Joostenbergvlakte Railway Road
Due to safety reasons and access to town.(Cape town, 2017-10-05)
Keep the dust gravel road close because it was affecting our health. We need an alternate route that is safe and dust free. Thank you.(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-05)
Maak net die pad oop of doen iets daaraan asb.(Joostenberg vlakte, 2017-10-05)
It is a fast out come in an emergencies(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-06)
The road saves me traveling time to work in the mornings.We had afire incident a week ago and had the road been open the fire department would have been there on time.
Security reasons - Burglars run over the line and no vehicles can follow thus more current crime in area.
(Cape Town, 2017-10-06)
I am living in the area and also in a medical field!! I agree fully the fact of it being a perfect Emergency Exit for residence. I agree that developers were theones who came afterwards and made this an issue. They could have anticipated before started their development, that dust would be a problem. The residence of Joostenbergvlakte were not given a say in the decision. They have been living their longer!(Cape Town, 2017-10-06)
It is putting my family's lives in danger(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-06)
I vote for the railway road to stay open, for emergancy purposes and because of the traffic in the mornings and evenings(Joostenberg Vlakte, 2017-10-06)
Although we are a small community, our voices, needs and safety requests needs to be heard. As far as I know the road from Darling rd via Redhill to Luccullus are planned for the future anyway!(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-07)
The road should be open for security reasons. In the past we have been locked in joostenberg with other way out.(Joostenberg Vlakte, 2017-10-08)
I agree that the road should be closed permanently.(Cape Town, 2017-10-09)
If dust was the only reason fir the road closure, then tar the road! Brighton Road in Kraaifonein carries way too much traffic in the morning and afternoon. We NEED another alternative access to the N1!!!!!!!(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-09)
I stay in Kraaifontein, my son is in QiKids school in Joostenbergvlakte. I have to sit in traffic on the Kraaifontein Brighton Bridge for around 30minutes every morning to take the N1 to dropp him off at school where i can just use the Railway Road that has been closed. Also with the taxi strike they burned tyres on the N1 Joostenberg inbound a few weeks ago and I had no access to my son's school!! I do not know where the other roads are and the Phisantekraal road is also unsafe for me to drive(Cape Town, 2017-10-09)
My children attends a school in Joostenberg Vlakte and having to use the N1 to get them to school now adds up to an hour to my daily commute.(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-09)
Because road are closed I have to leave my older son in front off his school in Paarl so that I can get back in time to Fanie Theron to drop of my daughter. When road were open I could take my daughter to school and drive back and can then drive To Paarl to drop off my son in time more school. If I have to go along the N1 it take me almost an hour to go from home and back again.(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-09)
The traffic in Darwin every morning and the rate they are building in buh rein estate.(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-09)
dit is net geriefliker om oor spoor te ry van kraaifontein na joostenbergvlakte - verkeer oor N1 brug baie erg en dit sal baie tyd spaar as dit weer kan oopmaak(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-09)
Brighton and Okavango is completely gridlocked in the mornings, this is the only alternative to get into Joostenberg(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-10)
This is the shortest and safest way for me to visit family - driving woman alone(Cape Town, 2017-10-10)
I live in Joostenbergvlakte and its difficult for me as my child goes to school at Fanie Thron and traffic is always delaying us mabey if the road is tared it would be better(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-11)
As a resident and ruining a cut flower farm we have had a grate reduction in our sales due to the road been closed. We Strongly object to it been closed .We where hear first before the residential developments and in no way was the road been used as a short cut but allowing people to access areas they want freely.( why is the road maintained by municipality and on google maps ?). Development is progress, by closing a road due to dust and affecting peoples livelihood is not a option but very short sighted and unfair . Where their are more disadvantage people been affected in FisanteKraal by dust pollution due to the gravel roads ,that turks ,cars use and the wind blows it directly into their living area more so than Viking Village and buh-Rein Estate. So the problem is grater than you think. So maybe we should close all gravel roads ,where would that leave us??
(Joostenber vlakte Cape Town, 2017-10-12)
Ilive on farm, no transport, have been using this road as our only access road to kraaifontein day hospitals, police, schools and alternative road to kraaifontein
have to cross railway line on unsafe crossing with children for medical, school - kids being dropped o far from home now as school bus stops in kraaifontein and children have to cross the unsafe railway line and walk far where they were usually picked up at home
various family members with health problems, ambulances struggle to reah us now as well as police
struggling to go buy food in kraaifontein over unsafe closed road and railway crossing
(joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-12)
medicalsafety and security
main access road to town
basic needs
using the road for 33 years uninteruupted
(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-12)
medicalsafety and security
main access road
shops and petrol
using the road for fourty years
(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-12)
Our business has been effected by this closure of this road. And with our shopping to Kraaifontein are delay ,as with traffic for nearly 30 min to hour . We were here for more then 30 year and had no issues. They knew when they bought their place that we are behind them as dusty area. Why can't they as the estate pay in each for TAR road as in other estate they DO IT.The dust road were maintain by the municipality
and if they tar it long time ago it would have cost less. All our emergencies will take longer to get to us and we are closed of and deprived of free movement.
(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-12)
It will affect the community.(Cape Town, 2017-10-12)
My opinion.... Tar the road. Or pave it out (cheaper) everybody is happy.(Cape town, 2017-10-12)
Because that road kept me from sitting in traffic for atleast 40min while all the taxi's disobey every single rule of the road,thats how long it takes some mornings just to get onto the n1.(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-12)
We need more exists in case of emergency(Cape Town, 2017-10-13)
It's imperative and necessary that Railway old be opened for several operational and security and convenient reasons. City have not presented any proper case to its closure.(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-13)
Today it took me almost an hour just to get to cape gate side, I have 2 young kids one with allergies. In the event of an emergency time will be of the essence and the railway road is the only way to get to the mediclinic on time. Not only that, it is a safety issue, there has been numerous attempted break ins on our property since the closure of the railway road. If dust is an issue, why not open it on the tar road side of Kraaifontein.(Cape Town, 2017-10-13)
An emergency exit is vital to the Joostenbergvlakte community(Cape Town, 2017-10-13)
To have a safe way out of JOOSTENBERGVLAKTE for what ever reason. We have been living here over 30 years and don't see why our safety must be reproduced.(JOOSTENBERGVLAKTE, 2017-10-13)
Please keep the Railway Road at Joostenbergvlakte OPEN.(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-13)
As a resident of Joostenbergvlakte and someone who knows how hard it already is it get emergency services to our area and has experienced the struggle of transporting someone to hospital without the railway road, it is unacceptable to even consider closing the road permantly.(Cape Town, 2017-10-13)
We need the railway line open as an alternative route in and out of Joostenbergvlakte for safety and emergency reasons.(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-13)
For safety and security reasons Railway road should be re-opened, Canary Rd., closed off and the traffic diverted via Red Hill and Lucullus.(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-13)
It is a big problem to close the railway line road. there is no quick exit for the residents, especially when there is a accident on the N1. big problem to get to work(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-13)
Of reason stated in petition ...(Cape Town, 2017-10-13)
medicalsecurity and safety
main access road
(joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-13)
I agree that the City of Cape Town did not consider the impact that the road closure had on the residents of JoostenbergVlakte. An alternative road needs to be put in place for our safety.(Cape Town, 2017-10-13)
I am for a controlled access option available to JBV residents only.(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-13)
I am opposed to the closing of the railway road between Joostenbergvlakte and Kraaifontein.(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-13)
I 100% with the above facts.(Cape Town, 2017-10-13)
Omdat ek die Grondpad wil gebruik - Noodgevalle, Skool, N1 is geblok en ons kan nie uit vlakte kom nie.(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-13)
Ilive on farm, have been using this road as our only access road to kraaifontein day hospitals, police, schools and alternative road to kraaifontein
have to cross railway line on unsafe crossing with children for medical, school - kids being dropped o far from home now as school bus stops in kraaifontein and children have to cross the unsafe railway line and walk far where they were usually picked up at home
various family members with health problems, ambulances struggle to reah us now as well as police
struggling to go buy food in kraaifontein over unsafe closed road and railway crossing
(Joostenbergvlakte, Boy Briers Rd, 2017-10-13)
Ilive on farm, no transport, have been using this road as our only access road to kraaifontein day hospitals, police, schools and alternative road to kraaifontein
have to cross railway line on unsafe crossing with children for medical, school - kids being dropped o far from home now as school bus stops in kraaifontein and children have to cross the unsafe railway line and walk far where they were usually picked up at home
various family members with health problems, ambulances struggle to reah us now as well as police
struggling to go buy food in kraaifontein over unsafe closed road and railway crossing
(Joostenbergvlakte Red Hill Rd, 2017-10-13)
since the road has been closed crime on the farm has increased dramatically, even broke into my car, stole farm pumps, ectuse this road for medical and shops into Kraaifontein only access road
(Joostenbergvlakte, Jo-Al, 2017-10-13)
Ilive on farm, no transport, have been using this road as our only access road to kraaifontein day hospitals, police, schools and alternative road to kraaifontein
have to cross railway line on unsafe crossing with children for medical, school - kids being dropped o far from home now as school bus stops in kraaifontein and children have to cross the unsafe railway line and walk far where they were usually picked up at home
various family members with health problems, ambulances struggle to reah us now as well as police
struggling to go buy food in kraaifontein over unsafe closed road and railway crossing
(Joostenbergvlakte, Boy Brier Rd, 2017-10-13)
Ilive on farm, no transport, have been using this road as our only access road to kraaifontein day hospitals, police, schools and alternative road to kraaifontein
have to cross railway line on unsafe crossing with children for medical, school - kids being dropped o far from home now as school bus stops in kraaifontein and children have to cross the unsafe railway line and walk far where they were usually picked up at home
various family members with health problems, ambulances struggle to reah us now as well as police
struggling to go buy food in kraaifontein over unsafe closed road and railway crossing
(Joostenbergvlakte Red Hill Rd, 2017-10-13)
Ilive on farm, no transport, have been using this road as our only access road to kraaifontein day hospitals, police, schools and alternative road to kraaifontein
have to cross railway line on unsafe crossing with children for medical, school - kids being dropped o far from home now as school bus stops in kraaifontein and children have to cross the unsafe railway line and walk far where they were usually picked up at home
various family members with health problems, ambulances struggle to reah us now as well as police
struggling to go buy food in kraaifontein over unsafe closed road and railway crossing
(Joostenbergvlakte Red Hill Rd, 2017-10-13)
Ilive on farm, have been using this road as our only access road to kraaifontein day hospitals, police, schools and alternative road to kraaifontein
have to cross railway line on unsafe crossing with children for medical, school - kids being dropped o far from home now as school bus stops in kraaifontein and children have to cross the unsafe railway line and walk far where they were usually picked up at home
various family members with health problems, ambulances struggle to reah us now as well as police
struggling to go buy food in kraaifontein over unsafe closed road and railway crossing
(Joostenbergvlakte, Boy Briers Rd, 2017-10-13)
Ilive on farm, no transport, have been using this road as our only access road to kraaifontein day hospitals, police, schools and alternative road to kraaifontein
have to cross railway line on unsafe crossing with children for medical, school - kids being dropped o far from home now as school bus stops in kraaifontein and children have to cross the unsafe railway line and walk far where they were usually picked up at home
various family members with health problems, ambulances struggle to reah us now as well as police
struggling to go buy food in kraaifontein over unsafe closed road and railway crossing
(Joostenbergvlakte Red Hill Rd, 2017-10-13)
Ilive on farm, no transport, have been using this road as our only access road to kraaifontein day hospitals, police, schools and alternative road to kraaifontein
have to cross railway line on unsafe crossing with children for medical, school - kids being dropped o far from home now as school bus stops in kraaifontein and children have to cross the unsafe railway line and walk far where they were usually picked up at home
various family members with health problems, ambulances struggle to reah us now as well as police
struggling to go buy food in kraaifontein over unsafe closed road and railway crossing
(Joostenbergvlakte Red Hill Rd, 2017-10-13)
Ilive on farm, no transport, have been using this road as our only access road to kraaifontein day hospitals, police, schools and alternative road to kraaifontein
have to cross railway line on unsafe crossing with children for medical, school - kids being dropped o far from home now as school bus stops in kraaifontein and children have to cross the unsafe railway line and walk far where they were usually picked up at home
various family members with health problems, ambulances struggle to reah us now as well as police
struggling to go buy food in kraaifontein over unsafe closed road and railway crossing
(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-13)
Ilive on farm, no transport, have been using this road as our only access road to kraaifontein day hospitals, police, schools and alternative road to kraaifontein
have to cross railway line on unsafe crossing with children for medical, school - kids being dropped o far from home now as school bus stops in kraaifontein and children have to cross the unsafe railway line and walk far where they were usually picked up at home
various family members with health problems, ambulances struggle to reah us now as well as police
struggling to go buy food in kraaifontein over unsafe closed road and railway crossing
(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-13)
My daughter attends school in Joostenberg and we stay in Kraaifontein(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-13)
I'm signing as we need more than one exit point out of Joostenbergvlakte.(Cape Town, 2017-10-13)
I am 'n resident of Joostenbergvlakte and also think the road much be open to us.(Cape Town, 2017-10-13)
My husband works in joostenberg vlakte and my horses are there too. We live 800m from the road that has been closed and took so long to get to our horse that had an emergancy cause we had to go on n1 and was stuck in traffic. My horse nearly lost its life.(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-13)
I am a concerned resident of Joostenbergvlakte. We need an alternative USABLE road to exit JBV in the event of roadclosures with protestaction both from fisantekraal and bloekombosarea. This is mainly a safety concern. How can a public road just be closed without consultation with ALL affected parties(kraaifontein, 2017-10-13)
Joostenbergvlakte needs an emergency exit alert from the three other exits.(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-13)
I believe in the cause of this patition(Cape Town, 2017-10-13)
I have used this road for many years.(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-13)
I think the road should be tarred and be accessible to residents.(Cape Town, 2017-10-13)
I am part of the neighberhood watch and we find it very difficult to work with the road closed.(Cape town, 2017-10-13)
Shorter way to drive to joosternberg vlakte(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-13)
Only viable exit in case of emergencies(Cape Town, Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-13)
The Railway Rd was my "safety net".Speaking from a armed robbery victim's point of view. It used to take ADT 8 min to respond to my panic button, now its 15 minutes. It will be the difference between my life and death.
(Cape Town, 2017-10-13)
I am in agreement that a controlled emergency exit from Joostenbergvlakte is vital.I also think it is extremely important for both the neighbourhood watch and police to be able to cut through the back when chasing criminals across the railway line as this has become an easy escape route for them.
Health and safety comes first though and control of traffic through the is imperative.
(Joostenbergvlakte, Kraaifontein, 2017-10-13)
Residents of Joostenbergvlakte need a second entrance/exit as we currently only have the N1 highway which is often blocked because of accidents. Should we have an emergency whilst the N1 is blocked we have no way to get out.(Cape Town, 2017-10-13)
I have been using this road for 35 years uninterupted on a daily basis.Both my daughter and myself suffer from asthma and my son has a severe peanut allergy. Minutes count when you have to teach the hospital. The N1 is a very unreliable route with accidents and road works.Various people living on the farm have different health problems. We use this road for medical emergencies and have used it for strokes, heart attacks, snake bites, woman going in labour and sick children and adults needing to go to Brighton clinic or Kraaifontein day hospital. Since the closure of this road safety and security have become a big problem for ourselves and our farm employees and is still a problem. These employees and residents have used this road as their only access road into Kraaifontein for food, health, schooling and other reasons that are a basic human right. We do not understand that Buh-Rein residents that are not road users and have direct access into Kraaifontein can close this road with the assistance of the City of Cape Town and the DA while all Joostenbergvlakte residents and various other road users were ignored. Also instead of upgrading the railway road tbe City of Cape Town tipped truck loads of clay onto this road and conveniently closed it off and said it is unsafe to use after this clay was tipped .The City of Cape Town and BuhRein developers must have done a study and in their planning tarred Railway Road. Small school children are now dropped of in Kraaifontein and need to cross a railway line without a proper crossing and walk home if the bus cant go through on the Railway Road. We also need the road to reach schools in Kraaifontein as we have always had.Farm employees who also voted DA also need to cross the railway line on unsafe properly marked crossing as the have NO OTHER OPTION TO GET INTO KRAAIFONTEIN. This is a crime against basic human rights. Train accidents have increased sunce the road closure.We were blocked off completely with the last taxi riot with the N1 closed off as well as Boy Briers to Fisantekraal. We need this road opened urgently and not as a alternative route , but as our main route as it have been for years. Who will be held liable for any damages, losses and loss of life since the road has been closed without even considering the Joostenbergvlakte residents.
(Joostenbergvlakte, Boy Briers Rd, 2017-10-13)
I need that road.(Cape Town, 2017-10-14)
I'm signing because it is our only closest and fastest escape route in the event of an emergency (especially if the N1 is closed off for whatever reason.(Cape Town, 2017-10-14)
I'm signing because it is our only closest and fastest escape route in the event of an emergency (especially if the N1 is closed off for whatever reason.(Cape Town, 2017-10-14)
I'm signing this because I saw what happend when the other three exits were closed. When we tried to exit we had stones thrown at us.(Joostenberg Vlakte, Cape Town, 2017-10-14)
I agree with the above statement. And feel this is very important for our community.(Cape Town, 2017-10-14)
We used that road everyday. It also takes congestion away from Brighton bridge.(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-14)
We use the road as Brighton is extremely congested in the morning and our kids go to pre-school in joostenberg.(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-14)
We need this road to be open(Cape Town, 2017-10-15)
Closing the railway crossing puts residents of Joostenbergvlakte in danger. We have no more escape route and it takes to long for emergency services to get to us because of the N1 becoming so busy.(Joostenbergvlakte, Kraaifontein, 2017-10-15)
Crime has increased. Its an emergency escape route for our residents.(Cape Town, 2017-10-15)
This is a safety route and escape route for the community. Its an easy access for emergencies. This is the most vital entrance and exit to our community. Crime is simply increasing with this road being closed.(Cape Town, 2017-10-15)
I believe that everyone is entitled to use the road(Kuilsriver, 2017-10-15)
I have two children in Fanie Theron and some mornings they get dropped off late because of traffic and taxis on the brighton off ramp where the robot only allows 3 or 4 cars at a time(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-15)
I'm signing because it makes it easier to stop the thieves when a crime has been committed. AS they know our Neighborhood Watch can't get to that side of the railway line.Makes traveling for residents a bit easier.
(Joostenberg Vlakte, 2017-10-16)
We have been living here for 9 years and that road allows us easier access to schools, Dr's and many more. Having only the N1 as an option is frustrating as there is forever some crisis on the N1.(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-16)
I am against the closure of the Railway Road, Reasons as in petition.(Cape Town, 2017-10-16)
I would like the railway road to remain open.(Cape Town, 2017-10-16)
This is an important access road for us to Kraaifontein, especially during rush hour when it can take up to an hour to get grom the N1, or via Bloekombos to the Northern part of Kraaifontein.(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-17)
Signing due to fact the open road wil be a safety net,in case of an emergency we would need to get in out of the area as soon as possible.I work in Joostenbergvlakte at Joostenberg Animal clinic.
(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-18)
This influences me on a daily basis! Keep the road open - it was here first!!(Joostenbergvlakte, Cape Town, 2017-10-19)
This influences me on a daily basis! Keep the road open - it was here first!!(Joostenbergvlakte, Cape Town, 2017-10-19)
Im signing beacause it takes me 30 min longer 2 get my children to school and me longer 2 get 2 work.(cape town, 2017-10-19)
It is easier for me to get to my friends house and this road save me a lot of petrol(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-19)
Crime has increased since the road has been closed our security and police need a way to chase them plus traffic has increased since closing the road!(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-19)
It is too busy and dangerous to go via N1 (especially late at night) and it is a shorter route to Dorado's and a few friends that live in JBV.Also the traffic across the bridge towards N1 and Kraaifontein station has increased at least 3 fold. People become impatient and rude. Missed a few accidents by the skin of my teeth.
(Cape Town, 2017-10-19)
Access between Joostenbergvlakte is i.proved with the open road. Reduces safety risk for residence of Joostenbegvlakte. With recent mass action where Joostenberg was blocked off at Fisante kraal and the N1 bridge at Joostenberg...residence could ot get to or from Jooztenbergvlakte(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-22)
Access between Joostenbergvlakte is i.proved with the open road. Reduces safety risk for residence of Joostenbegvlakte. With recent mass action where Joostenberg was blocked off at Fisante kraal and the N1 bridge at Joostenberg...residence could ot get to or from Jooztenbergvlakte(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-22)
It is imperative to have another entrance to amenities such as the Cape Gate Mediclinic(Joostenbergvlakte, 2017-10-22)
As a NHW and owner of a property this road is of valuable help.SAPS. SECURITY AND NHE can reach problems much faster than sitting on n1 trying to miss yraffic.
Lives can br saved with tjis road open
(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-22)
It also effect my bussiness(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-22)
It also affects my business(Kraaifontein, 2017-10-22)
Concerned Citizen(Joodtenbergvlakte, 2017-10-22)