An External Review of the Governance of Holman Barnes Group



I am a long time member of both Wests Tigers and Holman Barnes group and have no faith in the current leadership of HBG to run Wests Tigers or Wests Ashfield. Julie and Dennis must go.

Joshua Burnell (Ashfield, 2024-12-28)


Enough is enough.

Zac Kelsey (Brisbane, 2024-12-28)


Sick of years of incompetence from the current HBG board directors. The full recommendations of the review MUST be fully implemented for the future success of the Wests Tigers.

Aaron Hudson (Kempsey, 2024-12-28)


It's time for change at the top
The HBG has had many many years of failure and are so blind that they do not see the damage they are causing to our brand and our club
We seem to have taken steps to improve our team through the signing of some very good players
We signed one of the best CEO's in the rugby league business in the form of Shane Richardson who has done wonders since arriving by signing these players
And yet we have members of the HBG who seem to be hanging on for dear life even if it means the club gets dragged down again
When will they ever open their eyes to the distractions and destruction they are causing this club
We need a clear focus and that can not and will not happen while these same people are making these decisions
It's time for change
There is No other way

Robert Hirschmann (Cairns, 2024-12-28)


the holman barnes group are bringing the wests tigers down trying to split the joint venture, all they do is cause trouble behind the scenes, we just want everything to be fine as we are the WESTS TIGERS and have been for 25 years.

daniel hudson (lake munmorah, 2024-12-28)


Romero and Dennis are an embarressment to this club, how can we go forward when these 2 muppets are holding us back!!

David Farrell (Wavell Heights, 2024-12-28)


This board is causing material damage to the Wests Tigers footy team and overall organisation. It's beyond embarrassing

Mitchel O'Donohue (Clovelly, 2024-12-28)


Fuck those dogs

Joel Wawrzyniak (Sydney, 2024-12-28)


We’ve had enough of suits trying to influence our club.

Ben C (Oran Park, 2024-12-28)


The independent recommendations laid a path for the club to move past a period of poor governance, infighting, and a lack of focus on sustained success as a rugby league club. The reluctance to implement the recommendations and stay the course is detrimental to the future of the club I passionately support

Mark Ayling-Griffith (Bateau Bay, 2024-12-28)


I grew up in Balmain my Grandparents worked hard for charity in the area. We were all proud Balmain Tigers fan. The merger voted by the members needs to be protected.

Sean Clarke (Merrylands, 2024-12-28)


Major reforms need to happen. Let’s get into the modern world of sports management.

Elinka Jacobs (Port Hacking, 2024-12-28)


Enough is Enough! We want success at our club at all levels.

Marie Robinson (Claremont Meadows, 2024-12-28)


I’m signing because anyone trying to take the club back to the Tigers or Magpies needs to be sacked immediately. Wests Tigers please.

Steve Riley (Tamborine Mountain, 2024-12-28)


I'm a Balmaim supporter all my life. Which I forfeited this to support the West Tigers. I have been through the lowest of the lows with both clubs but one thing I know for sure... united with stand and decided we fall!!!
PS. I would love to see this club streamline the politics and just let the players and Richo get it done for no one else but the fans!

Scott Williams (Brisbane, 2024-12-28)


I’m signing because I’m sick of the constant boardroom bickering and all the rubbish coming from the HBG.
There’s always division at the top of the club and that’s been responsible for the years of failure and I want it all to stop.
I’m so sick of the constant continuous push to break the club up and to become the Western Suburbs Magpies especially as it will never happen due to the NRL and that we are and MUST ALWAYS BE THE WESTS TIGERS , Forever.
We are the Wests Tigers and we all must unite and embrace that.

Michael Parry (Hope Island, 2024-12-28)


I’m signing because I have had enough of the HBG group

Kye O’Mara-Cochrane (Canberra, 2024-12-28)


I'm die Hard West's Tigers supporter. We need a captain that will guide the ship. Richo is doing a great job at first man but we need a leader. Them clowns couldn't run a chook raffle a B&H

Aaron Fotheringham (Budgewoi, 2024-12-28)


I’m tired of the infighting this club dishes out on a constant basis at board level. Everything about next year looks positive and all the board seems to be doing is making the tigers a laughing stock. Go away !!

Brian Fernie (Secret Harbour, 2024-12-28)


Current ownership is incompetent and brings the club into disrepute! Needs to stop

George Kriketos (Sydney, 2024-12-28)


There has been a delay after delay, after promises to implement the recommendations of an independent review.

Where there is smoke there is fire. We need a fresh start.

Josh Williams (Dubbo, 2024-12-28)


Sick of the continual infighting that is leaked to the press. For our club to be successful we need to let go of the past and move into the future united

Fraser Maccorquodale (Melbourne, 2024-12-28)


The HBG commissioned a review and speed all recommendations, they need to now recommit an be see that so recommendations are implemented.

While the findings haven't been made public, the ones that have, are so sound and supported by the fan base.

The appointment of an experienced Rugby League CEO in Shane Richardson has already proved a masterstroke, both with the management of the roster but also the early delivery an be release of an strategic plan.

A merit base Wests Tigers board room is an absolute must and is something that has set us back from the leading clubs such as the Roosters, Storm and Panthers.

A review and revised constitution is also a priority to set out merged club up for success for the next 50 years.

If HBG continue to play small town politics and meddle with the WT Board matters and the implementation of the review, then this one opportunity will be lost and so too will the future of the Club

Aidan Mullen (Mount Evelyn, 2024-12-28)


Sick of the bullshit

Matthew Cooper (Green Point, 2024-12-28)


The current system of appointing the Board of the HBG is outdated & needs to change.

Troy Maguire (Fairfield West, 2024-12-28)


I love the Wests Tigers and am dismayed by the ongoing reported governance issues

Peter Rich (Croydon Park, 2024-12-28)


I'm fed up with the Wests Magpies v Balmain Tigers rubbish. I'm a Wests Tigers fan and have been for 24 years. It's time they left the rubbish in the past and moved on to let the football team thrive!

Andrew Blyth (Singleton, 2024-12-28)


I'm sick of our club being in the news for all of the wrong reasons. I'm sick of hearing about a dysfunctional board. I'm sick of hearing Wests Tigers might be reverting to the Magpies.

Greg Bakes (Linden, 2024-12-28)


We need to be one club.

Joe Macias (Sydney, 2024-12-28)


We need change . One club .one future.

Andrew Berther (Gladstone, 2024-12-28)


I support this petition and believe the review must be followed through. The members demand the HBB support the Weststigers football team and stop the infighting and division which has caused decades of incompetence and lack of success.

Julie Wade (Bologna, 2024-12-28)


I'm signing because the recommendations of the Review have not been enacted in full. It appears that has not occurred because members of the board are acting in their own interests against the Review. Attempts to engage the media to tell their side of the story have only made it more apparent their interests are not in the best interests of the Wests Tigers NRL team.

Jackson Howard (Sydney, 2024-12-28)


Winning begins in head office

Mark Bailey (Greenhill, 2024-12-28)


Poor governance, qualifications, experience, accountability and performance of the HBG representatives on the Wests Tigers board who have overseen decades of failure of the team I’ve supported for 25 years.

Mathew Dally (Newtown, 2024-12-28)


Wests Tigers RLFC need people that are 100% fully supportive running the club, at the moment this is not the case and hasnt been for 25 years, enough is enough, give the real supporters a voice, those who have the clubs best interest at heart, not those that are self serving and in it for themselves...the blazer brigade.

mark kemp (BEVERLY HILLS, 2024-12-28)


I’m signing because am dissatisfied with the conduct of the Holman Barnes Group and wish to support the calls for a comprehensive review of the governance of the Holman Barnes Group

Omero Combi (Allambie Heights, 2024-12-28)


Enough rubbish from these people. They've driven the club into the ground for too long. It's a community club, not some plaything for overpaid conflicted compromised executives.

Cian O'Dwyer (Gosford, 2024-12-28)


Like many others here I am a proud and passionate supporter. The Wests Tigers rugby league team has been held back by management incompetence for far too long. I believe in the old saying ‘a fish rots from the head.’ Therefore I’m calling for the outdated debenture system to be removed along with all current directors of the Holman Barnes group. Every recommendation from the Crawford Barnier report needs to be implemented. The likes of Romero and Burgess need to relinquish their positions as a first port of call.

Michael Buggy (Sydney, 2024-12-28)


I have been a West Tigers fan since inception and a paid member for over 10 years. Wests Tigers is important to me and many others that I know. The HBG board has repeatedly shown that it will not make itself a suitable custodian for the Wests Tigers without external intervention.

Banjo Stanton (Canterbury, 2024-12-28)


I’m signing because I’m fed up with this crap. This organisation has continuously held this football team back from performing at a competitive level. Also now we finally have things in place to see success they are attempting to pull them apart.

Finnian Dublewicz (Sydney, 2024-12-28)


I’m signing this petition to save our club.

Mitchell Gomes Rua (Sydney, 2024-12-28)


To ensure the future of our club - Wests Tigers

Pete KIDD (Blackwater, 2024-12-28)


I do not believe several of the people among the holman-Barnes group have the best interests of the Wests Tigers at heart. I would like them removed and replaced.

Zac Doran (Kingscliff, 2024-12-28)


I’m signing this petition because I’m sick of this HBG ‘click’ constantly destabilising Wests Tigers football for their vested interests and ‘friends’

John Hudson (Sydney, 2024-12-28)


Sort out this rabble!

Stuart Middleton (Chatswood, 2024-12-28)


I'm signing because I feel the Wests Tigers need stability in ownership and a commitment to support the team in all was. 2025 should be the year the club build back the respect it has lost and the ownership is preventing this.

Nicholas Dawes (Sydney, 2024-12-28)


I’m signing because I’m sick of the dysfunction of this NRL franchise. Wests Tigers needs a real governance structure in which members have a vote. HBG has too much power in this joint venture and its CEO way too much control.

Graeme Pringle (Rose Bay, 2024-12-28)


I'm sick of the garbage from HBG I'm sick of the Wests V Balmain BS that has infested the joint since day one.
It needs to end we are WestsTigers we are not Wests or Balmain and 90% of the fan base only know WestsTigers the insanity needs to end.

Murray Finnie (Cootamundra, 2024-12-28)


This nonsense needs to stop. Wests and balmain in the top grade are over 25 years long gone. We are wests tigers. We stand as one!

Joe Repici (Barden Ridge, 2024-12-28)


In my opinion the HBG board has been a major contributor to the Wests Tigers past issues and it’s disappointing that the suggested recommendations, around this element, remain without the required action.

Scott Stevens (Glenmore Park, 2024-12-28)


Sick of hearing about it

Alan Anderson (Campbelltown, 2024-12-28)


The place is very poorly run and a constant shit fight it is impacting the club I support and love

John Joannou (Northmead, 2024-12-28)


i am sick and tired of the wests tigers continual bad press and believe the best course of action would be a new buyer of the club to replace a bunch of no hopers who have failed miserably

phil duncan (The Hill, 2024-12-28)


I am signing because the in fighting re Wests Tigers needs to stop and we need to have a united management and ownership.

Darren O’Brien (Sydney, 2024-12-28)


I only want people who are in this to make the Wests Tigers successful, not their own self interest.

Paul Wiggins (Sydney, 2024-12-28)


I want change to happen!

Ryan Duchateau (Pymble, 2024-12-28)


I am a Wests Tigers Member and I’m not Happy hearing Rumours of it’s going to be just Balmain or just the Magpies, I Passionately Love The Wests Tigers and want what’s best for the Club.

Stephen Perry (Bradbury, 2024-12-28)


I am signing this petition because I am a diehard Wests Tigers fan who wants to see his club succeed both on and off the field as it has for far too long been a difficult time being a supporter of this once mighty football club.

Lance Koschny (Wollongong, 2024-12-28)


I agree with the principle of the review and believe there needs to be much more transparency into the running of the Wests Tigers

Brad Stirzaker (Penshurst, 2024-12-28)


I believe the actions of WT governance continue to negatively effect the clubs ability to be successful and significant change is required

Vincent Laurendi (Adelaide, 2024-12-28)


As a life long west magpies and west tigers supporter it's time for the bullshit to stop.

Corey Underhill (Perth, 2024-12-28)


I’m signing because I’m tired of all the factional politics of the current governance structures causing disruption and want to see stability and accord amongst the various board members so that Wests Tigers can get on with the business of winning.

Greg Johnson (Sydney, 2024-12-28)


I'm an old Balmain fan-78yo. Balmain finished in NRL and I have supported Wests Tigers since its inception. Neither Balmain nor Wests will be reinstated. We the members and supporters own Wests Tigers not some $100 board. Personally I would like to see a reorganisation so that I can have a vote. I am more than willing to pay $100 per annum to be a voting member as I am sure many others would. If the current Board members are being misrepresented, why haven't they sued those making allegations?
Maybe we need to set up a crowd funding war chest to "Save Wests Tigers". It is such a shame that the original report hasn't been implemented as we hoped. It seems to me that the Board's reluctance and late concerns is just a smoke screen.

David Thummler (BELLA VISTA, 2024-12-28)


We are a club with so much potential and pride that has been continually mismanaged by individuals either by incompetence or personal agendas.
If the cause is personal agendas then those individuals should be held personally liable for the damage they have caused to the Wests Tigers through brand reputation, membership growth and lost revenue in product sales and sponsorships and the ability to attract good players all of which help make our club stronger.
HBG board members have a responsibility to act in the best interests of the Wests Tigers and its members & supporters not themselves.
This is our club and we deserve a comprehensive external review of HBG to fix the mess that has and continues to be caused by them.

Kevin Shackleton (Bathurst, 2024-12-28)


These people need to be removed.

John Robert Bailey (Sydney, 2024-12-28)


Two members on the HB Group really need to go so we an gave some sanity back in tbe club. I love Wests Tigers and hope 2025 will be onwards and upwards

Patricia Shelley (Bangor, 2024-12-28)


Sick of the destabilisation of Wests Tigers by HBG

Bob Smith (Sydney, 2024-12-28)


I do not want the Magpies portion to attempt takeover of the Tigers name

Terry Mead (Everton Park, 2024-12-28)


I'm a Wests Tigers supporter and tired of the in fighting. We deserve a successful club.

John Spender (Killcare, 2024-12-28)


Wests Tigers are always in the news for all the wrong reasons , Julie and Dennis need to be removed , they were removed but again snaked there way back in , no more hold ups , complete the recommended review previously done asap

Andrew Campbell (Brisbane, 2024-12-28)


Long time Balmain and Wests Tigers supporter! As a fan we have suffered enough, the clubs been a shitfight for far too long! Enough is enough we’re sick off the in-house politics and the way it’s been governed, run controlled…time to get new people with new ideas in the place! If you’ve been involved over the last 10 years move on please you’re done.

Matthew Oldham (Mollymook Beach, 2024-12-29)


We need change and stability

Jon Newton (Gold Coast, 2024-12-29)


One in all in - A unified Wests Tigers club is the way to go and not one who is endlessly kicked in the guts by a serial bunch of clowns!

Panayioti Stathakis (Ashfield, 2024-12-29)


I am disappointed with such childish behaviour that is totally unprofessional for Directors.

Terry McDermott (Black Head, 2024-12-29)


I’m signing because I’m sick of the board and their incompetence. We are on the verge of waking this sleeping giant of a club and their only purpose is to hold us back. They must go and the implementation of the findings of the review is a must.

Marco Fania (Concord, 2024-12-29)


The best interests of the West Tigers team, its fans and operation of the club as an entity-for-all have taken last place for far too long behind rampant self-interest at board level. Recent machinations and controversy at that level have been an embarrassment to the Wests Tigers brand and detract from what must be the priority – the performance of the team and efficient running of club affairs in the interests of all members, not just a few at board level.

Jennifer Safe (Bondi Beach, 2024-12-29)


I'm signing because I want MY club to survive and actually prosper

Mark Jennings (West Ryde, 2024-12-29)


We need HBG directors to be capable, qualified and experienced to make decisions in the best interests of the Wests Tigers

Tim Woods (Sydney, 2024-12-29)


I’m a WestsTigers member of 18 years and am sick of the negative impact on our club caused by this group

Karen Stewart (Emu Heights, 2024-12-29)


I’m over the constant in fighting and self interest. Wests tigers have been around for 25 years now and the threat of losing this identity to go back to wests magpies or Balmain tigers simply cannot happen. It’s time for old dinosaurs to move on and let the club be run by people who genuinely care not about their own self interest

Shaun Ackroyd (Prospect, 2024-12-29)


A long time magpie fan but the future is wests tigers

Alan Hollebrandse (Armidale, 2024-12-29)


West Tigers needs strong leadership both on and off the field. Currently the board is letting us down. I am tired of reading about the dinosaurs on this board. We need a fresh start.

Susan Hill (Sydney, 2024-12-29)


Those that hold the balance of power on the Holman Barnes Group have gross incompetence in their poor attempt of running a professional football club. I believe that the debenture places on the board should be limited to 2, and the majority of the board be elected by the floor of members of the Holman Barnes group.

Luke Heywood (Sydney, 2024-12-29)


Being a current Wests Tigers member and having been a supporter since inception of the club I am deeply disappointed in the behaviour and lack of leadership shown by the "owners" of the Club. The supporters, such as myself, are the only reason why the club exists and we deserve transparency and professional governance. Actions should be on the football field and not in the boardroom or in the newspapers.

Salvatore Borraccino (Penrith, 2024-12-29)


I am signing because enough is enough. The Wests Tigers have been a united club since 2000, and it's time to move past the Balmain/Magpies divisions. It's clear to everyone that the issues with this club start at the top of the organisation. We need leaders who are committed to the success of the Wests Tigers as a whole. As someone nearing 40, I have only ever supported the Wests Tigers, not the two founding clubs. It's time to focus on the future, not the past.

Daniel King (Monash, 2024-12-29)


As a long time Balmain supporter and now Wests Tigers supporter I have no faith in the Holman, Barnes Group who are trying to destroy the Wests Tigers Franchise

Vicki Flaherty (Leichhardt, 2024-12-29)

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