We cannot afford to live in darkness!Jaques Scheepers (Dunnottar, 2023-10-24)
I'm signing because I feel I can't be held accountable for the actions of the criminal elements in town and I can't financial afford it in any caseMARISA SWART (NIGEL, 2023-10-24)
It’s not for residence to be punished for criminal activity.Roscoe Thompson (Nigel, 2023-10-24)
SANETSanet Mills (Nigel, 2023-10-24)
It's unlawful. Why should residents pay for criminal's offenses. We don't steal it Why must we pay!!!Tjaart Van der Walt (Nigel, 2023-10-24)
I am not the owner of the cables on the pavement. I can only be responsible for damages in my property.Giepie Esterhuizen (Ferryvale - Nigel, 2023-10-24)
its not fair for us to be responsible cables being stolenlindie bothma (nigel, 2023-10-24)
Resedent can not be held responsible for criminal activity. I can't be guarding infrastructure outside my premises. Cable theft accurs when people are sleeping. Where are law enforcement? You have to recover this losses from the Minister of Police which are failing South African citizens.Johannes Slabbert (Nigel, 2023-10-24)
I find it unacceptable to pay extra for Council infrastructure destroyed by vandalism which should be curbed by law enforcementHenry Hartley (Ekurhuleni, 2023-10-24)
I'm signing that I'm totally against paying for this nonsensechrista potgieter (nigel, 2023-10-24)
We already pay rates & taxes and other taxes. We can't take redponsibility for crime as well. Thst's what police are for.Isabel Stoop (Nigdl, 2023-10-24)
As residents we pay our monthly bills to the municipality and how can the Municipality request additional costs under its own liability and responsibility.Armando Santos (Nigel, 2023-10-24)
Ridicilous ,I am penalised for criminal elementsJo Uys (Nigel, 2023-10-24)
I am not willing to pay for theft. ANC MUST WAKE UP AND GET THEIR SHIT IN ORDER.Nadine Jackson (Nigel, 2023-10-24)
It is unfair to charge an individual for something stoles by thief's of SA. Power lines are a necessity, and we pay extremely high rates for electricity.Lezinda Ross (Nigel, 2023-10-24)
YesRhulani Shidzinga (Nigel, 2023-10-24)
I'm signing this petition because it's not fair for the government to say residence must pay for electricity cable theft as this is happening because of the failure from the government side making sure that citizens are protected and government infrastructure as well, and also the government has fail dismal in creating jobs, under upartheid there were more jobs but after freedom families are starving, we're pipul are going to get R 1500 to pay for replacing the cableXolile Khumalo (Nigel, 2023-10-24)
It is my hometownMandy Von Rauenstein (Dunnottar, 2023-10-24)
This is nonsense, criminals keep on stealing and we have to pay for this countries nonsense, no man, get your citizens sorted, this was never the case before 1994Corne Van Tonder (Springs, 2023-10-24)
Very expensiveDumisane Hlatshwayo (Nigel, 2023-10-25)
I feel decision taken is not fair to us as residentsMasotsha Skhosana (Nigel, 2023-10-25)
Its Ekurhleni property, Nigel residents already does the cleaning which Ekurhleni get paid for. Business pay for litterpicking and it has been years since I saw them cleaning and cutting grass in Nigel of which they still get paid for. Its ridiculous in the firt place to sign a petition for this sort of problems, like fixing robots, street lights, while we had residents pay forMaureen Wolmarans (Nigel, 2023-10-25)
Why do we have to pay for Cable theft when the cables iis stolen by criminals. Thos will not be fair to the people that ate already suffering from high electricity rates.Wilna Wright (Nigel Ext 2, 2023-10-25)
Why must we pay when cables are stolenNellie Herbst (Nigel, 2023-10-25)
I am not responsible for the cables on the pavement only inside my yard.Petro esterhuizen (Nigel, 2023-10-25)
I am not paying towards the criminals in this country. Employ more securityMechelle Carrick (Nigel, 2023-10-25)
I am not paying for theft and corruption.Marius Oberholzer (Dunnottar, 2023-10-25)
Residents should not be paying for criminal activities, this cost should be payed by the municipality as this is there responsibilityBuks Stoop (Nigel, 2023-10-25)
I'm signing because we are paying for a service that we are not receiving. We are basically only paying for thieves to steal our power cables.Kerri-Ann Bezuidenhout (Dunnottar, 2023-10-25)
This ANC is useless and now they want to pass the costs onto is as the public.Stop stealing and do your job
Burgert Bauermeister (Nigle, 2023-10-25)
Anything outside my property belongs to Ekurhuleni so take action to protect the cablesTheunis Botha (Nigel, 2023-10-25)
It is the counsels duty to secure and supply services wich we already pay taxes and facility fees for.Herman Palm (Nigel, 2023-10-25)
Why must the public pay for council property that has been stolenAngelique Jeffery (Noycedale Nigel, 2023-10-26)
Why must I pay for something that is the responsibility of the municipality. The police and other sectors of government must start doing there job in catching these thugs.Hanlie van straaten (Nigel, 2023-10-26)
Because I think it's unfair to expect the public to pay for crime when this government can't upload it's mandate. It is not the public responsibility to catch criminals the municipality must start to take responsibility.Louisa van Straaten (Nigel, 2023-10-26)
I have paid R1500 for a stolen cable by criminals and feel that we have bylaws and simingly they are not practical in EkurhuleniSibongile Mfino (Nigel, 2023-10-26)
Im not allowed to cut the trees on pavement because it belongs to municipality so then everything thereon pavement is their problem to sort out and that includes the cabels that are stolenDavid Frederick Delport (Nigel, 2023-10-26)
This is unfair towards residentsWollaston Labuschagne (Nigel, 2023-10-27)
We pay our bills. Why must we be punished for the miss management of the municipalities.Barbara Pretorius (Nigel, 2023-10-28)
It is not the house owner fault if the electrical cable supplied by the municipality to feed the meters gets stolen. It is the property of the municipality and they should protect their own property.V96NFlaminio Carniel (Nigel, 2023-10-28)
Cable theft shouldn't be a residents problem.Lesego Makitla (Nigel, 2023-10-30)
This is one of the most ridiculous and criminal ideas. This will encourage violence towards the criminals. If this is put in place I'll buy a few bags of cement and surround the place where the wires are situated.Reghart Cornelissen (Nigel, 2023-10-30)
It’s absolutely ridiculous that we have to pay for theft and damageRonche Meij (Nigel, 2023-10-31)
cable theft us not the electricity users fault ore responsiblity. We are already overcharged and can not afford to pay for the replacement of the cables. It is still the councils responsibility.Anneleze Venter (Nigel, 2023-10-31)
Not constitutionalDaniel Van Niekerk (Nigel, 2023-10-31)
Infrastructure maintenance is a government responsibility not a citizens responsibilityPeter Standish (Dunnottar, 2023-10-31)
I’m signing because I’m against paying for stolen electricity cables.Ammelia Mtakwende (Dunnottar, 2023-11-01)
It's not my property and I can't take responsibility for it.Anna Burness (Nigel, 2023-11-01)
Cables on pavement is council property not home owner or resident responsibilityMari Stander (Nigel, 2023-11-01)
I will not pay R1500 for a stolen cableCharmaine Struwig (Nigel, 2023-11-02)
I pay my rates and taxes. It is not my responsibility to fix stolen electric cables. I am not a policeman, I can't safeguard electric cables in the public municipal street. Municipality should take up their own duties and responsibilities.Estelle Babst (Nigel ext 2, 2023-11-03)
its is the responsibility of ekuruleni minsupality to replace the cable as its a service delivery and tax payers money we cannot pay more that we are already because this decicion is based on corruptionAdri Maree (dunnottar, 2023-11-06)
It's not the resident's responsibility to pay for cable theft and replacement thereofInnocent Sigasa (Johannesburg, 2023-11-07)
It is not our responsibility if someone steals our infrastructure we pay for our services wich we dont allways get the service we pay forFrancois Bezuidenhout (Dunnottar, 2024-01-23)