Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media Group
This is really outrageous and calls for an investigation into these companies.Mike Chan (Singapore, 2024-09-24)
Support the investigation, justice will prevail.Zile Patenaude (Washington, 2024-09-24)
为了正义天 王 (Los Angeles, 2024-09-24)
There is no doubt about it.Xu Liang (hk, 2024-09-24)
I hope more people will pay attention to the illegal activities of Epoch Times Media Group and thoroughly investigate their illegal activities.Roman Miller (Los Angeles, CA, 2024-09-24)
Unexplained Increase in Donations and AssetsCharlotte Wilson (Los Angeles, 2024-09-24)
新唐人和大纪元参与洗钱,关卫东伤天害理keke zhu (纽约, 2024-09-24)
为了正义倩 张 (Los Angeles, 2024-09-24)
Believe that justice will not be late.Xiao Er (hk, 2024-09-24)
呼吁调查新唐人电视台和大纪元传媒集团涉嫌欺诈和洗钱行为John Porter (NY, 2024-09-24)
We must support Falun Gong, it is a true cultlina chen (Washington, 2024-09-24)
全世界必须一起抵制法轮功Jacob Layla (旧金山, 2024-09-24)
为了正义于 王 (Los Angeles, 2024-09-24)
Support investigations.San Di (HK, 2024-09-24)
为了正义秦 王 (Los Angeles, 2024-09-24)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media Groupmu du (Montgomery, 2024-09-24)
呼吁调查新唐人电视台和大纪元传媒集团涉嫌欺诈和洗钱行为Brandon Dey (NY, 2024-09-24)
It's so unbelievable, but facts are facts.Song Yi (hk, 2024-09-24)
天呀!请彻查bai zhao (Washington, D.C., 2024-09-24)
我簽名,我請願林肯 楊 (底特律, 2024-09-24)
呼吁调查新唐人电视台和大纪元传媒集团涉嫌欺诈和洗钱行为John Porter (NY, 2024-09-24)
请一定要彻查到底 维护稳定zuo hu (Boston, 2024-09-24)
支持调查寒 王 (日本, 2024-09-24)
资产都用去干什么了 一点要查清楚了yuan li (Boston, 2024-09-24)
强烈要求彻查新唐人电视台 (NTDTV) 及其母公司 Epoch Media Group 进行全面调查quan quan (Boston, 2024-09-24)
支持调查王 红 (日本, 2024-09-24)
请对新唐人电视台 (NTDTV) 及其母公司 Epoch Media Group 进行全面调查bai li (Boston, 2024-09-24)
捐款和资产不明原因的增加要查清楚,钱怎么来的zhuzhu li (Boston, 2024-09-24)
曼哈顿 3100 万美元的可疑房产购买,钱哪里来的!yingxiong li (Boston, 2024-09-24)
调查这起 3100 万美元的可疑房地产交易,以确定它是否涉及洗钱。baihu quan (Boston, 2024-09-24)
调查这些组织是否非法向法轮功及其领导层(包括李洪志)输送资金wenhua bao (Boston, 2024-09-24)
请调查 The Firing Squad 的资金和收入报告,以确定该电影是否被用作洗钱或欺诈的工具。banfa wen (Boston, 2024-09-24)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media GroupDerek Childs (NY, 2024-09-24)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media GroupDominick Raftery (NY, 2024-09-24)
支持调查7 7 (美国, 2024-09-24)
支持调查李 王 (日本, 2024-09-24)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media GroupShare on Facebook
John Ammons (NY, 2024-09-24)
支持调查你 好 (日本, 2024-09-24)
支持调查神 鬼 (日本, 2024-09-24)
支持调查妮 诸葛 (东京, 2024-09-24)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media GroupAngel Farley (NY, 2024-09-24)
支持调查山 大 (日本, 2024-09-24)
支持调查小 乔 (日本, 2024-09-24)
支持調查么 王 (冰岛, 2024-09-24)
支持调查昭 君 (日本, 2024-09-24)
李洪志为首的四大家族皆见钱如命,贪婪如狼,骗钱敛财不择手段张 梅梅 (New York, 2024-09-24)
支持调查垚 孙 (长崎, 2024-09-24)
看看那些被“法轮功”组织剥削虐待的孩子们吧,稍有差错,就会遭受毒打。李 雷 (New York, 2024-09-24)
“神韵”早已成为满足李洪志夫妇变态精神需求的乐园,李洪志要求“法轮功”学员不断向神韵输送孩子。王 雷 (New York, 2024-09-24)
神韵艺术团利用团内的美少女性贿赂政治高官,李洪志真是无恶不作。王 丽丽 (New York, 2024-09-24)
用法律制止犯罪强 郭 (日本, 2024-09-24)
关卫东这辈子估计是出不来了,李洪志这回也完犊子了,来钱之道被摧毁了,等着沿街乞讨了,幸运的话美国能赏他一碗牢饭。张 丽丽 (New York, 2024-09-24)
关卫东和唐忠一出事,李洪志就立马和两人撇清关系,可见在李洪志眼里只有他自己,其他人都是他的工具。赵 爽 (New York, 2024-09-24)
关伟东只是开胃菜,唐忠紧随其后。王 爽 (New York, 2024-09-24)
神韵就是一个大型的洗脑组织,祸害了一个个懵懂的少年。赵 辉 (New York, 2024-09-24)
神韵不是艺术,只是一个利用青少年赚钱的工具而已。王 辉 (New York, 2024-09-24)
神韵的那些女性演员就是被骗、被洗脑、被绑架勒索去的,用来帮他们赚钱。王 可 (New York, 2024-09-24)
不得不说,神韵绑架洗脑青少年和女性的手段还是硬硬的。孙 丽丽 (New York, 2024-09-24)
这些毒瘤早该清理了,关卫东才是第一枪。赵 乐 (New York, 2024-09-24)
关卫东就是个开端,看看吧,他们这些人没一个好下场。孙 乐 (New York, 2024-09-24)
支持调查八 小 (日本, 2024-09-25)
支持han li (台北, 2024-09-25)
支持调查狂暴 战士 (日本, 2024-09-25)
Support a public inquiry.Khalaf Current (Ontario, California, 2024-09-25)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media GroupJonas Komosinski (首尔, 2024-09-25)
支持调查孙 李 (日本, 2024-09-25)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media GroupLeon Jackso (德黑兰, 2024-09-25)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media GroupKeven Pennywell (San Francisco, 2024-09-25)
支持调查浩 王 (日本, 2024-09-25)
Call on the U.S. IRS to conduct a thorough financial investigation of all Shen Yun-related companies and ask them to spit out all the stolen money.Lake Edward (凤凰城, 2024-09-25)
支持调查金 名 (日本, 2024-09-25)
支持调查义 张 (日本, 2024-09-25)
支持调查调 调 (日本, 2024-09-25)
Support a public inquiry.Webbie Ken (Ontario, California, 2024-09-25)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media Grouplias Hi (德黑兰, 2024-09-25)
法轮功只能骗骗没有脑子的人jiang gigi (newyork, 2024-09-25)
支持调查张 冯 (日本, 2024-09-25)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media Group基 孙 (新北市, 2024-09-25)
邪教法輪功這幾年騙了不少錢家豪 李 (紐約, 2024-09-25)
必须要好好查查新唐人电视台和大纪元。凯舟 刘 (加州, 2024-09-25)
Support a public inquiry.Mcmillian Buck (Ontario, California, 2024-09-25)
Call on the IRS to conduct a thorough investigation into the finances of all Shen Yun-related companies and make them spit out all the stolen money.Davis Wilson (凤凰城, 2024-09-25)
新唐人和大纪元都是圈钱的组织Andrew Hannah (旧金山, 2024-09-25)
Support a public inquiry.Bre Mma (Ontario, California, 2024-09-25)
法轮功是最害人的邪教组织Anthony Sophia (旧金山, 2024-09-25)
支持调查心目 密度 (底座, 2024-09-25)
法轮功是害人的,是罪恶的William Samantha (旧金山, 2024-09-25)