Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



This experiment jab shouldn't be mandated on anyone and it is a crime against humanity

Karen Arnavat (Arnold, 2021-10-17)


I'm signing because the individuals responsible for misinformation and disregard for health, knowingly or not, need to be held accountable. I have absolute respect and gratitude for the team involved in uncovering and bringing these criminals to justice. Sadly for some close friends and relatives this has all happened too late.

Simon Tomkinson (Salisbury, 2021-10-17)


I am signing because we claimed to never forget many of the tragedies humanity has experienced for centuries, but clearly many have but increasing numbers are refusing to participate in the ongoing democide at great risk to their treasure.

We must unite or we will be picked off one small group at a time.

Fist they came for the elderly in care homes, then the Healthcare workers and active duty military, then the defense contractors and the corporations of 100 employees, then...and eventually the goalposts have advanced so far that all but the cabal remain undamaged.

This time, we must actually NEVER surrender and never give up on holding people accountable, and NEVER FORGET.

Chas Martin (Merrimack , 2021-10-17)


I concur with Dr Fleming's analysis of the of the need for a thorough investigation of the long term planning of the Covid 19 epidemic as well as the laboratory development of the biological weapon. I have spent hundreds of hours listening to qualified professional opinions and reading primary research regarding the matters expressed and came to the similar conclusions without ever having heard of Dr. Fleming. Much of the development was done in my home country, the United States, and there are numerous documented evidence of the lead up and structuring of the disease as well as direct misrepresentation of facts to the public by US government health agencies in order to maintain a sense of panic and obedience to practices that are of no benefit and great harm. I urge the ICC to accept this necessary investigation.

John Congdon (Fairfield, 2021-10-17)


súhlasím so žalobou

Marta Babušková (Podolie, 2021-10-17)


I am signing this petition because I believe that bad actors have unleashed a bioweapon upon humanity which has caused incalculable damage. Additionally such malfactors have deliberately thwarted the use of life-saving medications in favor of experimental vaccines. Such vaccines have been forced upon much of humanity against their will in violation of basic bioethics and constitutes a human rights violation.

Robert Baiocco (Poughquag, 2021-10-17)



Anna Gubalova (Figa, 2021-10-17)


There are crimes being committed by the governmens against humanity.

Maria Sousa (London, 2021-10-17)


I believe in dr Richard Fleming and those that honestly care about humanity
May the truth be mainstreaming not the lies.

Barbara Miller (Greenville, 2021-10-17)


Stavá sa žiaľ pravdou, že o dôležitých veciach, ktoré ovplyvňujú život a kvalitu života začali rozhodovať bankári, mafiáni, lobisti, a najmä veľká loby pharma. Nie je podstatné, či zachránime človeka, planétu, hlavne že zarobíme !!!! Fuj, fuj, fuj !!! Musí to prestať, musí zvíťaziť ľudský rozum a racio, preto podpisujem.

Ing.Jana Šuleková (Poltár, 2021-10-17)


I am absolutely horrified by the unfolding events since 2019. I am especially horrified by what is being done to children via the forced masking and vaccines. They are eradicating the future generation and we must not allow this.

linda raglione (Sainte Agathe des Monts, 2021-10-17)


Because i wish a better futur for the youngs and the children. Breathe air freely and have choice to take or not an experimental injection.

Satya River (Montreal, 2021-10-17)


I want a better world than the one I am living in for my grandchildren and great grandchildren and beyond. I also have loved ones who have taken the vaccine due to outside pressures and everyday my heart awakes to a world where I might see their health deteriorate due to taking the vaccine and this is unnecessary suffering that has been unleashed upon the world for a virus that has a 99.7% recovery rate for the majority. I find it an insult to humanity to be turned into a medical experiment by the pushers of vaccines for a huge profit and I believe that it is long overdue to right the wrongs that this so called Pandemic released as the deceit is becoming very apparent and over zealous salesmen of Pharmaceutical Companies who would flippantly care less about the suffering or deaths of their fellow human beings and would go to such great lengths to push a product that is more harmful than the virus itself should be held accountable along with every medical professional, politician and government entities and world organizations that were in reality agreement with such a horrible agenda.

Leslie Peretsky (Englewood, 2021-10-17)


I'm signing this because no one should be obligued to vaccinate. Also they should not lose their jobs and the ability to buy food and have a life. This was world situation
was planned obviously and it has got out of their hands.

No Healthy people can give an illness to others and only a sick person can spread a disease.

Here's more than meet the eye. Here are rights that are violated and governmental mandates that are being forced. This is insane. Stop this and respect the rights of the people. Now it is a vaccine mandate, later what it would be our freedom? Our children?

Delia Moro (Guaynabo, 2021-10-17)


I believe if we don’t stop
Them now it may be too late for humanity to survive

Elizabeth Palmer (Adelaide, 2021-10-17)


Human rights.

Róbert Makovič (Michalovce, 2021-10-17)



Alfredo Rivera aguilar (Tultepec, 2021-10-17)



Přemysl Pech (Čadca, 2021-10-17)


These absolute disgusting criminals need to be punished asap. They are totally out of control. This country needs emergency help for these aborate crimes against humanity.

Mandy Zakic (Newborough, 2021-10-17)


I can better live for my kids

Eva Kianickova (Zilina, 2021-10-17)


No one in government should force someone to do something against their will. The government works for the people not the other way around.

Carol Ricard (Irwin, 2021-10-17)


We need to stop enforced covid vaccination and be given the opportunity to take appropriate medicines instead

Rowena Hayes (Whakatane, 2021-10-17)


I don't want to be vaccinated

Ján Homoľa (Stropkov, 2021-10-17)


Podepisuji to proto, protože, nikdy v životě, krom éry NACISMU a KOMUNISMU se pod Evropu potažmo naší zemi neobjevovala opětovná hrozba podobného neli stejného rozsahu jako nyni.

Lukas Janda (Trutnov, 2021-10-17)



Milena Slovakova (Prievidza, 2021-10-17)


I believe covid-19 is a crime against humanity and the people responsibe should be held accountable.

Barbara Roussell (Belmar N.J, 2021-10-17)



Milan Capulic (Humenné, 2021-10-17)


I do refuse to live in totalitary system

Renata Fraňková (Prague, 2021-10-17)



Marek Filčák (Poproč, 2021-10-17)


I'm signing because truth and freedom matter!

Cindy Jordan (Odessa, 2021-10-17)


I care about protecting God-given human rights, bodily autonomy and medical sovereignty. I agree with the Nuremberg Code, which clearly states:

"The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be
so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that, before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject, there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person, which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment."

Andrew Parker (Birmingham, 2021-10-17)


The medical tyranny and crimes against humanity are directly responsible for so very many deaths, including my brother in law the hospital in Frisco TX killed on September 26, 2021.

Caren Mongeau (Chugiak , 2021-10-17)


I’m a healthcare worker of 24 years at risk of losing my job due to mandates.

Connie Thomason (Plano, 2021-10-17)


worldwide Covid vaccines are illegal, immoral & unethical...end it now !

Bijan Shad (Toronto, 2021-10-17)


I agree with Dr. Fleming that this is an important criminal case of world-wide significance. The perpetrators must be held to account, as were those in Nuremberg.

Jacques Khouri (Vancouver, 2021-10-17)



Peter Juhás (Michalovce, 2021-10-17)


People are perpetrating Crimes against Humanity, and causing suffering, illness and death to millions of innocent people across the world. They need to be stopped and brought to account.

Carol Cech (Hereford, 2021-10-17)


Kolem covidu vypuklo naprosto nelogické šílenství, vytvářející bezbřehé bezpráví. Jsme obíráni o naše svobody a práva. A mě se to nelíbí.

Michaela Paštiková (Rumburk , 2021-10-17)


I believe that those developing, pushing and administering the experimental so called vaccines should be held accountable for the egregious side effects that destroy lives

Stephanie Evans (Vista, 2021-10-17)


This can’t go on. The vaccine is not a vaccine and is killing people.
We don’t need it when we have a 99.7 chance of survival anyway

Mark Sammons (Northampton , 2021-10-17)


I am signing because the evidence I have seen indicates to me that the accused were instrumental in the development of SARS COV 2 and the "vaccines" which are designed for the purpose of depopulation.

Susan Stanton (Kennesaw, 2021-10-17)


I fear for the future of my children and loved ones. I ha e already learned of one's in my community that have died after receiving covid vaccines.

Dan Wassenaar (St.ann's, 2021-10-17)


I want the manipulation, discrimination of healthy people, disrespecting and braking of basic human rights and lobbyism to be stopped

Lenka Bidnenkova (Poprad, 2021-10-17)


We are beyond a “novel” virus with little known in the way of treatment and handling. 2 months in many experts knew how to properly treat their patients to save lives. Yet the tax payer funded health agencies not only haven’t attempted to get ahead of this pandemic with early treatment, they have worked tirelessly to halt and even fine those who are risking so much to save Americans. Like 9-11, we Americans will never forget. We won’t forget the malfeasance and complete disregard of human life over your own sinister agenda and for profit big pharma agenda. You will be held accountable for every life lost. We will never forget!

Jill Schmitt (Brea, 2021-10-17)


I can't tolerate anymore this attrocity against humanity

Menko Menken (Asunción, 2021-10-17)


The evidence of fraud which has led to undetermined numbers of deaths, has made this the greatest crime against humanity that the world has ever witnessed. There is no option for decent people but to go after the criminal psychopaths.

Daniel Clint (Ashtabula, 2021-10-17)


I am person responsible of my life and health

Pavla Ludačková (Ceske Budejovice 7 (cast), 2021-10-17)


This attempted crime against humanity for the first time in history is targeting the entire human race, and it’s my belief that a certain group of elites will not take this medical experiment

Les Segal (Stony Plain , 2021-10-17)


I believe everyone should have the choice and not loose basic rights

Courtney Rose (Caloundra , 2021-10-17)

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