Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



We need to hold those accountable for the genocide of humanity

Dimitra Pappas (Sydney, 2021-10-17)


Because is insane what’s happening and for the discrimination that we have to face with the covid pass.

Ali Bogdan Manole (LONDON, 2021-10-17)


These criminals need held to account for their crimes against humanity.

Benjamin Kelly (Edinburgh, 2021-10-17)


Ron sloan

Ron Sloan (Pocola, Oklahoma , 2021-10-17)


These crimes against humanity need to be addressed as a matter of urgency.

Jane Burd (Phalaborwa , 2021-10-17)


I'am signing because I don't believe in vacation

Marián Siegfried (Malá Ida, 2021-10-17)


These so called vaccinations are mandatory snd are causing medical apartheid as well as causing introduction of vaccine passports which are discriminatory as well as causing deaths and adverse reactions

Laima Stubbs (Perth, 2021-10-17)


Naprosto souhlasím se zněním petice .

Jana Sehnálková (Prerov 2, 2021-10-17)


I’m Free 😘💕🙏

Marie Fabron (Roquebrune sur argens , 2021-10-17)


It’s tyranny and unlawful

Soula Vaitsis (Doveton , 2021-10-17)


Any medical drug or procedure that has risks has to be by voluntary consent. Covid vaccine mandates go against medical ethics, especially the Nuremberg code. I have seen the damage drugs have done to women and their fetuses, such as thalidomide and DES. I have been a promoter of women's health for over 30 years having written and illustrated a cytology textbook (The Art of Cytology) on immune suppression from micronutrient deficiencies which can lead to susceptibility to viruses and other oportunistic pathogens that often precede cancer, such as human papillomavirus. These so-called covid vaccines have not been researched long enough to prove their safety and their efficacy has already been proven to not exist. They are frought with novel chemicals that can damage the heart and body organs. I absolutely refuse to take any of them, especially if they have graphene chemicals that can be used to track and trace everyone on the planet.

Suzanne Adams (hickory corners, 2021-10-17)


Because such crimes cannot be left unpunished

mihail novik (moscow, 2021-10-17)


Pretože s tým súhlasím.

Peter Weiss (Humenné, 2021-10-17)


I would like to see some real justice metered out

Simeon Portway (Razac d'Eymet, 2021-10-17)


Es mi desicion y derecho

Patricia alejandra Cao (Lanus este, 2021-10-17)


az emberi jogainkat a sárba tapossák

ján koncz (velky krtís, 2021-10-17)


I want justice from the guilty

David Hamann (Howell, 2021-10-17)


Evil needs to be held accountable.

Dana Losh (Paragon , 2021-10-17)


I want to see justice against those whose actions caused us to loose our lives and livelihoods.
They should not continue to live in positions of power that oppress the weak and vulnerable.

Erika Drewes (Cape Town , 2021-10-17)


I am so thankfull that some human beings have the knowledge, the courage and the will to stand-up for our rights.

Clelia Marsadie (Val-David, 2021-10-17)


we want to bring justice for victims of vaccination and disaster related to the covid-19 crisis.

We need to establish responsibilities of accountable authorities in the apparition and management of the crisis.

Victor Harlette (Paris , 2021-10-17)


To add my name to the people trying to get some accountability from our governments

Anthony Tasker (Vancouver, 2021-10-17)


Justice for these crimes we are facing against humanity.

Tim Reid (Gananoque, 2021-10-17)


The tyrannical governments and health "authorities" need to be held responsible for crimes against humanity!

Karen Nasello (Saint Petersburg, 2021-10-17)


I STAND For Liberty, Freedom of Choice for Medical procedures and to INSIST upon Relentless Prosecution against Those WHO COMMIT DEPRAVED CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN & ALL OF HUMANITY!!

Xiomara Hayes (Waco, 2021-10-17)


I want return to freedom from medical mandates

Donald Stubbs (Perth, 2021-10-17)


This evil needs to be stopped right now.

William Johansson (Taranganba, 2021-10-17)


This must be halted.

Greg Logan (Melbourne, 2021-10-17)


Suhlasím s petíciou. Roman

Roman Ondruška (Trenčín, 2021-10-17)


I believe that lack of informed consent for the Pfizer biologic may have put my health at risk. I survived Covid 19 in October 2020 and received the Pfizer biologic, believing the trials that began in 7/2020 would be monitored for problematic reactions/responses and subsequently paused or stopped if were showing negative reactions/results. Since that time, I believe there is data and testimony proving that did not happen. I was encouraged to receive the biologic because there was no lasting immunity as a recovered Covid 19 person. Physicians should be allowed to provide early treatment. My medical group does not provide prophylactic or early symptomatic treatment. I am a citizen and resident of the USA and want accountability for those involved in this created virus and potentially harmful biologics created for them.

Lisa DeTunno (Columbus, 2021-10-17)


Mandatory vaccination goes against human rights

Patricia Dias Alves Da Costa Gomes (Sydney, 2021-10-17)


I feel the vaccines are experimental and not be allowed

Esther Tal (Woodland Hills , 2021-10-17)


Crimes are being committed under the guise of public health measures. We cannot allow this to be going on and must hold those who are pushing this agenda responsible.

Linda Rae (Durham, 2021-10-17)


This has personally affected me!

sonia kreis (Jax., 2021-10-17)


neverím vláde a ich nátlaku

Peter Kumpan (Trenčín, 2021-10-17)


Freedom is our birthright

Louise Marcotte (Montreal, 2021-10-17)


I am signing for many reasons, but the main reason is how corrupt our governments and health officials are. They are quite litterally pissing on the graves of all the people who died defending our rights and freedoms from the last dictator. They all need to suffer the consequences of their actions! They are not leaders, they have coerced, shamed, discriminated, segragated, demonized, bribed and bullied people (to say the least) into an experimental genetic therapy that is not safe, not effective, not needed as we have proven therapeutics that are far more effective than the injection and with no informed consent in any way. This should never have been allowed to get this far. Now they want to push this thing on children who have virtually zero risk from the so called virus. All of these people are an insult to humanity itself! This truely is good vs evil....which side of history will you be standing on?
Here in Canada trudo is nothing more than a spoiled little boy who has been placed in a position of power, neither he nor his cohorts are leaders....they all should be stripped of everything they own and thrown to the wolves, that includes ALL media who have been submissive and in turn supportive of their lies, deception and at this point....genocide of the people.

Keith Vaughan (Oshawa, 2021-10-17)


Nous devons faire cesser ce génocide et retrouver notre liberté qui est un droit fondamental.

christele lucas (Montivilliers, 2021-10-17)


Those involved with these terrible crimes against humanity have to be held accountable and pay for their evil deeds

Pat Williams (Perth, 2021-10-17)


Chcem spravodlivosť a slobodu !

Mária Čapičíková (Košice, 2021-10-17)



koyama takao (osaka, 2021-10-17)


Please stop the genocide and holocaust perpetrated by Zionist-fascists on humanity through COVID madness and "vaccination."

Marek Kovačič (Bratislava, 2021-10-17)


The Covid vaccine, Lockdowns and mask wearing is killing and injuring people all over the world.

David Strydom (Port Elizabeth, 2021-10-17)


Honesty coy

Jyothish c Jyothish c (Malappuram, 2021-10-17)


I'm signing because as a nurse none of this made sense. We have always had the sick stay home and the healthy helped the sick. Throughout my nursing career that is how it has always been done and taught. Then the so called vaccines that are being forced on healthy breathing humans. With bribes of free college or a joint for the jab. I never had to take a vaccine , even when I was nursing the elderly . But they are calling me 5-6 times a week. My health insurance (Humana Medicare). Trying to inform me what I needed. These are not gods laws, these are man's laws. These crimes need to stop for humanity.

Cynthia Studebaker (Cable, 2021-10-17)


jsem přesvědčena o genocidě národů elitami



Freedom ✊

Catherine Bidaut (Nemours, 2021-10-17)


This is the biggest and grossest crime against humanity the world has ever seen.

Ken Ruff (Hull, 2021-10-17)


The vaccine they promote as a weapon against Covid 19 is being killed by millions of people. It is the genocide of humanity. Please stop it.

Milos Kovalcik (Bratislava, 2021-10-17)


This absolutely needs to be investigated immediately, to prevent more harm and death and despair to people around this world. It is your DUTY to investigate these crimes.

Jane foote (romford, 2021-10-17)


I am signing as per statement, I want them to face charges for the crimes against humanity, that they have williningly and absolutely knowingly voted for on this bill.

Lee Crocker (Swansea, 2021-10-17)


the Nuremberg codes were formulated explicitly to prevent the travesty that is being forced on the population right now. Every perpetrator in this filthy, murderous dictatorship must be hounded out and appropriately punished.

Sally Neish (Ventnor, 2021-10-17)


I am signing because I am opposed to any form of tyranny that opposes the concept of the sovereign individual; that abuses its responsibility to protect humanity and instead pushes a dangerous technology on an unsuspecting public and actively stifles any transparency, dissenting view, or scientific fact that inconveniently runs contrary to their narrative. The constant ad hominem attacks, gaslighting and obfuscation of anyone challenging the authority is completely unacceptable. I do not want to see a repeat of Nazi Germany, nor live through a time like that written in Solzhenitsyn's 'The Gulag Archipelago'.

In the words of Elie Wiesel:

"Always take sides.Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.'

Be true to your beliefs and convictions. Stand up!

Guy Morum (Vancouver, 2021-10-17)

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