Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I am a professor of medicine and I respect all lives. I believe in god.

Prof Serhat Findik (Istanbul, 2021-10-24)


These whole circumstances are non technical, unscientific, commercial party by those do not care about our future, i.e. our precious kids who will have to deal with what we leave over. I really really feel sorry my children. Hope this will end sooner than later.

Shinichiro Sagara (Sunnyvale, 2021-10-24)


I am signing in an effort to stop crimes against humanity. In New Zealand, we are faced with egregious immoral and illegal restrictions on NZ citizens.

Denny Reid (Hamilton, 2021-10-24)


I believe in freedom of choice, freedom of speech

Steve Jones (Melbourne , 2021-10-24)


Because I have family members who have died because of no information on how to treat covid_19 from public source and insurance mds.

Doyle Porter (Sun Lakes Az 85248, 2021-10-24)


Our rights and freedoms are being completely violated, and it’s not ok.

Carleigh Kage (Vancouver, 2021-10-24)



Treva Badeau (Molalla, 2021-10-24)


Our government is out of control.

Carolyn Tuller (Muskogee, 2021-10-24)


It’s true!!!

Karen Kauk (Cupertino , 2021-10-24)


I’m signing this because it’s time we hold all those accountable for crimes against humanity.

Esther Zack (Scottsdale, 2021-10-24)


I see overwhelming substantiation of crimes having been planned and committed against humanity.

Terrence Barnes (Epping, 2021-10-24)


These criminals must be stopped and held accountable now.

Shelley Young (Melbourne, 2021-10-24)


Ich unterschreibe,weil es ist schon total übertrieben mit den Maßnahmen und mit dem Drück mit Vaccinen. Unlogische Maßnahmen sind nur im Chaos....fertig damit

Zuzana Obsivana (Lörrach, 2021-10-24)


Not accept any tyranny.

Härtull Jonas (Koivulahti, 2021-10-24)


Our children deserve the best future and people are committing crimes against humanity daily. This stops when we hold them all accountable on a personal level and all stop complying.

Kerry Hyde (Oldbury , 2021-10-24)


Frankova Bozena

Bozena Frankova (Pečovská Nová Ves, 2021-10-24)


The Revolution is upon you. Hand the power back. Or it will be Taken!

Scott Mcfee (Lincoln, 2021-10-24)


The truth must be revealed!

Yuka Osawa (Niigata, 2021-10-24)


All people who pushing the covid vaccines should be in prison

Harco Poelman (Erica, 2021-10-24)


Alena Mihaliková

Alena Mihaliková (Košice, 2021-10-24)


Im signing because i too feel my rights denied as a human being and as a citizen of a country. We are not cattles nor are we criminals. Thank you.

Anis Haslinda Hamid (Ipoh, 2021-10-24)


My concerns as a sovereign citizen of the U.S. including global concerns as well, that human kind is being traumatized into loosing our own personal freedoms. I do not want to be in a world where we cannot make our own decisions regarding our own persons.

Jeryl Blasco (Indialantic, 2021-10-24)



Václava Přibilová (Tišice, 2021-10-24)


The only and eternal GOD, the Creator of all worlds, GAVE TO MAN - human being - RIGHT TO BE, to exist, to live freely, to make free choices, to create joyously. This right is irrevocable. No one and nothing.
Nuremberg code was breached in all of its points. Human rights are being suppressed worldwide in the name of "pandemic".

Slavomír Antol (Nitra, 2021-10-24)


My whole life, all I wanted was freedom, unfortunatelly nowadays around me all I can see is the exact opposite. We want our rights back! And not the fakely created covid situation.

Hájek Jiří (Otaslavice, 2021-10-24)


Weil das gegen alle Menschenrechte ist.

Mojca Stefanic (Wildon , 2021-10-24)


Podpisujem, pretože sa na Slovensku očividne nedodržiavajú zákony, nedodržiava sa Ústavný zákon Slovenskej republiky, porušujú sa ľudské práva občanov SR a čo je najhoršie, je pravdepodobne zámerne zanedbávaná zdravotná starostlivosť, s fatálnymi následkami pre občanov SR.

Tibor Gál (Rimavská Sobota, 2021-10-24)


Je evidentné, že "vakcína" nefunguje, teda aspoň nie proti Covidu-19, takže jej pravý účel - podľa toho, koľko ľudí už vo svete po očkovaní zomrelo - je temnejší a zlovestnejší... Predsa, ak má "vakcína" pomáhať, prečo poškodzuje zdravie ľudí a zabíja !!!?

Oľga Rumanová (Žiar nad Hronom, 2021-10-24)


It’s a crime against humanity and these evil mongrels deserve to pay!!!

Jacqueline Soumelidis (Adelaide , 2021-10-24)


They're behavior is reprehensible

Don Ramsbottom (Thornton Bradford, 2021-10-24)


My body my choice

Mark Steiner (Townsville, 2021-10-24)


The checks and balances in this world are fading away, crimes against humanity are conducted as we speak, and we can't remain silent. What's happening is wrong, unlawful, and tyrranic and must be stopped, and the responsible ones prosecuted.

nikos Theodoridis (Antwerpen, 2021-10-24)


I am against human experimentations without informed consent

Jonathan Acosta (Manila, 2021-10-24)


I'm signing because what is being done regarding the current mandates (vaccine, masking, etc) is wrong and more importantly, illegal!

Shyla Cabell (Greenville, 2021-10-24)


I want to stop the genocide.

Daniel Webber (Fosters, 2021-10-24)


Because it is obvious that this office is not doing it job. Such prosecutions should be done when the crime starts or before, not months after.

Mark Weightman (Derby, 2021-10-24)


Because what is happening in the world is against peoples human rights.

Peter Kelly (Dublin, 2021-10-24)


I believe in the work and tireless research of Dr. Richard Fleming.

Gary Gilbertson (Lakeville , 2021-10-24)


I am against the crime of all kinds.

Suzana Dimitrijevic-Brankovic (Belgrade, 2021-10-24)


I absolutely agree and support Mr. Fleming therefore I decided to sign the petition.
Dipl. Ing. Robert Vancisin

Robert Vancisin (Velky Slavkov, 2021-10-24)


Que les criminels soient jugés pour leurs crimes.

Marco Gauthier (Sept-îles , 2021-10-24)


I am signing as the blatant lies have contributed to the death of thousands. Fauci et al MUST face prosecution

Pauline Brown (London, 2021-10-24)



Michal Machala (Stožok, 2021-10-24)


I want the truth you come out

Bob Jereza (Bacolod, 2021-10-24)


I lost my job to a Dr. who owns his own urgent care and he fired me because I would not comply to wearing a mask in his clinic post a patent complaint. All people complicit to crimes against humanity need to be held accountable for their actions.

Melanie Fletcher (Fort Worth , 2021-10-24)


I am signing because I want the truth to come out.

Mary Lou Ledesma (Bacolod City, 2021-10-24)


It is my belief that these experimental gene therapies are a war crime and have to stop!!!

Brandon Robledo (Ashland , 2021-10-24)

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