Create laws that forbid dangerous weapons to be brought onto public transport



Need a a safe living environment

Connie Guan (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


hope it will not happened again.

Vivian Lu (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I am a boy’s mom, I’m afraid if the same thing happens to my child, it’s so crazy and terrible things

Lili Wu (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


It should happen.

Paul Yuan (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Need safety!

Zheng Yan (Wellington, 2024-07-03)


Stop criminal case.

Jenny Huang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


This is really serious situation now

Xiao xi Yang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


It’s good for all of us

Stella Chen (Remuera Auckland, 2024-07-03)


because we want to be our child feel Safe on public. Stop the crime

Yina Yang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Severe punishment for crime! To protect our children and elderly!

Laura Qu (, 2024-07-03)


I want to live in a safe city

Yinle Zhao (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


We deserve a secure public transport system.

Vivian Gao (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Safety of our community is the most important thing

Jianjun Li (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


We can’t turn a blind eye to Criminals!

Sophie Huang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Support Chinese people and Auckland people

Lulu Liu (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


we need a peaceful city.

cathy chen (auckland, 2024-07-03)


AT is a failures to this City!!! Also so disappointed for NZ Police!!!!!



To protect our kids, to protect New Zealand

Serena Wang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)



liangjia Qi (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


It is not a safe country to live anymore …

Jo wang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


In this incident, the bus driver's inaction and negligence are intolerable. Over the past couple of years, there have been frequent incidents of violent attacks on passengers at bus stations and on buses. The government should take action. At the very least, I am now uneasy about my child taking any bus other than the school bus.

Ella Liang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I cannot imagine the pain and distress that their family have endured. It is a situation that no one should have to face. I firmly believe that we must take proactive steps to ensure the safety of our public transportation system.

I don’t want my family or anyone else in our community to go through the same traumatic experience.

Chris Xiong (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Im signing because Im a tax payer who uses the bus and believe that with the tax I paid I need to be safe when using the transportation rather than be threatened and its NOT to be used for a criminal and her accomplice.

Helen He (, 2024-07-03)


I’m signing because public deserve feel safe when riding on public transport.

James Zheng (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


We have to have laws preventing this from happening more.

Zhuan Ye (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I wish to get a safety Auckland, a safety New Zealand.LGHA

Jialin Tan (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


It is horrible

Alice Yang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


So sad to learn about the news, and hope Jason gets well soon.
This is related to everyone of us, if we don’t do anything, similar things will happen over and over again.

Alison Zheng (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


This is concerned about everyone

Yiqi Huang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


because to the crime, enough is enough, the government need do something right now

zhengdong Huang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I support this petition because New Zealand should be a safe place for everyone, free from hate and violence. The incident described highlights a serious failure in ensuring passenger safety on public transport.

As a community, we must demand stricter laws to prevent such attacks and ensure that public transport is a safe means of travel for everyone, especially students who rely on it daily. It is unacceptable that dangerous weapons can be brought onto buses and that drivers are not adequately trained to handle such situations.

The driver’s lack of response and the subsequent handling of the situation not only failed to protect the victim but also allowed the perpetrator to escape without consequence. This must change. We need immediate action to prevent future incidents, including laws that forbid dangerous items on public transport and mandatory training for drivers on how to handle such emergencies.

New Zealand must stand together against hate and violence to maintain the safety and well-being of all its residents.

Banghua Zhao (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I signed because I am also a parent.

lily Ge (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I hate violence towards public and normal people, we love New Zealand of peace, civilization and happiness.

RL TANG (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Support this

Eric Zhou (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


for peace NZ for kind life

Sophie Yin (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


We need safe environment for everyone.

Sarah Wang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


This is a very horrible thing, and I hope the government will pay attention. I don’t feel safe on the bus

Lily Liang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Children need feel safe more than ever in today! Please protect our future! Punish the criminal

Angela Chu (AKL, 2024-07-03)


I want my family to be safe on public transport!

Grace Zhang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Support Jason, government has responsibility for stopping the crimes and make sure everyone is safe when we take public transportation.

Shirley Wu (, 2024-07-03)


To support the victim and prevent the occurrence of the similar events in future. Wishing NZ to be a save home for all residents and travellors.

Vicky Wang (, 2024-07-03)


Chinese need to do something to protect our kids.

Lina Jia (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


"I hope the relevant government departments will enact laws to ensure the protection of personal safety in public places and on buses, and to hold violators accountable."

Alex Song (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Keep our kids safe

Anne xu (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Violence free

Xin Yan (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


The security in Auckland has been so bad recently that people feel scared and don’t like to go out.

MeiLi Lin (Auckland, 2024-07-03)

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