Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity




Jana Korčekova (Žilina, 2021-10-15)


I'm signing this because it has to stop, because i care for my kids and grand kids future and the humanity, because crimes happened in the past should never be repeated.

Alex Neyshtadt (Toronto, 2021-10-15)


Freedom needs to prevail

Giles Hooper (Burleson, 2021-10-15)


The Nuremberg Code was and is still being violated on a daily basis in many countries in the world. When national courts don't act, the International one has to.

Dávid Šebeň (Banská Bystrica, 2021-10-15)


These people MUST PAY! These are crimes against humanity and we’re tired of the lies va- THEY ARE MURDERING PEOPLE!

Mildred Hooper (Burleson, 2021-10-15)


The dark an evil control needs to end. Lessons for the future to never make the same mistakes again

Samantha Rorich (Bettystown, 2021-10-15)


Velmi potrebná petícia!!!

peter peressenyi (Bratislava, 2021-10-15)



Aleš Gřešek (Hrnčiarovce nad Parnou, 2021-10-15)


Criminals responsible for those crimes must be confronted, so it won't ever repeat again.

Martin Chalupa (Trencin, 2021-10-15)


I’m signing this petition because there are a lot of crimes against humanity that I’ve been committed and I have had a crumb of humanity committed against me.

Patricia Patterson (Washington, 2021-10-15)


I do not agree with the mandate of specific vaccines and especially without enough science or trials.

Laurie Jerome (Ancaster, 2021-10-15)


These are experimental vaccines and it is a crime to coerce and threaten anyone to take them. Injecting children wither is horrifying and must stopped.

Judith Chantler (Leura , 2021-10-15)


Refused medical care. I was at the doctor's without a mask and my doctor called Police!
I consider mask as a nazi symbol, wearing mask is for me a clear cooperation with this nazi regime. I refused to wear mask, doctor refused medical care. (they refused make me rtg, next time they refused help me, I had serious breathing problems) They let you die without mask, you say you cannot breath and they say: get yourself a mask. I said better for me is to die like to support this nazi regime (Mask is for me like a yellow star, nobody will mark me with their symbols) Previously, when I was injured, they refused me enter to the hospital without mask! TOTAL: Three times refused medical care, I was arrested when I was riding my bike without mask!. I will not pay taxes to such nazi state, what shall I do? How can I peacefully defend myself?

Miroslav Raninec (Trencin, 2021-10-15)


I see the whole issue the same way.

David Vcasny (Löhne, 2021-10-15)


Covid Terror.. Keine mehr

Tímea Kmeťová (Nüziders, 2021-10-15)


Prime Minister Ardern and her party are using tyranny to violate the rights and freedoms of all New Zealanders without any regard to the enormous harm, including death, they are inflicting on the populace.

Lazza Mabini (Whitianga, 2021-10-15)


DEFENSE du droit de VIVRE LIBRE sur tous les plans de l'existence humaine !




Mária Matušková (Nitrianske Pravno, 2021-10-15)


Too many people are now dead after the rollout of these vaccines as per the data from the MHRA in the uk which only report approximately between 1-10% of the actual numbers the amount of injuries are even more worrying and we haven’t even got to long term data as this is still a trial until 2023 deeply disturbing

Ker Hamilton (Perth, 2021-10-15)


I am genuinely horrified by what is happening in the world at this time: the blatant disregard for justice and the law, for human rights, for political rights, for the sacrifices made by millions who fought in the two World Wars for freedom, and the contempt that seems to be apparent for the millions who suffered and/or died in the NazI concentration camps of WW2. Here we are again with the prospect of a future in which humanity is again being oppressed by those who seek to gain power over others, much of this already happening.

Virginia Berkholz (Woking, 2021-10-15)


we DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY for these crimes against humanity, against our Alaskans!!!

Carla Pedersen (Kodiak, 2021-10-15)


It is absurd that there has been a worldwide mandate of an EXPERIMENTAL "vaccine" for a virus that has a 99% + survival rate - naturally. The success of saving lives is by using the proper treatment! Additionally, I object to the use of aborted baby human cells in any way.

Elizabeth Hopkins (Little Elm , 2021-10-15)


I'm signing because we can see that mRNA vaccines are causing harm and there is reason to believe they contain substances that have no place in any drug, let alone one that has been forced upon millions of innocent people by coercion and propaganda. These are indeed crimes against humanity and the perpetrators deserve to be brought to justice.

kevin jesty (Reading, 2021-10-15)


false pandemia

Eva Hrabkova (Prešov, 2021-10-15)


vsetko tu us bolo skusme teras pravdu

peter kreutzinger (cífer, 2021-10-15)


Nemôže byť experiment povinné

Alžbeta Kozova (Lučenec, 2021-10-15)


I disagree with Crimes Against Humanity

Julia Nguyen (Nice, 2021-10-15)


I’m signing because all of these mandates go against our constitution and are crimes against humanity

Maureen OToole Koger (San Diego, 2021-10-15)


I am signing, because I am fed up with this crime against humanity.

Katalin Csepi (Brussels, 2021-10-15)


My body, My choice. Stop Medical Tyranny.

Jason Pan (Richmond hill, 2021-10-15)


Som proti očkovaniu dospelých aj deti.

Veronika Petričková (Slovensko , 2021-10-15)


This whole thing is an absolute disgrace and an atrocious act against humanity

Mark Lynas (Kenilworth , 2021-10-15)


Je signe cette pétition parce qu'imposer un vaccin d'un nouveau genre, en phase 3 d'expérimentation à une très grande partie de la population, après avoir interdit les médecins de soigner est plus que problématique,

DANY DUPUIS (LE MANS, 2021-10-15)


It is important!

Franziska Weber (Stuttgart, 2021-10-15)


Nechcem byt sucastou experimentov farmafiriem.

Andrea Farkašová (Bardejov, 2021-10-15)


I'm a freedom patriot supporting other freedom fighters around the world. Freedom in and with Christ Jesus!

Scot StClair (Eustis, 2021-10-15)

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