български език: Декларация до Народно събрание срещу законопроекти за ограничаване свободата на вярата и словото
DECLARATION in Defense of Religious Freedom in Bulgaria
People around the world are watching and praying that God Almighty will change the hearts of Bulgarian lawmakers. Countries that uphold basic human rights such as freedom to worship as one chooses are strong and prosperous.(Wausau, 2018-12-12)
I lived and worked in Bulgaria from 1994-2009 and I care deeply for the religious liberty of Bulgaria.(Phoenixville, 2018-12-12)
Religious freedoms are a benefit to the whole country.(Wausau, 2018-12-12)
I believe in freedom of religion, and I'm disturbed by these bills and the affect they will have on so many people. These bills do not promote freedom, but quite the contrary. I believe Bulgaria is a progressive society, and I hope that the Bulgarian government listens to the concerns and worries of so many people around the world in regards to this issue.(Wausau, 2018-12-12)
I'm signing because I do not wish to see religious liberty of evangelicals restricted in Bulgaria.(noyelles-lez-Seclin, 2018-12-12)
I am greatly concerned about the negative impact on the overall culture of Bulgaria if these groups that are working to serve communities are punished or outlawed. Our organization supports a number of families in Bulgaria who are tirelessly serving their cities.(Colorado Springs, 2018-12-12)
Freedom of conscience and freedom of religion are guaranteed for all citizens in European law.(Dublin, 2018-12-12)
Защото това е гавра с нас.!!!(Монтана, 2018-12-12)
Подписвам,защото е абсурдноТова решение
(Peccioli, 2018-12-13)
I'm signing because freedom of religion leads a country to enable people to find their soul and so become better national and world citizens.(Heiloo, 2018-12-13)
I'm signing this because this is clearly a step backwards for Bulgaria. Having regained freedoms after outside oppression, why would they want to suppress their people once again? I have friends in Bulgaria who would be hurt by this legislation.(Colorado Springs, 2018-12-13)
i am a christian and it's hard this is happening in europ where we should have democracy(Kall, 2018-12-14)
Dieter Martsch(Göllheim, 2018-12-14)
Искам свобода на словото.(Варна, 2018-12-14)
Подписвам,защото Исус е християнин.България е християнска държава.Няма значение каква е църквата.Всички вярваме в Бог и Исус.(гр.Мартен,общ.Русе, 2018-12-16)
Този проектозакона нарушава правата ми, като гражданин на РБ, за свободен избор на вяра, като в Евангелски вярващ(София, 2018-12-16)
I am signing because as a Christian who has the privilege of practicing my faith in a free and democratic country, I believe that the freedom of conscience, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion are basic human rights. The Bulgarian constitution guarantees freedom of religion, and this should be the right of all Bulgarian people, regardless of their religious affiliation.(Wichita, 2018-12-17)
Подписвам защото съм християнин и така се засягат моите права да говоря за вярата и да мисля свободно.Покайте се и се върнете от нечестивите си пътища за да дойдат освежителни времена от лицето на Господа.Алелуя! Амин!(Пловдив, 2018-12-18)
Не се спазват Конституционните права по чл6 ал2;чл13ал1;чл37ал1,2;чл43ал3.СПАЗВАЙТЕ КОНСТИУЦИЯТА ТА И НАРОДА ДА Я СПАЗВА!!!(Елин Пелин, 2018-12-20)
I'm signing this petition because I believe everyone should have the freedom to practice their religion.(Weston, 2018-12-21)
Искам да имаме свобода за християните.(Търговише, 2018-12-23)
Because I believe in religious freedom and that God's word should be a choice and should be heard. God's word is healing for all. It hurts no one other than the prince of darkness. It is goodness and light and needs to be presented to the people so they have a future hope. Thank you.(Wausau, 2019-01-04)
Не сьм сьгласна с господа управляващите. Та те искат да сме им законни роби.(ПЛЕВЕН, 2019-01-05)
Ne sam saglasna da se spirat slujeniqta za hristiqskata vqra,za6toto ,ako produljat da si pravqt kakto do sega curkvite po tozi na4in 6te se namali zloto ,ot4aqnieto i mukata v horata.Dostatu4no e naprejenieto i zlobata vav sveta,to ostava i vqrata da si izgubi 4ovek.DA NE BUDE!!!(King's Lynn, 2019-02-06)
Подобен закон е противоконституционен и тоталитарен . Иска да забрани основни човешки права и свободи. България е християнска държава.(Варна, 2019-07-12)
Подписвам ,защото декларацията нарушава правата за свобода на човека.(Пловдив, 2019-09-11)