Uppsala Social Sevices Stop abusing my human rights and let me back with my family
This young girl should be with her family ! Stop abusing her further by removing her human rights and disobedience to a law! Send her homeLisa Highman (Surrey, 2021-08-10)
God gives the children to the parents and not to the persons who think that they are experts of something... It is a simple thing! Do not complicate it, because you can!Tamás Donkó (Kaposszerdahely, 2021-08-10)
I’m signing bc Morgan is one of my good friends and I want the best for them❁Alex Castell (Uppsala, 2021-08-11)
It is very important and urgent that Morgan gets back to her family.Alfred de Vries (Seattle, 2021-08-11)
Let this girl be with her family.Ann Lawson (Dublin, 2021-08-11)
Morgan should be able to have their wishes heard and should be able to attend their cousin’s wedding with their family if that is their desire. You are preventing them seeing family in unfair circumstances.Laura McDonald (Birmingham, 2021-08-11)
I have known Monika and Toine for many years, They are caring parents, this is totally ridiculous.Timothy Branwhite (ASCOT, 2021-08-11)
I'm signing, because I want absolutely the best for Morgan!Antonius Roozen (Uppsala, 2021-08-11)
We want you home with us my darling, beautiful child!Monika Roozen (Uppsala, 2021-08-12)
I'm signing because this family needs to be together!Carol Cooper (Norwich, 2021-08-12)
I’m singing because this is a total tragedy and none of the family seems to be being listened to at all.Karen Beddow (West Kirby, 2021-08-12)
Stoppa LVU nu , tjänstemannaansvar. Låt folk leva i frihetJessica Hajek (Furulund, 2021-08-12)
It is not appropriate to separate a child from their parents unless imminent risk is present. This doesn’t seem to be the case hereErika Payne (Bishop's Stortford, 2021-08-12)
He's my best friend and they deserve to go.Arlo Cavieses (Uppsala, 2021-08-20)
Families should be helped to stay together. Help should be given to the family unit to thrive and problems solved in the home with the help of others as required. What has happened to this child and her family is unacceptable. I hope they are soon reunited.Jan Plowright (Eastbourne, 2021-08-20)
I am appalled this young lady has been separated from her family and has suffered so terriblyLisa Hodson (Warrington, 2021-08-24)
Please allow Morgan. to be with her family.Otilia Stocks (Medgidia, 2021-09-11)
I’m signing because I think that someone should be able to be with their family if they want to.Atoshi Chowdhury (Uppsala, 2021-09-21)
Morgan needs to be reunited with their family immediately. I totally support her wishes and urge the social services to reverse the arrangements that are infringing so badly on her human rights as a child.Katherine McDevitt (Melbourne, 2021-09-22)
Jag är väl medveten om hur okänsliga sociala myndigheter kan vara mot barn som inte har någon egen talan. Morgan ska naturligtvis få träffa sin familj om det är det han behöver. Punkt slut.Caroline Nielsen (Stockholm, 2021-10-08)
Socialförvaltningen bör inte få handskas med LVU-ärenden. De har inte rätt kompetens eller utbildning till det. De utreder ärenden både felaktigt och lögnaktigt. De använder sig av maktmissbruk för att driva igenom dåliga utredningar styrda av egna värderingar. De använder sin makt och sina verktyg (som speglar psykopatiskt beteende) till att krossa barn och deras föräkdrar - speciellt om de upptäcker att de har handlagt ärenden fel.Socialförvaltningrn bestraffat barn genom olika tyranniska metoder. Det MÅSTE bli ett slut på det!
Andrèa Covitzi (LinkÖping, 2022-01-13)