Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



We cannot allow these crimes against humanity to continue without holding those responsible accountable.

Bonnie Lynch (Export, 2021-10-25)


I care about the future of our human population

Lucia Rushton (Coppell, 2021-10-25)


These people have wrecked almost all countries on this planet. Their actions need to be reversed and they need to pay for their sins.

William Jones (Colorado Springs, 2021-10-25)


I'm signing because these evil beings NEED to be prosecuted to fullest extent of their crimes.....Nuremberg Code

Kerry Byrne (Blenheim, 2021-10-25)


If we deny what history has already taught us and our voices keep silent, then there is no reason for our cries to be heard. Free will is a gift from God and freedom is the right to exercise it. The Covid-19 plandemic, the experimental injections and the coercion of people is a crime against humankind and an abomination in the sight of God.

Ana Maria Gonzalez (Chilliwack, BC, 2021-10-25)


In Slovenia the terror must stop! Goverment is punishing people who don't want to be vaccinated! We are prisoners in our own country. Limited for medical treatment and so on... Goverment is breaking all laws and our rights are being stolen. Prime minister of Slovenia is the main player in this farse and the main player who is doing against his own people.

Mateja Žbogar (Novo mesto, 2021-10-25)


I believe the actions of our public health agencies, elected and unelected officials, and many others ARE criminal and have led to the deaths and physical, emotional, mental, psychological, and financial harm of millions of people in the United States (and the world!).

Elizabeth Frazao (Starkville, 2021-10-25)


Liberty and freedoms are being taken away. I alone am in charge of my body. Not the government.

Tammy Denfeld (White oak , 2021-10-25)


This worldwide corruption needs to end now!
We need to protect our children first and ourselves!

Louise Rodrigue (Ottawa, 2021-10-25)


We, the people shouldn't be treated as cattle. This fake government and Big Pharma as well as Big Tech and the corporations behind them (BlackRock and Vangard as well as some others) have to be accountable for all the damage...

Sergey Chalykh (Chantilly, 2021-10-25)


I am signing because these crimes should be stopped, a true protocol established and lies by the establishment punished.

Trygve Wighdal (Spring, 2021-10-25)


Save the children

Dean Heck (Calgary , 2021-10-25)


The people that have caused this global disaster need to be brought to justice. We cannot have politicians, Church leaders,Scientists and Media controlled by these individuals.

Kathy Verratti (Lanciano, 2021-10-25)


It's a crime what the elite powers have done to the people of this world in the name of profits.

Matt Garofolo (Toronto, 2021-10-25)


The truth needs to be made known to all people.

Janet ROBINSON (Oldham, 2021-10-25)


The world needs to unite to save the children and humanity!

Carole Beyer (McKinney , 2021-10-25)


I am signing this petition as what has been happening all over the world is Genocide and Socialist Control of the citizens of each country. A virus was put out globally to cause us harm, or death. The governments have used covid as a way to control us and take away our freedoms. First it was the 2 week lockdowns to flatten the curve. Then the masks, and curfews. Once the so called vaccines were available, they segregated us, the vaxxers and anti-vaxxers. People are losing their jobs because they refuse to be vaxxed, which is so wrong. My body my choice. It is against the Canada Rights & Freedoms. We have these rights to protect us, but our governments are ignoring them. Then the mandates and passports started. I cannot go to a movie, or out to dinner with my husband or family and enjoy the simple pleasures. The governments are killing small businesses, and trying to make their citizens depended on them. They also blocked alternative treatments to the vaccine. I want things to go back to normal, or the normal I remember before the virus, which is 99.9% recoverable. I want all who are pushing these vaccines and mandates and causing us harm to be arrested and tried. They have caused us emotional, financial, and loss of life. I believe these are all crimes against humanity.

Kim Dagenais (Gatineau, 2021-10-25)


I believe we are being forced to undergo medical experimentation as a human race without our willing consent. I have lost my job as an optometrist due to the NY state vaccine mandate. Those responsible should be forced into the light.

Sarah Klein (Pittsford NY, 2021-10-25)


There is something wrong in my country and around the world. We are not in a pandemic, these inoculations are not about health and they follow no know current science. This is about power, monetary gain. Not health

g Sharon Jones (Oroville, 2021-10-25)


The Australian government should protect individual liberty not infringe upon it.

Annelise Mitchell (Mount Nathan, 2021-10-25)


It's the right thing to do...

Carol Murdock (Delray Beach, 2021-10-25)


All the stages of this pandemic (and maybe the precedent of ''special'' flue) are fraudulous, covered by lies, lead to death. That are also covered by lies and cirorruption. All this crimes must stop and Any organizer, participating financier and accomplice must be severely punished. The media, the political parties and other 'associated think tanks' should be dissolved. Especially since the implementation is premeditated.

Olivier Ongaro (Andenne, 2021-10-25)


Stop the corrupt medical tyranny

Knut Eilertsen (Tromsø, 2021-10-25)


This needs to end.

Corrie McGinnis (Saskatoon , 2021-10-25)


We have a right to decide what goes in our bodies and mandating this goes against my human rights.

Kayla Stander (Bloemfontein, 2021-10-25)


Covid is a kind of flew and It seams to be created in Laboratory. People are suffering because of media and politicians Propaganda distributing fear. Stop It!!!

Ivan Myslikovjan (Prague, 2021-10-25)


I believe there has been crimes against humanity commited.

Elisabeth Gale (Lighting Ridge, 2021-10-25)


Any and all medical treatments, including vaccinations, must be voluntary. Any effort to coerce someone to receive a medical treatment, whether by bribes, incentives, shaming, peer pressure, social pressure, threats (implicit or explicit), restrictions on employment or public access, etc., must not be tolerated. Anyone advocating for or enforcing coerced medical treatments must face harsh sanctions.

Curtis Coates (Fairview, 2021-10-25)


I'm signing because I want to find forBiden truth!

Jan Mareda (Kralupy nad Vltavou, 2021-10-25)


I am signing this petition because I am against a vaccine based on mRNA which is still an experimental drug and has proved to cause severe enhanced antibody response besides that evidence still cannot be provided regarding long-term effects.

Brigitte Awada-Huettner (29525 Uelzen, 2021-10-25)


This is the single most defining issue is our lifetimes. We must speak up now.

Andrew Snyder (Rochester, 2021-10-25)


I believe the various Governments responses to this virus amounts to individuals committing crimes against humanity

Kevin McKenna (Palmerston North, 2021-10-25)


The end of civilization as we know it is upon us unless this medical tyranny is stopped. The truth has to be told.

Liz Brosnan (Cork, 2021-10-25)


I am signing because of the blatant human rights abuses from democratic governments in first world countries must be stopped!

Pushpa Pillay (Cape Town, 2021-10-25)


Forcing experimental vaccines on individuals is a violation of the Nuremberg code.

Nick Ragone (Melville, 2021-10-25)


COVID 19 response from Governments is criminal.

Lee Ann Robbins (Lititz , 2021-10-25)


I don’t like what’s happening all over the world , governments and leaders are corrupt and causing mass destruction of people , society, economy. Our freedoms are being denied us and we should NOT be made to take covid vaccines - our choice!!

Nancy Stride (Auckland , 2021-10-25)


The people who are responsible for the lies, betrayal, coverups, misinformation, and willful withholding of truth and facts resulting in the ruined health, global economic crisis, and deaths need to be BROUGHT TO ACCOUNT.

Dulcy Little (Starkville, 2021-10-25)


I am part of the "control grouop" for this global experiment. This means I have decided NOT to participate in the injection group in favour of using Ivermectin and a prophylaxis and cure.

Rod Stuart (DILSTON, TAS, 2021-10-25)


Crimes have been and are being committed against humanity using the SARS COV 2 virus,

Raphael Moraczewski (Boulder Junction, 2021-10-25)


There have been way too many deaths and adverse effects from a vaccine. Smallpox vaccine was stopped when there were 26 deaths yet covid us had thousands and thousands of deaths due to the covid shot. Now to mandate this is a crime and those involved should be prosecuted!

Clement Sharon (Windsor, 2021-10-25)


These vaccines are a bio weapon used as part of a depopulation agenda by a very small elite group of unelected and evil ultra wealthy people. They are guilty of many crimes against humanity. Once their evil and Satanic agenda is exposed for all the world to see and the truth is finally told, there should be swift justice and these monsters eradicated from our planet. They are not human and deserve no mercy or compassion as they’ve shown none for all humanity.

Debra Riedel (Richmond, 2021-10-25)


Every human deserves to have freedom from medical mandates and government overreaching control.

Sorin Maghiar (Perth, 2021-10-25)


Because terrorism is i big NO

Adam perret (Salt Spring Island, 2021-10-25)


The world has been overrun by satanic pedophiles, abject criminals, deviant enemy combatants and bribed, blackmailed and willing minions. The CONvid hoax is the biggest fraud in human history and the killer vaccines are the biggest genocidal crime in human history. But ALL these pathetic predators will be arrested soon and will face military tribunals for egregious Crimes Against Humanity - and there will be no escape to Argentina or Antarctica this time.
Their sex-trafficking and adrenochrome harvesting of children and their efforts to kill off humanity and to steal our minds, bodies and souls has invoked the full wrath of God and, once their plan to enslave humanity is exposed, even the satanic shitheads know what is coming - according to their own Secret Covenant:
'This covenant must never, ever be known to exist. It must never, ever be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast into the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end of infinity itself.'
Enjoy infinity in Hell you twisted satanists.

Peter Dubois (NOTL, 2021-10-25)


I am a part graduate health science student being coerced to get the vaccine to complete my study and based on the available evidence, I believe the mass forced distribution of this experimental therapy is unethical as per the established, agreed, international medical research and practice ethical standards.

Neil Swann (Brisbane , 2021-10-25)


This is necessary for the sake of our Humanity. Truth must be revealed, those responsible must be punished.

Vincent Gircys (Fonthill, 2021-10-25)


According to the Constitution and Common Law we all have the right to choose what we put into our bodies. It's unlawful and unethical to force people to do something against their will. End the madness.

Petra Bigea (LYNNWOOD, 2021-10-25)


I strongly object to my tax dollars being used for this research and I want those responsible to be held accountable.

Wayne Lee (Crowley, TX, 2021-10-25)


criminal actions have been committed against "WE THE PEOPLE" in every country and many people have been injured and died as a result. These criminals need to be held to account.

bonnie low (richmond hill, 2021-10-25)


I’m just so glad people are doing good and fighting for this!!! Thank you so much!!! Good luck everyone!

Jamie Lowe (Sheffield, 2021-10-25)


This is a man made virus Made by the american funding the labs in China and because of it we are loosing our rights and our freedoms as well as our autonomy over our bodies This is a crime against all humans and needs to end We should be running the government not the government running the people ?

Dyer Reg (Gold River, 2021-10-25)


I have close relatives who have died because of either the Covid lockdown protocols, or due to injury from the Covid vaccines.

Michelle Boivin (Mississauga, 2021-10-25)


I do not believe that us as people who have human rights should have to comply with mandatory vaccination. We as people should be able to have choices and all have our beliefs.
I do believe COVID-19 was realised to try bring back in the hills coat laws... draconian laws. I believe the vaccination is spreading the virus.
My family and I had the first vaccination had nochoice my child was told if she wanted another shift at her part time job she would need to have the vaccination. We had our first jab and with in 2 hours I had fallen extremely ill We all got tested and sure enough we were all positive I believe our children from 13 and up are our spreaders after having the vaccination both my children did not full unwell what so ever but me self since the 4th of this month have been un well with the first 1 and half being unbearable in fear if be hospitalised due to other underlying health issues of the lungs chronic pain bowls I got really bad almost 4 weeks now and I am just starting to come right and still my girls nothing... I was very unwell bur every day had to answer the same questions 3 times for all of from Monash health... why ? It's like we are experiment and we are taking our own observational notes... we all know that a vaccine takes about 10 years to make how have they possibly made 3 and now boosters... we have rights we should do things because we a force that is not freedom we shouldn't not be told that we can not leave our homes and if we do so be punished.. all off the issues presented during this covid 19 period are not freedom it is not Australia.

Eliana Zavros (Melbourne , 2021-10-25)


The reaction to Covid-19 is ridiculous. Ones in authority are making the situation worse.

Todd Ellis (Midlothian , 2021-10-25)

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