Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



We must stop medical tyranny and crimes against humanity. Injection Mandates are unconstitutional and a violation of Neuremberg Code.

Jacki Gang (Atlanta, 2021-10-19)


A year and a half force us to test every week, otherwise I must not leave the house just for a walk with the dog, no social contact. and worst of all, I was prevented from meeting my mother, who is in the hous of sociál services.the paramedic did not want to get vaccinated, but they forced the old woman to be blackmailed that they would not let her go to her daughter and she would just sit in the room and she would not be able to go outside and walk away disgusting

Stanislava Hrusecka (Skalica, 2021-10-19)


I am signing because i agree.

Jozefína Petrová (Nitra, 2021-10-19)


TREAMENTS EXISTS ! And be ause the jabs are lethal. It is an experiment using violence against the people, to force them taking the jabs. A crime against humanity.

Gerard Getrey (Petite-Rosselle, 2021-10-19)


This is obviously being used to usher in communism world wide and these psychopaths need to pay

Megan Cameron (Camrose, 2021-10-19)


C'est un génocide

Desmoulins Vincent (Toulouse , 2021-10-19)


Kdo, když ne my?! Kdy, když ne teď?!

Martin Melichar (Plzen, 2021-10-19)


I want the guilty ones go to jail.

Lluís Martí (Tarragona, 2021-10-19)


Theres now more than enough evidence to prove that vaccines are harmful and mandates are simply a form of dictatorship

Awais Iqbal (Durban, 2021-10-19)


I do not believe in the mandates for force vaccination of Sars CoV 2 or any other vaccination. I do not believe in mandates for wearing a mask or any other procedure, such as testing, without my personal consent.

Tyara Stinson (Columbus, 2021-10-19)


Globally, citizens have every right to have a clear picture and a confidence in the course of affairs we have witnessed and have been all deeply affected by in these past two years. Bringing these cases in the court rooms and securing open and fair processes is the only chance to bring in the spotlight facts, proofs, credible witnesses instead of a twisted media stories and political rhetorics. Whatever the truth is, we need to know and thus restore a trust in our societies and communities.

Eva Olejnikova (Bratislava, 2021-10-19)


Súhlasím aby bolo urýchlene prejednanie žaloby..

Erik Oravec (Bratislava, 2021-10-19)


Enough of the genocide

Lawrence GORDON (Sydney , 2021-10-19)


I'm horrified at the large number of injuries & deaths from these COVID injections & want the forced mandates to be stopped. This petition is an important historical step in that direction.

claudia reid (wanaque, 2021-10-19)


I am against force vaccination of any kind. i am also against forced testing and wearing masks.

heather mullen (columbus, 2021-10-19)


It's time we make ALL these scum bags pay for their crimes

Michelle Curtis (Spring Hill, 2021-10-19)


I'm signing because it's a right thing to do.

Richard Gwozd (Montreal, 2021-10-19)


Au nom de la Vérité, tous ensemble.

Carpentras Didier (Loriol, 2021-10-19)


I can't bear to see the death and injuries any long. The crimes being forced on humanity with a large dose of fear are revolting. ENOUGH!!

Julie Daniels (Bradford, 2021-10-19)


Rolling out experimental gene therapy without informed consent and using bribery,coercion and blackmail is a crime against humanity. People are intentionally killed.

Beate Setzer (Cape town , 2021-10-19)


History repeating itself and we, the people, have woken up to it and won't allow this to happen. We'll fight for our rights till the end

Bernadette Spencer (Goolwa Beach, 2021-10-19)


Vaccines in general are good- bad vaccines are bad.

Ian Comaish (Nailsworth, 2021-10-19)


Il ne faut plus forcer les gens à la vaccination sans avoir de plus longue étude

Virginie Vaudey (Verquieres , 2021-10-19)


Because many of our rights have been violated using a lie and corruptions of medical information institutions

Lino Piani (Lindfield , 2021-10-19)


Politicians,doctors and certain others are violating the Nuremberg Code and must be brought to account,without delay,as they are committing genocide worldwide

James Morgan (Nerang, 2021-10-19)


I’m perfectly capable of deciding for myself whether I want a vaccine….I don’t need the government telling me I have to do it.

Kathy Wakeley (Trumbull, 2021-10-19)


We need to bring these traitors to account for all the tyranny and destruction they have caused across the world!

Sandra Foster (Perth, 2021-10-19)


I am opposed to these false and harmful gene altering injectables. I am outraged at the lies and the loss of freedoms due to this false pandemic throughout the world. These are crimes against humanity and will be in our new history books as such and those responsible will be persecuted and will not prevail over us!

Ilene Castaldo (Montgomery, 2021-10-19)


Debate with free press in science is the essence of good medicine .

Rita Ellithorpe (Tustin California, 2021-10-19)


These crimes have to stop!!

Rebecca Roche (Morwell, 2021-10-19)


I live in Australia and believe my human rights have been violated.
I’ve had to resign from my job because I was given an ultimatum, “get the jab or you can’t work!”.

Gav Brown (Geelong, 2021-10-19)


I believe crimes against humanity have been committed by many individuals

Ron Theriault (Courtright, 2021-10-19)


These trial drugs need to stop immediately

Susanna Mason (Nsw, 2021-10-19)


Everyone knows that this injection is a bio weapon.

Anoma Wirasinha (Melbourne , 2021-10-20)


I am a child of God, have God given rights and am a sovereign human being. Those in positions of power must be held accountable for their atrocities to humanity.

Kim Parker (Las Vegas, 2021-10-20)


The fact has shown the amount of death and injury of people after taken the Covid vaccinations. And this criminal act needs to stop right away.

Tison Lui (Los angeles, 2021-10-20)


I'm signing this due to the proven research, data and documentation showing the aforementioned facts as stated by Richard M. Fleming PhD, MD, JD.

Russell Henkel (Franklin, 2021-10-20)


Real science is being censored and suppressed while governments keep pushing their one-sided Big Pharma narrative. Corporations pushing the narrative are making billions while everyone else is deprived, comprised and fear-mongered.

Rita Butler (Louisville, 2021-10-20)


Never in history have we seen such genocide & crimes against humanity on a scale such as this. Tyrants will always ultimately fail.

Libbie Brice (Sydney , 2021-10-20)


SARS-cov-2 and the vaccines are bioweapons designed to kill. Those responsible for the death and suffering should never be allowed to launch such a evil plan again.

Carrie Cannon (Orlando, 2021-10-20)


Live free or die! If you don’t have control over your own body then why be alive?!

Dani LeBlanc (Coventry , 2021-10-20)


Humans are free and not a toy of the satanic elite

Dennis Laursen (Ans By, 2021-10-20)


Recorded history paints pictures of future virus to inoculate all people. More research wide somethings dont add up, which may even propose a well known phrase to be applied -Create the problem, create the solution and reaction. They are going too far and exceeding laws and freedoms with lockdowns and vaccination. Cost of Homeoprophylaxis or homeopathy vaccination was estimated to be around 1/10 to 1/15 the price of vaccines for all australians. From day one I have stated this is a man made virus with nth degree of agendas attached. Good luck.

Kevin Woods (Melbourne, 2021-10-20)


Fighting for freedom.

Robyn Jordan (Gold coast, 2021-10-20)


Because they lie. They’ve known all a long this jab has transmission. I work from home my son was going to school from home. We hadn’t gotten Covid the entire time then on August 24th, 2021 I got my 2nd shot within days we were all sick from Covid. My son who is unvaccinated recovered. I am still having issues breathing and I know it is from the shot. The doctors would not prescribe me anything and they know there is medication that works. Luckily I found a doctor outside of my state of Washington.

Cara Preston (Granite Falls, 2021-10-20)


Because it's overreach government

Ross Denton (Melbourne , 2021-10-20)


It needs to stop.



These evildoers need to be held accountable for the wrong they have done!

Ruby Tan (Singapore, 2021-10-20)


I'm signing because the virus is man made, the injections casus more.harm than good.
Governments, Big Pharma, Mainstream Media are all corrupt!

Hayley Howard (Johannesburg , 2021-10-20)


Ich unterschreibe, weil ich etwas gegen die Entmenschlichung, gegen die zunehmende Kälte und Gleichgültigkeit tun möchte.
Der Mensch ist ein soziales Wesen und braucht Nähe, Fürsorge und Liebe

Britta Meder (Hamburg, 2021-10-20)


Derechos humanos

Ellis Wega (Pamama, 2021-10-20)


We need freedom !!!

Victor Ferreira (Sgde, 2021-10-20)


I'm signing because of my awareness that his is truly a crime against humanity. I base my "awareness" on extensive research on most of the aspects of the discourse on the Covid19 narrative. I have to say that I have been studying politics for close to 50 years, coming away with the view that all governments are criminal enterprises; and since 2002, when I became aware that everything we were informed about regarding the "justification" for the NATO bombing of Serbia, was based on lies, that I began extensive study on propaganda, psychological operations, that I have come to the conclusion that legacy media (MSM) and now Big Tech social media, are the globalist state's ideological and political indoctrination apparatus. The very moment, way back in January 2020, when it was affirmed by our political elites, and parroted by the presstitute media that the only way out of the "crisis" was that everybody on earth would have to be vaccinated, red flags went up in every corner of my brain, setting in motion my better than average analytical and critical skills.

Brock MacLachlan (Burnaby, 2021-10-20)


The coercion of people by our government to take a mandatory vaccine to stay in employment and vaccinating children for a disease of low infectious consequences is against the science and is a breach of all aleinable human rights to bodily autonomy.

Nick Jones (Crowborough , 2021-10-20)


Nobody is above another - i want to see a just world delivered back to the hard working people.

Kelly Allen (Hertfordshire , 2021-10-20)


Après avoir vue les photos ,les vidéos ,les comptes rendus scientifiques sur le contenu des différents flacons des fabriquants et qui sont injectés massivement sur la population mondiale, il n'y a plus aucun doute qu'il s'agit d'un meurtre de masse a l'échelle planétaire...

Joel Kubler (grabels, 2021-10-20)


It is a crime against children and humanity as all Standards and Codes are violated in the progress of the vaccination program.

Denisa Vosahlik (Nürnberg, 2021-10-20)


Millions of people's lives are at stake but companies like FB, Google, Twitter have prevented the truth from being exposed. Governments, politicians and journalists have lied to us. Even corporates have been lying to us to push untested, experimental mRNA drugs on us.

Kim Mann (Randburg, 2021-10-20)


I want my voice to be added to those of the authors of this petition

Lisa Smith (Cape Town, 2021-10-20)

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