Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I'm signing because I strongly believe and support this action. What is happening at the moment in most countries is the beginning of a totalitarian regime and is already marked by sheer crimes against humanity.

Jean-Pierre Minier (Chatou, 2021-10-21)


After viewing Dr. Fleming’s video I am convinced that action must be taken to bring justice upon those who are guilty of crimes against humanity.

Lisa Long (Angleton, 2021-10-21)


We need to prosecute those people responsible for committing crimes against our innocent children.

Kevin Gibson (Towaco, 2021-10-21)


The fact of requiring a medical procedure of a drug that is not approved, and they does not have any clinical trials, they does not know if the drug prevent or not the virus, or what kind of harm can cause these drugs.

Edgardo Peñalver (San Juan, 2021-10-21)


There have been major crimes against humanity and these people must face the penalty for supporting them.

Jason Tron (Salt Spring Island, 2021-10-21)


Those who have committed these atrocious crimes, many against children, MUST be held accountable. This type of evil and sadism cannot be allowed in civilized societies. God help the victims.

Judi Thompson (Upper Lake, 2021-10-21)


je signe pour le crime commis contre l'humanité et surtout les enfants

Nabil Bensalem (la norville, 2021-10-21)


I want help. Slovak mountains.

Martin Tupek (Ruzomberok, 2021-10-21)


I am sixk of this evil!!! Tge hoernmebt mudt fall. We employ them abd find them useless!

Karen STAFFIRD- MAYER (Durban, 2021-10-21)


This nightmare into full on communism and genocide MUST END! Today!!!!!

Annie Renner (Red Deer, 2021-10-21)


I’m sick of the lies and graft

Sue Hubbard (Sebastian, 2021-10-21)


My 2 youngest sons took this poison because their job and school demanded it.

Sharon Landau (Indianapolis, 2021-10-21)


The satanist need to pay! God wins

Jerilyn Marin (Upland , 2021-10-21)


The hole government they are corruption they all have to go

Harry Kotatzis (Victoria , 2021-10-21)


I strongly feel that we are be subjected to forced medicines that are not proven safe and necessary. Additionally, that traditional medical practices have been corrupted by politics and big pharma.

Sara Discenza (Eagan, 2021-10-21)


This is bad history repeating itself. We are human beings not guinea pigs! We want to preserve our DNA and our future generations!

David Boyce'Monelle (Bath, 2021-10-21)


I am whole heartedly supporting this petition due to the horrible crimes that have been committed by The Who, CDC, NIH and other organizations. People have died needlessly and this so-called vaccine is a genetic experiment gone terribly wrong.

Elizabeth Jackson (SC, 2021-10-21)


This is beyond criminal behavior and inhumane.

Sheri White (Captain Cook , 2021-10-21)


I love freedom, personal - the inviolability of the body, but also that in my mind
very strange time nowadays, laws do not apply, violence is tolerated, country leaders manipulate citizens and state forces to enforce "submission"
constitutional rights are suppressed,
where are the phrases about world peace, building a healthy and moral society, where the free opinion of each individual is valued and heard?
if we call ourselves as an advanced and modern civilization, I can't imagine how difficult it was to live a few centuries ago.
we are unable to learn from the past that all "advanced" civilizations had fallen and we still make the same mistakes, our might and wealth desire have priority, neither lasts forever
I would never say that I am ashamed of my nation, but in these violent times I am ashamed of all humanity
this is no longer about the virus
man opposed man, why?

Jozef Presinsky (Dubnica nad Vahom, 2021-10-21)


I am signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take action against those who have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

Mornay Tucker (Saint Louis, 2021-10-21)


Their criminals and need to be held to account

Mark Gillard (Kyogle, 2021-10-21)


Crimes against humanity should be brought to the full light.

Deborah Babin (Gonzales, 2021-10-21)


I don’t agree with whats happening on a global scale these crimes need to stop! now!
These so called leaders need to be held accountable.

Hellaina Watkinson (Darwin , 2021-10-21)


i agree with petition

peter hanzlik (bratislava, 2021-10-21)


The prevention of access to treatments known to be effective is genocide. The forcing by coercion of experimental treatments (that are dangerous/deadly) on anybody is also genocide. Especially when science does not support the use of the treatment.

Greg Smith (Belgrave Heights, 2021-10-21)


Thank you for your hard work!

Jan Bergmann (Prague, 2021-10-21)


My body my choice. I chose to live in a free and democratic society not a communist one.

Daniel Stevens (Brisbane, 2021-10-21)


As a RN in the Emergency Room, I have witnessed the pain and suffering from the virus, the adverse reactions to the vaccine, and the seemingly intentional suppression of early treatments and informed consent. Please hold those responsible to account.

Lori Born (Edgewood, 2021-10-21)


It is necessary if we want to go on living in free countries.

Michel Haag (Torteron, 2021-10-21)


Enough is enough

Antonio Catta (Cardiff, 2021-10-21)


I’m signing this because. I have children. Who have the rights to live in peace. Without being coercion. They have the right to health, and freedom.

Esmay Piazza (Vaughn , 2021-10-22)


I want to stop the genocide. I want to stop the sociopaths from killing billions of people, and destroying our civilization.

Halperin Susan (Kihei, 2021-10-22)


Our political leaders have to be stopped in their obsession with control and division.

Isabelle Beaulac (Drummondville , 2021-10-22)


Covid vaccine is useless and harmful to the body

Paolo d'Esposito (Scarborough, 2021-10-22)


I'm signing because these condemnable villains must face justice and receive severe punishment for the blood on their hands.

Alex Kwon (Minersville, 2021-10-22)


Freedom of choice matters! Informed consent matters! Our Children’s Future Matters! Being Free to Worship the One True GOD matters! All Lives Matter!!!

Carol Lukander (Jacksonville , 2021-10-22)


Body autonomy

Larry Allen (Albuquerque, 2021-10-22)


I am against this genocide.

Lois Wolf (Wood Village, 2021-10-22)


This is out of hand

Joe Cabral (KINGSTON, 2021-10-22)


I’m signing because this is a crime against humanity and they are taking our individuals rights and freedoms away through mandating this vaccine in NZ. No jab no job, through fear and propaganda.

Miranda Beazley (Whangarei , 2021-10-22)


Evidence is overwhelming that we are in a manufactured crisis and the 'manufacturers' need to be prosecuted as blood is on their hands.

Michael Sahai (Singapore , 2021-10-22)


Corruption, harmful deceit, purposeful creation and release of deadly viruses, and the callous withholding of beneficial drugs to citizen’s demise -warrants justice!

Linds Hart (Lubbock , 2021-10-22)


We must stop these crimes

Donald Mcginnis (Salt Spring Island , 2021-10-22)


I'm appalled by what I see occurring around the world. Knowing what I know I must stand when others don't know they need to or cannot themselves!

Molly Huber (Batavia , 2021-10-22)


I’m signing because my entire family and extended family has taken this evil injection. There should be a thousand years of punishment to the people and leaders responsible for this crime (s) against humanity.

Nora Parsons (Durham , 2021-10-22)


I don't want to take an experimental so called vaccine that clearly does not prevent me getting the disease or prevent me from passing it on. I would rather take my chances with the disease and be prescribed medicines to help you recover instead of being sent home to quarantine for 14 days with no treatment what so ever. In Western Australia they have just announced mandatory vaccination for 75% of WA Workforce, no jab, no job and fines for individuals and companies that do not comply. I have never seen a vaccine that needed 24/7 mass media advertising and promotion on every media outlet known to mankind. They have a $1million Vax lottery going here, amongst other promotions, it is an absolute joke. Please help us!

Julie Jepp (Mandurah, 2021-10-22)


I have enough!

Beata Dusome (Toronto, 2021-10-22)


I’m signing this petition because I truly believe that there are people who knowingly and with malice of forethought have perpetuated misinformation regarding this virus and any potential treatments.

Cheryl Golden (Damascus , 2021-10-22)


Myself and my wife are being forced out of our jobs due to forced vaccine mandates by the WA premier Mark McCowen. We are both not anti vax but are pro choice about what goes in our bodies. We do not consent

Paul Rhodes (Mandurah , 2021-10-22)


I am signing this because I am worried for the future of our children, our country is under attack... the world is at war.

Shane White (Adelaide, 2021-10-22)


I'm signing this petition because people in high official office need to be exposed and held accountable .

Jacalyn Dashnaw (Delmar, 2021-10-22)


This is a violation of our human rights and we need to prosecute these criminals. Everything they are doing is illegal yet they continue to do it. Please get these criminals.

Carol Vale (Korora , 2021-10-22)


I am signing because I believe that the vaccine should be available to all but required by none. Medical discrimination is a crime against humanity. Forced vaccination is a crime against freedom.

Albert Guidice (GRANITE BAY, 2021-10-22)



karin HAUSER (MARRICKVILLE, 2021-10-22)


This must stop. It’s complete lawlessness and horrific what they are doing with Covid and the vaccines.

Shelley Maniscalco (Pensacola, 2021-10-22)


I oppose the loss of personal freedom, the rise of dictatorships and the loss of democratic and basic human rights and the wanton destruction being done to the human race.

Michael Stowers (Auckland, 2021-10-22)


All of our governments have lied to us. Our health agencies have lied to us. The WHO lied to us. Even now they are firing people for not agreeing to their experiment. Please stop these people.

Barbara Allison (Fate, 2021-10-22)


Nařízení není nad zákon. Lež a manipulace nesmí zvítězit nad pravdou. Naše děti si zaslouží lepší budoucnost než tu, kterou nám vnucuje vláda ČR.

Eva Plačková (Valašské Meziříčí, 2021-10-22)


I am signing because of the worldwide conspiracy to corece the population of the world to take the experimental drug therapy for Covid

Ken Erickson (Kelowna, 2021-10-22)


Historie se opakuje. Kdo nezná svojí historii, je nucen si jí zopakovat.

Eva Kozlová (Ústí nad Labem, 2021-10-22)

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