Appuntamenti per ottenere il visto



It's one of my rights that is given to us from my position. Legal and respectful

(Milano, 2017-04-14)


به دلايل ذكر شده در متن بالا نميتوانم وقت سفارت بگيريم چون معمولا زماني سايت باز ميشود كه ساعت اداري نيست و معمولا ٣نيمه شب است و ما كه كارمنديم بيدار نيستيم كه بتوانيم وقت رزرو كنيم.

(Esfahan, 2017-04-15)



(Turin, 2017-04-15)


I m signing because pervious year I want an eppointment from Italian embassy for my parents but I can t get it.

(Siena, 2017-04-15)


please change the procedure of appointment for visa in italian consulate in iran.

(milan, 2017-04-15)


terribile prendere l'appuntamento

(Piacenza, 2017-04-15)


I can't invite my family to italy...i am a student in politecnico di milano

(Tehran, 2017-04-15)


Salve i miei quasi è 2mesi che non hanno riuscito a prendere appuntamento per il visto turistico ...
E pio ho sentito le agenzie del viaggio tolgono occasione di lavorare più in senso che vogliono quasi 150€ per perdere appuntamento dirittamente ... siamo rimasti confuso per un appuntamento normale

(Padova, 2017-04-15)


I am siging this because my father requested for an appointment via email but nobody even answered the email

(Milan, 2017-04-15)


it is ridiculous to see this is only happening in iran , it is just a mess

(Torino, 2017-04-16)


I have this problem

(Milan, 2017-04-16)


I wanna complain about making an appointment for tourist visa in Italy embassy

(Milan, 2017-04-17)


Neda sadeghi

(Rome, 2017-04-18)


Bad Behaviour of staff and Inappropriate queue system

(Milan, 2017-04-18)


I face with similar problem for several times

(Como, 2017-04-21)


I am Iranian

(Tonino, 2017-04-22)


Perché è un problema molto strano.

(Tehran, 2017-04-27)


I'm signing because its really too hard to take an appointment from embassy and it take a lot amount of money for anticipate it.

(pisa, 2017-04-27)


Because I am not satisfied of this situazione for get the embassy appointment ,attention please

(Roma, 2017-04-27)


salve sono felice di firmare questo petizione.

(cagliari, 2017-04-27)


i am trying from january till now but unfortunatly i couldn't succsessful

(Tehran, 2017-04-27)


It is more than 4 months that I am trying to get an appointment time but I can't.

(Teheran, 2017-04-27)


The bad situation of thd italian embassy in iran

(Rome, 2017-04-27)


I have the same problem

(Tehran, 2017-04-27)


I care about doing a process legally so I think it is my duty to join these group actions with a nice goal.

(Tehran, 2017-04-28)


My family cannot make an appointment for visiting me.

(Milano, 2017-04-28)


Because it makes guilty persons more stronger on the other hand student become hopless to come as a student to italy

(Tehran, 2017-04-29)


I have the same problem.

(ferrara, 2017-04-29)


Because of the difficulty of booking an appointment at the embassy of italy in Teheran

(Rome, 2017-05-03)


I'm signing because of difficulty of getting appointment for visa applications from italian embassy hoping to solve the problems.

(Mila, 2017-05-04)