)


Because I feel that the mRna Vaccines are toxic and diminish natural immunity responses and as Dr Flemming points out these vaccines do change the workings of our Dna and no long term health studies have been made also keep the Government out of the business that Physicians and patients can handle better themselves .

Bryan Luff (Randolph, 2021-10-26)


I will not be coerced into fascism.

Randy Schiller (Weyburn, 2021-10-26)


I'm signing because these crimes against humanity have to stop.

Josiah Rise (Medstead, Saskatchewan , 2021-10-26)


I lost my job over the jab mandates

Suzanne Flier (London, 2021-10-26)


I am signing this because I am a nurse and none of the interventions to this pandemic follow scientific protocols. Governments and media are canceling doctors, scientist and anecdotal stories of Covid and/or vaccine experiences. There is a global push of medical tyranny from non medical powers and anti freedom tactics in every country without logic or study of the effects.
Where is the antibody/titer test after exposure or vaccination? Where is the science that children and young people need this experimental vaccine for a virus that has not been a threat to this population? Where is the global investigation into the wuhan lab, NIH, WHO, Fauci and other “pandemic preppers” such as Bill Gates and the World economic forum?
We need answers and these people need to be held accountable.

Lori Taylor (Clarkton , 2021-10-26)


Because no one has a right to take our freedom away.
Vaccine passports are wrong,
There no place in our society for them

Elizabeth Carroll (Dublin 5, 2021-10-26)


Prosecution of those individuals responsible for crimes agathumanity

Yvonne Brisley (Gold Coast, 2021-10-26)



petr kral (Pha 4, 2021-10-26)


The who and the cdc have embarked on a program of deliberate program of mass murder. these organizations are no longer trusted protectors of health the global human community, and have become the empty headed puppets of the ruling elite.

JOHN HAMILTON (El Paso, 2021-10-26)


sloboda má prednosť pred tyraniou globálnej elity.

Peter Adam (Spišská Nová Ves, 2021-10-26)


I believe this to be true

Sacha Mulligan (London , 2021-10-26)


The Rights and Freedoms of us as Sovereign Human Beings are not up for retraction or negotiation. Atrocities against humanity cannot be allowed to happen again & the perpetrators must face the deeds of their intentful crimes ASAP

Cynthia Coombe (Wellington, 2021-10-26)


I think this is an attack on our future

Rene Beaulieu (London, 2021-10-26)


The genocide of humanity must be stopped.

Andrea Talábová (Dubovany , 2021-10-26)


Because I had enough of this tyranny and stupid fake virus, it needs to end immediately and all those dickheads behind this need to be hanged up for those crimes

roman plechlo (orlando, 2021-10-26)


These individuals must be held accountable.

Thorsten Wille (Lisbon, 2021-10-26)


My immune system is enough to protect me against any natural disease or virus. The Globalists are using a bio-weapon to depopulate and infringe on our civil rights. I want to see justice served on all those involved with this heinous crime.

Kimberly Schaffer (West Chester, PA, 2021-10-26)


Fauci is a criminal!

Gia Pacella (KINGWOOD, 2021-10-26)


I am signing because my youngest daughter died less than 48 hours after her first Moderna injection. No one has the authority to mandate this injection

Shauna Link (Evansville, 2021-10-26)



Roberto Laimböck (Villarrica, 2021-10-26)


I’m signing because I’m pro freedom and all of these draconian lockdowns in Canada are not based on any legitimate science and the truth needs to come out. Our freedoms given to us by our Charter of Human Rights is being trampled on and I want Juston Trudeau brought to justice under every available avenue under the Rule of Law. His aberrant disregard for human life, their livelihood, and freedom of choice in Canada is appalling and he must be stopped at al cost.

Calvin Smith (Stoney Creek , 2021-10-26)


I’m sick and tired of dealing with all this corruption in the U.S. and abroad

Robert Bozzi (Spring Hill Florida 34607, 2021-10-26)


As a family physician of 20 years, I feel strongly strongly that it is criminal for anyone to be pressured into accepting an experimental injection that they do not wish to have.

Rae Weber (Colorado Springs, 2021-10-26)


Because they are breaking laws and murdering people

Ann Fuller (SINGLETON HEIGHTS, 2021-10-26)


Time to arrest the elite, globalists criminals.

Claudette Caron (Cardston, 2021-10-26)


I have had enough of the unlawful acts by governments resulting in crimes against humanity - protect our children!

Stacia Escalante (Orléans , 2021-10-26)


they gotta be stopped

kj martin (Morinville, 2021-10-26)


Mandatory vaccination, especially with an experimental gene therapy is against the Nuremberg Code.

Charlotte Laborde (Livingston , 2021-10-26)


The people trying to control the world must be stopped before all in lost. They must answer for their crimes in the International Criminal Court.

Harold Rolle (Fort Worth, 2021-10-26)


To Get righteous Judgement and Hang the Bastards!!!!

JAMES GREGORY (KENO, 2021-10-26)


I believe there have been crimes against humanity.

wendy Abel (Scotts Valley, 2021-10-26)


I believe crimes against humanity have occurred and those responsible should be held accountable.

Deborah Roberts (Ocala, 2021-10-26)


This is a population agenda. Kenneth L. Ezrow

Kenneth Ezrow (Las Vegas, 2021-10-26)


We must prosecute those that are attempting to destroy humanity. Love and Bliss to all.

michael wells (Albany , 2021-10-26)


The genocide from the Covid vaccine bio weapon needs to stop and those responsible to be held accountable.

Laurie Mattila (Duluth, 2021-10-26)


I believe that the people in charge of this pandemic, have broken a number of laws, including the Nuremberg Code, and should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

Sandra Beck (Sedona, 2021-10-26)


I see that people are being murdered by the disease and the death shots.

Jennie Walsh (Sharon , 2021-10-26)


The Covid shots are an egregious attack on humanity.

Esther Calvert (Logan, 2021-10-26)


I am signing this petition because from day one we have never believed the lie. We want our parents, brothers, sisters, family, friends, all humanity to live with honest freedom. The powers running this crime need to be held accountable as this is the worst crime against humanity in the entire history of planet earth. We are about to lose millions of our loved ones because of the insanity of these devils.

Lawrence Pointer (Calne, 2021-10-26)


We have to hold these criminals accountable.

GARY VOGT (San Jose, 2021-10-26)


1947 Nuremberg Code violations!

Roger Jutz (NEW DURHAM, 2021-10-26)


I want to know the TRUE and live without every day fear from future again!

Sylva Stránská (Český Krumlov, 2021-10-26)


All people need to be accountable for ALL adverse related to the pandemic.

Sharon Noake (Kingman , 2021-10-26)


We MUST hold ALL of those involved in the forcing of deadly experimental injections on humanity, responsible for the death, destruction and permanent maiming that they have caused. The deaths and life-changing diseases inflicted on the world have been evident for months with even the smallest bit of research. No one involved in pushing these dangerous injections can claim they "didn't know". Now the powers that be are gleefully coming after the children with syringes who have never been at risk of dying from Sars-Cov2 in the first place. This is so clearly not about health and safety and people must pay for their crimes against humanity.

Annemarie Diffenderffer (Perry Hall, 2021-10-26)


I'm signing because what's happening is nothing short of pure evil. This needs to stop and people need to be held accountable and punished.

Ruth Phelps (Clayton, 2021-10-26)


I have family members that have taken the shot I am scared to death for their lives and the life of their children and afraid they will go get their kids this killer shot please stop the genocide!!!so many have been killed/injured and so many families have been destroyed!!! The lysed of the main stream medias/doctors and hospitals refusing treatments.. doctors today that will not even perform life-saving procedures without a test and or the shot! It must stop!!

Victoria S. (Athens, 2021-10-26)


This is the BIGGEST SCAM ever made. ALL FOR GREED!
Politicians, doctors, health care professionals ALL MUST BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE! They have killed and affected millions of lives all over the world all to cover up GREED

Brett Larson (Eugene, 2021-10-26)


Truth Freedom and health and for the children
For my son and daughter and my granddaughter and grandchildren.

Noel Utter (Honolulu , 2021-10-26)


Ik laat mij niet onderdrukken en chanteren, ik ben een gezond mens. Het is mijn lichaam.

'T. L. Herrmann (Poortugaal , 2021-10-26)


Pretože ten teror musí rýchlo preč!

Miroslav Bielik (Šaľa, 2021-10-26)


I want to show my support for this investigation and prosecution.

Patrick Mays (Fort Smith, 2021-10-26)


We need to save our humanity. How can this be in our free land. How can people be so evil to do these things. It is all lies and, I believe this is our own holocaust. This is a world wide destruction of the human race. We have to stop this. Please help stop this. Humanity depends on us each and every one.

Barbara Mitchell (NICOMA PARK, 2021-10-26)

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