Save Texas Drive Park!
This is absolute bonkers. The Texas Drive Park is a place for pure vibes and entertainment! The government cannot take this away from us!!!Asad Khan (portage, 2021-03-19)
Keep the park as is. There are plenty of other options for the building.Jason Julien (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
It should be kept as a park for the kids to have s safe place to play and adults to exercise.Fernanda Polachini (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
I am opposed to the proposal to move the township offices to the Texas dr park.Tracy Kinney (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
When I was a young child I used to go around Texas drive park collecting dog poop and eating it as my young mind thought it was chocolate 😂🙌🏼! Great times and memories at this place, it is truly a shame that this is happening.Mustafa Hayat (Portage, 2021-03-19)
My daughter and I love going in this park... When is summer my group make a yoga class in there...Silmara Triebel (kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
This money could be used for the greater good of everyone in the township. The townhall seems just fine for the few people who work in the building. Also most people work virtual now. The patk was never intended to be for the townhall, until now. Do not change the plans.Krista Jowkar (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
We need to save community parks like these!Christopher Bohl (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
Please don’t take away our ball field. I play high school softball and use that field all the time. There has to be another place you can build your building.Madelyn Beck (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
The township should not commandeer land that is home to one of the few parks in this area. Residents are vehemently opposed. Build your town hall in another location.Adam Ross (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
Keep our green spaces. Don’t overdevelop our community.Katy Welch (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
I use Texas drive park all the time with my family to walk and play we use the ball diamonds to play catch and hit in a safer enviromentRussell Nappier (Portage, 2021-03-19)
Our family uses the park multiple days per week all year round. We use the baseball park 3 days/week in the spring and summer for baseball practice with our family. We love being able to walk or ride our bikes to the park.Kristen Maguran (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
There has to be a better option than taking away a green space and baseball fields. My kids played ball and soccer out there. It's a great park and doesn't need to be destroyed. Why does the board feel they need a new building?Liselle McFletcher (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
Please leave this area as open space. We walk there all the time and appreciate the green space.Karen Sanborn (Portage, 2021-03-19)
I don't want any part of texas drive park gone.John Huff (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
This green space is invaluable to an area of town that is under constant construction and expansion. Our children need this escape.Cassie Ballard (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
I oppose the construction. The Texas Drive park is beloved to our family and we’d like it to be preserved.Brianca Snoap (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
I grew up in the area and played baseball on that field. I choose to remain in the area to raise my kids. I live in Texas corners because we have such a great community and many things, that park included, have fostered a wonderful location to raise children. We go to the park and hit golf balls at least once a week. This would destroy that option and I am wholly opposed to a motion to ruin what makes Texas corners a wonderful place to live.Steven Stone (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
Kids love the park and need more green space not a new office buildingTeresa Hehe (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
My daughter goes to school in Mattawan and has enjoyed playing at ball diamonds all the time… Do not take one more thing away from these kids keep our green space pleaseKathryn Nevelle (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
Dumbest use of our tax money in 18 years of living in Texas Township.Jamie Schnur (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
We don't need this right nowScott Quackenbush (Mattawan, 2021-03-19)
People from all over enjoy that part. Texas township can build on 6th street, where they want to build the new park. What are you thinking? That park is awesome. Let well enough alone. I will stop now, before I say what I really want to say. Have a good day. Let the park serve the community.Lori Koteles-Hickman (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
Better options availablemove farmers market to Texas drive park and expand building where the farmers market pavilion is
Lou Odonnell (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
They do not need a new building and have not sufficiently explained the reasoning as to why it is absolutely necessary to select this particular location. They have been successful and efficient working remotely and have an existing building that the community has voiced we would rather provide updates to if needed. They are not listening and representing the majority/quorum. Taking away existing park space has been voiced as a decision not aligned with the communities core values/vision.Sarah Jasinski (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-19)
Waste of money!James Hollenbeck (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
I love the park! And it seems like such a waste of money to build a new officePhilip Maguran (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
The kids deserve a baseball field not a building office.Sofia Rangel (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
I think the park should remain.Patti Vanderbeek (Mattawan, 2021-03-20)
My family enjoys this park often and we would like to see it stay as is. Room to roam and explore for the kids.Stacy Duncan (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
I don’t think the ball field should be sacrificed for a new township hall.Wendy Polderman (Schoolcraft, 2021-03-20)
I’m against putting a township building in our park spaceBrooke Ancrile (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
I ABSOLUTELY do NOT want to see the new township hall built at the Texas Drive Park location. We are very high and active users of this park and this park is always packed with people. The usage of and availability of this park is vital to the community and cannot afford to be downsized. This would be a travesty.Christina Sonnenberg (Mattawan, 2021-03-20)
I am not in agreement to using this land for a Townhall.Paul Welch (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
Not aligned with building a new township building within the park nor the level of funding being allocated for that purpose.Joel Ancrile (Texas Township - Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
I want the park to stay as is. We enjoy the field and open space to play and run. A township hall would mess that all up.Kristi Wright (Portage, 2021-03-20)
My kids play at the Texas Drive Park. This is a residential neighborhood and an office building doesn’t belong here!Taj Sahni (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
We visit that park regularly and use the ball field.Nicole Birko (Portage, 2021-03-20)
I support keeping the park structures as they are used throughout the summer by many of the residents. We should instead think of ways to improve the park to encourage kids in the neighborhood to visit and spend more time outside.Ana Martinez (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
I believe the children need a place to play besides schools. Especially children that are home. This is important for childrenStephanie Lehmkuhl (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
Texas Township needs a place for families can come to relax during uncertain times. The area around downtown Texas Township is built up so much lately. Let's save a spot for families to come and enjoy the outdoors.Louise Fuller (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
Kids play in the park . Nice still having green space in texas corners.Kristyn Clarke (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
I think this is a ridiculous waste of tax dollars.The current office is fine for the amount of people that work there
Anne Buttery (KALAMAZOO, 2021-03-20)
I live in Texas township and love that park. An office building with traffic disturbs the park, endangers kids running about and just doesn’t make sense!Melissa Olken (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
I grew up visiting Texas Drive Park. Now my kids love it and ask to go all the time. We love walking to the park from Grandma's house and could spend hours on the play equipment, running around the track with our dogs or playing pick-up style kickball in the field. Texas Drive Park is always full of families and outdoor enthusiasts of all kinds, it is not too big and there is not "room to spare". We love the space to play and meet new friends.Megan Schuiteboer (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
The park is the community park owned by residents of this township. There is precious little park land that is connected to the neighboring communities so if taken it will be a drastic change. We need more green spaces not more building.Amy O’Boyle (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
Waste of money to build an entirely new building rather than adding on to existing hall. The community needs nice parks!!Mary Williams (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
I do not feel Texas Drive Park is a good location to build a 10,000 sq ft township office for 11 people. This park is already very busy and if anything the park should be bigger, not smaller. How about building it at 6th park.Mindy Ray (Mattawan, 2021-03-20)
This park is for the community. It is well loved and well used. The township hall has no business taking up space in what should remain a green area for the community to enjoy!Aubrey Koches (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
My children and I have used this park and the walking trail around it for years and it would be terrible for it to become a parking lot and town hall building taking out half of the green space! My daughter practices with her soccer team currently there. We attend the church across the road from the park and my children's preschool fun days took place at the park using the playground 7 and 13 years ago and they played there with their late grandfather. Please don't turn this park and families memories into a building and a parking lot!! Find an already existing empty building and reuse that space or renovate the existing building! Don't destroy more of our community's green space! Especially not a park that is so heavily used and needed by so many of all ages! I saw a high school coed club even using the park in the fall for a team building evening with their coach right alongside my daughter's soccer practice and at the same time I was using the walking path along with many others and a girls softball team was practicing on the baseball field. This park is used by so many citizens of the community everyday! It is a needed park just the way it is for years to come!Heather Brown (Portage, 2021-03-20)
My children gravitate to that park. My daughter has expressed the relief she has spent in that green space from the stress of COVID, riding her bike there to safely meet outside with friends from nearby neighborhoods. This is not the time to increase indoor spaces that have been proven unnecessary this past year. The scarcity of outdoor gathering spaces have been felt this past year revealing truly how crucial this park is to this community.Jill Hasper (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
We should not take a beautiful park and destroy it for an office building. A new building is not necessary. Space got kids to enjoy is necessary.Kimberly Kingsbury Curvelo (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
I am a member of Texas Township and I am signing this to preserve Texas Drive Park in its entirety. I hope to be a voice for the kids of the community as well as families that use that park. I ask that you look to a different location for the township hall or renovate the existing space. Thank you for your consideration and thinking about the children and people of Texas Township.Emily Brown (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
I’m signing this petition because Texas Drive Park should remain it it’s natural green state for the enjoyment of children and adults. It is a lovely area that promotes health and physical fitness and allows creative play! Please do not add another building to compromise this fresh air activity park.Deanna Nellenbach (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
I want the ball fields to stayDiane Horn (Schoolcraft, 2021-03-20)
My kids play at the park!Jennifer Warning (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
I don’t want to see the amenities at the park removed.Deb Lang (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
My family loves this park!!Leigh Garrison (8514 Plover Dr, 2021-03-20)
Texas Drive Park is accessible to many walkers and is our neighborhood park. Plunking a township building in it would change the access to the nature of this park.Gale Brooks (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
Our children need a safe open space to play... Not enough residents in Texas corners have a big enough yard to play outdoor sports, walk, ride bikes, scooters or rollerblades.Erin Sutton (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
I do not want the Township to remove the Texas Drive Park baseball field for a new Township building. This field is used by residents frequently and is valuable greenspace.Donald Penskar (KALAMAZOO, 2021-03-20)
I would love to see that money go towards rehabilitating a building that is empty. Green space keeps shrinking in this township and it needs to be preserved.Emily Ashley (Portage, 2021-03-20)
Rebuttal of the ridiculous "justifications" to this proposal to build in Texas Township, based on the board members tone deaf responses on March 18th is unfortunately a waste of time. Its very unlikely they will read these comments and respond in coherent manner.Steven Weber (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
There are better ways to solve the Township’s need for office building instead of taking a significant portion of the park that families use and enjoy.Sarah Rypma (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
Our surrounding area needs outdoor spaces for people to go and enjoy our beautiful community. Anyplace that has safe places to walk run and play are assets and should be preserved!Kim Holden (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
I don’t agree with moving the township hall location to texas drive park.Larry Smith (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
I’m signing because my family and I use this park often and I would be saddened to see much of it go.Adriana Lewis (Schoolcraft, 2021-03-20)
I oppose moving the Township Hall to Texas Drive Park.Tom Smitchols (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
Even though we have local trails to walk, we need to keep open green space too. This park is used daily. Yes even in the winter, which was dismissed so easily by the board on Thursday. We live against the park, we watch the activity daily. There is barely a day goes by without anyone there. Kids parents families, groups all gather here.Please take the time to look for an alternative. We are all behind growth but not at the expense of loss of this very unique space.
I think if rusted, everyone was for a new building but not here, we are all prepared to pay more, if it can be moved
Deborah Malloy (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
I'm opposed to removing green space from the most densely populated area of Texas Township. This multipurpose park is used year round with increasing demand as Texas Township population grows.Christina Jacobs (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
Our family has frequented the Texas Township Park for many years. Our son spent many hours of his childhood at the Texas Township Park. It would detract from what green space was left to have a large building right next to it. Part of the reason this park is special is because it is so open and doesn't have a lot of distractions.Jamie Smith (Portage, 2021-03-20)
I enjoy the park with my family and I don’t want it to be changed.Erin Minger (Mattawan, 2021-03-20)
I'm signing because this park is what makes Texas Township unique.mark malloy (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
Township doesn’t need a new building - green space for the community is far more importantMelissa Anderegg (Schoolcraft, 2021-03-20)
The park needs to stay a Park.....with green space! That ball field is used by many teams and residents. And, now you want to take that away from this community. Shameful!Melissa McCue (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)
Texas Township is swiftly losing the green space that once made this community so desirable. To have the board willingly take more of that from the community is devastating.Annalisa Davenport (Kalamazoo, 2021-03-20)