Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



mRNA vakcinacia =genocina,
It’s now genocide which must be stopped and perpetrators brought to justice

Jan Brehovsky (Horna Poton, 2021-10-20)


I disagree with the vaccination. I do not want to participate in this human experiment.

Greta Graham (Johannesburg , 2021-10-20)


Against corruption n crime

Paul Muscat (sliema, 2021-10-20)


The vaccine is being mandated and forced on people in Australia, I say forced because people a losing their job if not vaccinated. This is an experimental vaccine that IS causing numerous injuries to a large number of people. This is not a sterilising vaccine and current scientific evidence is revealing this vaccine is ineffective. Alternatively, safer and more effective prophylaxis and early treatment protocols for the SAR-COV 2 virus that can be used.

Paul Woods (Boggabri , 2021-10-20)


What’s going on around the world is not right!!! I can’t believe it’s gone this far, needs to stop I don’t want to be part of there experiment.

Andrew Durham (Windsor , 2021-10-20)


Nesúhlasím s vnucovanim očkovania. A tiež porušovaním ľudských práv s tým spojeným. Opatrenia ktoré sú prijímané sú neprípustné.

Jozef Palko (Stiavnik, 2021-10-20)


All this must stop ! Whe Want be free !

Stephane JUNG (Strasbourg , 2021-10-20)


I want to stop covid covid plandemic!

Anna Cameron (Prague , 2021-10-20)


Nemôžem uveriť ako niekto v 2021 dopustí aby sa prizeral ako zabíjajú ľudí v záujme bohatých tohto sveta je to strašne a horšie ako 2.svetova vojna. Prosím preberie sa a konajte rýchlo lebo planéta zahynie a s ňou aj ty šialenstvo lebo nevedia čo činia

Monika Remecka (Linz, 2021-10-20)


I do not believe other should make cgoices for the gester good of people everyone should have the riggt to decide their own fate

Clyde Quenet (Gauteng, 2021-10-20)


good judgment and common sense

Jorge de Queiroz (33150 Cenon , 2021-10-20)


We are being forced to take a toxic bioweapon. This is a Crime Against Humanity. Stop these COVID Vax's immediately and bring those responsible to Justice

Ash Haddon-Casey (Wembley, 2021-10-20)


these unspeakable horrors must not be allowed to continue, and the perpetrators and their malevolent plan must be exposed for all to see.

Elizabeth Haddad (NORFOLK, 2021-10-20)


For the sake of our children these crimes against humanity need to be stopped immediately.

HG Mackay (Durban, 2021-10-20)


Truth will prevail !!

Chaperon Etienne (Pune, 2021-10-20)


Because I cannot be complacent in genocide which the united nations and world banking system have planned and paid for.

Na Schmidt (Terre Haute, 2021-10-20)


Fauci, Gates, etc need to be arrested and charged with murdering millions

Brien Koehle (Chandler, 2021-10-20)


Anyone complicit with this shot should be tried and convicted of malpractice
Fauci should be charged and tried under the Nuremberg Code and for treasonous actions against the American people. He helped spread this disease and is now making billions off this poisonous cocktail.

Francis Ciociola (Lutherville,Md, 2021-10-20)


I believe that there has been gross malfeasance and unethical and illegal activity against humankind by governments and their agencies, pharmaceutical companies, the medical profession, and the media including social media. People need to be brought to account and face justice.

Alistair Montgomery (DUNDEE, 2021-10-20)


Je suis contre tout celà

Myriam Vliegen (Verviers, 2021-10-20)


I am signing because having seen the level of deception going on around me I can only believe there is a concerted plan driving this

Nicholas Thompson (Scunthorpe, 2021-10-20)


I hate this covid-19 fraud.

Pavel Moravec (Prague, 2021-10-20)


Verím v našu vec!

Agata Topalovičová (Lučenec, 2021-10-20)


We have to stop that now

Christophe Reynaud (Saint Laurent du Maroni , 2021-10-20)


Away with vaccinal tyranny !!!

Eric Rémond (Bretx, 2021-10-20)


Je signe parce que nos gouvernements prennent des décisions qui mettent chaque jour nos vie en danger de mort au travers des lois anticonstitutionnelles qui se révèlent liberticides et mortifères tels le port du masque, les confinements ainsi que la vaccination obligatoire avec des produits expérimentaux qui entraînent chaque jour des effets secondaires souvent graves, très graves voires mortels.

Christian BONNEAU (Nouméa , 2021-10-20)


I want know true, and I like freedom

Dana Gavajová (Strážske, 2021-10-20)


Truth and justice must prevail. The culprits must be held accountable, tried and sentenced.

Jennifer ALT (Saint-Leu, 2021-10-20)


Every person is entitled to live with dignity, equality & bodily autonomy to decide any medical procedures.

heather taylor (London , 2021-10-20)


It will be need for all of these criminals!!

John Waldon (Perth, 2021-10-20)



Monika MEDVEĎOVÁ (Čierny Balog , 2021-10-20)


I dont wanna by vaccination.

Jozefina Palovova (Bray, 2021-10-20)


This has to stop!

Ty Olsen (Las vegas, 2021-10-20)


I am sining becsuse I believed all this political nonsense. All pushing people to getting vaccines are against the humanity. People lossing the jobs, can't attend schools, medical treatments and more. It is so absurd.

Marika Redaj (Etobicoke, 2021-10-20)


The constant fear of being forced by VA doctors to take the shot and others. This thing is pure poison and satanic poison at that!

Steven Sideleau (Fitchburg , 2021-10-20)



Martina Figurova (Krajne, 2021-10-20)


I fully support investigation into the "Crimes Against Humanity" that have been and continue to be committed. All people deserve medical choice and freedom to decide what is best for ourselves and our children.

Stephanie Westinghouse (Hot Springs, SD, 2021-10-20)


To serve justice and to stand United in the Truth and to protect our humanity

Anna-Constance Lewington-Shultz (London , 2021-10-20)


I think this evil game has gone on long enough. These people need to answer for all crimes against humanity worldwide.

Brenda Noonan (Port Alma, 2021-10-20)


When the people are afraid of their government there is tyranny. When the government is afraid of its people there's FREEDOM. We are a sovereign nation and will remain so, there is no place in The United States of America for tyrants.

Misty Blake (Mead, 2021-10-20)


To have people tell me that I must subject myself or my family to an untested and untried experiment is against all of my birth rights as a human of earth.
I stand against coercion to have a poison injected into me or my family as the risks outweigh the rewards.
My family and I are mote inclined to get the virus snd have Natural Immunity.

I stand with the Professors/ Drs and all that are putting forward this to have this roll out stopped snd those who subjected everyone be held accountable as now the deaths and adverse events are starting to catch the actual Covid count.

Thank you

Andrew Madigan (Ourimbah , 2021-10-20)



Jim Daughtry (Garner, 2021-10-20)


I am signing this petition because the whole covid pandemic is seething with conflicts and interest, blantant profiteering and crimes against humanity

Lucya Almeida (Toronto , 2021-10-20)


Because we need justice!!!

Muhammad Fadhil Sazarul Kamar (Ipoh, 2021-10-20)


I'm sick of the terror that Governments perpetrate on their citizens.

Frank Jakubec (Odry, 2021-10-20)


I am signing to halt these atrocious crimes against humanity

Cari Matthews (Everett, 2021-10-20)


too much corruption in gov.

Brant Page (Kamuela, 2021-10-20)


Podpisujem, pretože nechcem byť otrokom

Jozef Žikla (Dubnica nad Váhom, 2021-10-20)


The so-called covid 19 virus has not been isolated as FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (116 and counting) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever.

Osvaldo Valdes (New York, 2021-10-20)


I'm signing because I'm adamant about blocking the ongoing process in controlling people's health and freedom

Eva Buchmuller (New York, NY, 2021-10-20)


i'm signing because I am so shaken and horrified by the many reports of injury and death caused by this vaccine (and we know the reports are just a tip of the "iceberg"). We need to prosecute all those complicit from the vaccine makers whose motivation seems to be corporate profit to those who have promoted vaccine delivery (politicians) for some "semblance" of public safety.

Walter Epley (Albuquerque, 2021-10-20)


Because we are not free anymore and we are slaves to ppl that don't wana see us living happy and healthy.

Zulu Patum (aveiro, 2021-10-20)



Teresa Miller (St. Louis, 2021-10-20)


I'm signing because it's the right thing to do. We must win this battle!

Shamarla Hunter (Atlanta, 2021-10-20)


It's a crime!!!!!

Michele Britton (Brooklyn , 2021-10-20)

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