Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Justice needs to be served for crimes against humanity

Jane Robertson (Nairne, 2021-10-17)


Human being Lost respected

Selats Alain Blaise (Bertoua, 2021-10-17)


Anthony Fauci lied to the Congress of the United States and the American people about his involvement with many other nefarious individuals to perform gain of function research on a virus. The treatment of the virus was designed to kill people and safe and effective treatments were hidden, discouraged and discredited. Withholding these safe and effective treatments caused Americans to die and destroyed our economy. They denied these treatments so they could roll out an experimental gene therapy and force this dangerous shot on the public without informed consent. They have hidden the data in the adverse reactions and hidden the deaths. The government has taken complete control of the media to lie, hide and deceive the American people. We want a full investigation of the American government, Fauci and anyone connected to these crimes against humanity.

Wendy Osborne (Belton, 2021-10-17)


The world is full of deceit and corruption. Crimes against humanity is currently at play and it need to be stopped immediately!

Samantha Hansen (Perth , 2021-10-17)


Je suis contre un vaccin qui tue ou qui va tuer les personnes a petit feu.
Je suis contre le pass sanitaire et je souhaite que l on juge toutes les personnes qui nous oblige à nous faire vacciner .macron,le gouvernement et tous ceux qui sont passés à la télé et radio
Il faut être sévère pour la suite de l umanité

Jean-Michel Rouet (Courlay, 2021-10-17)


It's time for prosecution of these people who are killing humanity and trying to enslave the ones that survive their initial assault.

Hendrik Erasmus (Vredenburg, 2021-10-17)


I believe the way this covid situation was played out clearly indicated that there was more corruption, corrupt dealings with government officials, the degradation of the fabric of society. These people responsible caused medical segregation, financial ruin and destruction and hatred. The demoralised human beings and their rights. I am outraged at what behaviours police and government officials are and have done to their worldwide citizens. I hope that this petition is what I fear and just lip service. Please help humanity.

Mary Ann Turner (New South Wales , 2021-10-17)


These criminals must be brought to justice
all of them

Gary Rogers (Perth, 2021-10-17)


Parce qu il faut que nous retrouvions notre LIBERTÉ en tant qu êtres humains tout simplement

Christiane Requier (Couloumé Mondebat 32160, 2021-10-17)


I am signing because we cannot let this research into bio-weapons continue, I am signing because our fundamental rights are being stripped. I am signing because I believe our governments are acting in a totalitarian way.

Anthea Grob (Wellington, 2021-10-17)


At this point it is obvious that we have supranational criminal conspiracy at work in this manufactured crisis. The court authorities and law enforcement in many countries have lost each and credibility by refusing any serious allegations into the multiple crimes committed in context of the situation!!!

Marcel Jahnke (Hong Kong, 2021-10-17)


I agry for this

Margita Huttova (Velke Zaluzie, 2021-10-17)


This is a crime against humaniti and it needs to stop!

Amanda van Dijk (Apeldoorn, 2021-10-17)


It is WRONG that there is so much pressure on people to be injected with a substance that is not tested properly and has had lots of bad side effects.

Irena Filla (Sydney, 2021-10-17)


These COVID criminals must be brought to justice

Daniel Mccarroll (ST. ANDREWS, 2021-10-17)


I'm signing this petition because I believe strongly in the freedom of choice and medical autonomy. I have sincerely held religious beliefs as to why I do not want to take this gene therapy shot. I will not comply and these forced bully tactics and threats to our livelihood are a violation of our human rights. It must stop immediately.

Carrie Chandler (Carson City, 2021-10-17)


The authorities have caused significant deaths and harm as well as severely damaging economies through coercing experimental Covid vaccines while banning proven alternatives.

Des Carroll (Safety Beach VIC, Australia, 2021-10-17)



Jaroslv Sedmák (Hranovnica, 2021-10-17)


Je signe car c est un génocide mondial d imposer cette thérapie génique à la population terrestre. Produit non efficace, dangereux et mortel.

christophe Rouillere (ARGENTON-SUR-CREUSE, 2021-10-17)


Hello. Thank you for reading us all and for being on earth at that crucial time.
Everything is being organised to persecute those who won't comply the our elites' madness. To this day, several children have suffered or died from covid injections they call vaccine. People are coerced to take the jab. We are forbidden access to many public services such as hospitals, associative means, thaugh we all pay for. Health Care people refusing injections have been suspended without pay. Last year these same people were forced to work even when they were covid positive. Our government forbid early care of covid patients and forbid elderly to get treated in hospitals even when their conditions got worst. Instead they have been euthanized with rivotril. They call this compationate care! Officially all I've mentioned is supposed to be recommendations, but in reality if you don't follow, you're being punished. People are afraid of huge repercussions if they don't obey.
Please help humanity out of this nightmare. It is time!
Thanks again for reading us all.

Vincent BOUTOR (35580 Goven, 2021-10-17)


Please, stop the genocide!

Emília Rusnáková (Lovčica-Trubín, 2021-10-17)


stop corona bussienes

Lucie Konečná (Ostrava , 2021-10-17)



Martinas Adrian (Bucuresti, 2021-10-17)


I'm free, sovereign human being

Csaba Simko (Feltham, 2021-10-17)


I am signing because as a registered mental health nurse of over 30 years, I am traumatised each and every day to see and hear of the total disregard for humanity and human rights. I believed the Nuremberg Code was put in place precisely to prevent atrocities towards our fellow human beings. I hope and pray each day for this evil (for that is what this is) to be brought to an end and the criminals, including those in my own Country of Scotland under leadership of Nicola Sturgeon, carrying out these crimes against their fellow men, women and children to be brought and be seen to be brought against humanity

Rhoda Roberts (Crail, 2021-10-17)



cameron dyet (Newcastle , 2021-10-17)


I’m signing because human right and freedom are violated by authorities all around the world. They authorities sided with pharmaceutical companies, powerful individuals to knowingly lied and harmed the citizens of the world with bio weapons first the Covid 19 virus, then the forced vaccination that killed and permanently disabled, will kill and permanently disable vast number of people, young and old from around the world.
An unimaginable crime against humanity.
Just must be done!!!
Yours truly


Wei Feng (Point Lonsdale , 2021-10-17)


I have principles and enough is enough

Leise Stephenson (Bristol , 2021-10-17)


Nesúhlasim s diktatúrov tohto režimu

Michal Rapcan (Velky krtis, 2021-10-17)


I am Living Human Being

Mariusz Szewczyk (Sheffield, 2021-10-17)


I’m sick of the lies, bullying, coercion and manipulation of the so called evil political system and idiots given way to much power. They are so corrupt and complete psychopaths.

Natasha Harrison (Sydney , 2021-10-17)


Chceme, aby bolo spravodlivosti učinené zadosť.

Jan Maliska (Prievidza, 2021-10-17)


I’d like the people responsible for the death of my father prosecuted.

James Want (Leeds, 2021-10-17)


I'm signig because I agree with petition

Peter Durovec (Všelky Šariš , 2021-10-17)


I do not support mandatory vaccination with an experimental drug.

Raisa Besliu (Nicosia, 2021-10-17)


I dont want my daughter to live in fascizm. God give us freedom,not any men.

Veronika Kavuláková (Terchová, 2021-10-17)


With the amount of medical research and adverse effects being presented, there is obviously an agenda to damage a large percentage of humanity. it needs to stop now!

anthony judd (nannup, 2021-10-17)


Jemand muss etwas machen..

Marcela Šaroun (Český Těšín, 2021-10-17)


Za spravodlivosť

Milan Majoros (Kosice, 2021-10-17)


Please stop the biometric totality.

Ľuboslav Kavulák (Terchová, 2021-10-17)


I support the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Nuremberg Code and I believe in the Hippocratic Oath. I want to believe criminals will be punished for their activities and that victims will get justice.

Bridget Devitt (Carp, 2021-10-17)


I am frightened of the weaponisation of science, censoring voices and bullying people into taking new medical interventions without the appropriate risk/benefit analysis.

Sophia Ayranova (London, 2021-10-17)


I am signing and strongly support this petition!

Gangshan Jing (Ottawa, 2021-10-17)


Podpisujem pretoze nesuhlasim so stepenin a som proti tomu proti stepeniu.

Helena Bugárová (Hlinik nad Hronom, 2021-10-17)


There’s more and more evident that shows that many lies are being told by too many people in authority and this worries me gravely for the future of the next generations and for our home, planet Earth

Stacey Turner (Lagos , 2021-10-17)


Violacion de los derechos humanos

Diaz Sandra (bogota, 2021-10-17)


Podepisuji, protože potřebuji relevantní informace o nemoci Covid19 a očkovací kandidátních látkách. Potřebuji dát sobě a své rodině životně důležitou volbu, jak naložit s touto situací a nedostávají se mi informace. Děkuji
rodina Makalova

Iveta Makalová (Cheb, 2021-10-17)


I'm singing because I want this fake pandemic end soon and those who are responsible for this tyranny need to be procecuted... God blessed and Hear Us..

Airen Elicot (Riyadh, 2021-10-17)


I do not agree with mandates and those who have caused harm to others should be held accountable. I am a clinical lab Scientist.

Crystal Cummings (San Marcos , 2021-10-17)


This whole covid scam was orchestrated by an elite group of twats to make money AND to take over the world for their selfish, personal gains and interests, with lame excuses of being philantropic liers and caring human beings... Human atrocity , they should all be hanged, buy they are hiding like terrorists behind their illegal bank accounts. Follow the money trail and find the culprits!

Julia Van schalkwyk (Nieuwoudtville, 2021-10-17)


I want

Lucia Gulikova (Nemcice, 2021-10-17)


I want

Margita Gulikova (Nemcice, 2021-10-17)


Nous sommes en train de vivre dans une dictature un génocide organisé par le plan de Davos l Agenda 2030 qu ils accélèrent dépopulation mondiale

Patricia TARDIF (Tarbes, 2021-10-17)

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