Rejection : City Power Electricity Service Fee ( Gauteng Province)



I'm also affected by this and I can't afford this service fee and price increases, I don't earn enough salary.

Innocentia Ntjoboko (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


This is an abuse of power and the 200 monthly fee and electricity increase is totally ridiculous especially at this time of our economy.

Phuluso Boldwin Netshidzati (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Electricity is not affordable for low income persons like myself. It's ridiculous and unfair!

Annemarie Meiring (South Hills, 2024-07-04)


Ridiculous fees
Can't afford it

Abdullah Moola (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Electricity has become unaffordable with the constant above inflation increases implemented by Eskom, Municipalities along with their service providers and approved by NERSA. My view is that the energy regulator doesn't have the best interests of ordinary South Africans. It seems that we are constantly funding corruption by those in the above stated institutions.

Keamo Mfoloe (Pretoria, 2024-07-04)


We are on prepaid and this is an unfair charge.

Kalpesh Ravjee (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


High electricity bills

Wisani Ngobeni (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am against the R230 per month electricity surcharge

Lungelwa Luvhengo (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


The cost of living is too high, over and above it the increased tariff rate and now the added R200 for service fees for electricity. This is just the city of Johannesburg reaping us off the little money that we have to make ends meet.

Tshepiso Sibisi (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Rejection of service fee

Rosina Ntombi Mtabasinde (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Of mismanagement within our municipalities

Mitchel Hlangwane (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


This is a result of mismanagement.

Nans Chetty (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I’m signing because the fee are becoming to much

Leandre Road (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am badly affected by this

Tshiamo Nthane (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


This is exploitation of the working class & the unfortunately, the services provided do not warrant surcharges etc

Mohammed Seedat (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


I feel that Citypower should not be penalising prepaid customers for not doing their job in collecting revenue from non paying customers. Consult properly and ensure that an holistic approach is taken in solving their debt. What is being done about illegal connections? I personally know of working residents in communities that have bridged metres and are still proud to say that they do not pay for electricity. How is this being addressed before taking an additional R200 per month plus tarrif increases from the paying customers?

Ash-Leigh Ferris (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am badly affected by this

Tshiamo Nthane (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing because we cannot afford the increase or the monthly service fee we are a one income household

Jodeane Fisher (Randburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing the petition because this is too much and we can't afford it

Freedom Zungu (Fleurhof, 2024-07-04)


I am badly affected by this

Tshiamo Nthane (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I’m signing because I will not be able to afford the proposed hike in tariffs. As a single mother and new homeowner in a single-income household this will make my life unbearable

Lerato Mabote (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing this petition because it's unfair to us as paying custumers

justice munyai (rooderpoort, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing this petition because electricity is very expensive and I'm struggling to buy electricity for the whole month, I can not afford to pay R200.00 for service fee. It's too much.

Pfarelo Melvah (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am signing because I don't want the mandatory 200 fee, electricity is already expensive and this fee makes it worse.

Londiwe Dhludhlu (City of johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Already the electricity charges are very high, so is unemployment rate. At the same time some of us who work earn peanuts. The 12.7% is extreme, let alone the insane R200 monthly fee!!

Gillian MOFOKENG (Fleurhof, 2024-07-04)


This is nut reasonable

Abdullah Mayet (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I don't agree with the R230 surcharge, its ridiculous!! We are on prepaid for a reason!
What about the poor pensioners????
Daylight robbery!!!!

Alida Kritzinger (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


The electricity interest rates are very unreasonable. It's too much .
I have to pay for the water bill and other utilities and on top of that now we are charged more for the electricity that we buying .
This is total nonsense.
The municipality has to come up with another way to pay eskom. We can't be punished for buying electricity . This service fee has to be withdrawn.

Katlego Ntsoane (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


Cost of living is already so high. We cannot afford to live a normal life in South Africa anymore our government is killing us

Tilana Joubert (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


It's not affordable.

Mohamed Mangel (Jhb, 2024-07-04)


M. T. L Makgahlela

Thato Makgahlela (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


The monthly service fee on prepaid electricity is ludicrous, we are stretched so thin as it is, prices of all necessities are increase, but not our salaries. We are bring squeezed into poverty.

Bernedene Angelo (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I strongly reject high utility bill and City Power Electricity Service Fee!!!



I'm signing because I firmly believe that the R200 service fee is being forced on to us due to city power and the municipalities of Gauteng are corrupt and incompetent

Brian Acton (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


To reject the tariff increase in all fairness

Kyle Jegels (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Electricity is already expensive as it is, it is unstable and that there are many residents in Soweto who are getting free electricity.

Donovan Herman (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


R200 is too much for every month. That’s a lot of units that could cover a week for a household

Zwivhuya Ramashia (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


What's the point of being on prepaid then??? We chose to be on prepaid for a reason to avoid any surcharges on our utilities bill, or "accidental" inflated rates due to poor administration 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
This is just theft of our money 😡

What about the poor old pensioners, that have to make it with a SASSA grant??? You're stealing from the poor! They hardly make it through the month with that little money, if you have to introduce this silly surcharge - at least exclude them!

Charl Bosman (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


It is unjust and we are already paying way more than we shoeld

Hennie van Niekerk (Jhb, 2024-07-04)


I can't afford this service fee

Kim Kelly (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


We are getting poorer and poorer and electricity and all basic expenses are increasing hence the spike in crime

Isolde Beukes (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


We just don’t have the money. We already get less units when we buy electricity. We are starving!!!

Nomfundo Dhlamini (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing because the electricity tariff charges and the monthly charge is not lawful.

Leigh Van Der plank (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


I am signing the petition because the reasoning behind City Power's justification does not make sense. The cannot expect the paying middle-class to fork-out this amount every month, whilst there are thousands of residents who do not pay for electricity and would not be paying the R200 amount either.

The City has to first disconnect households that are stealing from the city and not classify them as non-paying customers; as this would result in customers who paid and do currently pay also becoming non-paying customers.

This feeling induces a great deal of anxiety when one purchases electricity, as what is expected versus what is provided does not match and what would have lasted a month, won't last a week.

Phumi Ntuli (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I cannot afford the electricity as it is
, the R200 is even more than I cannot afford.

Emily Mabkhr (Gauteng, 2024-07-04)


This is legalized theft... WE AS the living man & woman... Never signed up for this form if TYRANNICAL rule by mafia barons...

Salim Adam (Linden, 2024-07-04)


There is no valid reason for the levy, which make it exploitation of citizens by incompetent leaders

Suzette Grace (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I don't agree with the high demand of electricity being sold to residence of Pretoria

Dijelwang Nhlane (Pretoria, 2024-07-04)


For Nersa to cancel R200 monthly fee

Dikeledi Mokadikwa (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Rejection : City Power Electricity Service Fee ( Gauteng Province)

Pumla Mofolo (South Hills, 2024-07-04)


I am signing this petition because I am retired and can not afford the additional money. Everything is getting more expensive and I am scraping by on the bare minimum

Corné Hoffmann (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


This is totally bullshit

Daniel Mothobi (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


This is day light robbery. R2200 annually before services is against the law

Themba Louw (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


It’s ridiculous that I as a pensioner have to pay an extra R200 for service fees and have my electricity kw cut in half

Rehana Parak (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


We are charged unfairly. Currently the services are poor and now we are charged more for it.

Siphesihle Shange (Randburg, 2024-07-04)


I can't afford it at this economy while everything is expensive

John Vilakazi (Fleurhof, 2024-07-04)


Am tired of high bills and poor service delivery where are we supposed to get the money from.

George Njovu (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


Can no pay all this fees it madness

MUHAMMED SULIMAN PARAK (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)



Hlamalani Banyini (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Unnecessary! We are already struggling with the current cost of living 😕 🤬😭

Rejeane Snyman (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing this petition because the fees financially I can't afford it.already everything is expensive.and it's very difficult to caver most of the things we need.

bonolo mankhe (Randburg, 2024-07-04)


Besides being an unfair practice it is setting a precident for a downward spiral. The cause of the shortfall is not because of citizens not contributing- Obvious if it is slapped on to prepaid customers..... The cause of the shortfall is short supply and dwindling demand.

Christo van den Berg (Roodeoort, 2024-07-04)


This is very unreasonable considering the dire situation we currently.

Thobelani Zwane (South hill, 2024-07-04)


I can not afford that amount it’s ridiculous

Christopher Masimini (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


The increasement of Tarrif are yoo high

Maria Maleka (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I can't afford increase

Leeroy Benson (Florida, 2024-07-04)


I'm am signing because of high electricity cost and a service fee charged by city of johannesburg

John John (Rabie Ridge, Midrand, GP, 2024-07-04)


I do not agree with these charges and increases as I am a pensioner and cannot afford all these extra costs that the government is imposing on us.

Sheila Govender (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)



Manelisi Nqeto (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


We are already paying alot and city power is not helping when we gave complaints

Tebogo Mofokeng (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


i dont want to pay a service fee

Tasqeen daniels (johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


This is unfair to all the struggling parties. Last year it was municipal Increases, interest rates hikes 5 times, now we have terrific hikes plus the surcharge. We're struggling as it is! And we just landed in the 2nd quarter of the year.

Mandla Maila (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


Maladministaration and mishandling of municipal funds results in ever increasing tariffs

Zulfa Baker (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Monthly fees of 200 must fall

Bongani Majola (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I appose the R200 service fee for prepaid electricity.

Roshni Gowan (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I reject the service fee implemented by NERSA and City Power

Lungile Ntobe (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


We are demanding that the monthly service fee imposed by City Power be scrapped completely as it is ridiculous. Also the increase is a big laugh as we don't even get an increase on salary but you increase and increase and increase although yiur service stinks

Carike Weber (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


I am signing because I am affected financially

Ntsako Baloyi (Randburg, 2024-07-04)


Double payment , ripping us off

VANCE Vance Unsted (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


I'm sick and tired of our municipalities being mismanaged by corrupt and incompetent management, costing the municipality financial losses and we as the public have to pay. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!

Colleen Torrance (Honeydew Manor, 2024-07-04)


I cannot afford any price increase

Lita Khoza (Randburg, 2024-07-04)


I am unable to pay that prepaid electricity service fee of R200 ,I can not afford at all ,please scrap that R200

Motselisi Hilda MOPHATLANE (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing because I know it is unfair for paying customers to carry the financial burden of the entity for any reason. City of Johannesburg, City power and Eskom must deal with the non paying customers and enforce the law, for example residents in many parts of the city are connected to the grid illegally and those who are connected legally like soweto residents, Alexander and Orange farm are not paying for electricity. Many of those houses are renting out some rooms or the entire properties but they fail to pay for electricity and other services, however majority of those houses pays for DSTV and Fibre (internet) which they cannot use without electricity but the government of the day cannot hold them accountable because they lied to them by promising free services.

City power must also deal with the corruption and syndicate that involves they're employees and their contractors. Arrest them , send them to jail and blacklist them from working and doing business with the city and the state at large.

Rudzani Kenneth Nedzamba (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


The R200 service fee is too high and it was not communicated to the public on time for us to adjust.And also the 12.7% annual increase is way too high..We must now pay for the debts of city power, it's not fair.

Siphiwe Ginindza (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


There is so much corruption and theft - stop that first so we won't have to pay even more for poor service.

Debra Reynolds (Randburg, 2024-07-04)


Zero consultation with rate payers. Can't afford it and where will the money go?

Nick Cloete (Jhb, 2024-07-04)


It is becoming unbearable trying to keep up with all these ridiculous increases

Helen Favel (Florida, Roodepoort, Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Where is the fee going to? There are other people that cannot afford the fee. What if it increases as time goes?

Ulenda Titus (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Because this increase is not good for us coroners and we can’t be paying for the R200, it’s just putting a strain to households.

Mbalenhle Mahlangu (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am signing because, we cannot afford these extra R200 along with the tariff hike with the high inflation its mission to put the food on the table it's straining our already empty pockets.

Imran AFRICAVALA (Johanesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing because, I found electricity very expensive and we are not earning too much money, we are struggling and yet we have a right to receive electricity.

Nomfanelo Dludla (Durban, 2024-07-04)


Corruption and unfairness has gone on too long, it is time for the country to stand together to not pay exorbitant prices.

Colleen Idle (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


We are been robbed and it's sickening

Annalisa Poisson (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)

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