Analytic Philosophy Department in Zagreb to be closed down
Zbog obrazovanje(Makarska, 2017-03-22)
Ukidanjem filozofije kao da se ukida društveni napredak. Ukidanjem filozofije na Hrvatskim studijima, a otvaranjem iste na fakultetima pod vatikanskim ugovorima ruganje je sekularnosti ove države i svima onima koji su uvjerenja da ono što piše u ustavu ima veze sa stvarnim svijetom. Dosta je degradiranja kvalitete studiranja zbog privatnih interesa pojedinaca na upitno zasluženim čelnim pozicijama ovog Sveučilišta. Ostavka uprave Hrvatskih studija, ostavka rektora, vjerske institucije u svoje zgrade. Vrijeme je za nove pristupe.(Varaždin, 2017-03-22)
Why not(Zagreb, 2017-03-22)
Zato što je zagrebačko sveučilište svojim skandaloznim odlukama i postupcima izazvalo niz problema na različitim fakultetima, a nepoštivanje odluke ZNV-a Hrvatskih studija i nametanje nulte kvote za filozofiju kap je koja je prelila čašu. I dalje nam nije jasno hoće li filozofija kao zaseban studij opstati ili će njezini pojedini djelovi biti implementirani u ostale smjerove. Kako nam je već bilo pokazano da usmena riječ nije garancija da će se i provesti to što se govori potpisujem ovu peticiju kao iskaz nezadovoljstva događajima koji se u zadnje vrijeme događaju na zagrebačkom sveučilištu. Nadam se da je blokada fakulteta i potencijalan štrajk profesora poruka onima koji donose odluke da je studentima stvarno dosta.(Koprivnica, 2017-03-22)
Mislim da je filozofiji itekako mjesto na HS-u, i to baš ovakvoj kakva je. Nije riječ ni o kakvom utrostručavanju filozofije na Sveučilištu, jer razlika postoji. Zajednički im je naziv, no ne i predmet i način proučavanja.(Zagreb, 2017-03-22)
As head of the Department of Philosophy 1 at the University of Granada I deeply regret these bad news for philosophy in Croatia and send my support and best wishes to our respected colleagues of the Philosophy Department at the Faculty of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb.(Granada, 2017-03-22)
As fellow students, we should support our Zagreb colleagues after bad news of closing one of best studies of philosophy in country.(Zadar, 2017-03-22)
Philosophy is the discipline which is obliged to teach diversity, specially diversity in the Philosophy itself. To shut down one of the most productive "traditions" of Philosophy of today is injustifiable.(Viseu, 2017-03-22)
Because I believe that Croatian Studies deserve to keep this department and do the best they can to prove that they are a great academic asset for the University of Zagreb.(Zagreb, 2017-03-22)
Thei are The best(Marija Gorica, 2017-03-22)
I'm signing because of great unjustice what is happening to our Faculty of Croatian Studies. Of course, because I doubt in leading men in Croatian authorities who are trying to shut down our Faculty. The biggest problem is that they doing it by using the "fake rethorical arguments" that everything will be ok and no one will not loose his/her job and no one will suffer the consequences. We know it's not like that and we are protesting because of it.(Zagreb, 2017-03-22)
Im part of the students in Faculty of Croatian studies. We want philosophy back!!!(Zagreb, 2017-03-22)
I am signing because I know how good this department is, but most of all because I am completly against the repression that is hapening to the department and it's profesors. Also, the decision to close down the departmen was made without any true reason and against the laws of the University.(Groningen, 2017-03-22)
Analytical philosophy has a vital role to play in the education and culture of modern society which will be poorer without it.(Budapest, 2017-03-22)
I'm student of philosophy in Faculty of Croatian Studies.(Zagreb, 2017-03-22)