Support the study associations VU Amsterdam in housing crisis



A decent member room is essential for the survival of the study association GeoVusie.

Peter Bakker (Maastricht, 2023-06-12)


GeoVUsie for life

Caroline Heller (Amsterdam, 2023-06-12)


I was able to enjoy the incredible network and friendship a study association like GeoVUsie offers. Without it, life as a student here would have been much more isolated and taxing. I would not have been able to complete my study without their support. In order to continue to provide such an extraordinary service for the future generations of students, the study associations need sufficient room. A decrease of 65% means dismissing the important impact study associations have on students and their wellbeing. The quality and quantity of services provided by the study associations will suffer greatly and some associations may not even survive such a shift. I do not support such a decision from the VU.

Caroline Goossens (Amstelveen, 2023-06-12)


I was very active in the anguilla association, and I learned a lot, developed valuable skills, met wonderful new people who are still my best friends, and had a second home in the anguilla room. Every new student deserves this same experience. I hope the vu will change their mind!!

Esther van der Meiden (Amsterdam, 2023-06-12)


Als voormalig vicevoorzitter geloof ik dat een sterke studentenvereniging van enorm belang is voor de faculteit. Een fatsoenlijke ruimte hoort daarbij.

Stef Louwers (Velp, 2023-06-12)


Mensen in de toekomst verdienen ook een goede studententijd! Studieverenigingen zijn een ideale plek om je eerste netwerk voor het werkende carrière op te bouwen!

Stijn van Bloois (Amsterdam, 2023-06-12)


De slogan van de VU is tegenwoordig “op de VU wordt je niet iets, maar iemand”. Juist dat vindt plaats bij de levendige beta-verenigingen, maar de randvoorwaarden die dit mogelijk maken zijn opeens een brug te ver voor de VU. In werkelijkheid is het gewoon een geval van gebrek aan visie en daadkrachtig besturen.

Daan Sonneveld (Amsterdam, 2023-06-12)


Study associations are an essential part of the Science faculty of the VU and in a year or 3 the board of the VU is going to realise abolishing them almost entirely was a big mistake. Only by then it will be too late to recover the little cultures that built that community over decades. .

Leonie Hemelrijk (Amsterdam, 2023-06-12)


It's truly shameful to see the VU backing out of promises they have made years ago. They keep preaching about the importance of the study associations and mental well-being they bring the students during big speeches, but behind the scenes they seem to have an different idea entirely. The current plans of the VU will mean the end of almost every study association of the science faculty and that is unacceptable.

Tom Hoogeboom (Amsterdam, 2023-06-12)


My time at the uni has been the most formative experience of my live, in large part due to GeoVUsie. I practically lived in their room, the Auberge in den Koele Blonde, for seven years and without it I wouldn't be the person I am today.

Aard-Jan Wullink (Delft, 2023-06-13)


The student associations for an indispensable part of beta faculty life, culture and education. A place for students across years and faculty staff to meet, socialize and grow. This requires a minimum area of space per association, and I strongly encourage the VU leadership to carefully consider the appropriate space allocation.

Kind regards,

Ralph Groen
President GeoVUsie 2005
Chief Commercial Officer at Evyon

Ralph Groen (Oslo, 2023-06-13)


I'm signing because we are a university, not a 'koekjesfabriek', which needs active student associations

Maarten Prins (Wilp, 2023-06-13)


Events hosted by the study association plays a major role in enthousiasting students. Reducing the space available limits the opportunities to do these activities, which would be a major loss for the department and university as a whole.

Mats Riet (Limmen, 2023-06-13)


De universiteit zou geen verdienmodel moeten zijn, maar een plek waar studenten voorop staan. De studievereniging is essentieel voor het welzijn en de sociale ontwikkeling van studenten. Het verenigingsleven in de bètafaculteit is zo bruisend dat de huidige ruimte net volstaat, een krimp van 65% is absoluut onacceptabel.

Ayra Goede (Baarn, 2023-06-13)


The students’ room is critical to the overall success of the science community at the VU.

Jonathan Zwaan (Den Haag, 2023-06-13)


It's important to have enough space for student activities, I'm worried for the effects a big decrease can have on the student culture and in effect the enrollment of new students at the faculty.

Geert Hensgens (Utrecht, 2023-06-13)


Every student has the right to have a place to relax And come together with their fellow students

Esther Konijnenberg (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


It is important to have study associations to make connections and friends.

Joeri Eising (Baarn, 2023-06-13)


I sign because a university should invest in their students. The students should be central in the decisions. The student associations and their space are extremely important for student-wellbeing but also have a crucial role in informal contact between students and lecturers. A good atmosphere will bring in more students.

Janne Koornneef (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


The VU is activly working against it's students

Kiki du Pau (Amstelveen, 2023-06-13)


A physical space to meet other students as well as teachers and other faculty staff has always been the backbone that ensures belonging as well as educational quality. The resulting community has always been the key driver for students choosing Geosciences at the VU. It is thus absolutely essential to keep such an offer.

Judith van Hagen (Trondheim, 2023-06-13)


Geovusie made me feel completely at home when I became a student at the VU, and their own space/room/stuka really contributed to that. I studied there, lunched there, partied there and many more things. It would be such a waste when all that space is given up because it makes studying at the VU a 100% better.

Berber Douma (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


Een vitale en goed functionerende Aardwetenschappen studievereniging GEOVUSIE is cruciaal voor onze bachelor en masteropleidingen. Al het werk dat ik en mijn collega's nu aan het doen zijn om in de toekomst meer studenten te mogen verwelkomen, zal volledig teniet worden gedaan als ze niet genoeg ruimte krijgen om goed te functioneren. GEOVUSIE is een cruciaal onderdeel van ons departement en een reden voor veel studenten om naar de VU te komen in plaats van elders te gaan studeren. Het laat niet verloren gaan!

Pepijn Bakker (Bussum, 2023-06-13)


Student associations are very important for a lively student culture and a place to make friends amongst peers outside of the (formal) classroom.

Alexandra Siebels (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


Met name voor de meer introverte student is een thuishonk op de universiteit cruciaal om tussen de colleges even op adem te komen. Bovendien is het de plek om je medestudenten te ontmoeten. Geef de studieverenigingen dus de ruimte!

Callista Mulder (Almere, 2023-06-13)


Ik teken de petitie, omdat dit een zaak is die (minstens) 7 jaar geleden al bekend was en nog steeds niet opgelost is

Nina Linzel (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


Door de plannen van het VU bestuur komt het verenigingsleven op de campus in gevaar. De studieverenigingen zijn essentieel voor een gezonde universiteit. Zowel sociaal, mentaal als vakinhoudelijke spelen de verenigingen een ZEER belangrijke rol. Deze dreigen te worden uitgehold.
Zonder een bruisende verenigingen had ik zeer waarschijnlijk mijn studie niet afgemaakt.

Robin du Mee (Diepenveen, 2023-06-13)


Ik heb hier 4 jaar gestudeerd en altijd als ik op de VU was ben ik langs de ledenkamer geweest. Zelf heb ik in mijn bestuursjaar hier heel veel studenten en docenten mogen ontvangen. Het is zonde als dit stukje VU identiteit verloren zou gaan.

Jan Tolmeijer (Amtelveen, 2023-06-13)


I study SBI at the VU, and I definitely think this isn’t the right decision… there needs to be a place for all this youngsters…

Wiebe Jansen (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


This is unaccaptable

Jenny Smit (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


It is so important that students learn professional and social skills and study associations are the perfect place to do so.

Flora Pennartz (Amstelveen, 2023-06-13)


I deeply care about the associations impacted and I think this will kill the whole vibe of the courses at the VU university. Studying is not only about getting grades in, it is so much more and part of that is having a association with a student room to meet equally minded people not only from your own year but of other years, teachers and former students.

Jurre Tanja (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


Ik teken omdat het verenigingsgevoel verloren dreigt te gaan, terwijl dat mijn studententijd juist zo mooi heeft gemaakt.

Roel Grootscholten (Poeldijk, 2023-06-13)


The study associations are a place for the students to enjoy their studies and meet with their peers and teachers. Losing them would mean losing the students!

Maria de Roever (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


Het beta verenigingsleven is een verrijking van je studententijd, hier heb ik mijn beste vrienden ontmoet en hierdoor heb ik het élke dag, al 5 jaar lang, enorm naar mijn zin op de VU. Het is van uiterst belang dat dit NIET verloren gaat door een klein ding zoals gebrek aan ruimte!!

Charlie Aardewijn (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


My study association will get a decease of space of about 70% which is not ok

Jobbe Wijs (Amstelveen, 2023-06-13)


I am in one of the associations and I see that with the new plans none of the associations can continue to exists in this form

Mats Kuhlman (Amstelveen, 2023-06-13)


Studentenverenigingen verdienen hun eigen ledenmakers

Danielle Cuiper (Noordwijkerhout, 2023-06-13)


65% is laughable.

Nanne Hempel (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


I strongly believe that in order to thrive at university, students need a place that’s about social contacts rather than studying

Isa Krowinkel (Amstelveen, 2023-06-13)


Dit is bullshit. Vooral dat dit expliciet om bèta verenigingen gaat, dat is discriminatie. Voor de rest is een eigen verenigingskamer essentieel voor studievereniging en vind ik dat dat ook een recht hoort te zijn. Zo jaag je studenten weg.

A van Wijck (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


I 100% agree that student associations are the heart of a course.

Daan Hoogcarspel (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


I care about the beta associations

Eva Heslenfeld (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


I want the Natuurkwetenschappelijke Studievereniging Amsterdam to keep it's own place to hang out at.

Auke Van der Laan (Lisse, 2023-06-13)


Ik teken omdat de studieverenigingen van groot belang zijn voor het welzijn onder de VU studenten en de binding tussen de VU en studenten.

Silia Holman (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


The space of the study association is important to me

Rorik De boer (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


In een professionele leergemeenschap leren mensen vooral via informele netwerken. GEOVUSIE is basis voor het succes van de opleiding. Dankzij dit informele netwerk floreert de opleiding. Dit ontkennen is een brevet van onvermogen.

Adam Lenaarts (Alkmaar, 2023-06-13)


The VU promised GEOVUSIE enough space. Students deserve a place where they can socialize with other students.

Rosa-Jane Bant (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


GeoVUsie makes memories

Malika Gronloh (Apeldoorn, 2023-06-13)


I believe in the importance of space for students to organise themselves, be active besides their study and create togetherness within their field of study.

Aaike van Oord (Den Helder, 2023-06-13)


A space within de VU for Beta students accomodates a lot of social activities and keeps the unique Beta student life alive.

Julian Boonstra (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


Students deserve sufficient room to socialize together

Jeffrey Haspels (Kudelstaart, 2023-06-13)


I’m signing because the study association space is very important for the lives of students!

Reggie Karssiens (Weesp, 2023-06-13)


It is important to keep uni-verenigingen

Laurens Brussen (Hoofddorp, 2023-06-13)


Study Associations are important for student culture and social skill development. They need enough space to continue organising social events. Why did the VU not learn this from the coronavirus lockdowns, where thousands of students had to stay at home and some of them even became depressed...

Jeffry van Mansom (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


Put you money where your mouth is.. talking about providing diverse and safe study environments with student participation and in the meanwhile doing the opposite

Bernd Andeweg (Hilversum, 2023-06-13)


I’m signing because I very much agree with the statement that member rooms play a large role in both the scientific and social development of students. I have experienced this myself during my bachelor years at the VU and profited a lot from it. It would be a shame if in the future this wouldn’t be a part of studying at the VU anymore.

Joëlle Hansen-Löve (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


I think it is a disaster that the VU is not allowing study associations to continue by reducing the space.

Joost Hollander (Amstelveen, 2023-06-13)


study association space is such a vital part of uni life, especially for international students

Dora Bezděková (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


Faculties are a very important part of student life, thus taking these away will be a big loss in the student life

Timo Bakker (Badhoevedorp, 2023-06-13)


I would like the study associations to have a big enough space for students to provide support and to enjoy the company of each other

Jeroen De Visser (Heiloo, 2023-06-13)


Housing is essential especially for students

Suzanns Cuiper (Amerongen, 2023-06-13)


De ledenkamers een belangrijke plek zijn voor studenten om elkaar te ontmoeten

Stijn Sonneveld (Utrecht, 2023-06-13)


Het besluit een extreem slecht plan is

Merijn Koning (Haarlem, 2023-06-13)


ik ben het niet eens met de staande afspraken ivm ruimte voor studieverenigingen

Baruch Levy (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


I sign this petition because it is completely against everything the VU promises to stand for (togetherness, inclusion, scientific progress); to decrease the space for the students to socialize, to collaborate. As a student in the natural sciences, I have experienced myself how important this aspect is of studying to have a scope greater than just one's discipline.

Marc Heemskerk (Hillegom, 2023-06-13)


I can’t imagine a study association without their room. I’m going to be “bestuur” of the VIB, and our room is going to be everything. To welcome all members and have conversations with everybody. It would be horrible if they took this away from us.

Glenn Rosenquist (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


It’s important

Claire De Roever (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


Olie zei het

Jarno Engelen (Oegstgeest, 2023-06-13)


The student associations at the VU have been communicating the importance of having enough suitable space since the relocation plans were first communicated many years ago. They have been working together with the faculty in order to achieve this. It is astonishing to see that this very important message seems to not have been received. A solution without a 65% loss of space for the associations can be found and needs to be found.

Jorrit van der Schot (Utrecht, 2023-06-13)


I'm singing because I love the social aspect that the study association provides. For this, it is in my opinion, essential to have a proper community space for activities. The VU, as an institution that promotes student well being, should prioritize any form of social engagement that is made possible by the associations. At the university we become someone and not something.

Joram Niemans (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


Student associations are vital for a successfull student life.

Jurrien Dijk (Heiloo, 2023-06-13)


I care

Lieke van der Aa (Amstelveen, 2023-06-13)


I am trying to find a room in Amsterdam but is quit difficult

Lucas Eveleens (Hoofddorp, 2023-06-13)


I very much enjoyed the social place our study association room provided and wouldn't want new generations to miss such a place

Mischa Steketee (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


Of the great time & memories I had at my association + the spacious location

Fleur Van Wolferen (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)


The study association really broadend my horizon and gave me a lot of learning opportunities in the social and career field. Especially living at home they made me feel like a student

Anouk Nijman (Heemskerk, 2023-06-13)


Study associations need the rooms they have been promised. Only then they can be the support for students they have been for decades and hopefully will be for the coming decades.

Eva Sugeng (Duivendrecht, 2023-06-13)


The social life and well being of the students is the most important

Menno Van Kooten (Soesterberg, 2023-06-13)


My study association needs to get the room they deserve

Britt de Heer (Lekkerkerk, 2023-06-13)


We hebben meer ruimte nodig!

Rafael de Graaf (Amstelveen, 2023-06-13)


Studieverenigingen een groot gedeelte van mijn sociale leven inhouden. De studievereniging is een plek waar ik altijd terecht kan en mij op mijn plek voel. Als de studievereniging weggaat hebben we geen plek meer om samen te komen met alle verschillende jaarlagen. We kunnen dan niet meer bijkletsen, vragen stellen aan oudere jaars of advies geven aan jongere jaars. Ik heb me op geen plek zo thuis gevoeld als bij mijn studievereniging en ik weet dat dit voor vele andere studenten geldt.

Sigrid Mooijman (Diemen, 2023-06-13)


Ik teken omdat studieverenigingen, zoals GeoVUsie, een belangrijk onderdeel zijn in de ontwikkeling van studenten naast de puur academische vorming. GeoVUsie en de sfeer in de studentenkamer was verder ook een van de redenen dat ik voor Aardwetenschappen op de VU heb gekozen.

Xavier van Lanen (St. John's, 2023-06-13)


I'm singing because of claustrophobia

Daniël de Jong (Charleroi, 2023-06-13)


I believe it's important that study associations have to room to fullfill their tasks of being of importance for the social life of student and their educational activities

Niels Harteveld (Alphen aan den Rijn, 2023-06-13)


Because we are given no space in the future renovations, leaving our study associations and students without a place to socialize.

Milan Rijsenbrij (Amsterdam, 2023-06-13)

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