Create laws that forbid dangerous weapons to be brought onto public transport



Zero tolerance to violence and forbid dangerous weapons to be brought to public transport

Vui Ken Li (, 2024-07-03)


We want to live in a safe city !

Ruyun Tang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Do not support any violence or racial discrimination.

Rachel Chen (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I supportted that the young people and elder people need more protection.

caihong zhao (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I’m signing this because I want the community to be safe for everybody in our community.

Mei Yee Lee (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


New Zealand is not New Zealand anymore

Sammi Liang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)



YING DENG (, 2024-07-03)


I sincerely advise that we all do our part to keep NZ safe for all residents and children.

Wanni Mo (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


guangrong pan

guangrong pan (, 2024-07-03)


I want New Zealand to come back

Leroy Su (Hamilton, 2024-07-03)


Safety problem is becoming worse in our country and More and more skilled people will live NZ.

Hanna Zhou (, 2024-07-03)


The scenario of anyone could be attacked on public transport by a stranger without any reason is really dreadful; a ban on weapon at least mitigates possible harm.

Ivy Lu (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I want New Zealand to come back

Leroy Su (Hamilton, 2024-07-03)


Children's travel safety

Yan Cai (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Auckland transport should make some rules to project passenger safe

Becky Wu (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I’m signing because safety is priority for all in New Zealand.

Shuo Zhu (, 2024-07-03)


I support the child's voice. The driver's duty is not only to drive. When an accident happens, it is extremely irresponsible for the driver to let the criminal go without authorization to save his own safety. It is also chilling that the elderly sitting in the car are indifferent. At least they should stand up and stop it in order to protect their own safety.

yvonne zhang (akl, 2024-07-03)


We need to do something to efficiently protect our children, we can’t tolerate such cruelty behavior in public place. Laws and rules should be settled not just protect, but also catch and punished criminals!

Wendy Jiang (, 2024-07-03)


It is a serious crime. Auckland is not as safe as before. We must be alert and do some activities.
In this accident, Bus driver definitely shouldn't allow this women get onto the bus. he put himself and Passengers into a dangerous situation. There is no laws or rules,when facing this kind of extreme events.
I support this petition

LUCY ZHAO (, 2024-07-03)


Auckland is becoming more and more dangerous to a tourist and locals... which is what I don't wanna see

Hannah Cai (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I am signing this because my children also using the bus. I really do not want to see these kind of situations happen again. We all should feel safe when taking a public transportation.

JooYing Bong (Auckland, 2024-07-03)



Emma Pan (, 2024-07-03)


Please protect our children and elders who take public transport

Lynn Li (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Maggie luo

Maggie Luo (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I don't want my children to live in an unsafe environment, even it's a public place like in a bus. Today it happened to the Chinese kid, but next time it could happen to anyone.

Jimmy Douglas (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


For the safety of everyone

Elaine Huang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Safety is top priority for everyone. This violence is intolerable. Especially it seems to be racism act.

Mingyu He (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Feel dangerous when I catch public transport

Jie Fang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I have to take bus every week, and I want a safe public transportation environment and hope this tragedy will not happen anymore.

Apple Lai (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I am also an international student, Jason’s thing makes me worry about the environment we live in.

Mia Huo (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I am concerned toward discrimination towards Asian ethics

Harman Chan (Auckland, 2024-07-03)

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